Monthly Archives: October 2020

Saturday, October 31 – Sunday, November 1, 2020


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Saturday’s Full Moon in your Sun sign brings your love life to the forefront. You want to treat your relationship with kid gloves; no prying or nagging, and no trying to come up with any answers that you may want to know. Just have a nice day, with maybe a short getaway to a nearby neighborhood to try a new kind of ice cream. On Sunday, relationships are highlighted again. It’s a truth promoting day where you can find the answers you’ve been looking for, and maybe even a little conversation about your feelings, as long as you know that the truth will come out bluntly, and that you may say more than you expect to say.


On Saturday’s Full Moon, you may have to break up between coworkers who are having a dispute, one that can easily get sucked into, and to which there will be no resolve, and which may make your friends there look at you in a different light. And you want to keep them looking at you in a positive light. On Sunday, which happens to be at the beginning of the month, you are making a pact with yourself to take care of your diet, and to have a healthier lifestyle from now on. No more quarantine ‘excuses’? It’s tough, I know.


Saturday’s Full Moon brings out the best out of your love life. You are excited to be alive, even in these trying times. If single, you have faith that you can find a true love on the internet. Give it a try, what have you got to lose? But make sure that you verify who you are talking to. If you already in a relationship, this can be one fun day! Sunday you feel like seeing your children or your friends, for a game of cards, or whatever you traditionally used to do when you got together. Can you do that virtually? Enjoy the weekend responsibly!


On Saturday the Full Moon shows your home life for what it had become. Is there something that needs your immediate attention? Have people came to visit and haven’t left and you don’t know what to do about it? This is the perfect day to give them the boot, and send them back home where they belong. Kiss kiss… On Sunday, there may be someone who wants to know more about you than you are willing to tell? Because they want to pry every little detail, and you may be wise to not divulge everything. What’s personal has to stay personal.


On Saturday, the Full Moon brings out the best in you. Being a naturally curious person who wants to understand all sorts of people, and who loves to get to know your surroundings, this is a fine day, weather promoting, to get out and about. Smell the fresh air and ride your bike. On Sunday, you have your opinions and you are willing to listen to others’ opinions. You may even make up your mind about someone whom you may want to stay friendly with, or let go of. Or maybe you are the forgiving kind, hopefully.


Saturday’s Full Moon brings you up close and personal with your wallet and with how you would like to manage your finances. There must be a better way, and you would love to get a better handle on it. Try not to spend unintentionally or impulsively, and if you happen to, forgive yourself in advance! Sunday puts you in a predicament that you may be asked to speak your mind, and spill secrets about something that’s dear to you. But please don’t fall into that alluring trap. If there are talks you have to discuss, why not wait until next week?


On Saturday, the Full Moon is in your Moon sign and you rule the day. The focal point is on you and on your ambitions. Make a plan and stick to it, and these future ambitions will see the light of day, when you set your mind to it. And as for today, rejoice in all that you have been busy working on and raise a glass of champagne to being a bright light in someone’s life. Think of how you can be a joyful addition in someone’s life who may have a bleak outlook on us nowadays. Sunday cautions you to take a closer look, at what is holding you back from being your best physical shape, and to start to make a plan about a new way to get healthier, at this time of crisis.


On Saturday, on this Full Moon, you may want to count your blessings, and to think about whom you would like to bestow charity on? Send some money to a charity that needs funds at this time of crisis, and it will make you feel so much better; about yourself and even about the world. While on Sunday, you know that you can’t get into the next week, before you clean up the messes of this week. Once you clear and clean up your personal space, you will be so happy and ready to face the world. This is a good time to let go of emotional issues that have been going on for a long time. A good cleansing is good for the soul.


On Saturday’s Full Moon, making friends comes easily to you today, and who knows, this may be a friendship that may last a lifetime, or you may be coming upon an exciting partnership. Fun will be had wherever you show up, but be careful about over indulging in drinks or food. On Sunday, someone from your past may show up on your door step or pop up on your messenger. It is up to you if you are interested in rekindling this friendship or not. Why not give it a chance and see how things develop?


On this Saturday’s Full Moon, being respected for your accomplishments makes you stand out in the eyes of higher ups, and may even give you a way to discover new venues associated with what you are already involved in presently. They are listening to as much information as you are willing to deliver. On Sunday, it isn’t necessary for you to show the cards you are interested in playing with, and you it won’t be good to brag about anything you feel like shouting about… the more you show your hand, and the more you talk about your accomplishments, the more envy you will produce. Not a good idea. Peace.


Saturday’s Full Moon makes you feel like a million bucks and just as optimistic. You can see your life stretching in front of you with promise and with unlimited possibilities. Even at this time of insecurity and crisis, you are looking forward to life’s whispered promises. Sunday brings forth the idea that perhaps you do feel a little insecure about a monitory situation that is not in your control. It may straighten itself out next week, so don’t spend your time worrying, enjoy your life sharing experiences, but don’t be arguing please…. respect others opinions… that is what the foundation to freedom is all about: opinions. Amen.


Saturday the Full Moon may test your patience with some who don’t know about their boundaries with you, and who don’t mind stepping on your feet to get to their destination. You need to rise above the temptation to let them have a piece of your mind, or you will end up feeling foolish. Let them say what they will about you, the only person you have control over, is yourself. On Sunday you have to watch every little word that comes out of your mouth, because it will be dissected and scrutinized. To avoid such a situation, listen more, pay attention, but speak as little as possible. You don’t need to have these particular people understand you or see things your way. It’s their loss, anyway.


Today’s Happy Birthday:


In the coming year cycle you will finish up on all loose ends as you will be making major decisions about your future. You may be interested in making alliances with new people who bring exciting opportunities, but don’t feel that you have to make up your mind just yet. Build relationships first, see how they develop, and if you are compatible. Love will be possible with someone who is looking for their perfect match, who is stubborn and who loves to take life on with bravery.

Good luck and God bless you.



In the coming year cycle you will be wise to see that each and every little detail in your business dealings, is well looked over, so that there will be no room for errors. You will try to find the real meaning to life, and the real meaning to your life. You will learn it’s important to treat yourself as you would others; with more gentleness and with more forgiveness. Love will be possible with someone who is a little reserved, and who doesn’t like to flaunt their ideas, and who doesn’t like to be micromanaged.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:


 The Moon is in Taurus.

The Moon makes an opposition to the Sun: Full Moon at 10:49 AM EDT.

The Moon conjoins Uranus.

The Sun makes a hard angle with Uranus.



The Moon is in Taurus.

The Moon makes an easy angle with Neptune and an excellent angle with Jupiter.

Mercury makes a hard angle with Saturn.

The Moon makes an excellent angle with Pluto and an excellent angle with Saturn.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful weekend


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

October 30, 2020


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Everything is hitting the fan at once and you have to duck for cover. You simply have had it with everything and with everyone! But you are victorious! And you thought you weren’t going to make it. These times are trying, and today you found out you are made of iron! 

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being tough!”


When someone wants you to perform all sorts of maneuvers just to make sure that they are happy. You certainly have to turn them down. If the challenge is a physical one, you could get seriously hurt, and if it’s a material challenge, you can lose out. Whichever way, remain the boss of you. 

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for standing up for myself.”


When it’s a question whom you are going to save first, a friend or a family member, situations can get sticky. You want to do the right thing by both, but you cannot dance at two weddings… lol. My bet is you choose your family, but that really depends on whom you consider as family.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful to be able to help someone…”


You think that you are about to save someone from a rampage of verbal assault, when you find out that you may be the target! What do you do? Cower with fear and frustration? You certainly don’t want to go toe to toe with some unreasonable person. Sometimes it’s best to stay away…

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having my wits about me.”


When you can’t go out and travel, you want to compensate and treat yourself to retail therapy. It’s completely understood, but the spontaneity in it, is what can cause a problem. So the best thing to do is set a budget and get started on your holiday shopping, and this way you don’t feel guilty about the need for shopping…

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being able to gift, even at this time of crisis.”


Your energy level is through the roof. That is precisely why you must think twice before you do anything. You can be super impulsive, and do things you don’t need to do, or for that matter, want to do. Except that for one impulsive moment that can change things… make sure you are changing into something good…

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for taking my time making changes.”


You need a getaway plan and go for it. You need action, and mental stimulation in some kind of a non-active way… What? You say, yeah, me too. What I mean is that you want action, but you also need to be resting. Reading a complicated meaningful book, or studying a manual or program, is the way to activate your restless mind.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having a strong brain.”


You can’t demand anything. People will come forward to be of assistance to you when they see and understand your needs. But if you get all emotional about it, scream and shout, you will lose their confidence. Stay strong, state your case, and wait to see who really cares about you.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having the grace to wait and see.”


Business has it’s urgency about it, and you want to do your best you can, to be everywhere you are needed. If you think that that will change people’s mind about you, you are mistaken. Only do as much as makes your life happy, and leave the rest for tomorrow. Tomorrow will come you know…there is no rush…

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for not getting sucked into ridiculous demands.”


If you are not the one who creates your schedules, you are excused for making your day unimaginably busy. But if you decided that you can take on all of this as your responsibility, you will not feel physically well by the end of the day, and be looking to have a glass of wine with the boss.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for making it through this week!”


You are expecting so much of yourself, that you forget that you are only human. There are so many demands upon you and it may get a little tough on your nerves. You will need to take a breather, occasionally, and get in touch with someone you know intimately, and have a few laughs to break up the day. 

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having control over my emotions.”


Your passion and love for the special people in your life can be a little overwhelming to some. They believe that you love them. There is no doubt about it. So when you are having a tough demanding day, they are there for you, with open arms, still with an expectation that you will prepare them a delicious dinner… lol.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the people who love and annoy me…”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will take close look at your life, and start to see that you want to make changes to your life. It is still far on the horizon, but in the meantime, you will think about a plan to remain healthy for the rest of your life, starting now. You can do so when you put some energy into it, and educate yourself about it. Love will be possible with someone who loves to exercise, and who is tirelessly working for the sake of their family.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon in Aries makes a hard angle with Pluto, a hard angle with Saturn and a hard angle with Mercury.

The Moon enters Taurus at 5:19 PM EDT.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

October 29, 2020


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Your passionate nature intensifies and spills over to any part of your life. You take it to your work place, or even if you work from home, you will be appreciated with the passion you bring in to the zoom session today. You will stop anyone from fighting, and put sense into their heads about it…

Today’s affirmation:

“Passion Flower, is my name…”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You infuse life and happiness into any situation, and drag the rest of them into your uppy state of mind. We need your enthusiasm today! It’s contagious and we all thank you. No matter how pressing a monetary issue is, you need to find the positive side to it.

Today’s affirmation:

“Life is for living!”


You keep pushing and pushing and are ready to collapse. So make sure that you get the rest you need, so that you are able to handle all that’s on your plate, and still have time and energy for your family. While they may also hold the key to provide the magic you need, to relax and calm down.

Today’s affirmation:

“I love and need my family.”


When you communicate with your inner self, you have to remind yourself to be gentle with your own self. You won’t let anyone else talk to you in a negative way, then why would you talk to yourself with negativity. Have faith that all will end well, and that it’s out of your control.

Today’s affirmation:

“I didn’t create this situation.”


You want to feel as though your feet are on the ground, and yet you want to be able to fly. These are restrictive times, and you will feel secure, when you allow yourself to dream about better times and why not make concrete plans for another day and time.

Today’s affirmation:

“I can dream, can’t I?”


The Moon is in your sign and you rule the day. You feel like the world is your oyster no matter how insane life is. You are itching to do something outdoors. Why don’t you? It will make you feel so much better. You don’t need food or anything else except to feel free and to feed your soul. You will get to do whatever your heart desires. Take care of you.

Today’s affirmation:

“I will get back to you in a little while.”


There is too much commotion in this world, but you have to go into your space and leave it all behind. You need to regain strength, so that you have enough to give, when you need to give of yourself. Be gentle with a loved one who misses you… tit for tat is not the answer at these trying times.

Today’s affirmation:

“I need s little time off!”


Your need for organization is paramount today, and is what makes your day what it is: if someone is particularly messy, and doesn’t care about the surroundings you are involved with as well, it brings your spirit down. Instead of making a fuss about it, just take it upon yourself to straighten it out, and keep the peace while you are at it.

Today’s affirmation:

“It’s the simple things that make the difference.”


Would like to be the boss of all and everyone? You think you have all the answers, or you are just coming off as you wanting to be the boss of all. This is not the day to create a situation, because there will be someone there to tell you to get off your high horse. Humbleness will make you be noticed in a positive way.

Today’s affirmation:

“Humility is what I need to exercise.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You may want to spread your wings today, but you feel shackled by your job and other obligations. It’s a matter of how you look at it: you can look at it as making great stride against all odds, and really showing your skills and your professionalism under any circumstance.

Today’s affirmation:

“Nothing is impossible for me.”


It may look like you are letting go of some money that could have been jointly yours, as well as someone else. Or are you getting away from a situation that would have caused you a lack of sleep and unnecessary aggravation? Do what is good for your life, and everything else will fall into place.

Today’s affirmation:

“I do what is good for my life.”


As much as you would like to be accommodating, and as much as you want to be the leader who shows how to be a balanced and loving individual, you must admit that some folks are just trying to get your attention in any which way they deem fit! But you remain this unaffected, unflappable person. Right? Lol.

Today’s affirmation:

“Nothing disturbs me.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will try to be the peace maker and try to bring attention to things other than material. You will infuse your life with love and you will try to soothe anyone who you see as having a difficult time, at this crisis in history. You will have to think hard about relocating, before you make such a drastic move. Don’t get into any purchases before you actually see the place… love will be possible with someone who is passionate about their family, and who may not be willing to relocate…

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon conjoins Mars and makes a hard angle with Jupiter.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

October 28, 2020


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Venus entered Libra last night to stay there until Nov 21st, and you will not be in the mood to flaunt your love life but to keep it low key. You won’t tolerate showoffs easily, and you won’t put up with phony in anyway…     

Today’s affirmation:

“I don’t want my business on the street, please.”


Venus entered Libra last night to stay there until Nov 21st, you will get to do much more socializing, but there will be even more rules to follow than you assume. Your patience will be tested greatly…

Today’s affirmation:

“I let nothing get under my skin.”


Venus entered Libra last night to stay there until Nov 21st, you will feel much more sympathetic towards people who work for you. They will tug at your heart, and even though, after you rebel some, they do stand the chance to get their way.

Today’s affirmation:

“Let me give you a hug!”


Venus entered Libra last night to stay there until Nov 21st, you needed this boost of loveliness to grace your horoscope, and to be there holding fort all the time, while you contemplate life and how you fit into where these days.   

Today’s affirmation:

“I am a positive person.”


Venus entered Libra last night to stay there until Nov 21st, you may need to hold on to someone’s heart and soul and it may make you feel responsible for their moods. Don’t let that happen.   

Today’s affirmation:

“Everyone is responsible for their own emotions.”


Venus entered Libra last night to stay there until Nov 21st, relationships will be highlighted. To see your loved ones will excite you, and calm you, at the same time, in this crazy global atmosphere. It will be a victory and a pleasure at this time. 

Today’s affirmation:

“I am finally holding you tight!”


Venus entered Libra last night to stay there until Nov 21st, your need to focus on your job, is what will make you the happiest. Your health will be strengthened, by your passion and by your work ethic. 

Today’s affirmation:

“I am getting down to basics.”


Venus entered Libra last night to stay there until Nov 21st, it will be difficult for you to be quarantined when you want to break out, and you want to enjoy life as you have known it, but your patience will get strengthened. 

Today’s affirmation:

“I have a good time wherever I happen to be.”


Venus entered Libra last night to stay there until Nov 21st, your kitchen will be buzzing with love and energy. You may try new recipes and be a happy home maker. Your love your home with passion.

Today’s affirmation:

“My home is where my heart is.”


Venus entered Libra last night to stay there until Nov 21st, you will be asked to lead by communicating your skills to those who need to understand the rules. And with your infinite passion and patience, you will succeed…   

Today’s affirmation:

“I know how to handle this.”


Venus entered Libra last night to stay there until Nov 21st,and you may want to start your holiday shopping, and it will be with the love you want to show in your gifts. Even though your taste will be refined, be careful about spending impulsively, however.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am getting an early start.”


Venus entered your sign last night to stay there until Nov 21st and you will try your best to be the peace maker where ever you go. Even if it will be beyond your jurisdiction… you just want to be surrounded with love and calm…  

Today’s affirmation:

“I will try anyway…”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be very protective and want to help out family members, or work with a family member who can be a key player in your coming back to whatever resemblance to normal life. You will be energized about taking care of your health, and you may even come up with an exercise routine that you will keep for longer than this year. Love will be possible with someone who is an emotional person who cares deeply about charitable work of their choice.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon enters Aries at 4:45 AM EDT.

The Moon makes a hard angle with Venus.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

October 27, 2020


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Mercury has been in retrograde, and today, it slips back from your sign and into Libra. A sigh of relief from you, and a time to take a break from all that tension. Take the week to focus on what matters to you, and to meditate and rest your brain. This is one of the best days of the month for you: the smile you have on your face is contagious, and brings peace to some who need your upbeat energy.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am a force to reckon with.”


Mercury has been in retrograde, and from today until Nov 3rd when it goes direct, you will have to keep your eyes on all electronic gadgets you have. Try not to get into overly complicated programs to study, leave those to after Nov 3rd. But do concentrate on friendships that have been neglected, and need a gentle touch.

Today’s affirmation:

“Let’s get together.”


Mercury has been in retrograde, and from today until Nov 3rd when it goes direct, you don’t want your career to suffer in any way, so let up on anything overly demanding or anything that can cause any stress with your business associates, like over booking and overt extending your reach.

Today’s affirmation:

“Less is more.”


Mercury has been in retrograde, and from today until Nov 3rd when it goes direct, your words need to be chosen with extra care, and even then, it’s best to keep mum until after Nov 3rd. What’s the rush anyway? Give packages you expect or that you ship, extra time to arrive. And don’t be hard on yourself when you change your mind about an important matter.

Today’s affirmation:

“There is no rush.”


Mercury has been in retrograde, and from today until Nov 3rd when it goes direct, it will be best to avoid any complicated financial arrangement with anyone you don’t particularly see eye to eye. Instead, remember to be kind to people and to take their well-being to heart. The Moon is in your sign and your rule the day. This is your day to shine and show that you are head and shoulder above the rest.

Today’s affirmation:

“I’ve got what it takes and what you need.”


Mercury has been in retrograde, and from today until Nov 3rd when it goes direct, you may stop worrying so much about money issues, but do start to reconnect with those you love who may not have seen enough of you. But please, don’t get into any serious talks about your feelings… those kind of talks can wait until after Nov 3rd….

Today’s affirmation:

“I keep it nice and easy.”


Mercury has been in retrograde, and from today until Nov 3rd when it goes direct, you will be glad that you can really make time to do the things that make you happy. Things you didn’t have time for or that didn’t mean much to you, but that now you see their importance. You will have to do anything slowly and deliberately, but it will give you a sense of belonging.

Today’s affirmation:

“It’s the little things that matter.”


Mercury has been in retrograde, and from today until Nov 3rd when it goes direct, to engage in anything crazy or out of line will not be the wise thing to do. You may think that taking a certain chance will be worthwhile, but it may actually backfire, when you thing you can outsmart anyone or outmaneuver any situation.

Today’s affirmation:

“No hanky-panky for me…”


Mercury has been in retrograde, and from today until Nov 3rd when it goes direct, a home loving creature such as you, will find it most alluring to stay home, as much as possible, for the next few days, and feel like it’s Nirvana. This is one of the best days of the month for you, as you have a good time coming up with plans and ideas, and whatever your mind can conjure up, and to get busy entertaining with your fun personality.

Today’s affirmation:

“Let’s just enjoy life.”


Mercury has been in retrograde, and from today until Nov 3rd when it goes direct, you really have to make sure and be aware, that you don’t say anything that can upset anyone in any sort of way. People will find many ways to complain that you upset them, so it’s advisable to keep advice to yourself, and certainly not confront head on about any situation. It can all wait until then and you will be glad you had.

Today’s affirmation:

“I don’t mean to be critical…”


Mercury has been in retrograde, and from today until Nov 3rd when it goes direct, why not put the brakes on spending. You will be ok without anything new, especially anything shiny, because you may find that it will rust with time, and that you wasted your hard earned money. Relationships are highlighted, so use today to connect and have a romantic time with your loved one.

Today’s affirmation:

“I value my hard earned money.”


Mercury has been in retrograde in Scorpio, and it slips back into your sign until Nov 3rd when it goes direct again. It’s again, your time to be aware of what you say, but it’s not as serious as all of that. You just have to be more mindful of family members who want your time, and don’t mind that we can’t go out to have a good time anywhere but at home. A good game board will do.

Today’s affirmation:

“We have one another.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will refuse to take ‘no’ for an answer about anything at all, and to any suggestion. You have had enough with restrictions, and you know that you can surmount any obstacles. You will break down any cage that holds you in. One way or another, you will find a way to freedom and to start rebuilding your empire. Love will be possible with someone who is demure, and who understands people in a unique way.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Pisces.

The Moon conjoins Neptune, makes an easy angle with Jupiter, an easy angle with Pluto and an easy angle with Saturn.

Mercury retrogrades back into Libra.

Venus enters Libra.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

October 26, 2020


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



This is one of the best days of the month for you. Life is for enjoyment, and you’d better believe it you will find ingenious ways to make sure that you have some type of enjoyment. You know how to do it with all the precautions needed, thank you very much! You are dramatic and fun to be around, but you have to be careful since Mercury is still in retrograde, and is on your case…

Today’s affirmation:

“Set me free.”


Nostalgia may get your attention today. You miss the good old days and you intend to get your work done as quickly as possible, so that you can get mental rest while you meditate on a healthy future, and start your life all over again. There is grace in your thoughts. Not a bad day all in all, to do your thing and to get your career on good footing. 

Today’s affirmation:

“It all looks so simple now.”


Improve on your social media and get your word across. There isn’t a subject that cannot be discussed, and improved upon. Try to get done as much as you can, where it comes to contacting your associates. Not a bad day all in all, to get everyone on the same page of how to advertise.

Today’s affirmation:

“We are all in this together.”


Even when someone says that they don’t believe what you are doing, or how you are going about it, they will surely enjoy the fruits of your brilliant attempt for success. You will succeed in anything you try to accomplish. Not a bad day all in all, to blow their minds in disbelief.  

Today’s affirmation:

“Told you I can get this done!


The Moon is in your sign and you rule the day. You can see through anyone, and that is how you can have a successful day. Don’t listen to what they say, watch their actions and you will be able to answer accordingly. Not a bad day all in all to get your way with a little effort.

Today’s affirmation:

“I listen to my instinct.”


It’s all too much already and you want to get it over with! Today, you’d be wise to do as you please, which is basically as little as possible. The good thing is that you can get things done fairly quickly and then get to taking care of number one. Not a bad day all in all, to get financial matter done with attention to detail.

Today’s affirmation:

“Money makes the world go round.”


You are surrounded with a community that is on your side and who are there to hold you up when you need to be held up, or to celebrate whatever celebrations you have at this time. You may be testing certain individuals, but they will surprise you with their positive response. Not a bad day all in all, for human interaction.

Today’s affirmation:

“I love my people.”


There isn’t much you cannot do when your mind is set on doing it. You don’t shy away from a task, even when some won’t give you the credit or acknowledgement that you are capable of doing it properly, but you will surprise them with a job well done. Not a bad day all in all, to negotiate your standing.

Today’s affirmation:

“No job too big, no job too small.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. It takes more than just clowning around to convince someone that you have what it takes. They may not go for it, but you are about to show that you are more than capable to do just as you claimed you could do. Not a bad day all in all, to show your integrity.

Today’s affirmation:

“Are you talking to me…?”


You feel like you have to climb Mount Everest, and that no one will believe you when you get all the way to the top. But it’s your experience in the matter, that will show them that you know what you are talking about, and that you have a plan all of your own. Not a bad day all in all, to do your bidding.

Today’s affirmation:

“You don’t know what I can accomplish!”


Relationships are highlighted. You are asked to communicate your thought process, and to prove about your knowledge and expertise, and to show what you can bring to the table. You end up giving advice and showing your smarts. Not a bad day all in all, to get down to the nitty gritty.

Today’s affirmation:

“Let’s talk.”


Your professionalism bring you more money than you had anticipated, considering the atmosphere we have to endure these days. You are appreciated for your effectiveness, and it’s what will make them open their wallets, and pay you to your amazement. Not a bad day all in all, to get to the next potential job.

Today’s affirmation:

“I would like a raise, thank you!”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will make your voice be heard, to show that your ideas are as unique as you are, and that you have more amazing ideas where this one came from. You will be prolific and engaging and have an all-around powerful year moving forward. Your mind and personality will be like quick silver, and get to the point of any situation. Love will be possible with someone who works hard for their family, and who is a lot of fun to be around.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Pisces.

The Moon makes an easy angle with Uranus.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

Saturday, October 24 – Sunday, October 25, 2020


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



On Saturday when you are in love you have no problems. Even if you are mixing up metaphors and speaking in riddles, you are entirely excused. Friendships flourish when you tend to them like flowers need water. Which brings you rushing into Sunday, and into a full blown romantic love fest with all you all, even though Mercury retrograde meets up with the Sun, both in your sign, up close and personal. Yes, you do need to decide to be on your best behavior.  


On Saturday you need to take every precaution to listen to your instincts, although you are totally supported by your boss. And if you are the boss, you are helpful and sympathetic. The problem can arise when you don’t listen to your inner dialogue and you think that it’s misleading. In this case, you worry that you may be irrational. On Sunday, you won’t mind having a personal day to think and rest. Just to refresh your mind. 


On Saturday your wish is our command! Whatever your little heart desires, just say the word, and it is delivered to you on a platter. Venus is shining on you! It’s nice to get a break from the insanity we have been living in… just don’t do anything drastic. On Sunday you have no choice but nitpick what others are doing, and find that you can do things better. But for the sake of peace, let it stay as it is. Let them exercise their right to be independent thinkers.  


On Saturday the Moon is in your sign and you have a warm and fuzzy feeling about yourself. You see how far you have come, how much you have sacrificed, and how well things have turned out, disregarding this year… you build up confidence that spills over to Sunday, when you make decisions that may be long term; but before you sign on the dotted line, or commit to it in other ways, ask for time to sleep on it, because Mercury retrograde conjoins with the Sun, and to be over confident is dangerous.


On Saturday whisper soft words of love into your loved ones ears, and they’ll eat out of your hands. Speak of issues that only the two of you intimately can speak of, things that no one knows but you two. Your personal dreams of what you long to do and where you want to visit, to feed your soul. On Sunday, there is a sense of cleansing that washes over you as you are reborn, when the Moon enters your sign later on in the day. You become an accepting person who understands that we are all different from one another, unique and inspiring.


On Saturday you try to please, and keep trying to please. You want to do more for the ones who depend on you, but you have to think of your health and of your limitations and various obstacles in your way. You come to the realization that you have to be good to yourself, so on Sunday, and let go of old hurts that are holding you, you free yourself, replenish your spirit, and find inner happiness, so that you have more of yourself to offer to others. 


On Saturday being in love with yourself is a good thing, and don’t forget to you give the same sense of compassion to yourself, the kind that comes naturally to you, when you give freely to others. On Sunday, the more you try to explain yourself the more you get entangled in your tongue. Who cares what they think (you do), or why they’ve ghosted you. It’s their loss… love yourself and don’t blame yourself with false responsibilities to some who don’t deserve it.


On Saturday you want to be a couch potato today and that’s it. You want to hide from the insanity of our situation, but you may have to venture out and then get into the wiping the items you brought in, that is time consuming and exhausting physically but mainly mentally. On Sunday, you have so many chores to take care of, you are ready to give up before you started. In a way it’s a good thing, since you can make mistakes, when Mercury your ruler, comes the closest to the Sun. …you are even lazier than you were yesterday… lol.


On Saturday, some amazing people have shown themselves to you recently, and you are in the position to thank someone pivotal to your life. Take the opportunity to have an intimate and sincere thanks. It doesn’t have to be some elaborate attempt, as a matter of fact, the shorter the better. On Sunday, your dramatic flair needs to get checked and reeled in, before you get a tattoo you may regret… being impulsive has it’s time and place, but today, you really need to be less dramatic.


On Saturday, if someone disappoints you, who perhaps, owes you money, you may want to be compensated, of course. However, you have to approach this person with extreme caution. After all, Mercury is in retrograde now and furthermore, on Sunday, it gets thisclose conjunct with the Sun. If you want to show your love, it can be accomplished with gestures and with actions, rather than with words. A little unexpected celebration in your kitchen brings your hearts together.    


On Saturday, Venus in your sign is making beautiful music with Saturn; romance is running as hot as can be, but you being a practical being, are more interested in finishing your job, and only then you become a lover who won’t quit. On Sunday, Mercury your ruler, in retrograde, comes the closest to the Sun, and your words can get combabulated, so don’t try to create lengthy scenarios. Try to stick to the subject at hand that you are well versed in it. Should you utter something unexpected, explain it immediately, don’t allow it morph into something you didn’t intend.


On Saturday, you are in a most forgiving mood. You have had your time with the Sun for a month, and what came to your mind primarily, and warms your heart, is that your family is more important than you thought possible before. You find that your heart is connected to your family, and to those who came before you who gave you strength by example. Or elders you gave special attention to. On Sunday, a small financial matter can balloon into a large issue, if not handled immediately, and put to rest. But it can be handled with grace and simplicity, and curtesy and quickness.


Today’s Happy Birthday:


In the coming year cycle you will continue on the path you have chosen, and be lucky to find that you don’t have to start on any new paths, just give it time. You will be admired for your compassionate ways. People will not understand you as you think they ought to, but don’t make it into an issue; the proof will be in the pudding when all is said and done. Your home may go through renovations that will make you happy. Love is possible with someone who understands people, and who likes to help humanity.

Good luck and God bless you.



In the coming year cycle you will have enough loving energy to spare! You will be an example of how to live a life well. You will be thoughtful and entertaining and compassionate and inspiring. Do the same for yourself as you would for others, and you will have a winning year. Love will be possible with someone who is home loving, and who will bring joy to your life by way of having friends come over regularly.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:


The Moon is in Aquarius.

The Moon makes a hard angle with Uranus.

Venus makes an excellent angle with Saturn.

The Moon makes an easy angle with Mars.



Mercury retrograde conjoins the Sun.

The Moon enters Pisces at 5:19 PM EDT.

The Moon makes an excellent angle with Mercury and an excellent angle with the Sun.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful weekend


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

October 23, 2020


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



The spotlight is on you and you have to come up with the goods. But you would rather be at home doing your thing and not have to answer to anyone, or curled up on the couch. On the other hand, you can’t even believe it, but you are looking forward to having deadlines and to be back to business.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful it’s my time of the year.” 


You need to unload weight off your chest, and there is no one who can stop you. Please remember that Mercury is going in retrograde, so don’t divulge more than you think is healthy for you. Above all, give yourself the break you give others! You are way too hard on yourself.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being able to have an opinion.”


You know that you can do more with the assistance of creative people and it is much more fun, besides. A zoom session puts everyone’s heads together for a brainstorming that is tense, compact with information, and that bring you results that translate to more profit, when you will get paid. 

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the creative people in my life.”


Use today, after the Moon enters your sign, to charm people smoothly, and to find some information that is deeply secretive. Your charms are like the Mata Hari’s, and your aim is so sharp and precise. No one will believe that you have this much nerve and backbone, to learn what you need to know. 

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for finding out at long last.”


People may say that you have lofty ideas that you are then trying to convince others about. But you just have an idea of how to live life to its fullest, and how to enjoy the rich inner life that you are blessed with. You can’t enjoy this by yourself, be charitable and inspire those who can use an inspiration nowadays.  

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having the inner spirit I possess.”


Friendships are highlighted when you want to see find out if someone is your still a friend? Or what happened that has you suddenly at odds? It takes work to make any relationship work, so remind your friend that you are there for them, and that a little misunderstanding ought not to grow into mountains. 

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my friendships.”


You feel a sense of renewal when you are back in charge of your life, and back in the driver’s seat. You need to keep conversations short and with as much precision as possible. And then live your life the way you want to. Don’t expect understanding, it doesn’t matter anyway.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful that time keeps moving on.”


You can’t be in more than one place at a time. So if you have to make changes to your schedule, don’t feel too bad about it. What you can accomplish today is a lot, if you just concentrate on one subject at a time. But if you don’t put your blinders on, and put the phone down, you can end up empty handed.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being able to be so prolific.”


You may be a little too willing to get into a rumble with someone who is in an authoritative position. You may be a little too sensitive to what you hear. The best way to handle the day, is to not pay attention to the outside noise that is meant to distract. Stay focused on wanting and promoting peace at all costs.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for your presence in my life.”


No matter how much you are running around, there is yet more to be done. There is someone who is ready to make your load even greater, and you have to think whether it fits into your busy life or is it overkill? You home life is calling to you, so make your decisions based on whether it fits into your lifestyle.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my busy life.”


You mean business and nothing can stop your progress. But when someone comes up with a hair raising scheme, you need to give it a lot of thought, and not get into a back and forth conversation of clarifications or defenses. Let your work ethic speak for you.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the challenges I’ve had to overcome.”


Nothing can stop you from breaking through barriers. And you want to compensate yourself with a reckless retail therapy day. Who can blame you? Anything to make up for the last few months… you can come up with an outfit that is original and that you haven’t thought of, but spontaneity is your name today.   

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having a spunk that is unquenchable.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will start all over if you have to. If you could have your way, you would start all over anyway. You have learned, in this pandemic, about what is really important in life. It isn’t possessions as much as it is your family, and there is nothing you would like more than to include them into your plans. Love will be possible with someone who is home loving, and who is not shy about taking issues head on. 

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon in Capricorn conjoins Saturn.

 The Moon enters Aquarius at 8:18 AM EDT.

The Moon makes a hard angle with the Sun and a hard angle with Mercury.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

October 22, 2020


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



The Sun enters your sign, and your time of the year is on. Your time of the year is here and you want to celebrate as much as possible with all the precautions put into place, of course. Your free spirited self will find a way to express yourself. Today, your mind is sharp and your heart is full of hope.

Today’s affirmation:

“It’s my time of year!”


The Sun entering Scorpio, and you will have you retreat to a place that will allow you to be creative and will give you the chance to do things in private, and to create where no one to annoy you, or to ask for your time. Yet you will remain practical, in the way you conduct your affairs.  

Today’s affirmation:

“I don’t mind having alone time.”


The Sun entering Scorpio will have you shout with joy that you can get together with some of your favorite people and still be able to do your work, and do it magnificently. You will enjoy your life in a more relaxing way… The Moon is in your sign and your rule the day. Get control over situations that are difficult to get a grasp on but which you can handle better today.

Today’s affirmation:

“I want to have some fun already…”


The Sun entering Scorpio will have you take control of your life, and realize that changes are inevitable, and you will be looking forward to prove how impressive you can be and what a great boss you will make. No one will be able to discourage you now.

Today’s affirmation:

“Good things are happening to me.”


The Sun entering Scorpio will have you be free to visualize any scenario and any kind of life you want to imagine for yourself. You will be checking out possibilities to create new friendships with different kinds of people. You want to expand your horizons where it comes to people.

Today’s affirmation:

“I like different kinds of people.”


The Sun entering Scorpio will have you will look to reestablish yourself as a person who is less rigid, and who is more than just your career. Someone who will have more of a personal touch when dealing with people. It will help you be able to get control of negative practices you may have picked up.  

Today’s affirmation:

“I need to change some habits.”


The Sun entering Scorpio and relationships will have your upmost attention. You will get the chance to work on your relationships and to express what you need out of them going forward. You will get to understand one another on a deeper level. This is one of the best days of the month for you, as you look at the bigger picture of how you want your life to be and the plan of how to go after your envisioning.

Today’s affirmation:

“The world is a little crazy nowadays.”


The Sun entering Scorpio will have you try new ways to live your daily life, so that you can infuse a healthy lifestyle into your busy life. It will give you ample time to find the kind of equipment that can help you keep your body in good shape. Or to develop your dietary needs in a delicious way.

Today’s affirmation:

“My body is the temple of my soul.”


The Sun entering Scorpio will have you be confident and determined to get done whatever is necessary and to go above and beyond. But above all you will want to be entertained, and to have someone to have a silly good time with. Relationships are highlighted today, so connect with that buddy to do the kind of silly stuff, necessary at this time of your life.

Today’s affirmation:

“Let’s loosen up some!”


The Sun entering Scorpio will have you have time for your personal life. No matter how busy life can get, you will make time for family, and time to make changes in the abode you dwell in. You will make changes there to make you enjoy life, at is difficult time in history.

Today’s affirmation:

“My family’s comfort means a lot to me.”


The Sun entering Scorpio will have you continue to develop your writing talents and sharpen your observation skills, to think up ways to better your life, and to even start to make travel plans for when the world will open up eventually. Yes it will, just keep the faith. This is one of the best days of the month for you, as you bring a smile to anyone’s lips which in returns warms the cockles of your heart.

Today’s affirmation:

“The world will open up again!”


You say good bye to the Sun, as it moves to the sector of the horoscope that deals with resources. You will get busy making a living, which will divert your attention to the mundane things that mellow you out and make you happy. Making money will make you happy.

Today’s affirmation:

“Time keeps moving on.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be thinking ahead. The past is gone, and you will be looking forward to new pastures and to new experiences. However, before you get to do any major changes, you will have to make sure that you take care of all loose ends that may be holding you back, once it’ll be your time to create some long lasting changes. You may want to look into taking courses towards a career that will be of help in the future. Love will be possible with someone who is a social butterfly and who would like to travel, once the world will open up again.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Capricorn.

The Moon makes a hard angle with Mars, an easy angle with Neptune, conjoins Jupiter and conjoins Pluto.

The Sun enters Scorpio at 7:00 PM EDT.

The Moon makes an excellent angle with Venus.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

October 21, 2020


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Secrets are a heavy load to bear. Once you let them out, now that your ruler genial Venus creates a powerful play with perceptive Pluto, it will set you free. You look for your elders as a role model to follow, and your ancestry is something you can get to uncover.

Today’s affirmation:

“My parents are my role models!”


You don’t have to hide something important from a person who is there to assist you. Trust is something that needs to be a part of the process, and now, when amiable Venus creates an important play with intense Pluto, you can test a person and see if they are truly there for you, or if it’s all a façade.  

Today’s affirmation:

“The truth shall set me free.”


When people in higher positions have faith that you are doing the best that you can do, they want to elevate you in position. Today is one of those days, when charm magnet Venus makes a positive connection with transformative Pluto. The more you prove yourself, the more they look to help you out.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am tops!”


The Moon is in your sign and you rule the day. Passionate Pluto residing in your sign now, makes a powerful connection with creative Venus. Any and all ideas that you have been harboring in your mind and which you have put down in words and diagrams, need to be brought into the open now. This is a unique time, where you shine, listened to, and admired. 

Today’s affirmation:

“I have been thinking about this for a while.”


Indulgent Venus in connection with passionate Pluto create a deep cleansing you are experiencing, which is a good thing for you all around. You to make a powerful impression, and you are the best you can be. Not only do you show your smarts with very little effort, you are also sensual and desired.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am reborn in a profound way.”


The love you exude is extraordinary. You can try with someone as a love connection. Try any relationships site of your choosing and swipe right sometimes. You never know until you try…With sensual Venus and sexy Pluto working for you, you are like honey to the bee. 

Today’s affirmation:

“I am a lover extraordinaire…”


There is nothing your boss will not agree with, should you ask for anything out of the ordinary that has the potential to make changes in your working conditions. With welcoming Venus supported by powerhouse Pluto, anything that makes things more comfortable, is what will make the best employees.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am the boss’s favorite.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Having a good time is something that doesn’t come by that easily lately. But you intended to enjoy your life now no matter what! With aesthetically pleasant Venus and keen Pluto’s eyes on your side, you can give yourself a new look. You have a daring spirit that is filled with love for yourself.

Today’s affirmation:

“I love myself.”


Your home is finally coming to a place of pleasant purr. Harmonious Venus and passionate Pluto have   you have it all under control, and a little bit of peace comes to a place that was in a bit unruly. Your family means a lot to you and you need to do things with them that are relaxing and distracting.

Today’s affirmation:

“Peace, it’s a beautiful thing.”


Relationships are highlighted. Communication will never be as easy and as natural, as it is now until the end of the year. With forgiving Venus and assertive Pluto having their rays on your side, there must be issues you want to address, and even though Mercury is in retrograde, you enjoy a conversation that is built on love.

Today’s affirmation:

“Love is having someone to talk to.”


You haven’t been working so hard for naught. Diplomatic Venus and security minded Pluto are working in your favor, and you find that someone may decide to pay you more than you have anticipated, and you don’t mind at all! You ought to be proud about your accomplishments and that someone is willing to reward you financially.

Today’s affirmation:

“I deserve this…”


This is one of the best days of month for you. Magnetic Venus in your sign now makes a beautiful connection to daring Pluto, allowing you to direct your energies to your love life, romance and sensual pleasures. You may also take the opportunity to give yourself a new look, or a new outfit.

Today’s affirmation:

“I deserve this bauble just because…”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will do a lot of thinking and contemplating about your ancestry, and about where you want to continue living, and about the traditions have enjoyed, and how they influenced your life. You know that life is changing all around you, and you still want to feel the love you felt from your parents and grandparents, and you make their life as the model for what you want to do going forward. Love will be possible with someone who has the same interests as yourself.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon enters Capricorn at 2:44 AM EDT.

The Moon makes an easy angle with Mercury.

Venus makes an excellent angle with Pluto.

The Moon makes an excellent angle with Uranus.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star