September 1, 2017


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



This is one of the best days of the month for you. You can find solutions to difficult problems that have to do with the crux of your business. You are unstoppable, but remember Mercury is still unreliable and that as much as you can find the perfect investors, it’s worth it to wait until Tuesday when it goes direct again to start on the project.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having a playful yet serious attitude.”


If you pay close attention there are new kinds of demands right there under your nose in your home, and just as you got used to a certain kind of home schedule… And if you are not quick enough to get on board with them you will have a tough time doing your everyday tasks. Surrender to the new norm has to come from the depth of your soul.  

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my ever changing home life.”


You are the one whose opinions have been in a state of flux. Therefor the friends you find more appealing these days are very different. When you keep an open mind while you still continue to evolve as a person, you will find that most people have a story to tell and something for you to learn from. Otherwise you could get very rigid going forward, you don’t want that to happen.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the ability to keep an open mind while remaining true to myself.”


Your career is at a point of complete change in terms of how much money you will reap later on in the year. Your confidence at how creative you are where it comes to money, is what makes you in charge of your progress. Look at yourself as an entirely different person financially, and things will fall in to place. This is what you have been working for up to now, don’t back down.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being able to change with the times.”


The Moon is in your sign and your rule the day. You are the one who has the control and the power to make or break situations that you are involved in. It will be your decision and your vision that will have to be followed, if it were up to you. One thing is for sure: Your life is the one that is going through the greatest transformation now.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having something concrete to concentrate on.”


You might have gotten sick and tired at the way people have been picking at each other and fighting over their view of how things should be running. You are such a compassionate person and all you want is for everyone in the world to have a fair chance at survival. Your meditation is changing with the demand of the time, and now you find that you want to pray for civilization as a whole.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my deep and ever changing consciousness.”


You find out loud and clear that it takes a team to make your dreams into a reality. You won’t be able to get there on your own, and that it’s in how you treat these individuals who are in the trenches with you to make you the success. You have been working so hard and you are now in the right mix of people for you, although they are very different from what you are used to.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for not being afraid to change my associations.”


You need to be on your toes, ready to make changes in the way you operate your business. A situation will call for you to make certain arrangements that were not there before, but that now will be crucial to the development of your business. It will create new positions for you to hire more people or new modes of operation that are more up to date.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the potential for expansion in my business.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You have a better handle on what you need to do going forward. You have new ideas and new plans, and you ought to jot them down as soon as they appear in your head! You are creative today and your ideas will take you further than you ever have dreamed of. Go for your dreams!

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having the courage to go for my dreams.”


You have a jolt of understanding that there are basic things in your life that will no longer be the same as they used to be. A tough acknowledgement to admit to. But the ones that will set you free and set your mind in the frame that it ought to be, if you want to be a happy person under whatever circumstances.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having the strength to admit things to myself.”


Relationships are highlighted in a major way: Friendliness, compassion, conversation and attention to your relationships paves the way to a new kind of understanding. You can’t be too intense when you relate to those most important to you and get what you want out of life and out of your partners. Get together and discuss complicated situations that are close to your hearts.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for listening and changing with what my partner needs.”


You are in the midst of changing your office or work place whether you know it or not. You will be so much more comfortable in a new kind of surrounding that offers for a better and more suitable environment for the ever changing technical world in which we live in. It will contribute to the bottom line of making more money and for being more productive.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for creating an environment where I can make a living at.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will go out of a limb to make your life an exciting and fun experience. You will be better off working with a team rather than on your own, since people will bring your energy level up. You will find inspiration in all kinds of interesting places. You will seek creative environments that will elevate your spirit. And whenever you find a day with low energy, museums and sports will bring you a thrill. Romance the kind you may have not experienced is a possibility, provided you make yourself available for it.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Capricorn.

The Moon makes an easy angle with Neptune and conjoins Pluto.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day











for entertainment purposes only