Monthly Archives: September 2018

September 10, 2018


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



With Mars changing signs, you will suddenly be more in demand than ever. Pace yourself or you will find that life feels like a whirlwind. It is best that you rely on yourself today, as people may not be as stable as you would like them to be. It’s a good thing that you are sharp and ready.

Today’s affirmation:

“I can handle everything.”


Your creativity level will sky rocket as Mars enters a creative zone which will make you happy to be able to get your projects done quickly, and with wonderful, visually exciting results. When you have to spend money to see things get off the ground, you will also be able to get the investment back.

Today’s affirmation:

“Money makes money.”


Why are you down on the shape your home is in? Domestic bliss can erupt into squabbles between two lovers, because of trivial situations in your place of dwelling. Sometimes a messy place is a happy place, at least you can tell yourself that it’s so…

Today’s affirmation:

“I don’t always have to have things my way…”


Sometimes things take their own course, and leave you gasping for air. Psychological help is a good thing to seek now, if you have issues that you need help with. Your mind is set on your business, but your mental well being ought to be your priority as well.

Today’s affirmation:

“I seek balance.”


You will start to calm down considerably, now that Mars is leaving your sign. You will be able to take these grand plans and to finally, be able to start to see them come to fruition. Put one foot in front of the other, and don’t do anything in a hurried way. Why mess up a good start?

Today’s affirmation:

“Finally, my efforts begin to make sense.”


Mars enters your sign for the second time this year, and will remain there until November 15. Things will be hectic and wonderful at the same time. Get ready to get busy and to have to look your best, as all eyes will be on you. Things that came to a standstill will get going again. You will love to be seen and heard.

Today’s affirmation:

“I dance my way through the pressure.”


You will find it difficult to get today started, because you will find yourself having to deal with unexpected setbacks in the way that you see your life suddenly. Reflection is a good thing, but not at the expense of your livelihood, when you have to concentrate on the machination of your priorities.

Today’s affirmation:

“I have to get my head straight.”


You will become the major attraction whether or not you would like to. And that is just the point, sometimes you will enjoy being asked to be a guest at every occasion, but sometimes you will come to resent the attention. Look at it in another way: You can see this as upcoming networking opportunities.

Today’s affirmation:

“I do have to look my best…”


Your ambitious nature will get a boost, as Mars enters your career zone. Whatever delayed experiences and missed opportunities, which were outside of your control, will be back on the front burner. Get ready to have enough energy to handle the limelight and the cheering of the crowd. 

Today’s affirmation:

“I was born ready.”


You feel reborn as if you are coming out of a dream, or for some of you a nightmare of sorts. You are waking up to a new reality, one where you have the right to stretch your wings in a way that you haven’t allowed yourself to experience. You are excited about the newness of the way you feel.

Today’s affirmation:

“My mind is clearer.”


You don’t have to have twenty twenty vision, to get on the ball and take a chance. You find that you are self sufficient enough to ride the wild ride of life, and to show everyone that you can walk a tightrope without the help of a net. If you are looking for excitement, you surely can find it now.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am ready for a challenge.”


You will be focused on partnerships which you have tried to get together, but which have had a few glitches preventing it from happening. But now, you can approach those situations with more confidence that they will fall into place. Mars enters your relationship zone and things will heat up your love life.

Today’s affirmation:

“Let’s give it another try.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will become a miracle worker in the way you take over any situation that needs a hero. You will tend to your work, and go through everything in lightning speed, and then find the time to help those who need your attention. You will be generous towards others, without neglecting your own needs. Your philanthropic nature will come out to play. You will have to find ways to expel some left over energy which will be abundant.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon in Virgo makes an excellent angle with Mars.

The Moon enters Libra at 11:19 AM EDT.

The Moon makes a hard angle with Saturn.

Mars enters Aquarius.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day











for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star


September 9, 2018


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will find that rarely have the planets been as kind as to give you the opportunities you to start fresh with the New Moon today. You will have an adventurous spirit, who will be willing to take risks at a moment’s notice. You will be able to reshape your life in an easy and strategic way. You will have what it takes to evolve, but you will have to believe in yourself first. And to do that, you will be on a journey to self discovery. If you meet a romantic possibility, you will have to think before you leap.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Virgo.

Venus enters Scorpio.

The Moon makes a hard angle with Neptune.

The Moon conjoins the Sun: New Moon at 2:01 PM EDT.

The Moon makes an easy angle with Jupiter and an excellent angle with Pluto.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day











for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star



September 8, 2018


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Today’s positive: You’re super generous.

Today’s negative: Romance is way off the wall.


Today’s positive: Recharge, and enjoy your privacy.

Today’s negative: Beware of a domestic capricious flare up.


Today’s positive: Hanging out with friends.

Today’s negative: The end of a summer romantic hook up.


Today’s positive: You are a commanded team player.

Today’s negative: Are you being forced into spending money?


Today’s positive: Thinking of a new direction.

Today’s negative: Are you giving away the store??  


Today’s positive: Get financial advice.

Today’s negative: You don’t have to quit…


Today’s positive: Slowing down and enjoy good company.

Today’s negative: Love can cause you anguish.


Today’s positive: Going overboard for your family.

Today’s negative: Love is too hot to handle.


Today’s positive: Give your mind a rest…

Today’s negative: You don’t have to give up on love.


Today’s positive: Home matters take precedence.

Today’s negative: Self indulgence to the extreme.


Today’s positive: Conversation ignites your interest.

Today’s negative: Is someone romantically disloyal to you?


Today’s positive: Financially solid day.

Today’s negative: Health issue needs to be nipped at the bud.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will get a new fresh start in life. You may find yourself in a surrounding that is very different than the life you have been used to. You are going to embrace and enjoy these changes, because you have been hoping to transform your life, and you have been working towards it. You will go overboard with lavishing gifts on someone you love, but be careful not to drain your bank account on frivolities…

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon in Leo makes an easy angle with Venus.

 The Moon enters Virgo at 10 28 AM EDT.

The Moon makes an excellent angle with Uranus and an excellent angle with Saturn.

Venus makes a hard angle with Mars.

The Moon conjoins Mercury.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day











for entertainment purposes only 


September 7, 2018


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



There is a sense of elation that overcomes you, combined with where you stand in this world, and your capabilities and talents, shines its light on you. Within it, you ought to not trust as deeply as you may be trusting today. Give people a chance to show their true identity again in the next few days. Don’t take their words for granted. Only then will you know if they mean what they say. Today, listen but only believe half of what you hear. Their slippery slope attitude and words match their insecurities and unsureness. You have a new chance in life, but today be on guard.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the newly chance in life I have now!”


Your work place is no picnic today, but if you keep your mind open to the idea that not everything is at it seems, you can dance your way out of situations which make you feel like you are drowning in BS. For one thing, don’t believe what you see and what you here there. And for another, you are deep in thought about other issues that have nothing to do with your mundane life. You are thinking about the next step. Ask yourself: Are you planning or scheming? The first will lead to positive results, the latter will get you in trouble.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being allowed to think my private thoughts.”


You are super creative. Hurry up and grab your color pencils or turn on the app that allows you to come up with some of your best creative and colorful doodles. Think up the best campaign slogan, and make sure to save it. The way to get it into being used in the real world, is by your tenacity and steadfastness. Which thank goodness you possess loads of today. However, when the group you associate with decides to put their two cents into your creative project, that where all the problems arise…

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for standing my ground.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You are not a gullible person by nature, but today you most certainly are. You want to believe what you want to believe where it comes to your business, so it is easy for someone to pull the wool right over your eyes and to sell you something that you can’t move or resale. However, the joke may be on them, when you surprise everyone and manage to sell it for a bigger profit than the wisecracking individual gave you credit for…

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being an underestimated talent.”


While you are moving forward now, but there is a snag as soon as you got your freedom? Your destination is not one to be trusted today. Don’t make that reservation to go on to that destination just yet, and don’t call the U Haul moving company to move you from point A to point B just yet. Mull it over in your fertile imagination. Let the kinks out of the grand plan. Think of the annoying details, yes you have to… It’s in the details, that you find your answer. Sleep on it, allow the information to simmer in you a little longer. Read the fine print. 

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for taking my time in making major decisions.”


Before you unload that piece of real estate, or an item of great value, stop! Today is not the day to do this. You can get much more for it than you are offered. And even if you won’t get that much more in a future date, today will create a sale situation with never ending complications. The back and forth will wear you down. This needs to be a day of ‘stand-still’ for you. The less you do, the better off you will be in the future. The question is: Can you sit on your hands and do nothing? Unless you are running away from something, and don’t care about making a profit, then this is the day for you, to get the heck out!

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for taking a day off!”


Your ruler Neptune makes its annual opposition to the Sun, and shines the light on you, in relation to your important relationships. You communicate with such ease, and with such personal style that you can charm, the pants off anyone who is interested in you romantically, and anyone who hopes to have a professional partnership with you. However, you will find that you may be putting your eggs in a duplicitous basket. Ask yourself: Is this really in my favor?

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being such a charmer.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Your health is in question today. Mysterious illnesses lurk around. The less you stress your brain, the less a dis-ease can get a hold on you. So how can this be one of the best days of the month for you? By taking into account what is said here. Prepare a cleansing, healthy meal. Sit in meditation, turn off the air conditioner, and enjoy some fresh air. Exercise, but only lightly. This way you will be ahead of the game, and use the wisdom of the planets to your advantage. 

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for taking care of my health first.”


Let the good time roll! You are the life of the party and you love the attention and the dramatic flair you bring into any room. The outfit you choose is over the top and when you look in the mirror, you like what you see. Have a good time, but you have to place your own boundaries on it. It’s Friday and this evening you can get sucked into a party that may never end! Be careful that no one plows you with alcohol and then leaves you to catch a cab on your own… the bottom line message for today is: Don’t go overboard at work, or at home or anywhere. It’s not necessary.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for sharpening my brain to use common sense.”


You may be the voice of reason in a chaotic situation at the work place, and it’s not because you recognize the confusing element, which is oblivious to you as well as anyone else. It’s because you are busy getting yourself out of an unrelated uncomfortable mental place, which has been hard on your emotions. However, the two issues combine into you saving the day, if you keep your cool and prove how riveting your conversationalist you are. You may even sell a refrigerator to an Eskimo…

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being such a magnificent communicator.”


Before you enroll in that autumn class, give it another day or two to seep into your conscience. You may not need this information after all. On the other hand, you can have super loving conversations (however overly lengthy and drawn out), with someone important to you. As long as you keep to the truth, which is something difficult to get to today, and which is an exercise in futility, but if you possibly can, you will come to a pure as snow understanding. However, you have to be careful and only believe half of what you hear…Complicated? You bet!

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for not falling for BS.”


The Moon is in your sign and you rule the day. On the one hand you are powerful and on top of your game. On the other hand, you may not get your way if you Demand on going somewhere. Keep a majorly important conversation of promotion for well into next week. Keep reading here and stay tuned, for the right time for that to happen. Meanwhile, try not to whip your finances into shape today, as things can get complicated for no reason at all. Your mind is wandering and you are not as focused as you can be. Walk on eggshells, be nice to your neighbors and everyone you know, and be humble.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for listening to the message of the times.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will have to exercise patience in everything you do. Your enthusiasm is a wonderful thing, but use it to finish up on projects that have been neglected. Listen to your heart but don’t act on it, yet. Just keep your desires on the back burner. Nothing worthwhile comes quickly or easily. Enjoy the journey with all its colors and shades.

Good luck and god bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Leo.

Mercury makes an excellent angle with Uranus.

Mercury makes an excellent angle with Saturn.

The Sun makes a hard angle with Neptune.

The Moon makes a hard angle with Jupiter.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day











for entertainment purposes only 


September 6, 2018


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Where there has been is a lack of decision from those with whom you work, to let you take the risks you like to take, with have the brave soul you possess. Now, as Saturn goes in direct motion again, clarity comes into the play. In romance, you needed the personal understanding, of who is good for you, in a realistic way. The impractical experience left its imprint, you are the wiser.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am on the path to greatness.”


Your domestic situation has been on the front burner, churning away and threatening the peace in your home. Today’s direct motion by Saturn is the beginning to get this thing back on the right track. If someone has been invited into your fold, and outlasted the welcome mat, you have the courage to face the situation and get your home back to your own domain and control.

Today’s affirmation:

“I sage my home and clear the vibes.”


You have thought that you know where you have been heading, when in April, you have suddenly lost the grip on the rudder on the boat and have been floating without having any control over your vessel. Today, as Saturn goes direct motion again, there’s a sense of relief that you can again, take the front seat in your life and set your plans in motion again, uninterrupted.

Today’s affirmation:

“There is a reason for everything!”


You have a sense of relief that you can get back on track. That you can manage your bank account and you know that it’s time to set a budget. You have lost control since April, and have been spending money like a drunken sailor, and as of today you have had enough! You will be able to get your bank account to calm down with the spending, and get your confidence back.  

Today’s affirmation:

“I am taking my life back!”


Saturn has entered your sign in December 2017 and your life has never been the same. Whatever you have been planning and working on has hit a snag since April, and you have had to climb an uphill battle. You haven’t swerved in an inch, but you also have been thwarted in your attempt to make great strides forward. Saturn moving direct again, sets you on good footing again.

Today’s affirmation:

“It’s onward and upward from here.”  


You are going through a healing time in your life. It started in December 2017. But the slippery slope has intensified since April. You are questioning the reason you are doing what you are doing, questioning the reason you have chosen the path you have been treading on your whole life. It’s natural to get to this stage in life, and you ought to embrace its inevitable consequences.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am a work in progress.”


Growing up you thought that the people who are there at the beginning will be the same people you will be attracted to always and a day. Not! And since April, you have had to rethink the ones you are in contact with daily. Saturn goes direct motion today, and you need to find new associations to hitch your star to. Find people who are better then you, so you can grow.

Today’s affirmation:

“I hitch my wagon to a star.”


Career delays have been plaguing your progress ever since April when Saturn went retrograde, slowing your down yet causing you to choose your priorities. Today, Saturn goes direct again, you can get back on the path of the narrow and precise direction. You won’t fall off the cliff, since you have managed to stay on course, except that it has been difficult to achieve your goals.

Today’s affirmation:

“Watch out, here I come!”


The entire trajectory of your life will begin to take shape and form again. Saturn in an earth sign such as you is going direct motion again. The frustration since April, as to why things are difficult to attain and achieve will fade, as you can stamp the imprint of your personal outline back on track. The road up to the highest point of the mountain is clearing. Shoot for the stars!

Today’s affirmation:

“The sky is the limit.”


Lost control over your future? Time to get back in the driver’s seat and claim the direction you select, and not one dictated by someone else who is powerful in your life, that you have been in their mercy, and who has taken over since April, when your life seems to have gone off the rails. Saturn goes direct again, and the power and determination to claim your life is back again.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am taking my power back!”


Someone has been a source of pain and frustration, it may even have come as a shock to you and you may consider this person a traitor to you. Have you checked your Karmic situation here? Are you able to see your own doings that brought all this on? From today, when Saturn goes in a direct motion, you can both work through this, get on the good graces of this person and fix it.

Today’s affirmation:

“Let’s get this conflict resolved.”


You have been finding it difficult to stick to a healthy routine. Your discipline as gone out the window since April, when Saturn has gone retrograde. But today, it goes in direct motion. You again, find it easy to get to the gym and to do the right thing nutritionally. Enough with procrastination. So what if you screwed up? You are back on track and on the treadmill.

Today’s affirmation:

“Life is cyclical, and I am on the cycle back to health.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will look at your life through a microscope, and see what you have accomplished so far and what you have achieved. You will be eager to take great risks and find life exciting again. You will look to the future, and start to see that changes far on the horizon, are going to be inevitable, so you will begin to think ahead and try to set your house in order. Your love life will be just as exciting and passionate.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon in Cancer makes a hard angle with Venus.

Saturn begins its direct motion.

The Moon makes a hard angle with Mars.

The Moon enters Leo at 9:54 AM EDT.

The Moon makes a hard angle with Uranus.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day











for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star


September 5, 2018


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Mercury enters your sign later on today, to stay here until Sept. 22. You will be even pickier than ever… if that is even possible. Hopefully you have been practicing having control, over your over indulgent brain: try to meditate on turning off your mind every so often to give it a rest. The rest of us wish to not to be criticized, lol… Friendships flourish today, so have fun.

Today’s affirmation:

“Who, me, critical?”


Some people are a mystery to you and will probably stay so, no matter how much prying you may be doing. Until the 22nd of Sept, you will have a tendency to delve into issues that may be cloudy and misunderstood by you. That doesn’t mean that you will find the answers you are looking for, but that won’t stop you from trying either. Try to stay within your own perimeters.

Today’s affirmation:

“I need to mind my bees wax.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You don’t have to worry if you haven’t finished all your tasks. There has been too much on your plate, it’s ok and you don’t have to be down on yourself. Infuse a sense of humor into your day, by making sure to take time to see a friendly face and to bust out laughing for a few minutes. It will be a healing and joyous time.

Today’s affirmation:

“We only live once…”


You are in a mood today, and are gripped by indecision. You don’t like to feel overly obligated and consumed with worry. From today until Sept. 22, you will be a busy bee who will try take control over what’s going on in your business. Micromanaging will be your second name. You will have to put your trust in people who work for you, after all, you hired them…

Today’s affirmation:

“I am needlessly worried.”


Relationships are highlighted. You come to terms with the idea that some things are out of your control. You can only ask people to do so much, and they either will or they won’t. Coming to a confrontation will not earn you any points in your favor. Communication will get easier until Sept. 22, so try to discuss any situation with earnest dialogue and you will get positive results.

Today’s affirmation:

“Let’s not bicker, please.”


Until Sept. 22, you will have the pressure to see that your finances are all in shape. You have plenty of time to get into that. Take time today, to see someone special so that you can forget about problems and complications we all face every once in a while. You are placing way too much pressure on yourself. You can get physically hurt by rushing to get your obligations done.

Today’s affirmation:

“What’s the hurry?”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Your desire to let loose and have a good time overshadows anything else and can get you in some trouble with authority figures. From today until Sept. 22, you will do well to have conversations with your partners in life, be it in a romantic way or business oriented. You can come to solutions to many given problems.

Today’s affirmation:

“I have to stop fooling around today.”


You are a little confused today, looking to be a little more regimented. Roll up your sleeves and get ready to have a busy time of year. So much so, that you have to get a calendar that is large enough to be able to handle all the precise notations you will put on them. You will be a stickler for specifics and want everyone else to be as punctual as you. A tall order…

Today’s affirmation:

“I intend to get organized.”


Communication is key today. Speak up and tell your boss about how ambitious you are and what project you would like to be involved with, and be a part of. Feeling flirty and in the mood for romance? It will only intensify until Sept. 22, so get out there and enjoy mingling. Get on Match or your choice of website, and who knows, you may find your knight in shining armor.

Today’s affirmation:

“There is a fire in my belly.”


You want to do things in your home which will make a difference in the way you wake up in the morning. Bring in the sunshine, by cleaning your windows, or bring out your favorite dishes out of storage. Whatever lighten your mood, will be appreciated. You will do a lot of puttering around until Sept. 22, perhaps bring the autumn season in this early on.

Today’s affirmation:

“My home is where I seek peace.”


The Moon is in your sign and you rule the day. Your mind is wandering all over the place. Your imagination is ignited and you enjoy telling stories that can go on and on, there is not enough time to chit chat with you. Yes, you do have to get back to work, so set your alarm and set yourself boundaries which you don’t seem to possess today. Try to play by the rules.

Today’s affirmation:

“Let’s go out for coffee and chit chat…”


You are ready to move on to the next thing. You have said so loud and clear. But patience is what you need to hold on to, and in the meanwhile, you have to take care of your health and grooming. Yes, when the next chapter opens up, you want to feel your best and to look your best. Until Sept. 22, you will be up to your eyeballs in facts and figures, balancing your income.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am ready for a well-paying new project.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be a social butterfly. Friendships will be prominent on the agenda. Some of which will get stronger, but some of which will vanish from sight, and will leave you puzzled as to why? You will dissect all and every situation, and will have to learn not to try to understand everything that humans simply are not meant to comprehend. Allow things to grow organically without you trying to manipulate them into shape.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Cancer.

The Moon makes an easy angle with the Sun, an excellent angle with Neptune, an excellent angle with Jupiter and a hard angle with Pluto.

Mercury enters Virgo.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day











for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star


September 4, 2018


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



There are issues you have to clarify with someone who assists you. You will have to have a talk, or this may be the end of the road for this collaboration. But you cannot get overly excited and for sure, you can’t have a violent reaction. You have to think of the reputation, you have been building, and see it as human error on their part. To keep your temper is a test you have today.

Today’s affirmation:

“Let’s think this through.”


Before you think that there are cracks in the foundation that you have carefully laid down, you need to see the slow progress as a warning that perhaps you needed to put some extra thought into what you have been working on. A slow progress is a progress still, and you know how find a balance between what you can accomplish in reality, and what you want to achieve mentally.

Today’s affirmation:

“Two steps forward one step back.”


Your creative juices are flowing and your mind is on overdrive. There are mental blocks along the way, and brilliant ideas have to be put on the back burner. The quicker you understand that nothing happens overnight, and that it takes more effort than you have bargained for, the quicker your mind will readjust and get back to full throttle. Write down these ideas as they are powerful.

Today’s affirmation:

“I go on a mental journey.”


You are in touch with your heart and it is sending moon beams of hope. The conditions that arise today have your passion up front and center. If it’s a love situation, you can take the relationship a step closer to where you would like it to become. If it’s a professional situation, you have to show a team spirit that sees it beyond your own involvement.

Today’s affirmation:

“This is a collaboration of money and emotion.”


Relationships are never easy. You may be trying too hard to convince someone of your idea. Partnerships are complicated as you try to find yourself and your voice in the mix. As in who are you and what are you trying to accomplish? Does it really suit you and your life style? Is there a balance between give and take? If not, you can always back out of an agreement.

Today’s affirmation:

“What is my part in this?”


The projects which are staring you in the face, sitting on your desk expect you to be fully engaged if you want them to get done in full today. It takes super organization, which you can provide, but with it you need to have patience of a saint to be able to come up with the stamina required. Do Yoga stretches and go for a walk around the block, coffee on its own is not enough.

Today’s affirmation:

“Am I physically prepared?”


You are a risk taker who wants everyone to be on the same page as you. However, that is not possible under any circumstance. There is always someone who is lagging behind or a step in front. You have to do some fancy footwork to be in the same pace with the others. If it takes longer to get things done, you don’t have to show that you can get irritated.

Today’s affirmation:

“We will get there together.”


Domestic bliss can be out the door, unless there is an understanding and a respect between you and those who dwell under your roof. Confusion needs to be nipped at the bud so that peace can take hold again. But that takes two people to communicate rationally. Curb the temper you feel inside and listen to what the other person has to say.

Today’s affirmation:

“Where is my domestic bliss?”


When you need to engage in a conversation, it takes two to tango. When you see obstruction in the person you talk to, you need to halt the conversation, and to get back to who you are. No words are needed when someone is compassionate. If they don’t see your hurt, then what is the point in talking? Put the brakes on love and see if this romance is meant for you anyway.   

Today’s affirmation:

“I don’t spill my pearls before swine.”


The weekend is over, but you still want to continue to have fun. This attitude will create a sense of resentment and impatience. You need to get with the groove of the day, leave expectations behind the door, and try to enjoy life even when frustration shows its ugly head. Try not to pacify your feelings with a shopping spree. You won’t enjoy the purchase anyway…

Today’s affirmation:

“I enjoy life in all its changes.”


You want to put the imprint of your personality into a project. There is some obstruction along the way. Someone is not as excited about your input as you would like to see happen. It needs to takes extreme gentleness for you to get your vision and your point across. You can’t expect to be accepted wholly, but you can make a small progress when you use diplomacy.

Today’s affirmation:

“I dig deep and wait this out.”


You have so much preparation to get done, that at first glance it looks like you may not be doing all that much today, but at a closer look, it seems as though without this preparation, which is arduous and labor intensive, you will be as busy as a bee anyway. The obstacles that keep coming up will give you a chance to take time out and time off, and to do something for you too.

Today’s affirmation:

“My work is cut out for me.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will enjoy creative pursuits. Try not to become impatient at the slow pace by which things develop, both in your social and romantic scene and in your career. As long as you make progress, you need to rejoice, as nothing will be done in a fast pace. And that is a good thing, as you will get things done in a very thorough and detailed oriented way. Anything worth having is worth the time invested.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon in Gemini makes an excellent angle with Venus and an easy angle with Mercury.

The Moon enters Cancer at 8:03 AM EDT.

The Moon makes an easy angle with Uranus and a hard angle with Saturn.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day











for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star


September 3, 2018


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



You are in position to lend a gentle helping hand. You know who you are and what you can do and today, you intend to help someone who needs your smart attitude and your loving ways. Romance has more than promises, it actually brings results when you show your soft side.

Today’s affirmation:

“Am I not a gem?”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Charity doesn’t have to be for someone far away, in a faraway land you see on TV. It can be a much simpler situation when you listen with your heart to someone’s talk, and when you read between the lines to their struggle. You have the capacity for just that today. Lend a helping hand.

Today’s affirmation:

“Am I all wrapped up around me only?”


No matter who says that you have to be there for them, you have done enough for anyone else. You don’t have to feel guilty that you aren’t doing enough. This is your day to be social, and not a day to worry about finances, or the rest of whatever that is lurking behind your smile.

Today’s affirmation:

“Am I allowing you to bring my spirit down?”


The way that you handle people is brilliant today. You may not need to try hard to sound compassionate, and yet there you are saying just the right things at the right time. Leading people to the way you want them to think and act. Before you think you have super powers, you don’t…

Today’s affirmation:

“Am I not brilliant?”


Deep realizations that have to do with dollars and cents, and to your obligations and promises that keeps creeping up. Why not do the right thing by the people you are thinking of? Promises need to be addressed and answered. Pay your debt and be done with it. Clear your conscience.

Today’s affirmation:

“Am I taking care of my obligations?”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. When you want to clown around, you have to be sure that the people you are trying to make laugh are people who have a sense of humor. You don’t need to try to have a good time with someone who is as serious as a heart attack and twice as dull. Move on to jolly pastures.

Today’s affirmation:

“Am I hanging out with the wrong person?”


You can have someone push a large piece of furniture from one end of the house to the other, and not even know what hit them! You make a proposition in such a way that it makes people think that you need their help, when you can do it for yourself, but then, why would you?

Today’s affirmation:

“Am I not sounding persuasive?”


You run through your chores in lightning speed and now you have the whole day to do as you please. When your family comes over, your conversations end up about the relationships between you all. It’s good thing to keep it all light and lively and filled with good intentions.

Today’s affirmation:

“Are we not part of this family?”


You feel cozy at home and you may not want to leave your castle. No matter if your mind wanders, there is no place like home. It may get costly, but you would rather entertain there, then venture out. You intend to have fun and nothing can stop you, really.

Today’s affirmation:

“Are we having fun yet?”


The Moon is in your sign and you rule the day. Your sense of humor is such today that you may be saying something in jest, and yet someone does exactly as they are instructed. And before you know it, the house gets cleaned for you and you didn’t even have to lift a finger. Try this another day, and it won’t work. Today, nobody is calling you on your stuff…

Today’s affirmation:

“Am I not the host with the most?”


When you intend to divulge your inner most secrets and hardships, you need to come up with the right time and the right day. It may seem right today, but it’s not. Today is meant for you to go against your grain. It’s a day to be the gracious individual who takes care or your elders.

Today’s affirmation:

“I put myself on the back burner.”


Your charm and wit wins the day. No one can compare to you in the way that you express yourself and in the way that you draw people to you. You are clever enough not to show your true feelings towards an undesired someone in the crowd. You’ll tolerate them, for now.

Today’s affirmation:

“Am I glad to see you?”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will you will be able to make great progress by your sheer personality. You will draw people like a magnate and they will eat from the palm of your hand. You will need to be a better judge of character, but once you settle on the correct someone they will be able to assist you in your climb up the ladder of success. The sky will be the limit, so let yourself fly.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Gemini.

The Moon makes a hard angle with Neptune.

Mercury makes an easy angle with Venus.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day











for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star


September 2, 2018


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



In the coming week your ruler Mercury will enter your sign on the 5th. It will create a grand trine on Friday, between Mercury, Saturn and Uranus. Allowing you to have brilliance in the way you think and in the way you act. You will able to engage and open your mind in a way that you weren’t able to. This will make your week an easy way to explore and to come up with new ways to approach even the same situations as before, and to be able to come up with great new ideas to move forward. The New Moon in your sign, the beginning of the year for you, will be on Sunday, and will give you the ability to try to all those ideas and put them to the test.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“I am up for any challenge.”


In the coming week, the grand trine involving Mercury, Saturn and Uranus will bring out the most sensitive areas of your being, and your need to communicate your thoughts and feelings will be powerful. But you ought not to trust them with just anyone, only a confidant will ease your mind and give you the encouragement you need. The New Moon on the Sunday, will have you in a reflective mood, as you will weigh whatever has transpired in this year up to now.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“I have a lot to think about.”


In the coming week, the grand trine involving Mercury, Saturn and Uranus will bring a clarity to you about who are and who aren’t your true friends. A clarity to see the difference between who those who want to see you succeed, and the phony and untrustworthy. The New Moon on Sunday, as well as Venus which will enter your sign on that same day, and which will stay there for the remainder of the year, will bring a period of laughter and enjoyment with close friends, and will bring lively and wonderful characters into your life and will boost your confidence.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“I am ready to make new acquaintances.”


In the coming week, the grand trine involving Mercury, Saturn and Uranus has to do with the way you handle your money, and the way you practice having the career that provides for you, and the idea that you can do so well this week in that department. Don’t be silent, ask for what you are worth, and set out on a new road to get you what you ought to create for yourself. The New Moon on Sunday, will bring you an opportunity which you have worked for, and which now you ought to pursue and get a hold of and not let go for the near future.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“I get a boost of confidence.”


In the coming week, the grand trine involving Mercury, Saturn in your sign now and Uranus will allow you to sign on papers you need to have signed, in order to move forward with ideas which you have had hatching for quite some time. The New Moon on Sunday, will give you the push you need and the confidence to make great changes in your life. The same day Venus will enter a friendly zone in your horoscope and stay there for the remainder of the year, to elevate your social skills. Go out there, meet and mingle and create long lasting friendships.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“I am not afraid of change.”


In the coming week, the grand trine involving Mercury, Saturn and your ruler Uranus, will activate your subconscious mind to awaken to the realization that you have to think of where you see yourself in the future. You can’t continue to pretend that things are stagnant, when you know deep down that nothing stays the same. The New Moon on Sunday, will help you take a look at your financial potential for making concrete changes, and to look for the truth that you are afraid to admit to. Venus will enter one of the best zones in your horoscope and will look after you, and protect you in both a professional and a personal way.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“I am not afraid of the unknown.”


In the coming week, the grand trine involving Mercury, Saturn and Uranus will provide more understanding about a collective project which you all have been working on, and which now will now get the o.k. to process. The New Moon on Sunday, as well as Venus entering Scorpio, to stay there until the end of the year, will bring a new phase to whom you meet on a romantic level, and you can have a great time bringing romance to new levels. You may meet a new love interest while you travel for business reasons or private reasons.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“I am in love with life.”


In the coming week, the grand trine involving Mercury, Saturn and Uranus will intensify the hold you have on a position of power and strength which has been bestowed up on you, but for which you have been preparing your whole life for. It will show your peers and higher ups alike, that you are well chosen to lead in this specific capacity. The New Moon on Sunday, will allow you to pick a team which will be able to follow your instructions, and make jobs you hand them, look easy. The financial potential is strong and will sweeten any deal you can make now.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“It’s about team work.”


In the coming week, the grand trine involving Mercury, Saturn and Uranus will ignite your poetic, dramatic and expressive side of you. Life has to have a flair to it, or it can be boring, and you want your life to have excitement and joy. The New Moon on Sunday, your creativity will get the boost you have been waiting for. Come up with a slogan that can promote you properly.    On the same day, your ruler Venus will enter a most positive ‘promoting of love’ zone in your horoscope. You are entering a wonderful time of the year filled with invitations to have a good time, and an invitation for romance.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“Life needs to be fun…”


In the coming week, the grand trine involving Mercury, Saturn and Uranus will begin to alleviate your anxiety in relation to an ongoing situation. It will also bring about a potential for a home business, as an addition to the work you currently have. The New Moon on Sunday, signifies that you can start on this home project on your own. You don’t need anyone else. Meditate on being independent and enjoy a purposeful time alone. You will enjoy a professionalism that will bring others to respect you.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“Happiness is a choice and I choose happiness.”


In the coming week, the grand trine involving Mercury, Saturn and Uranus on Friday, will bring a sense of clarification about whom you want to see leave a project, someone who has not been seeing eye to eye with anyone else involved. On a personal not you will learn to choose with more discretion, and more accuracy the people you want in your circles. The New Moon on Sunday will remind you that you may have more to learn, so it’s a good idea to enroll in a class which can help you to get a better grip and understanding on a subject. There is always more to learn, and to catch up on. Venus will enter Scorpio on the same day, and your romantic life will become super busy for the remainder of the year. You won’t know which suitor to choose…

Sunday’s affirmation:

“I enjoy an abundance of attention.”


In the coming week, the grand trine involving Mercury, Saturn and Uranus your life will allow you to enter a period of unexpected promotions, and exciting twists and turns that will make your professional life and your career positively riveting. The New Moon on Sunday, will ignite the zone in your horoscope that has to do with the money you make, and the potential to earn more than you have imagined. Venus will enter your home zone, on that same day, and you will find that your family will be supportive and understanding, when you will be very busy in your career, and not hold it against you.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“I need your support.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will have as much fun as you will have a prominent career. Not that things will come easy, but then again, when do they ever… but you will have fun doing your work, and the ability to keep the company you enjoy being with. You will find that help will come from unexpected places, so be on your best behavior, and attract the right kind of positive people. You will be able to reap the rewards for what you have been working on for so long. You may go on unexpected trips to exotic locations, which will teach you about yourself more than anything else.

Good luck and god bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon in Taurus makes an excellent angle with Mars.

The Moon enters Gemini at 4:01 AM EDT.

The Moon makes a hard angle with the Sun.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful Sunday











for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star



September 1, 2018


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Today’s positive: Enjoy time outdoors.

Today’s negative: Don’t get insulted by foolish banter.


Today’s positive: Feeling sexy.

Today’s negative: Being lazy.


Today’s positive: A nurturing relationship is all you need.

Today’s negative: Keeping secrets.


Today’s positive: Business rules by day, then play by evening.

Today’s negative: Being an ornery student.


Today’s positive: Moving forward with ease.

Today’s negative: Falling for a prank.


Today’s positive: Your home is your heart.

Today’s negative: Not having enough fun.


Today’s positive: Opening up to a friend.

Today’s negative: Having problems with siblings.


Today’s positive: Spending money wisely.

Today’s negative: Getting stuck on minutia.


Today’s positive: You shine today.

Today’s negative: Being stubborn.


Today’s positive: Taking alone time to acclimate. 

Today’s negative: Hiding from someone.


Today’s positive: Having fun with a friend.

Today’s negative: Giving more than receiving.


Today’s positive: Being all business all day.

Today’s negative: Being over confident.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be passionate about your life. You will be passionate about expansion: you will expand on your current business ideas. The internet will be a key way to promote. Some of you will learn from going overseas, and bring outside influences for inspiration. This may turn out to be a turning year in your life, and in the best possible way. When new ideas form, follow them with confidence. Learn to be open for a passionate love, perhaps with someone from another culture.

Good luck and God bless you.     


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Taurus.

The Moon makes an easy angle with Neptune, a hard angle with Jupiter, an excellent angle with a hard angle with Mercury.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful Saturday











for entertainment purposes only