Monthly Archives: March 2018

March 1, 2018


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun sign and rising signs.



The Full Moon in your Sun sign puts the spotlight on you. The Sun in conjunction with Pisces’ ruler Neptune are moving together harmoniously. You are at peace with your place in life today. Your mood is such that you are looking forward to whatever life brings your way with more peace than any other Full Moon could. You feel blessed and are a doting and caring partner to your mate. 

Today’s affirmation:

“Positive thoughts triumph.”


The Full Moon today brings you to a realization that change is not as difficult as change normally is. You have a euphoric sense that everything will be alright no matter how gloomy it may have seemed yesterday. You are willing to face yourself with all your imperfections with an eagerness to make the changes necessary for you to be able to move forward. You put everyone at the same high regard and discriminate against no one.

Today’s affirmation:

“Everyone is beautiful in their own way.”


Having to make a living interferes with your desire to be free of it all. The Full Moon today encourages you to make time for activities with your loved one, as Venus makes a wonderful connection with Jupiter. Only then can you decompress and take on the mundane commitment to create the wealth you have to on a daily basis. Only then can you balance the necessity of work with your necessity of having pleasure in your life.

Today’s affirmation:

“I can have it all.”


Today’s Full Moon reminds you that even your career holds a spiritual sense to you. You want to be happy at all that you do and today no matter what transpires, you have an ease about you. You are willing to forgive even the toughest transgressions and pretend they never happened as you hold back words that may accelerate conflict with someone who is aggressive in nature. You may not be as practical as you ought to be, but you are happiest.

Today’s affirmation:

“I celebrate my place in the world today.”


You may be blamed as a dreamer at today’s Full Moon, but that rolls over your shoulder with a laugh and a shrug. You are a lover not a fighter, and you prove it today with the words you use. Anyone else could have gotten discouraged by what they see today, but not you! You are willing to prove that it’s how you perceive life that shape us that is more important than the events that happen. That it’s how you are affected that matters. And today you believe the future is bright.

Today’s affirmation:

“I remain unscathed.”


Financial obligations and your personal life seem to be brought forth at today’s Full Moon. Being involved with someone you are in a financial partnership with can be confusing and complicated. You weave a web of illusion that makes it difficult to separate between the imaginary and the real. It’s about boundaries that you have to make in your own mind, before they manifest in life. You can look over your strengths and put others’ above your own.

Today’s affirmation:

“What we see in our minds is what a reality becomes.”


The Full Moon in your Moon sign brings forth partnerships, both personal and in business, which you are willing to forgive and forget. You have a certain illusion of a partner that you are not letting go of, and as Venus and Jupiter make a wonderful connection, you may be embellishing the practicality of a partnership but you just feel lucky that you have these people in your life and that is good enough for you today.

Today’s affirmation:

“I see you in a jolly light.”


Today’s Full Moon brings the shortcomings of those with whom you work on a daily basis back into focus. You may have been at the end of your rope about coworkers but today you are willing to give them the chance of a doubt and start seeing them in a forgiving light. You are being more than charitable with your money and think that perhaps if you compensate financially all ill feelings will dissipate. You may have a point there…

Today’s affirmation:

“It’s not me against the world anymore.”


You have a great sense of accomplishment and a great sense of appreciation at today’s Full Moon. You look at your accomplishments and are proud of how long it took you to get to this point. But you must not forget about others in the process. You need to give them the credit due them. As a matter of fact, why not see if they are able to go out for a drink this evening, and celebrate the glory of life together!

Today’s affirmation:

“Life is a blast!”


Your ruler Jupiter making a wonderful connection with Venus adds to today’s Full Moon as you happily prance around in a state of bliss. The troubles of the world can hardly touch you at all. No one can take away the feeling that you are just as happy at home as you are in the world. The changes that you have experienced last year are now giving way to adapting to the results of them.

Today’s affirmation:

“I celebrate the results of changes.”


Your head is in the clouds at today’s Full Moon as you embrace dreams and entertain visions of illusion of how life ought to be and that seems to be all that you are concerned about. You have to remember to pay attention to the orderly details of the day, as they may slide into the ‘not so important file’ and create confusion when you come in tomorrow. Have all the dreams you want, but make sure you plant yourself firmly at the same time. Not an easy task today…

Today’s affirmation:

“The unimportant is indeed important. Lol.”


Life is not easy, we all know that. At today’s Full Moon you see life as a much easier. You are willing to believe that all will be well and that your wallet will be full again with not much effort. It doesn’t matter that some who are supposed to be assisting you are nothing but a problem and a pain in the neck. You are on your way to greatness, and no one can dissuade you from believing that the best is yet to come.

Today’s affirmation:

“I declare: The best Is yet to come!”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be the picture of what love and compassion are the cloth that is woven of. You will be the epitome to dignity and grace. You will be all encompassing of virtue and persistence to doing the best for yourself as well as for others. You will be a compassionate employer and a meticulous employee. But you will have to remember to keep your feet on solid you ground as you will have the tendency to play at life.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon enters Virgo at 00:57 AM EST.

Venus makes a wonderful angle with Jupiter.

The Moon makes an excellent angle with Saturn,

opposes the Sun for the Full Moon at 7:51 PM EST,

and makes a hard angle with Neptune.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day











for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star