Monthly Archives: September 2018

September 20, 2018


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Mercury conjoins with the Sun in your sign. You analyze and compartmentalize. Try not to be overly critical when you open up your mouth to speak. Us this analytical energy to do wonders on the job front. You have the uncanny ability to express yourself and get the job done speedily. Precision in detail comes naturally to you today.

Today’s affirmation:

“I spare you my sharp analysis.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You enjoy periods of solitude to do the things you have to do, to be prepared for when the Sun enters your sign on Saturday. Your soul is calling for you to answer some burning desires you want to be able to tackle, once you have the privilege of the Sun in your sign. Listen intently and with anticipation.

Today’s affirmation:

“I can’t wait for my time of the year.”


You are ambitious and willing to do anything to pursue your dreams. You also want to have a day of socializing, so to combine both business and pleasure is the best answer for today. An ants in your pants sort of a day to schmooze. Invite your boss over for a homemade meal and impress with your conversation. But be careful not to say anything that may sting undesirably. 

Today’s affirmation:

“I want to entertain.”


You have so many things on your plate today, and thank goodness you have the energy to match. You can get it all done, but you do need to create a list of how to get through each and every one of these items and check them off your ‘to do’ list. Call on an important meeting with the heads of the board, and discuss the issue that need to be addressed.

Today’s affirmation:

“An important meeting which encompasses a whole lot.”


Put your money where your mouth is. You have been harboring and working on ideas, some may have argued to be lofty, but you didn’t care, because you know your heart; these ideas all came from your need for a change. Today, you have the opportunity to put your money right in that direction. There is nothing more gratifying than to follow your dreams.

Today’s affirmation:

“Real change is beginning to manifest.”


The Moon is in your sign and you rule the day. There are issues which you have been trying to take care of throughout the summer, but which have had setbacks all along the way. Today, you have the leg up, and you can start a smooth transition from being a hidden agenda, into an out and out moving forward with purpose and with an open mind.

Today’s affirmation:

“This is where the end of the struggle starts.”


You want to get together with someone special to you, and clear the air with a list of complaints you may have with this special person. But you are not in the best position to unload what is on your mind, never mind how much of an urge you seem to have. Make sure you don’t hurt anyone’s feelings, because they will retreat and shut down.

Today’s affirmation:

“Let’s not talk about anything heavy.”


Take care of business and all your tasks first, and free up the rest of the evening to take care of your body. After all that is where your soul lives, and you need to give it tender loving care, or it may tell you that you have neglected it. Be reasonable with your food intake, and with some light exercise. Pay respect to your body, and it will respect you in return.

Today’s affirmation:

“My body is the temple to my soul.”


From a hardy time of play and enjoyment of the sillier things in life, you are ready to focus on your career. The summer is almost gone and you are happy to get back to the practical things that stimulate your mind. But today, the last flair of summer madness overcomes you, and sends you to a place where you can listen to music or to have a romantic dinner. 

Today’s affirmation:

“Let’s go out and about.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Today can free you from the restrictions and the anxiousness you have been feeling. Your mind is clear and there are great ideas running through it. Write down every brilliant idea and start a ‘to do’ list in your master plan. You get support from your family who wants to see you succeed.

Today’s affirmation:

“I feel confident.”


Consolidate multiple jobs into one trip, and you will eliminate the headache of running around all day long without any respite or time for rest periods. Someone may be conspiring against your progress and wishes to retaliate? You have no control over someone else, but you do have control over how you choose to respond. Better still, don’t respond at all.

Today’s affirmation:

“I take a break to sit on a park bench. Phew!”


You may be doing too much for someone. Before you get started, make sure that this person needs your help and that this person deserves your help. And also, make sure that you do not go overboard in spending money on this person; unless it’s your partner, in which case, go for it! You have the opportunity to invest in something you are both equally interested in.

Today’s affirmation:

“Money makes the world go ‘round.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will have enough stamina and a desire to do things which have you progress in your career in a practical and analytical manner. You know precisely where you want to go and what you want to do. You will do things in a way that may irritate your family, because you will go ahead without giving anyone notice about your next move. You will have the desire and tendency to micromanage, which is best to squash. A profitable and exciting partnership may spring up from unexpected places.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Aquarius.

The Moon conjoins Mars, and makes a hard angle with Venus.

Mercury conjoins the Sun.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day











for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star


September 19, 2018


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Things ease up some as your brain settles down some as you insist upon taking advantage of opportunities. You think clearly and inspiringly and you can set the world on fire with your inspiration to let life take its course, and to walk that tight rope to get the results you desire.

Today’s affirmation:

“Life is a beautiful thing.”


Why do you have to feel insecure? You have been acknowledged for your talents, and settled feeling in your own environment. Today, you still have that hesitation that stops you from doing what you have planned for the day. You are right! It’s not time yet to move mountains again.

Today’s affirmation:

“I have the sense to hold back.”


You’ve been having the time of your life this summer, and now you secretly, hope to stop the partying and to get down to business again, and to get into the slower pace of life. You want to meditate and stay out of the big city lights. Get the last of your socializing out of the way.

Today’s affirmation:

“I could use a slower pace.”


You have to put the brakes on spending, but you know that already, because your bank statement is sending shivers down your spine. Well, we all have to learn sometimes. You have so much to do in your shop, or in your blog or in your business. There is simply no time for anything else.  

Today’s affirmation:

“I am busy.”


Your confidence is way up, and you are trying to make things happen. Have you made sure that your logic coincides with financial ability to pull this off? You seem to need to spend money in the spur of the moment in order to make your dreams a reality. Investing in yourself, is a plus.

Today’s affirmation:

“I invest in my dreams.”


You find it difficult to get out of bed, because you are exhausted and because you don’t know what to do with the erratic energy you feel. But once you have to drag yourself out of bed, and deal with the problems you have, you feel your strength coming back as the day progresses.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am ready to deal with problematic issues.”


Don’t lose faith in somebody who has been asleep at the switch, as far as you are concerned. They will wake up eventually, and the sense of resentment will last longer than they’re being MIA. Some days you are better off relying on your own intuition and on your own resources.

Today’s affirmation:

“I can handle this.”


You try to finish up tasks which have been waiting to be completed. You put your relationship on the back burner, with demand on your time. Your career took precedence, but on Saturday will have more time for precious relationships, as the Sun will enters your partnership zone.

Today’s affirmation:

“I need time for relaxation also.”


Make plans and write them down. You have a clear idea of what you want to see happen in your life, but you have to put a time plan in place. You can have the career you want, but don’t expect it to run as smoothly as you wish. That’s why a time plan is important to fall back on to.

Today’s affirmation:

“I expect the unexpected.”


You are almost ready to let go and never look back. You have your mental work cut out for you, but only for a while. Because once the Sun enters your fun inspired zone, on Saturday, all bets are off! You will not be bother by those negative influences which have been nagging at you.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am ready for the good times.”


If you have to straighten out a misunderstanding, this is your time to have an intimate talk, and to speak from your heart. You can make headway and you can leave past hurts behind when you invest time in a relationship that has been damaged. There is a way back from the abyss.

Today’s affirmation:

“Let’s have a deep conversation.”


Even though you are not in your best ever kind of a mode, you can do wonderful things when you listen to someone with whom you work’s heart’s hardships, and help a soul find calmness today. When you help another, you help your soul heal as well. We all need some soul healing.

Today’s affirmation:

“Another day, another opportunity for healing.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will have an easy time moving forward. You will be more spontaneous than you are used to being, but it will give you the push you need to get your plans off the ground. A natural born leader, you will find your voice and you will have the courage to do a lot of what your heart desires. You may find romance at places least expected.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon in Capricorn makes an excellent angle with Mercury an excellent angle with the Sun.

The Moon enters Aquarius at 7:52 PM EDT.

The Moon makes a hard angle with Uranus.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day











for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star


September 18, 2018


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



This is one of the best days of the month for you. Blow out the circuits Mars clashes with unpredictable Uranus, and leaving you no choice but to take care of the business at hand, whether you understand what it entails or not. You have gotten used to having your days disrupted by high volume work, but today you are truly on your toes. You never know where the next call comes from. See it as an opportunity to have fun with life. Roll with the madness and be a step ahead of the game.

Today’s affirmation:

“I accept the challenge.”


Impatient Mars clashes with risk taking Uranus, and you feel out of sorts about a whole situation which is happening right under your nose. You feel out of the loop and can’t figure out how to go about your day. The first thing to do is to excuse yourself, and stick to the things which have to do with you only. Uncover hidden truths about yourself which will help you to take a risk you want to take. But wait a couple of days before the actual moving forward with this. Meditation, as tough as it is to sit still today, is key to have some sort of contentment.

Today’s affirmation:

“I listen to nature and wait my turn.”


War monger Mars clashes with rebellious Uranus and if you are not careful, you can slam the door on someone who is pivotal in your life, and live to regret it. It may be very difficult for you to hold off in showing dismay with this individual, but you don’t want to destroy your relationship with someone who is fundamental to your livelihood and who puts the butter on your bread. It takes maturity and/or a brisk walk for a long distance to cool you off. Put your sneakers on and blow steam off in healthy and productive way.

Today’s affirmation:

“I don’t act on my feelings.”


Excitable Mars clashes with chaotic Uranus, and all your prejudged thinking of how, and where everything fits into your life goes belly up. But to be worried about things you have no control over can become awful tiring. Your brain will explode unless you decide to be a happy camper, and not pay attention to the strain that some family member is putting on you. Some things are not your responsibility no matter how you slice it. Stop burdening yourself with false responsibility. Happiness is a choice and is up to you today.

Today’s affirmation:

“Is this really my affair?”


The Moon is in your sign and you rule the day. Pushy Mars clashes with lack of restraint Uranus, and you want what you want and you want it now. Your confidence is in the balance and you won’t let anyone mess with that. Holding back is an issue today, but you just may have to, in order to keep a peace that will get back into the fold if only you can think things through. Nothing is as urgent as you think it is. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and you have made a lot of progress up to now.

Today’s affirmation:

“Nothing happens overnight.”


Relentless Mars clashes with disruptive Uranus, your ruler, and you feel as though you want to break through a cocoon that you feel engulfed in, with no way out. The butterfly has to wait for the proper conditions in order to spread its wings for the first time. That is how you ought to see your life today. No anxious and hasty thoughts can change the order in which things happen. You don’t have to jump out of your skin and see that you get no results at the end of which. Listen closely to your needs, and look for the right conditions in order to get your story out there.

Today’s affirmation:

“Everything in its own time and space.”


Suspicious Mars clashes with liberating Uranus, and even though people have a way of disappointing, you are learning to not let them affect your day. As long as you don’t disappoint yourself is all that matters. You have to be able to love whatever hand you have been dealt without blaming others. The past is gone and is a waste of precious energy to rehash it over and over. It will only sap your energy which is difficult for you to gather up today as it is. Don’t do anything crazy to disrupt anyone’s day.

Today’s affirmation:

“I concentrate on keeping calm.”


Competitive Mars clashes with revolutionary Uranus, and you ought not to look at how the Kardashians are spending money out of control and you can’t compare yourself to them, nor should you. And you don’t have to impress your friends with what you do not possess, and go out of your way to please someone, who may find out not be your friend anyway, if they don’t understand that you need to adhere to your financial boundaries. If you need a better job, today will jolt you into looking into it. There is no hurry which today will make you feel.

Today’s affirmation:

“Boundaries are hard to manage today.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Cranky Mars clashes with radical Uranus, in your sign now, and is messing with your ego. Your pride may be the culprit here. You may be displeased with how your life is now, and no matter how successful you may be. You may be concentrating on the wrong that has occurred in your life, and on the people who betrayed you. As long as you do not betray yourself, and act in ways that work against yourself. Don’t look too closely at the past, but instead, look to the future with enthusiasm.

Today’s affirmation:

“The future is looking bright.”


Courageous Mars clashes with change invoking Uranus, and even though you have been able to come to grips with internal heavy weightiness, and the last thing you need is to have the rug pulled from under you and throw you back into the abyss of intensity. Lighten up your day by making the decision, that your life and your mind are your own, and that no one can penetrate it and create chaos there. You need not make major decisions on a day like today. You know how you need to react, now it’s a matter of exercising your mind to do your bidding.

Today’s affirmation:

“I take things light and lively.”


Relationships are highlighted. Excitable Mars clashes with erratic Uranus and you may get the shock of your life when you come to the realization that someone you were so sure was on your side, may not be there for you at all. While someone who you never thought of as someone you may be able to depend on, is actually excited to carry a heavy load for you. A new friend? Perhaps. Will it last the test of time that is a question? Either way, this is too volatile a day to take anyone for granted. You are better off remaining your own best advocate today.

Today’s affirmation:

“No relationship is for sure today.”


Feisty Mars clashes with shocking Uranus, and have to be on your best behavior no matter the circumstance. Someone may provoke you to the point of no return. It’s at that is the point, in which you must not get sucked into a situation that can ruin all you have been working for. Put your blinders on, pretend that person does not exist in your reality, and continue doggedly, to perform at your highest capacity, and show them just what you are made of. They need a shock to see you for what you are, which is a warrior who is smart. They can’t beat you at your own game.

Today’s affirmation:

“I go about my business.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will see changes in your life of an unpredictable nature. Being prepared for this is impossible, so get that pressure off of you right now. Things happen when they happen for a very good reason, and you have to put your faith in God to do the things that are right for you. Romance will be hot and heavy, but for how long and will it last? Only time will tell. Enjoy life moment by moment. Expect a very busy work schedule which will make you excited to get up each morning. An unexpected romantic trip for two will expand your horizons.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Capricorn.

The Moon makes an easy angle with Neptune.

Mars makes a hard angle with Uranus.

The Moon conjoins Pluto and makes an easy angle with Jupiter.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day











for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star


September 17, 2018


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



So what if it’s Monday? It isn’t as if you don’t take care of business even over the weekends. But now you can get out there, and go out on that tight rope you have hung up, and which you have been looking up forward to walking on. You have been looking for this exercise, bring it on!

Today’s affirmation:

“I like a good challenge.”


It’s the darkest before the dawn, and if you wake up a little out of it, a little depressed, a little out of sorts, well then, it’s a part of life. You find the proverbial Libra balance soon enough. You look for the things one has to do to prepare for the autumn season, so that your home is secure.

Today’s affirmation:

“My home is where I find equilibrium.”


There are things that have to get clarified. And since the people involved are of the same mindset, it can be a piece of cake for you, to get the idea through to them. But you do have to make the effort and hear a human voice on the other end of the phone… Make that call.

Today’s affirmation:

“It’s all about communications.”


This weekend has been all about you, and much fun was had, especially when all eyes were on you… but you are eager to get back to business. The excitement of seeing the respect you receive, and you know you need to tighten the proverbial belt, and bring your coffee from home.

Today’s affirmation:

“I would rather save than splurge.”


The Moon enters your sign at some point today, (do the math), and with it, your faith that life emerges with joy. Each day holds a little treasure with it and it takes a kindred spirit to recognize its beauty. Do you hold such a spirit? Make plans that make you happy to look forward to. 

Today’s affirmation:

“I walk towards my horizon.”


There is no reason to feel down and out. When you look at life as cyclical, you see the rhythm and the sense behind every set back. You may go two steps forward, and one step back today, but such is the nature of the beast. Rejoice in living and in being a healthy specimen.

Today’s affirmation:

“I like to simmer in this for a lengthy period of time.”


To have a support system, is to have friends and family, who care about you and who want to see you succeed. And today, if you need support, just ask for it. It isn’t shameful to need someone. Someday, you can repay by giving a helping hand. But don’t dwell on the negative.

Today’s affirmation:

“One hand washes the other.”


You feel burdened and overly tasked with work that is endless and tiring. But you wouldn’t have it any other way. You are eager to start the week by digging in and ending the pile of work on your desk. Get this over with, and your responsibilities look exactly like you enjoy them to be.

Today’s affirmation:

“This is what I had hoped for.”


The day gets better as the day progresses. From the insecure feeling you have early on, to the full on faith in the future and its glorious possibilities. If anyone dares you, you have a plan on hand that shuts them up… You surprise them with your tenacity and spurts of genius.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am here to stay.”


Tough issues need a conclusion. Pick yourself up by your boot straps, and announce that this is not something you intend to linger on any further. Tell whomever is involved that you have had enough mulling over this. That they need to get to a conclusion and get it over with already.

Today’s affirmation:

“I need to move to new pastures.”


Not everyone gets in line to do as you ask them to, matter of fact they can be quite contrary. Let the day pick up momentum before you settle this, and do it with utmost respect. When you speak respectfully, you get it back in return. You find who is interested in the same things as you.

Today’s affirmation:

“I can’t force you into this.”


You roll up your sleeves as soon as you get up and greet the day enthusiastically. You may have even had dreams about the job you have to complete today. The pay is better than you anticipate, but that will come later, of course. No one is more qualified to get this done. Be confident.

Today’s affirmation:

“Let’s do this.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will show skeptics who may think that you don’t know what you are doing, that indeed you do know what you are doing. You are in a great shape to start on something big. Something that will inspire you for years to come, and which will allow you to take the risks that will affect your life long term. Go out on a limb, life is short and start that something big. The universe will support you as long as you are open to suggestions and opportunities.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon enters Capricorn at 7:07 AM EDT.

The Moon makes an excellent angle with Uranus, conjoins Saturn and makes an easy angle with Venus.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day











for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star


September 16, 2018


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



In the coming week on Tuesday, as much as you expect your schedule to be going smoothly, you will find that you will have to learn how to be flexible more than ever. If you do not go with the flow, you will feel highly stresses and frustrated at having to go in so many direction at once. Give thanks that you will have a busy week, and enjoy a bountiful schedule. As Mercury will enter Libra on Friday and the Sun enters Libra on Saturday, you will begin to make money that will justify your busy life. You will have to make time for light exercise, and a healthy diet. The last thing you need is to stress your body and mind.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“I take life as it comes.”


In the coming week, on Tuesday, ready or not, you will have an itch to try things you have been thinking about. Regardless of the outcome, you just may get out there and do it. It could be a very foolish thing on your part. The best advice is for you to try it after the weekend, when Mercury will enter your sign on Friday, and the Sun will enter your sign on Saturday. The universe will be more on your side than ever before, and a month long of good fortune will begin. Until then, see if you can have the upper hand and command over your mind, and over your actions. Sometimes to wait is the smart thing to do.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“Are we there yet, mommy?”


In the coming week, be aware to not forcefully make too many demands on Tuesday, which have been on your mind regarding someone who you think owes you. Maybe they do and maybe they don’t, but your Karma is more important than anything anyone owes you. Being patient and kind does a lot more good than getting your way, in the way you will this week. When Mercury will enter Libra on Friday and the Sun will enter Libra on Saturday, you will have a lot more foresight and insight to understand, and you will be happy you didn’t insist upon whatever is was that was going on in your mind.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“The waiting is the hardest part.”


In the coming week, on Tuesday, you will need to keep away from gossip like you would keep away from a plague. There will be no way for you to win an argument to which there is clearly, someone’s honor in the balance. Mercury will enter Libra on Friday and the Sun will enter Libra on Saturday, which is when you will begin to relax from the stressful week of getting yourself in trouble with your mouth. And after which you can begin to have a month long of socializing, and calling up on your friends with the objective of enjoying life.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“Oh, me my big mouth!”


In the coming week and especially on Tuesday, you will be itching to do the things you have been planning, maybe even scheming to do this past summer. It will go against your cautious nature, and unfortunately, you won’t spare any expense, and to heck with the consequences. But you have to do what you have to do, and most likely won’t heed any advice. Mercury will enter Libra on Friday and the Sun will enter Libra on Saturday, and from that point on, you will be focused on getting your business, in order and get back to doing things in an orderly manner.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“Am I hurting anyone with my actions?”


In the coming week, on Tuesday, try not to get entangled in situations that don’t have an exit sign at the end of which. It is much better to let go of any and all entanglements with someone who wants you to do their bidding for them. It is best you seek peace at all costs, even when someone declares war on you, and you can respond with more force than they can. Mercury will enter Libra on Friday and the Sun will enter Libra on Saturday, and that is when you will have the opportunity to spread your wings with a lot less opposition to your ideas, and you will be able to make new plans which you will then be able to carry out with a happy heart.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“Force never got anyone happiness.”


In the coming week on Tuesday, you will have to make sure to keep things which do not belong out in the open form, from getting out, or you will have to run damage control, when you get in trouble for divulging that which had to be top secret. Mercury will enter Libra on Friday and the Sun will enter Libra on Saturday, and then you will begin to feel a power to delve into your psyche and to begin internal work which will allow you to gather the confidence you may have been lacking. It will allow you to tackle things you have left behind, and which you want to revive into your life now.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“Some things are sacred.”


In the coming week you will not care much about your financial standing, especially on Tuesday, as you will spend foolishly and impulsively, and worry about the consequences later. Hopefully this spending spree will have to do with something worthwhile. Mercury will enter Libra on Friday and the Sun will enter Libra on Saturday, and will bring your attention to the positive partnerships you have, and place the emphasis to working on all types of relationships. Get closer to your boss and get yourself on Tinder to find new love prospects.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“Is this a worthwhile cause?”


In the coming week, on Tuesday, you will seek to have complete control over your environment and everyone in it. You know that that is not possible nor desirable, so you might as well not act in a manner that will bite your nose to spite your face. You may get control over the masses, but they will resent and hold harsh feelings towards you. Mercury will enter Libra on Friday and the Sun will enter Libra on Saturday, and you will cool off and get possession of your sense considerably, and enjoy going back to your daily chores and calmer routine.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“Hmm, to have complete control? It’s tempting, lol…”


In the coming week you will find that someone is doing stuff behind your back. You may not be pleased to be duped so, but you will have to ask yourself if it was really your problem or your business in the first place. The only way to a happy life is to decide not to be affected by situations just like this one. Mercury will enter Libra on Friday and the Sun will enter Libra on Saturday, and you will find that you will be happy to let go of all nerve wrecking situations which have presided, and to begin a very happy time of the year for you. For the next month you will enjoy creative endeavors and an atmosphere of bon-vivant. You will feel a whole lot more care free and unencumbered by the daily grind of life.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“This is not my concern.”


In the coming week your rebellious nature will come out, on Tuesday, when you see an injustice taking place. Someone may have it in for you, and you will have very little control over how you handle the situation. Of course, to let go of it, will be the wisest thing, but you will stand up for yourself regardless. Mercury will enter Libra on Friday and the Sun will enter Libra on Saturday, which will delight you, as you will get back to being the homebody you enjoy being so much. You won’t have to entertain as much, and will enjoy sprucing up your home and cozying up in your kitchen, for the next month.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“I would like to put my feet up.”


In the coming week, especially on Tuesday, the planets promise some incredible opportunity which you must give respect and pay attention to. Someone who is pushy may insist upon your looking into this opportunity, and you will rebel because of the pressure you will feel. But you need to not let any stone unturned, without giving it a fair shake. Mercury will enter Libra on Friday and the Sun will enter Libra on Saturday, and will occupy a zone in your horoscope that will get you out and about, to look at your surrounding neighborhood with new eyes, and you will find new places to hang out and have fun in.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“I handle every opportunity respectfully.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will have a very clear way of looking at your life and to make decisions which are based on that clarity of mind. You will make adjustments and finish up on things which are the only ones are holding you back from going forward with your life. You may decide to change your place of living altogether and to find a new home, perhaps even out of your state. Or you may decide to create a business, in the near future, right out of your home and you will knock down and build new walls to accommodate your plans.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Sagittarius.

The Moon makes a hard angle with Neptune

Mercury makes an easy angle with Jupiter.

The Moon makes a hard angle with Mercury and a hard angle with the Sun.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day











for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star



September 15, 2018


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Today’s positive: A little indulgence is a good thing.

Today’s negative: Being a brat is not…


Today’s positive: To seek the wisdom of an elder person.

Today’s negative: Unwanted topics arise.


Today’s positive: Social activities.

Today’s negative: Assuming a leading position.


Today’s positive: Business negotiations.

Today’s negative: Being sarcastic.


Today’s positive: You find solutions to old problems.

Today’s negative: Looking for solitude is difficult.


Today’s positive: Internal growth.

Today’s negative: Hanging on to the past.


Today’s positive: Business and pleasure go hand in hand.

Today’s negative: Thinking you deserve others’ assistance.


Today’s positive: Defining career goals.

Today’s negative: Being a know it all.


Today’s positive: Romance is a driving force.

Today’s negative: Don’t give up on your dreams.


Today’s positive: Passion in a relationship.

Today’s negative: Being overly demanding.


Today’s positive: Family gathering and laughter.

Today’s negative: Being uncooperative.


Today’s positive: Precise goals bring financial positive results.

Today’s negative: Getting lost in the details.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will find brilliant ways to create your future. You will want to have a balanced life of business of work and play, and you won’t accept one without the other. Go to museums and enjoy musical shows. This way your work will be fulfilling and not as if your will resent what you have to do on a daily basis.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Sagittarius.

Mercury makes an excellent angle with Pluto.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day











for entertainment purposes only 


September 14, 2018


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



If you must communicate your thoughts, today is the day to do so. Never mind that you may go overboard in length and detail, but that’s just how you like it today. Your thought process goes between the realistic and the imaginative and the two intertwine into a fabric of who you are, and that is how you represent yourself.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being me.”


The urge to splurge is so powerful, it’s nearly impossible to put some sense into you about it. So go ahead and get that possession you simply can’t live without. The problem is that you may be diverting from what is really at the core of this: there are emotional issues you are trying to avoid, and which are easier to forget about at the mall.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being a child at heart.”


You are confident outwardly and are ready to take on the world, when a ping of uncertainty comes around to knock you off your feet. Are you going to feed into it? What you need to do is to get in touch with a BFF, and hash it out with someone who can tell you that you are underestimating yourself. Don’t be so hard on yourself

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for learning about more facets of myself.”


You are at the top of your game and have bit more than you can chew. There is unrest in your soul. But there is no reason to get down in the dumps, when you can’t even put your finger on it. Could it be that you are trying to get your way, and that you may be even insisting, and on a day where you clearly are not getting your way?

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for learning how to internalize my thoughts.”


The way you present yourself to the world be it on social media or in your own circle of friends, is important to you. If there are things you want to change in how you represent yourself, then today is the day to make these changes be it if they are subtle ones, or if you want to make a complete one eighty.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having the bravery to make changes.”


You are a natural born leader and as such, these days you intend to get started but you find it difficult to decide in which direction you have to go. You have the right to change your mind and try many ways, before you can settle on the correct one. It’s a lack of trying that you will regret. So go on and try something new and over the top today.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for throwing mucho spaghetti on that wall…”


To work on your relationship takes time and effort. Today’s chart wheel suggests that you need to take time off to go for a hike, or get on your bike, or grab a cup of coffee or meet up for an early weekend date that includes sight-seeing from a double decker tourist bus. Point out places of interest for future visits.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my curious mind.”  


Your intensity is so powerful that you make people stand up and pay notice to you. Your attention to detail sets you head and shoulder above and beyond the rest. Watch them change their minds, and give you a hand shake that all is forgiven and forgotten. A Friday night date has all the elements of mystery and intense sensual overtones. 

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the mystery of life.”


You make an early start on the weekend, and desire to have fun with your loved one. Go out and listen to music played at a local hang out, and enjoy the love in your heart. Your ambitious nature has been taking priority over anything lately, and you need to have some down time with company that brings out the fun side of you.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for trying to find balance in my life.”


You have been elated that things are making concrete changes, but today you are at the down turn of a cycle. So what are you going to do about it? Throw in the towel and declare that you‘ve had enough? Do the things that seem trivial, like cleaning your environment and which will make you happy in a simple kind of way.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the little things in life.”


You get an early start on the weekend, and find that you want to go out on the town, get dressed up and express in a creative way. You want to let off some steam, but don’t forget to do so in a sensible way, of course. You won’t even care how you are being perceived because you have a rebellious streak about you that has no bounds.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for finding the rebellious in me.”


You ought not to measure everything by its material value. You find that personal relationships are elusive these days, and you can easily feel misunderstood and that conflicts arise from unexpected places. Bring your boss his/hers favorite kind of latte, and bring your sweetheart a bouquet of roses just because it’s Friday. Is there any better reason?…

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the things still I have to learn.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will want to learn new hobbies, find ways to expand on your knowledge about subjects of interest to you. You will grow spiritually. You will seek privacy but find that you are always surrounded by people. You will learn to be happy in  the circumstance presented to you. You will want to dot all the I’s and cross all the T’s, but find that it’s near impossible to do anything to perfection, and that the pursuit of perfection will only set you back. Take things as they come, and be a listener of nature and what signs are sent your way.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon in Scorpio makes an easy angle with the Sun

The Mon enters Sagittarius at 8:44 PM EDT.

The Moon makes an easy angle with Mars.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day











for entertainment purposes only 


September 13, 2018


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



When you look at yourself you see too many negatives today. You may think that a perfect specimen is supposed to stare back at you, but you have to be less judgmental and more alert to your surroundings. Not everything is what it seems to be. You are your own worst enemy today.

Today’s affirmation:

“I shouldn’t be so hard on myself.”


Retail therapy can get a grip on your imagination, if you don’t like to look deep within you, and are looking for an escape mechanism. You don’t need the shmattas you are about to acquire. What you need is to accept who you are. Find other ways to pamper yourself.

Today’s affirmation:

“I forgive myself.”


The Moon is in your sign and you rule the day. You may think that you know everything about a specific creative project, and you find it not a problem to declare so. There must be something you are missing in the equation? Concentrate on what you still have to learn. Show humility you to the group involved.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am one part of a whole.”


You seem to be scattered all over your office. But before you blame anyone else for the confusion, understand that it may be your own inner clock telling you to skip from one subject to the next. Perhaps you are dissatisfied with your performance and need to redo everything?

Today’s affirmation:

“It’s ok to rethink stuff.”


When you hear gossip about anyone, run for your life. You don’t want to be a part of anything that can harm someone else, and for what? For the sake of having fun at the expense of another human? Take the high road and show compassion where none is coming their way.

Today’s affirmation:

“I take the high road.”


Your energy is high yet there are snags in the movement. You want to breeze though some issues, there are indications that you have to pay close attention to the finances which deal with not only your money but those who partner with you in the project. Untangle future mix ups.

Today’s affirmation:

“I have eyes all over my head.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You have dreams about someone else that you may want to incorporate into your life. You would like to see a collaboration but as it stands today, you are way too harsh on the expectations and may be disappointed with the results. You have to give them another chance to prove themselves.

Today’s affirmation:

“Everyone deserves a second chance.”


You are busy being yourself and trying to see how high you can go in your career. But today, it’s the small detail that can trip you up. When you have to perform a task, give yourself extra time. You don’t want to jeopardize your place in the sun because you weren’t paying attention.

Today’s affirmation:

“There is too much at stake.”


This is a fine day to have fun with friends and to get lost in a world of make believe. You still have to tell the truth as you see it, but not at the expense of a relationship that stood the test of time. You don’t have to go out on a limb for anyone. But be understanding and compassionate.

Today’s affirmation:

“I can tell between fact and fiction.”


Nothing happens overnight. You may want to hurry through your chores, but the more you hurry the slower the pace becomes, because it’s difficult to get the basic needs met. Perhaps there is a shortage in the fundamental supplies, and or you have to make do with minimal cooperation.

Today’s affirmation:

“It’s one step at a time.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Your vivid imagination can make you into the greatest fiction writer of all times, or get your nutty out with information you can’t believe you hear. Believe half of what you see and certainly none of what you hear. You don’t have to make up your mind.

Today’s affirmation:

“I watch and take mental notes.”


Monetary issue take precedence, as you have to make sure that your bank account is balanced and that no hanky panky is going on there. You don’t have to spend money on credit, when you are not sure if you have it to pay at the end of the month. Don’t get involved in a loan today. 

Today’s affirmation:

“I am grateful for what I have.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will see life in rose colored glasses, and be a little bit more gullible.   You don’t have to defend your decisions, even though they will be a little fairytale-ish. You will look for the good in every situation, and hopefully you find that special place in the Sun. You will be super involved with your family dynamics. You may find that you work with them, and be asked to mediate a dispute between the persons involved. It will be a challenge not to take one side over the other, and to stay neutral.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Scorpio.

The Moon makes an easy angle with Mercury and an excellent angle with Neptune.

Mercury makes a hard angle with Neptune.

The Moon makes an easy angle with Pluto.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day











for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star


September 12, 2018


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



You come off as having very little patience today. So in order to get back on track, expect the unexpected, and expect it to be on the positive side of things, not the negative. The end result has a positive potential. Situations can get out of hand only when you allow yourself to say things that will make you want to take them back. Sensor your own words before you utter them.

Today’s affirmation:

“Nothing is as serious as all that.”


You have been in a reflective mood, and come up with a solution that just seems to pop out to nowhere. You may want to believe that it’s a historical event, that now you know the truth about such and such. In effect, chances are that you will change your mind tomorrow. So don’t make a life altering phone call just yet. Let it simmer in your mind first. Give the idea a chance to breath.

Today’s affirmation:

“I hold my horses.”


You don’t like it when someone stands in the way of progress. Your progress. Normally, you can be silent about it, until today, when you find that silence is not an option. But at the same time, you have to rethink your approach. Admonishing this person about it will be something you most likely will regret. You don’t need anyone to help you unless their heart is one hundred into it.

Today’s affirmation:

“Let’s not quarrel.”


Someone you do business with has a unique way of riling you up? You try to avoid the culprit, but they pop up again and again like a bad penny? Keep ignoring the situation. Keep steadfast and go out for a little walk around the park, for a few minutes. Meditation will clear it all up. It really isn’t worth all the fuss, when in the end, it was all about nothing.

Today’s affirmation:

“What is wrong with what’s his//her name?”


You are creative beyond belief, take this creative force and put in into good use. In addition to the ideas flowing through you, you also can galvanize on the colorfulness of your dreams. But should you create a mess out of expectations aimed at your colleagues, thinking that they have to see things just as vividly as you do, the whole thing may just disappear into thin air.

Today’s affirmation:

“These are my dreams to process.”


Your energy level is picking up at an alarming pace. You may find yourself out of breath with excitement. There is great potential in someone pulling you along to the heights of the pyramid. That is where danger lies, that all have to do is to snap your fingers and people will just come running. This is a sure way to disappoint the ones who are there for you, in the background.

Today’s affirmation:

“I rejoice in my progress, and stay humble.”


It’s all at the tip of your tongue. Whatever comes out of your lips carries a sense of shock attached to it. Are you doing it for attention? Or is it something that just surfaced? A sudden realization about someone closest to you that is so irritating you can’t let it go? Wait a few days before you bring the subject back up. What’s the point? It really isn’t that important in the end. 

Today’s affirmation:

“Much ado about nothing.”


You try to concentrate and to stay on topic. You try to do your best and be helpful to those who lag behind. When suddenly, there is a wave of emotions sweeping you that you don’t understand its origin. A personal situation that threatens to destroy your sense of time management about a project, calling you to look elsewhere. But don’t fall of it! Stay the course.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am the one who controls over my emotions.”


You have the drive to do whatever you please. It can clash with your loved one. In order to keep things status quo and to keep peace above all else, you have to consider that you are not an island all on your own. What you do effects those who are nearest and dearest. You can uplift and get closer, by doing something that just the two of you would enjoy doing. Choose to be playful.

Today’s affirmation:

“There is time for career and time for play.”


And here you thought that everything between you two was hot and heavy, when suddenly it comes to a halt. You wanted this love affair to continue, but it may be cooling off with the weather. But before you try to tackle this head on, sleep on it a couple of days. It may heat up again. There is nothing about today, that is permanent, or worth losing sleep over.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am taking things too seriously.”


You have so many emotions to talk about. Your communication skills are so good now, and your gentle way brings a cooperative respond, when urgent resentment creeps up from the bottom of your belly and lodges in your throat. What is that sudden change of heart? You cannot throw a tantrum and expect to be rewarded for it. There is no reason to say anything or to push anything. 

Today’s affirmation:

“Time is on my side.”


You want nothing more than to see your home a happy place. Your heartbeat lives there, so when things get churned up, it upsets you. The reality is that you have to devote most of your time to your business today, which may be where the conflict comes from. As long as you spend some time with your family, you can make some surprising progress in your career as well.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am trying to please everyone!”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will break down any wall that stands in your way, and go around any barrier to get to your goal. You may not take the diplomatic route to go about things, but there are exciting places to see and exciting prospects to follow, and you just can’t help yourself, and you wish that it doesn’t ruffle anyone’s feathers. You want peace to remain and friendships to enjoy. You have the opportunity to publish a book or have a way to be heard on YouTube or in your blog that will endear the public.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

Jupiter makes an easy angle with Pluto.

Venus makes a hard angle with Uranus.

The Moon enters Scorpio at 2:14 PM EDT.

The Moon makes a hard angle with Mars, a hard angle with Uranus, conjoins Venus, and makes an easy angle with Saturn.

Venus makes an easy angle with Saturn.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day











for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star


September 11, 2018


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Things are develop naturally as you focus on your daily ‘making a buck’. Pay attention to where you see situations develop and notice how they are extremely in your favor. The world is in the midst of changing, and the universe is sweeping you along to a great opportunity. Your daring spirit is eager to take flight.

Today’s affirmation:

“I keep on rolling on this changing day in my life.”


The Moon is in your sign and you rule the day. You think you deserve accolades, and if you don’t see them materialize, you go to extremes to see what can be done about it. But Karma is what brought you to this point, so put your trust in nature to bring you to higher grounds when your soul is ready. If it’s ready, today can bring you into the presence of admiring eyes.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am a work in progress.”


You have a way about you today that blesses you with the ability to find the pulse in the group you are connected with. When a meeting is called, you understand where you want the priorities to shift to. But you mustn’t press there. Let the conversation flow, and see if you can have a meaningful impact.

Today’s affirmation:

“Big changes can only happen with a gentle touch.”


An opportunity which will bring a pay-off of great magnitude, may be knocking at your door. How resilient are you in recognizing the signs of expansion? It may seem like an exaggeration when you first lay eyes on said opportunity, however, if your Karma is good, the sky is the limit.

Today’s affirmation:

“I keep my ears to the ground.”


Transforming Pluto in your sign now, makes a magnificent angle with the Sun and lifts you out of whatever has been a burden and into the endless possibilities that are God’s making. Put your faith out there and don’t look back. You can meet inspiring people and who can shift you into your next way of life.

Today’s affirmation:

“I go with the grand plan of life.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Things are happening below the surface. They have a personal development meaning, and can only be seen in private, with no one’s eyes peering at you. Deep seated desires of where you want to see yourself, may be only known to you, but they are great revelations. Think happiness and it will come to you.

Today’s affirmation:

“It’s up to me to choose happiness or sadness.”


Relationships and partnership always continue to evolve. You have to allow some change to happen, without your wanting to keep things as they always have been. It’s natural to be fearful of change, but it’s the only constant we have. Let go of fear, and see that the future is much brighter.

Today’s affirmation:

“The only thing that never changes is change itself.”


Relationships are highlighted. Your practical use of the tools are available to you, make you the hero. You come to the rescue of a problem, solve it, and find that you may up for a promotion because of your talent today. A powerful day to show your abilities and your pragmatism.

Today’s affirmation:

“This is why I hold a position of leadership.”


When there is a ripe apple on the table, bite into it. And when you see where your life is taking you, and it’s towards a good place, take a chance and go for it. You don’t mind to invest your time and to work hard to achieve goals which are now at your fingertips.

Today’s affirmation:

“I take advantage of God given opportunities.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. This may be the changing day you have been waiting for. You may, finally, come to grips with the idea that all you have been worried about is truly beyond your control, and now you come to terms with the new life and a new attitude you are facing. It’s as if a cloud is lifting, if you just allow the sunshine in.

Today’s affirmation:

“I open the drapes and allow the sunshine our in.”


Your core beliefs are driving you to say what is on your mind. When in a partnership, you find it difficult to not say anything, when something is clearly on your mind. The truth has a way of coming to the surface, might as well be on a day when you are committed to speaking your truth.

Today’s affirmation:

“This is how I see the situation.”


You are razor sharp and focused on the daily goals you set for yourself. This is a transformative day when you show your capacity for exactitude. Your command over your work is remarkable and puts you in the good graces of those who count, to line your wallet with cash.

Today’s affirmation:

“This may be a gold mine.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will find that you have opportunities, the likes of which are very difficult to come by any other year, but which will show themselves to you now. Take advantage of this prime time, even when or if you find that you have to try things on your own. You may shock some by your sudden independence and tenacity, but they will see that it actually goes along with your personality, and that your willingness to try is commendable. You might find love when you aren’t even looking.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Libra.

The Sun makes an easy angle with Jupiter and an excellent angle with Pluto.

The Moon makes a hard angle with Pluto.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day













for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star