Monthly Archives: February 2020

February 18, 2020


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



The beautiful, life giving Sun enters your sign tonight and it comes in with a bang! For the next four weeks, you will be the star! Your energy is up, your attitude is great, and your insecurities are unfounded. Insecurities, because there is cause for you to doubt what is happening around you. However, time will tell how anything turns out in the future. As for today, celebrate the privilege of being born on this planet, and enjoy each moment. Get out there do your presentations, and show what you’ve got to show.  

Today’s affirmation:

“A collective Happy Birthday to us.”


The Sun enters Pisces tonight, and for the next four weeks a sense of peace and tranquility will set upon you. And no matter how busy your important life and important career keeps you, you ought to find time for peace and meditation at some point every day. You are all business all day today and could use the down time.

Today’s affirmation:

“I like to have time for a little TLC.”


The Sun enters Pisces tonight, and for the next four weeks you will find yourself in a whirlwind of connecting with your entourage, and to brain storm ideas that you need to have their input in. Not to mention you will be wise to get out there and mingle in real life. Mingling on social media is also a good thing, and to use the apps that connect you with people. Today, is one of the best days of the month for you, and communication flows easily. 

Today’s affirmation:

“My dating life is improving.”


The Sun enters Pisces tonight, and for the next four weeks you will be in meshed with career opportunities an career situations which will need all of your attention. No matter how some may try to distract you, you have to get back to being on top of every situation and have your position understood by one and all. Quit worrying about anything today.

Today’s affirmation:

“There isn’t much that escapes these eyes…”


The Sun enters Pisces tonight, and for the next four weeks the world will open up to you. You can start having new ideas that you want to implement, and start making a new way of life for yourself if you so choose. You will get inspired by other cultures and bring these inspirations into your relationship. Your imagination will make your life interesting. You hear advice coming at you from all directions today.

Today’s affirmation:

“You live and learn.”


The Sun enters Pisces tonight, and for the next four weeks you ought to pay attention to your finances. Join finances in particular stand in position to be questionable, and you ought to know all the transaction which will be happening at this time span. Also, you will be sizzling hot and attractive to a romantic admirer, especially to someone who works with you? Today, you have not a minute to get up from under the pile of tasks on your desk.

Today’s affirmation:

“I make sure my finances are up to standard.”


The Sun enters Pisces tonight, and for the next four weeks you will have the potential to make connections who are powerful for your career, or passionate contenders for your love life. A romance is possible, but you will have to vet the prospect of your heart to make sure they are not into substance abuse, or alcohol abuse… Today, is one of the best days of the month for you. You feel refreshed and amused at life.

Today’s affirmation:

“Let’s get together for coffee and see where it goes.”


The Sun enters Pisces tonight, and for the next four weeks you will be hunched over deep in work. If you have had a deadline, that rounded up a year long job situation, which you have had no time for, considering you were having a jolly ol’ time doing whatever you want, you will be able to complete because you will be dedicated to get it done. Today, you have to get back home asap, and feel the love there.

Today’s affirmation:

“I concentrate on the subjects at hand.”


The Sun enters Pisces tonight, and for the next four weeks you will live it up to the hilt! You will have a yearning to push aside all things important and that your life depends on, like making a living, and to just live, live, live! But you will find that procrastination doesn’t work and that you will sometimes, you have to force yourself to get down to business. Everyone wants to be your friend today.  

Today’s affirmation:

“I want to play!”


The Sun enters Pisces tonight, and for the next four weeks you will take time for your family and take time to make things right, where there have been any hurts in that regard. Life gets hectic and you have been doing your best, but you need to make time for each member of your family separately, and this will give you the opportunity to do just that. Today, your goal is to put get paid and not spend it upon receiving it.

Today’s affirmation:

“My family are everything to me.”


The Sun enters Pisces tonight, and for the next four weeks your thirst for knowledge wakes up. Perhaps it’s because the idea of spring is on the horizon, you will be in position to quiet down your business daily grind, and to take on some interesting jaunts into haunts you want to explore.  As for today, the Moon is in your sign and you rule the day. Your personality is bright and charming.  

Today’s affirmation:

“I am in the mood to explore.”


The Sun enters Pisces tonight, leaving your sign after four weeks of celebration, and moving onto a more realistic place. For the next four weeks you’ll be able to take care of business and to make sure that you can now pay your credit that you have spent on yourself and rightly so.. But for today, you need some tender loving care, and to pamper yourself some.

Today’s affirmation:

“I like to get back to reality.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be creative and bring this creativity to your business or career. If you have to create a new resume, or work on your social media profile to enhance your business getting out there, this is the time to get this done. You will be a social butterfly going from one occasion to the next, promoting your business or just having so many invites to hang out with friends. Love is with someone practical who will keep you grounded.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon in Sagittarius makes an easy angle with the Sun.

The Moon enters Capricorn at 5:37 AM EST.

The Moon conjoins Mars and makes an excellent angle with Uranus.

The Sun enters Pisces at 11:57 PM EST.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

February 17, 2020


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



It’s the last day that the Sun is in your sign, embrace the day to the most! Being social today has its value, as long as you don’t put too much into thinking that it’s going to make sense. As long as you accept your gang as they are, you will be able to have a good day, otherwise they will confuse you, especially where money is concerned. It’s not a great day to invest as a group.   

Today’s affirmation:

“Good bye, Sun, thank you!”


It’s best that you follow the leader today, then your own instructions. The complication happens, because in many ways you are the leader in the project, but you are as cranky and as finicky as can be. Therefor you can complicate the issue. So you have to disregard how you feel about it, and try to minimize your input. The less you say and do, the better the entire operation. Confusing? You bet…

Today’s affirmation:

“I am not the expert today.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You are not the type for intrigue and you like it when things are straight forward. But not today: you don’t get to be in the driver’s seat. Today, you get to be the passenger who is asked to not be a backseat driver. You feel as though your words fall on deaf ears. As they say; the less you talk the more you[MS1]  get to listen and learn. Consider yourself lucky, and don’t insist upon being heard.

Today’s affirmation:

“I have my ears to the ground.”


You find out that the way we think has a direct connection to the way we act. In other words: you find out that your emotions are something you do have control over, even though you may not have educated about it so far. You find out that it’s not the circumstance that make you unhappy, it’s how you think about your circumstance that affects your mood. Learning equals growing.

Today’s affirmation:

“I think positive.”


Relationships are highlighted. No matter how someone in a position of power tries to communicate with you, and no matter how much their intention is to make things clear, it only becomes more complicated. You would like to be a calming influence and you try, in your mind, to see if you can clarify Their position, the more entangled you get in their situations. Distance yourself some, when you realize that it’s not your place, in the first place.

Today’s affirmation:

“This is too convoluted.”


Keep doing what you’re doing, keep putting elbow grease into your work, and into whatever you need to get accomplished. Don’t get frustrated when it goes slower than you anticipate, or if it gets murky along the way, and you may have to restart all over. Whatever the case may be, the end result is what matters most, and it will take a few tries to get it up to par.

Today’s affirmation:

“I go over it again and again…”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You can’t please everyone. Especially those with whom you have financial dealings with. You have to compromise, and goodness knows you try! The more you insist the weirder it can get. If it doesn’t work don’t push it. Yet if it comes easily, you still have to question its accuracy. Take it personally easy, and find a form of entertainment, like a hobby to enrich your day. 

Today’s affirmation:

“I tread lightly.”


People are not trying to confuse you, and they are not trying to test your wits. The problem is they are not sure either. And their muddy brains are contagious. Today, is like trying to catch slippery oil from sliding out of your hand. The less you try to understand someone’s intention, the better. If you don’t read them right off, there is too much to handle, and just drop it. It’s not worthy of your attention. 

Today’s affirmation:

“If it’s meant to be, it will happen.”


You may be chatty today, and what you say may be charming and entertaining, but at the same time, you have to ask yourself if your banter is adding anything to your day. Ask yourself, if you need to continue a conversation with someone who can, perhaps, take your words and turn them against you. Especially if this person happens to be a coworker, or someone you are paired with on a project. And while you are at the gym, you have to watch out of those machines…

Today’s affirmation:

“I am being careful.”


When a shiny object peers at you from the window of a shop, or if a shiny object jumps off at you from the page on the internet, think thrice before purchasing it. Better still, skip it. If you can’t pay out front, don’t buy it. To charge anything you cannot afford spells for a long term headache. Do you really need it? You probably have every possession you need by now…

Today’s affirmation:

“Actually, I don’t need this.”


The Moon is in your sign and you rule the day. It’s up to you how you treat people who mean a lot to you, and it’s up to you how the energy you project affects everyone around you, where ever you go. When you are on your best behavior, the whole situation benefits from you. So no matter the circumstance, remain calm and cheerful. Your entire universe, lol, will thank you for it…

Today’s affirmation:

“I try to be helpful.”


Some days you just can’t do right! Today is one of those days. You look invisible to the world, and you are best to do whatever you need to do behind the scenes, and then you can have a good day. But should you insist to be the spokesperson, or the one who makes a presentation, you can suffer the consequences of misunderstanding. Wait until tomorrow, when the Moon enters your sign, to make your presentation.

Today’s affirmation:

“Timing is everything.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will find your wings and want to fly and do your thing. You will insist upon having the liberty you need to move forward with your life, and you will need plenty cooperation for you to be able to do your thing, while you continue to have a good relationship with those who need you there, every day. There will be a conflict there, and the more you try to make people understand your needs, the less you will feel understood. Be gentle in all you do as you move forward, and don’t try to have everyone be on your side.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Sagittarius.

The Moon makes a hard angle with Neptune.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star


Saturday February 15 – Sunday, February 16, 2020


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



On Saturday, you catch up with any calls that connect you with your peeps, or you ought to. On Sunday, passionate Mars enters Capricorn to stay there until March 30th, to give you a little breathing space from the everyday rat race, and to be able to find ‘me’ time away from the craziness. Time for meditation and personal time for reflection. Raise financial IQ Mercury begins its retrograde motion, and will continue until March 9th, and will retrograde into your sign on March 4th. This cycle is begging you to consider and reconsider any monetary actions, to make sure that you are aware of where they take you and your portfolio. You certainly don’t want to do anything to harm the status quo which will be time consuming and difficult to undo.


On Saturday, you are in hurry to catch up with all business that is lingering on and you want to finish it once and for all, or you ought to. On Sunday, brash Mars enters Capricorn to stay there until March 30th, inspiring you to take on whoever challenges your loyalty. You would like to get along, and you must try your hardest. But your passion for those who are on your side is undeniable. Communicative Mercury in your sign now, begins its retrograde motion, and will continue until March 9th, you find yourself tripping over your own articulation, and you find yourself saying things one way, but they come out in a way you didn’t mean for them to sound. You may have to apologize more than you are used to, but anything is fine, to get peace and tranquility among friends.


On Saturday, communication is from the heart, even if it may be just between you and your heart. Your bosom friend may be too busy to make time, but the love is there. On Sunday, go getter Mars enters Capricorn to stay there until March 30th. Watch out! You are on a roll and nothing and no one can stop you. You may end up taking on more than you can chew, but you will keep pressing on, and that in itself is admirable. Mental Mercury begins its retrograde motion, and will continue until March 9th, and you may find yourself ferreting secrets you never thought you could find. And if and when you do, you need to know that they are for your eyes only, the world may not be ready yet, to hear your story. Meditation brings you inner peace, and the structure you need now.


On Saturday, you want to straighten out your environment with a deep cleaning, and to put a chapter behind you. On Sunday, thrill seeker Mars enters Capricorn to stay there until March 30th, you have a lust for life and a desire to do things you haven’t tried before. Some may be surprised by your decisions, but that is fine with you. You want to get up and go, and to make reservations for a trip to an exotic location with a friend. Observant Mercury begins its retrograde motion and will continue until March 9th, and nothing will escape your curious eyes. Your inquiring mind observes and takes note of everyone’s movement, and what you think it means. But you may be mistaken and you may judge them harshly. Give others a second chance and don’t play the blame game. And if you do learn something new about someone, you will be the wiser for it.


On Saturday, don’t regret things you say. Think before you say even the most heartfelt words. On Sunday, blow out the circuits Mars enters Capricorn to stay there until March 30th, and you test your limits to see how far you can go, how far you can take things and to challenge yourself to be the toughest and the most awe inspiring for them all. Articulate Mercury begins its retrograde motion, and will continue until March 9th, and you find yourself not being able to exactly express what you expect out of employees or people who are your underlings. You have to speak in very specific terms and to keep it as simple as possible, in order to not create any sort of misunderstandings.


On Saturday, it’s ok to play hooky or to leave your job early, is you can, or to quit altogether. You know your truth, and if it doesn’t fit your requirements, you are done with it. On Sunday, aggressive Mars enters Capricorn to stay there until March 30th, teaching you that to deal with partners with an attitude of too much pushiness, is not the way to get them to be on your side. Patience is a lesson that is a necessity for having peace all around. Visionary Mercury begins its retrograde motion, and will continue until March 9th, and you get a chance to see the world that may have eluded you. Give travel extra time and expect delays and misunderstandings in travel destinations. You will eventually get there but…


On Saturday, romance may be short lived, or it can continue, but not before rigorous communication and a new set of understanding. On Sunday, pressing Mars enters Capricorn to stay there until March 30th, and you won’t rest until you get your job done with more ferocity that you ever thought you could possess. You show every employee what it means to get things done! Logical Mercury begins its retrograde motion and will continue until March 9th, and you get a dose of learning how to relax into situations, and not to try to get them resolved before they are ready. Joint finances, are something you want to keep an eye on, and to resolve with diplomacy and care.   


On Saturday, you feel on shaky ground. And would like to have answers that only come later on. Relax and clean your home as a form of Yoga. On Sunday, ardent Mars enters Capricorn to stay there until March 30th, urging you to get involved with your creative side. Get back to what you love to do, even if there is no pay involved. It lifts your spirits and gives you the ability to face life in all its complexities. Critical Mercury begins its retrograde motion and will continue until March 9th, as you insist that you know someone inside and out, and understand everyone, but of course that is an illusion. No matter what, you must give everyone a chance to explain their actions, and to have a meaningful dialogue about any issue you may have. You have to choose your words carefully and with compassion.   


On Saturday, you ought to bring to a conclusion a conversation that needs clarity, and to get to the bottom of where everyone stands about an issue. On Sunday, pot stirrer Mars enters Capricorn to stay there until March 30th, and adds to your home life, which has been in flux about issues, and where you have had to pay your attention to, but to which you have had very little time for. You cannot ignore this, and the sooner you get to the issues, fix and heal them, the better. Meticulous Mercury begins its retrograde motion, and will continue until March 9th, and you have to deal with the inconsistencies and slacker attitude of some, but it is best that you do nothing about it, which can be difficult. However, if you choose to get involved, you may find that your own work has a lot to be desired as well…


On Saturday, you have to refrain from settling a score with anyone. If it’s a financial matter, it’s best to lay off of it. On Sunday, assertive Mars enters Capricorn to stay there until March 30th, and there is no subject you do not take head on, and decide to figure it out, and to learn as much as possible about. And of course, you want to exchange the knowledge with others, and show them how impressive you are. It helps you and everyone else involved with your projects. Expressive Mercury begins its retrograde motion, and will continue until March 9th, and will urge you to take on some fantastic and creative endeavors. Your mind will be a wondrous place with untapped genius. Go on that mental trip, and see what it can uncover. If you think that humanity isn’t ready for you yet, well, shelve it until you feel strong about it.


On Saturday, you are asked to be in so many places at once, it’s impossible to do for any human. Give yourself the right to say ‘no’ when you can’t satisfy everyone. But it’s nice to be needed. On Sunday, impulsive Mars enters Capricorn to stay there until March 30th, urging you to spend way over your ability, and to charge up a fortune that you won’t have the ability to repay. So before you get into any financial trouble, stop! If you absolutely do not need something, don’t purchase it. Super connector Mercury begins its retrograde motion, and will continue until March 9th, and wants you to begin on a journey to find your ancestors and to feel the connection you have. There is more wisdom to the journey than you can imagine, and the rewards are priceless. Visit an old relative who needs some warmth and connection, and your karma will thank you…


On Saturday, you need to pay attention to what your body tells you and act accordingly. If it tells you to lay on your couch and vegetate, do it, it will thank you throughout next week. On Sunday, aggressive Mars enters your sign to stay there until March 30th, and there is no limit to what you can achieve. Nothing can stop you and no one can advise in any way. So hopefully, you make the right choices. Your determination is remarkable and you can achieve great things. Messenger Mercury begins its retrograde motion, and will continue until March 9th, and you may think twice before you get information across from someone’s mouth to another’s ears. You have to have scrutiny about how you present information and how much sensitivity you apply for the listener. You may put your foot in your mouth, and then you may or may not be able to reel it back, and you don’t want that to happen.


Today’s Happy Birthday:


In the coming year cycle you will be all about career all the time, and be able to get all sorts of people involved in your projects. They will add to the flavor you infuce into them. Listen to their input and be willing to have then assist you. The more the merrier. You will be an inspiration to them and be able to spread the word through them. Love is possible with someone who is daring and looking for a creative adventure.

Good luck and God bless you.



In the coming year cycle you will do things that you never thought you would ever give a chance to. You will embark on new adventures and do what your heart tells you to do. Your new found passions will enhance in your current business or job, and inspire you to continue on the path you have chosen but which you want to infuse with a new kind of contentment. Meditation will be high on your list of things to enjoy. Love is possible with someone who is a little introverted, and not at all extroverted. A gentle kind of love.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:


The Moon in Scorpio makes an excellent angle with Neptune, an easy angle with Pluto, a hard angle with the Sun, and an easy angle with Saturn.

The Moon enters Sagittarius at 11:08 PM EST.



Mars enters Capricorn.

The Moon in Sagittarius makes an excellent angle with Venus.

Mercury begins its retrograde motion at 7:55 PM EST.

The Moon makes a hard angle with Mercury.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful weekend


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

February 14, 2020


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



You are all business all day, so that you can have a clear desk by the weekend. You hear a plan to change what you do, but you refuse to be distracted. You can get a little emotional in your hurried quest, but in the end, you feel victorious and ready to have a good time. Celebrate a job well done, and a flourish career. Valentine’s Day belongs to you every year, and you are ready for Valentine’s cupid by evening.  

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for finishing on a high note.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Whatever you want, or conjure up in your mind, or even fantasize about, you can try to get into your everyday life. You may have to wait just a little while before you can see the results of your plans, and fantasies, but there is no reason why you couldn’t give it a try. It’s your life, and you can have whatever you dedicate yourself to doing. Valentine’s Day finds you cruising and sightseeing.  

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having options in my life.”


You are super prepared to do anything that is daring and unconventional. You are an original thinker today, and won’t rest until you get everything done and then some. You are quicker and on your toes knowing where the wave is heading before anyone else. You are alluring and provocative this Valentine’s Day.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being a special person…”


Relationships are highlighted. Relationships are a work in progress. And you work to make it work, be it in your love life or in career. You take nothing for granted, and know that every prayer you pray, means that there is an action verb attached to it… You do the work, and enjoy the results. Valentine’s Day today, means that you can repair a relationship and make it stronger.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for creating the relationships I want to be in.”


No matter how much your schedule changes, you are still engaged and interested in all you do. Your energy level is up, and your expectations are high, where it comes to people who are interested in you directing them. They need you to show them what needs to be done. You delegate well as you hope to have a nice Valentine’s evening which you have planned and ready to have a good time at.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having people want to follow my direction.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You are funny, sexy, and awake as you find joy in the silliest things. Being contented is an understatement! Valentine’s Day is made specifically for you, this year. You may find someone exciting, when you put yourself out there for a date. Go see a comedy show and have fun, or go dancing…

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having a good time.”


You try to get yourself free from a rut and to move forward. To unblock yourself, you have to turn to a creative interest that you may have had, or perhaps you have a hidden desire for a hobby so start it now. It will ground you and connect you to who you are. It’s never too late to get to your hobbies to bring you a sense of peace. To be occupied by your job alone makes for a boring, not to mention unhealthy individual.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for getting back to my hobbies.”


You have a lot to say, and enough energy to never stop talking all day long. As long as what you say makes sense, brings interest, has people at the palm of your hand, you are a happy camper today. You clown around in the office to get the rest to be contented. Valentine’s Day is about communications for you this year, as your charm can put a spell on someone sweet.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having a lovely imagination.”


You want to go the extra mile and to do what seems like it would be impossible for someone else, but for you it’s a cinch to get everything done and to finish a project before the weekend. You want to do something special for your sweetheart, this Valentine’s Day, and come up with a surprising set up, with rose flower petals staged in a sexy way, for the most romantic impact.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for going all out on this romantic day.”


The Moon is in your sign and you rule the day. You find something exciting about your mate? Or perhaps you will surprised with a ring on this Valentine’s Day. Your safe space being your home today, and you can make it into your happy place, by cooking up a fun themed, loved themed meal, for you and your loved one, or just gather some local friends, and invite them over.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having love in my life.”


You may be dragging your feet and be a little lazy, but don’t forget that the weekend is near, and as far as you are concerned, it has already started. If you don’t play hooky and actually show up to do your job, you are already ahead of the game. Doing your chores is an ordeal as your energy is not at its best, and you would love for you and your sweetheart to get a foot rub, or to stream a show with your feet up…

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for taking a day off. Mentally…”


You would like to turn the page on this week, and to put an exhausting week work behind you, and to get a fresh start over the weekend. You want to get together with your friends and have a joint Valentine’s Day at a pub or a club, or a restaurant where you can sit at the communal table and just enjoy chitchatting. You don’t want to discuss anything heavy, just a light hearted conversation that goes nowhere, nor is it supposed to… A friendship may take a romantic turn.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having such fun friends.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will have a year of expansion and of moving forward with gusto and enthusiasm. You will make changes as you go along, and be very fluid in your business ideas. Teaming up with someone will help ease the burden, and will bring fresh ideas. Connection with a partner may be short lived, but the input may be essential. Love happens with someone who knows how to calm you down from emotional ups and downs.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Scorpio.

The Moon makes a hard angle with Uranus, an excellent angle with Mercury and an easy angle with Jupiter.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

February 13, 2020


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Your enthusiasm is what gets you through a very busy day. Fatigue sets in, and you wonder if you have the energy to finish. But the results are stunning and fulfilling to your soul. The evening is there to have a good time with a friend.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am glad.”


Your expectations are high, and rightly so. You have some who are a support system, and they come through with their dedication to you. But you do have to watch out for the one who is less than enthusiastic, and can be problematic, instead of positive.

Today’s affirmation:

“There is always one in the bunch…”


You feel secure in your position, and you know that it takes compassion, and also to take everyone involved included, for a project to get off the ground. Everyone is equal in what they can bring to the table.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am not alone in this.”


You have to rush to get whatever you need to get done, but you feel like you have accomplished whatever was placed in front of you to do. If you feel tired, it’s a part of the deal. But you stay dedicated to the end.

Today’s affirmation:

“The end results are what matters.”


You are on top of the world, because you appreciate the little things in life. Throw a party to celebrate the great miracles that happened to you recently. And while you are at it, you begin to see a new adventure on the horizon.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am inspired.”


You can’t get anything done with demands, and also by thinking that you have all the answers. No matter what you think, you must include and ask for their creative all input, or it goes kaput.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am not the only one in the room.”


You may want to get out of there, and do your own thing, but you have to do what is required none the less. It’s ok, because you learn something new, and that is what makes the day successful.

Today’s affirmation:

“Some information is important.”


Life is a gamble and you are not afraid to see what comes next. But don’t gamble too much money away today, even though you may be tempted to. It’s better to be safe than sorry, and you have to refrain from what is avoidable.

Today’s affirmation:

“One day at a time, does it.”


You are the driving force, but if you put all your eggs in one basket, you may miss the point. But when you ask questions, your creativity gets infused with potential, and enthusiasm skyrockets.

Today’s affirmation:

“I get the answers I need.”


Talk yourself into it, if you cannot get out of a project or a job that is on your to do list today. Do it, and get it over with, because it has to be finished and the dead line is here.there is no reason to procrastinate.

Today’s affirmation:

“It feels so good to finish.”


You would like to include everyone into a project you are involved with, because you need their input. Their advice may be enough to get you to do the best project that will put you at the top.

Today’s affirmation:

“Not everything is about money.”


You are having second thoughts about something you have been dedicated to, but before you call it quits, put the last finishing touches to it, and who knows, you may surprise yourself with a well-received result.

Today’s affirmation:

“I present a finished product.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be an enthusiastic individual whose mind will be the fertile soil for a progressive agenda to get you to the next phase in your life. You will be able to get your ideas and thoughts into a cohesive plan. Start on this new and exciting adventure and do not fear its twists and turns along the way. Love is with someone who will be there for you along the way, nudging you along, and giving you the advice you need.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon in Libra makes a hard angle with Pluto, an excellent angle with the Sun, a hard angle with Saturn and an easy angle with Mars.

The Moon enters Scorpio at 7:38 PM EST.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

February 12, 2020


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



This is one of the best days of the month for you. Your mind is working overtime. Some important thoughts that can direct you to go places. You are thinking up all sorts of plans and scenarios which may or may not come to pass. Therefore, you better not tell what is in your mind. It’s private property and it belongs to you until the time comes to show it outwardly.

Today’s affirmation:

“Why pry into my business?”


Visions of money is swirling through your brain. You may be questioning if this project is a money making proposition, and indeed it is. You will be happy to have a brain storming session with everyone involved, saying what they would do to make this joint project a success. Take everyone’s opinion in mind, and you can’t go wrong.

Today’s affirmation:

“We are better together than apart.”


Relationships are highlighted. You are blessed to be surrounded with the best people. The most generous towards you and the most cooperative. They bend over backwards for you, to create a situation where you are most comfortable to do your very best. What better scenario can you concoct for yourself? Someone is buying for you a fabulous bauble for Valentine’s Day.

Today’s affirmation:

“You are so wonderful to me.”


You are worried that maybe you are not going to succeed at your job today. You are taking a chance and pretending to be confident, and you know what? They say that showing up is ninety percent of making it in this world. You just may surprise yourself as to how able you are, and that the day is a success. You accomplish so much today, and are tired at the end of it.

Today’s affirmation:

“There is nothing to fear.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You think that you are the expert in what everyone is thinking about, and that you are the one who can penetrate a situation and turn it from the mundane to spectacular. It’s easy for you today, to get them to be engaged and excited for you, therefore some may be inclined to join you and make the project even more exciting.

Today’s affirmation:

“Nothing can stop us.”


You feel on top of the world today, that nothing can stand in your way, and that no one can beat you at your own game. You come up with ideas of how to decorate your home and bring love vibration into it. Valentine’s Day decorations perhaps? With lots of hearts and things that remind you why your home is ultimately the one place in the world you truly cherish.

Today’s affirmation:

“Home sweet home!”


You are charming as can be and you look twice as good, and whatever comes out of your mouth is just as sweet as honey. If you are in a relationship, put a little love note in their pocket and make their day. When you hear some gossip that may sound innocent, and yet, you need not repeat it to anyone… But of course you won’t, because you are a class act… 

Today’s affirmation:

“Honey, I love you so.”


You rake in the dough and you are more than happy to do so. The chances you have been taking are paying off and the check is in your hands. How should you spend money, you wonder? Well, don’t spend it all in one place… ok, but seriously, thank your lucky stars and save your money. Or invest it in that crazy idea that they say, is impossible to create…

Today’s affirmation:

“Money, money come to me…”


The Moon is in your sign and your rule the day. You can entice anyone into doing anything you want, and anything that your whim tells you to. You can lure anyone into your home and have a meal fit for a king. An early Valentine’s Day, perhaps? Your wish is our command. Think of the hearts you can slay and be gentle with their hearts.

Today’s affirmation:

“I’m a lover, not a fighter.”


Not often do you like to play a martyr, but you could be called that today. Your charitable side is out on display, so whoever is lucky enough, who is close to earshot, and who is smart enough to ask you for a favor, you may just do it for them without hesitation and maybe without thinking it through. You are happy to help, and to be a confidant.

Today’s affirmation:

“Sure, I’ll help you out.”


Not all friendships are equal: some, you love to pieces, and enjoy a lifetime of friendship together or apart. Some are just a gas to be around, and fun to go clubbing with. And others are smart and able to be of assistance, and those are the ones you have in your life today. This friend is a fountain of information that is beneficial to your bottom line.

Today’s affirmation:

“I have a money making opportunity…”


You find yourself in charge, perhaps not to your liking today, but you cannot show your weakness, your vulnerability, and you cannot show emotion, when all you have to do is be a compassionate leader, without drama. Let’s be honest, you are making a mountain out of a mole hill. Because in your heart of hearts, you are happy…

Today’s affirmation:

“I am contented.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will have a distinct idea of how to proceed forward. You will be able to think of the best scenarios for you. And since you are thinking of your future in a major way, these ideas are marvelous. You will be flying high. You may want to expand the perimeters of where you live, and check out faraway places and spaces that bring you closer to who you are. Love is the kind who will follow you to the ends of the earth…

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Libra.

The Moon makes a hard angle with Venus and a hard angle with Jupiter.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

February 11, 2020


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Your emotions can take over, when your sense of expectations gets tested, and you think that whatever is supposed to happen should happen when you think it should, instead when it’s nice and ready. Get your foot off the pedal when you are not in charge, but life is, even though you think you are in charge. 

Today’s affirmation:

“Rome wasn’t built in a day.”


The nicer you put things in a way that others are be able to show their best, the better it is for all of you, and especially for you personally. So it all depends on how you put it in words and in attitude. You may feel like you have the right to be the boss, and you may even be the boss, but nothing matters until you treat people like you want to be treated. 

Today’s affirmation:

“It’s all about give and take…”


Your schedule can become unglued but that doesn’t mean that you have to become unglued, and decide to throw in the towel. Patience is a virtue, because it gives you time to think things through, and time to breath, without having to make a commitment. And you can’t be a perfectionist when a situation is out of your hands.

Today’s affirmation:

“I take it one day at a time.”


When someone asks you why you are having a silly smile on your face, even though the weather outside may be less nice than you want it to be, or when you are in a situation that is less than comfortable, you can say that you are just happy to be able to be alive, to be healthy and to take care of business.

Today’s affirmation:

“Just another blessed day.”


You want to please someone very much. You want to put your best foot forward, and show that you have the intention to do your best. Please don’t cower when you want to be, and when in fact you can be the role model, but when, for some reason, you are not as sure as you ought to be. Second guessing yourself is unnecessary. Just do your thing.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am confident!”


When you building relationships from the ground up, and when you are trying to prove that you are capable and able to come up to anyone’s expectations, do you remember that you have to accept yourself first of all? Don’t give up on yourself. Make an attitude change, and make time to smell the roses today, on your way back home from work.

Today’s affirmation:

“Time is on my side.”


You try to do the right thing, you go about your business, you put one foot in front of the other, and you make the money you need to pay your bills, and to make sure that you put some away because you plan for your future years. You think straight, and your brain is functioning properly. It’s nice to be clear headed.  

Today’s affirmation:

“I try for today, and plan for tomorrow.”


When your foundation isn’t right, you need to make sure that it doesn’t affect you in a negative way. You have enough gumption and chutzpah in you to start rattling the cage and to reassess your situation. You let your past show you how to move forward. You are a warrior, always have been and a bump in the road won’t detract you.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am strong.”


You usually are a bubbly and positive person, but it looks as though you have given up today! Just because you need a day off from the rat race, and from humanity altogether, doesn’t mean that you have to give up. Just do as much as you can, go with the motions, and find time to recuperate with some tender loving care.

Today’s affirmation:

“A bubble bath is in my future.”


Easy does it, and you will get all the support you need? But if you start to make demands of a payment that you may be missing, because you haven’t received it yet, you have to watch your tone. Be true to yourself that you have been spending money and it’s been leaving your fingers like a sieve, and that is no one’s fault, now you may be short.

Today’s affirmation:

“I have to manage my money better.”


Your energy level is at its best when you allow yourself to show your true self and to be the person you want to be. However, we all have someone overseeing us. It doesn’t matter who we are, there is someone there who is watching. It could be the good Lord… but you have to follow instructions, even when you don’t feel like it.

Today’s affirmation:

“Following directions has a time and a place.”


You like to have it all planned and clear before you do anything of importance. Today, when you may be planning this and that, but you find that the plan isn’t coming together, or when there is an obstacle that you didn’t know about or expect. You need to wait for the appropriate time. It’s not a retreat, it’s just taking a step back for a moment in time.

Today’s affirmation:

“Waiting is part of the game.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will look deep into your past, you will be judging and evaluating what has transpired in the past few years, and you want to come up with a plan for the future. You will be so connected to your core, that the plans will come easily and naturally. Start to make preparations, but remember, that it’s all been written there for you from the beginning of time… Love is beautiful when you are not too overbearing, so don’t be…

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon in Virgo makes an excellent angle with Pluto, an excellent angle with Saturn and a hard angle with Mars.

The Moon enters Libra at 6:38 PM EST.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

February 10, 2020


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Your emotions take over today, as you have to discuss matters of the heart. You love powerfully and you engage powerfully in the kind of conversation that shows of how committed you are to the subject you discuss. You sound as if your life is depended on it… your dedication is strong. 

Today’s affirmation:

“I feel.”


Relationships are highlighted. You don’t have to be a martyr, and you don’t have to give that which you do not have, especially where it comes to possessions. You want to compensate for things that happened and you want to make appeasements, and buy a very expensive gift for Valentine’s Day. But love doesn’t have to break the bank, if it’s true love.

Today’s affirmation:

“I won’t go overboard.”


You have a vision of yourself, which you have carried with you your entire life. The more you remember to love yourself, the more the universe loves you back. Karma has a strange way of working, and you find that as long as you are being true to who you are, and respect those who put elbow grease to support your efforts, the better your Karma.

Today’s affirmation:

“I appreciate you all.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You may be feeling under par, but that is an illusion. What you are experiencing is a sense of having to experience life from a deeply laidback sort of an existence. Just because you are not full force facing the world, doesn’t mean that you are not as connected to the source. You are more connected than anyone.

Today’s affirmation:

“There is more than the eye can see.”


There may be hidden appreciation for you in your group that you may not see, because the naked eye misses a lot, but the depth of your soul knows different. Please, give someone another chance, someone whom you may misunderstand and have judged quickly. There is a need for you there that may not have been spoken, but you are being accepted with open arms.

Today’s affirmation:

“Nothing has been for naught.”


If you give someone important to your career a chance to show you how much they care to help you out, the better. You are put in a place where you can be at the top of your game, ready or not. Karma is saying that you ought to accept this with open arms, and without murmuring. And please, don’t listen to anyone who claims that you are not deserving.

Today’s affirmation:

“What am I doing here?”


If you look at life as if it’s all about dollars and cents, than you miss the big picture. Things happen because they have a meaning, even if you can’t understand them now. Justice has a way of working itself out. Open up your mind to the possibilities, and keep your ears to the ground. Be truthful in all you do today, because Karma is watching, and working.

Today’s affirmation:

“I get educated.”


The Moon is in your sign and you rule the day. No one knows the secrets of your heart, and you are the only one who can make it heal. Give up control, and let circumstances unfold. Your magnetism is powerful today, and not only do you rule the day, but you are looked at, cherished and envied. Work your charm, and watch people do as you ask.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am special.”


You are charitable to a fault today. Deep down you want to please, and to do the best you can for those who are unable to do for themselves. Your love runs so deep that you can actually get yourself in trouble helping those who are less than deserving. Ask yourself, do they value me?

Today’s affirmation:

“I matter.”


Everyone’s eyes are focused on you to be the example of how to live every day as you do. You buck up and roll up your sleeves and get to your work without any complaints. The more you do, and the less you talk, the more you are respected and copied as a role model. But deep down, you just can’t wait to have a drink at sunset with your buddies. 

Today’s affirmation:

“There is a trick to living a good life.”


You are all business all day, and yet there is a little bird chirping in your head, that there is a better way. There is a better way to accomplish your tasks. You are strong, and capable and you want to break every rule to get what you need. You have to hold yourself back from going out on a limb, before you are truly ready to take this chance.

Today’s affirmation:

“Things happen at their own pace.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Being entrenched in tradition, you want your surroundings at home to reflect that. In a world where old age is not respected, today, you have a special place in your heart for those who have come before you. You spread your wisdom, but don’t spread yourself too thin all over the place.

Today’s affirmation:

“Words of wisdom are music to my ears.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will make sure that you educate yourself to further yourself. There are so many interesting things you can learn and so many interesting people you will meet. You will make the changes you need to make, based upon how you feel. Feelings being fickle, better that you listen to your heart, which has learned from past mistakes, and knows where to guide you towards. Love is so special, and will be the support you need, with the wisdom this person gives you. 

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Virgo.

The Moon makes a hard angle with Mercury, an excellent angle with Jupiter and a hard angle with Neptune.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

Saturday, February 8 – Sunday, February 9, 2020


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



The Full Moon is in your Sun sign which means that the Moon is in the opposite sign of Leo and in your relationship zone. This weekend is all about you and how you relate to those most important to you. This is your chance to do whatever you want to do with your loved one. You may think that Valentine’s Day is a few days away, but you can still take your loved one to a restaurant that you know they like, and bring a bouquet of flowers. (Leave the roses for Valentine’s…) Cool off any vibes that may be in the way of peace and intimacy, and cuddle up close. It may be cold outside, but it’s hot by your fireside.


This Full Moon you prefer to have some peace and quiet, something that is not easy to have in this society… You try to have some sense of privacy and want to go to the gym with your loved, one after meditation time. Try to do something together since it’s a weekend Full Moon and is designed for having intimate times without fighting and fussing. And going to the gym will be just the ticket to have a good time and a few chuckles, and where to plan what to do in the evening, which is find time for this quiet one on one, just the two of you.


The Full Moon makes you a romantic God/Goddess. You want to be dramatic in how you look and in what you do. You may want to go see a comedy show or maybe cuddle up to a dramatic Netflix series to binge on. You may want to bring lingerie as a gift, even though Valentine’s Day is coming up around the corner. It certainly couldn’t hurt… and be in the spirit of having a good time just for the sake of creating space for time together, which is precious to begin with, with the fast pace your life is moving in.     


The Full Moon is in Aquarius/Leo. If you have a Taurean need to veg out, this Full Moon is your ticket to a long haul of streaming shows, sauce cooking on your stove, and bread baking in your oven. Ah, calories be damned! Sometimes you just have the need to rest and relax. You have been up to your eyeballs in business transactions, that you may even silent your phone for a stretch. But be careful! You may lose an important call that can be a money making proposition.. 


In this Full Moon in Aquarius/Leo you have the personality that makes others want to be near you. You would like to discuss any subject in order to fix problems you may have with someone dear to you. Any relationship you have now, which you think is having a tough situation on your hands, and needs your patience and tender loving conversation to fix. And you can lay it down so succinctly now. You are charming to a fault, and can sell anyone your side of the story, and get pardoned in the process. So speak up and explain your position.


This Full Moon in Aquarius/Leo you can be emotionally charged up. Money fluctuations are a part of life, but when you are ready to throw in the towel on a business that was lucrative, but which is having some situations happening now, you will be wise to not give it up just yet. The future will show you that tomorrow can be better. However, if the history of the past few month shows as a decline, this is your chance to make that move. Get up, dust yourself off, and find that there are those who are more than happy to see what they can do for you. Whatever you do, don’t worry about anything. 


The Full Moon in Aquarius/Leo is all about you. If you want to shine then you do. If you want to be fearless, and you are. However, you are excitable and may not be able to see the beauty all around you, as you concentrate and contemplate on what is laying ahead of you in future. But this Full Moon is meant for you to celebrate life and to celebrate who you are. The people you see on your way up in the world, and whom you treated with respect, and the connections you have made, will see you trough whatever you are experiencing. The love you gave out is the love you get back now. 


The Full Moon in Aquarius/Leo sees you looking into the past and reassessing what you have experienced in life and how far you have come. The lessons you have had to learn and the wisdom you have acquired. Love who you were then and accept who you are now. You are at a phase where you are willing to take a chance that may be a little like having no net beneath you, and yet, you have come this far, and you can go the distance. Rely on your sense of fairness, which is what makes others want to work with you and want to see you succeed.     


In this Full Moon in Aquarius/Leo love dominates your life at this moment, and the momentum it gives you and the strength it provides, makes it possible for you to overcome whatever life throws your way. You make connections that can last, and which are about your creativity and your ability to make changes quickly and painlessly. You may want to have time with family, but you are called to have a good time with friends, and you ought to get out there, and enjoy your life with those who get your juices flowing, and who make it possible for you to make creative decisions. Your home life will have to wait…


The Full Moon in Aquarius/Leo is all about your business and how you relate to what has been happening there. You have to give yourself a lot of credit for hanging in there through thick and thin, and today, you want to unhinge yourself away from your desk, but it keeps calling you back, for whatever reason. So why not take care of business every time you get a text that tells you the same thing over and over again, and clear the way for an evening of staying home and recuperating and reenergizing. Keep away from social media and really get the mental rest you need.


The Full Moon in Aquarius/Leo you possess all the energy the world can bestow on one person! You can dream up whatever life you choose, and at least, make a plan to try to give it a chance to become a reality. You never know until you try, and you have all the panache to try and to succeed. What you cannot do is think of it in terms of how much money it will produce. However, when you love something you do, it will make you money, and on this premise, the sky is the limit. You have ants in your pants, so why not and get out and about and have simple fun at your local jaunt.


The Full Moon in Aquarius/Leo you are fatigue even thinking about anything at all! Your brain is in serious need for some rest. If you feel stuck, perhaps the message to you is to go with it, go with the flow, and rest it out, instead of trying to work again the forces of nature. When you rest, you are not doing nothing, you are in fact, helping out your body. And while you are at it, you have got to constantly remind yourself to not get disturbed by thoughts of money. Let it go. Don’t worry about anything, and meditate on relaxing your mind. Money is not the issue, it comes and goes, and it ebbs and flows. Your health is the issue.


Today’s Happy Birthday:


In the coming year cycle you will evaluate how far you have come, and wonder if you are on the right path to see you where you want to go. You will have loyal partners who want the best for you, and want to stay with you. Whether you are on the right path or not, you will have the support you need to do whatever is necessary. Love is found in someone who has sage advice and a spirit of someone who has the spunk to get up and go with you.

Good luck and God bless you.



In the coming year cycle you will find a comfort in the people you love. You will find comfort in your partner. You will rely on someone who has been loyal to you and who will always be there for you through thick and thin. It may be a family member, or it may be someone you look at as family. Don’t concentrate on people’s negative traits, and only concentrate on their good traits. It will make it possible for them to get near you, and to show their capabilities. You will have a year of entertainment and good times. Love happens when you let down your guard and allow them to be themselves without your judgment   

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:


The Moon is in Leo.



The Moon in Leo makes an opposition to the Sun: Full Moon at 2:34 AM EST.

The Moon makes an excellent angle with Mars.

The Moon enters Virgo at 6:39 PM EST.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful weekend


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

February 7, 2020


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Venus enters Aries and stays there until March 4th, which translates for you as you being the most charming, and the most persuasive. You will have all the right words for every occasion, and you will be able to soften the toughest hearts with your words. You will fall in love with your neighborhood all over again, and be able to find love near where you live.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being able to talk to your hearts.”


Venus enters Aries and stays there until March 4th, which translates for you as itching to go on shopping sprees! Well, you will… and you will have to curb those desires, because in the end, you will be handed the bill… and don’t let anyone try to make you feel guilty when you have to refuse someone, when they ask you for money for their own greed…

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for thinking twice before purchasing anything.”


Venus enters your sign to stay here until March 4th, and translates for you as being most blazingly glorious at this cycle, because you will be so confident! You will be loving and lovable. Forgiven and forgiving. It will take a lot to get you to do the wrong thing, and very little to do the right thing. Your career will get a boost, and you will be able to right wrongs with people you do business with. 

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being this loving and lovable a person.”


Venus enters Aries and stays there until March 4th, which translates for you as you being the soft place to fall for those whom you love. You will receive with open arms anyone’s troubles to the point where you can make them your own! Therefore you will have to recognize false responsibilities when they are presented to you. Don’t be fooled by elephant tears…

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having the good heart I possess…”


Venus enters Aries and stays there until March 4th, which translates for you as become the glue that keeps your associates together. You will be able to put together and organize people for a cause that you all have a good time participating in. You will be able to put behind you a misunderstanding with a close friend and bring new life to an old friendship.

Friday’s gratitude:

”I am grateful for being the one who keeps us together!”


Venus enters Aries and stays there until March 4th, which translates for you as you being favored by your boss, like never before, and maybe especially when you need that favor after maybe even having been ostracized lately, by people who just don’t get you! You will have the ability to start fresh. Give them a chance, and don’t be judgmental about the past.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being in charge again!”


Venus enters Aries and stays there until March 4th, which translates for you as you needing to take a vacation from the trials and tribulations of life. You have been overworked, and you need a break. Why not schedule a vacation you can afford, and have a good time! If you need to send out resumes that put you in a good light, now is the time to expand your horizons.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being able to expand my horizons.”


Venus enters Aries and stays there until March 4th, which translates for you as you needing to have a conversation with someone with whom you may have and a rough time with. It will feel so sweet to put the past behind you two, and to have the opportunity to create the future you both want. You will be as attractive as honey is to the bee, and will have to watch out from those who will only be interested in you as a physical attraction, and be less than honest about it…

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for making amends with you.”


Venus enters Aries and stays there until March 4th, which translates for you as you having the opportunities to make new relationships, and to create new acquaintances that will be able to be sustained for years to come. Your loyalty will be tested, and you will succeed with flying colors. Beware someone who may try to charm you into your home as a guest, but then won’t leave…

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for making new relationships.”


Venus enters Aries and stays there until March 4th, which translates for you as being the most appreciated pencil in the box of color crayons, where it comes to your work place. You will be the ‘to go to’ when it comes to someone there telling you their utmost personal stuff. You may have to distance yourself purposefully, so that you do not get entangled where you don’t belong.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being appreciated for my work ethic.”


Venus enters Aries and stays there until March 4th, which translates for you as having the time of your life! You will be hot to trot and happy to go to any club. You will want to party, and who can blame you, life is for the living, and there is a lot of living for you to explore! You will have to be careful about gambling, or about spending money you don’t have on silly notions.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having so much life in me!”


Venus enters Aries and stays there until March 4th, which translates for you as being the homebody you have in you and which will now be there in full bloom. You will be nesting and making a home sweet home for you, or for you and your loved ones. If you are interested in someone romantically, invite over and impress this potential person with a home cooked meal.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having a beautiful roof over my head!”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will have the gift of the gab and your personality will open up like a flower. You will be charming and have the ability to say the right thing at the right time. However, whatever is deep inside you, you will keep to yourself. You will embark on a path that will come as a surprise to your nearest and dearest, but in the end, the proof will be in the pudding, and you will show them that you were correct all along… You find love with someone who enjoys quiet walks in the park, and whom you may meet right there in your neighborhood.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon in Cancer makes a hard angle with Pluto and a hard angle with Saturn.

Venus enters Aries.

The Moon enters Leo at 5:45 PM EST.

The Moon makes an excellent angle with Venus and a hard angle with Uranus.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star