April 10, 2019


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Jupiter starts its retrograde motion, and for the next four months, you will have many projects to get off the ground, but they will have a slower manner than you may want them to. You will have many opportunities, perhaps too many to be able to tackle. And some, which seemed to have been progressing too fast, will slow down just enough for you to be able to get a handle on them.

Today’s affirmation:

“The speed will decrease.”


Jupiter starts its retrograde motion, and for the next four months, you will deal with joint finances issues in a way that will allow you to see how to make your profits grow, while you make changes to way you split the profits. Also, you will deal with personal relationship issues, which will beg for you to have some down time, for you two to get to know each other in a more intimate way.

Today’s affirmation:

“Nothing escapes my observation.”


Jupiter starts its retrograde motion, and for the next four months, relationships will have a much slower way of developing. You will have to slow down your expectations to see developments happening. Patience will be key to success and the key to happiness. If you think you can rush anyone to sign on the dotted line, you will only frustrate yourself. Give yourself more time to develop a love relationship as well.

Today’s affirmation:

“Slowly makes surely.”


Jupiter starts its retrograde motion, and for the next four months, you will have the opportunity to take off your boxing gloves, and put down the marching army. You will be able to experience more down time to devote to your family, and let go of the ambitious way you have been approaching your working life. Slow down those workout at the gym, for the sake of slow strolls in the park.

Today’s affirmation:

“A slower pace sounds good to me!”


Jupiter starts its retrograde motion, and for the next four months, you will have more time to donate to making your goals more possibly and less of a fantasy. You are allowed to try to make your dreams come true, but the speed at which you will see results will be slower. You won’t have a sense of hurrying up to do anything, and you will have a more relaxed approach to romance.

Today’s affirmation:

“What’s the rush, anyway?”


Jupiter starts its retrograde motion, and for the next four months, you will have the desire to be at home as much as possible. You may even like to have a small staycation penciled in, and to see some subtle changes in your home environment. Instead of going out to party, you may want to entertain business associates, or entertain your friends there. You will enjoy decorating and down time.

Today’s affirmation:

“My home is my soft place to enjoy.”


Jupiter starts its retrograde motion, and for the next four months, leaving you with the feeling that there is so much more you want to say, but somewhere in you, you can feel that the timing, is not there now. This is your time to work on new projects, but not speak it out loud to the universe just yet. But you may be sitting on completed projects which are begging to get out there, and now is their time to be out there.

Today’s affirmation:

“When do I hold back?”


Jupiter starts its retrograde motion, and for the next four months, you may have the desire to spend money, when in fact the opposite is true: it’s time to make a payment plan with those to whom you owe money, and to put your life straight with your money energy. Teach yourself to put a little aside each day, and you will feel much better about yourself, a lesson in self control. A new job opportunity from old an acquaintance is possible now.

Today’s affirmation:

“What does security mean, anyway?”


Jupiter, in your sign now, starts its retrograde motion, and for the next four months, slows down your rapid progress, to a crawl. But that is positive, in respect to you having to develop projects behind closed doors, and to take more care of you as a person. You are going to make assessments of how far you have come, and how much more there is to accomplish. Time to retreat to your drawing board, and see what develops.

Today’s affirmation:

“It all started with one step.”


Jupiter starts its retrograde motion, and for the next four months, you will cherish down time as often as possible. There is nothing more invigorating, than to sit in meditation, clear the cobwebs of your mind, and not try to figure out where you are going next. You need a mental vacation, and you are about to experience one. Small stuff are not likely to disturb you as they have in the past.

Today’s affirmation:

“There is more to life than the rat race.”


Jupiter starts its retrograde motion, and for the next four months, you will be more than happy to slow down the social invites from family and friends alike. Enough is enough, as far as you are concerned. Being alone strengthens your creativity. But be on the lookout for someone who has gotten lost in the shuffle to come out the woodwork, you won’t be able to resist to get back with that someone special.  

Today’s affirmation:

“I need a break!”


Jupiter starts its retrograde motion, and for the next four months, you will have ample time to think and review career and business situations which have dominated you, and which brought you much success recently. As much as those opportunities are grand, they need to be revisited, and tweaked, in order to get the best out of those great possibilities. So slowing down is essential to success at times.

Today’s affirmation:

“There is ebb and flow to everything.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will look at your life as a whole and you will try to assess what subtle changes you need to make, in order to get to a finishing line in projects which have lingered on long enough for you to know, whether they are worth the energy or not. You will have the tendency to take short trips at the drop of a hot, and enjoy the outdoors. You may find special love in someone who is a charitable and giving spirit.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon in Gemini makes a hard angle with Venus and with Neptune.

Venus conjoins Neptune.

The Sun makes a hard angle with Saturn.

The Moon makes a hard angle with the Sun and an easy angle with Mercury.

Jupiter begins its retrograde motion.

The Moon makes a hard angle with Jupiter.

Mercury makes an easy angle with Pluto.

The Moon enters Cancer at 11:31 PM EDT.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day











for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star