Monthly Archives: August 2020

August 19, 2020


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



With the New Moon behind you, Mercury is leaving your sign. Mercury enters Virgo to stay there until September 5th. You will be sharp about your earnings, and you won’t care if you are involved in a permanent position, which probably is not the case. But it will be profitable. Starting today, sift through opportunities through faith.

Today’s affirmation:

“Money makes the world go ‘round.”


Mercury enters your sign to stay here until September 5th. You will nitpick about your physical appearance and you will need to be more empathetic with yourself, and not be so critical of yourself. We have all been quarantined, and it has taken a toll on our bodies… Your weak emotional state compounds the way you perceive yourself to look.

Today’s affirmation:

“Looking good is as important as feeling good.” Lol.


Mercury enters Virgo to stay there until September 5th. You have been dealing with wanting to have a relationship that is exciting and not as humdrum as in the days of quarantine. And even though those days are somewhat over, you will be harboring feelings that you are masking, and you will not allow to show. They are best not to show, or you can be volatile. 

Today’s affirmation:

“I can wait.”


Mercury enters Virgo to stay there until September 5th. You will be busy learning a new program on your computer that will be of great help for you moving forward. You will have to conserve your energy. You will be more discerning than usual about who you want to spend time with, and which friends will be the lucky ones you want to spend your precious energy on.

Today’s affirmation:

“I love my computer.”


Mercury enters Virgo to stay there until September 5th. Your profession will take up most of your time, because you will be overly occupied with overlapping appointments and some chaos. You will need to get super organized if you want to enjoy your profession, and have some spare time for your personal life for that matter.

Today’s affirmation:

“It’s all over the place.”


Mercury enters Virgo to stay there until September 5th. Adventures are what you will crave, however, it’s not the time in history to get that desire answered. But you can enjoy books or shows that take you to far off lands and which inspire you have dreams for when this global disaster is behind us.

Today’s affirmation:

“I can dream, can’t I?”


Mercury enters Virgo to stay there until September 5th. Mysteries will take up your imagination and you may see conspiracy in every situation. Be careful not to be so mistrusting to the point that it’s difficult to see the goodness in people. You can make for a great detective in this period, or get a job as one, if so you seek…

Today’s affirmation:

“Are you being truthful with me?”


Mercury enters Virgo to stay there until September 5th. Relationship and love will be a priority at this time period, and you will be able to gather much information about whomever you are speaking with and want to deepen the relationship. It’s your job that will be neglected some, this week, but you do need to see people in a more intimate way.

Today’s affirmation:

“I have been alone too long.”


Mercury enters Virgo to stay there until September 5th. Your loyalty will be evident and whatever test you will be given by your boss, you will pass with flying colors. Your energy level is way up, and your ambitions will be answered in a positive way. Things are going your way.

Today’s affirmation:

“It’s my way and I am happy about it.”


Mercury enters Virgo to stay there until September 5th. You will be expressing yourself with humor and you will desire to have a good time. You will be the pipe piper and people will want to follow you and to have the fun you are having. But behind the laughter, some will harbor a pain that you are dealing with. Sometimes it will be tough to hold your feelings back.  

Today’s affirmation:

“The tears of the clown.”


Mercury enters Virgo to stay there until September 5th. Relocating as a temporary solution? It can pop up! Or perhaps you will bring in a roommate for a time being. Bottom line, your home will be a buzzing place of action, and where you will have to find a place to get some privacy. You will have to put limitations on this visit.

Today’s affirmation:

“My home is your home. For a while only…”


Mercury enters Virgo to stay there until September 5th. If you have issues about communication in general, this period gives you the opportunity to open up and express what you weren’t able to before. If you want to make a resume that shows who you are, this will give you the opportunity to create one that is precisely what you intend to say.   

Today’s affirmation:

“This is who I am and what I can do.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will have situations outside of your control that will bring you good paying jobs, but that is after this year is over. Until then, you will have jobs which are more temporary in nature, and work with import or export will be especially interesting to look into. Love will be possible with someone who is compassionate with everyone they work with, and who accept your family with all their dynamics.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon in Leo conjoins Mercury.

The Moon enters Virgo at 4:21 AM EDT.

Mercury enters Virgo.

The Moon makes an excellent angle with Uranus.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

August 18, 2020


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



The New Moon is in your sign. This is the beginning of the year cycle for you. It’s your collective birthday. Think up anything at all that you would like to pursue for the coming twelve months, and start to make it happen. Your imagination is running high, and your enthusiasm is even higher. You are still hampered by the situation we are currently under, but after the beginning of next year, you will feel freer to pursue even more new goals.

Today’s affirmation:

“Happy Birthday to me.”


The New Moon in Leo gives you the opportunity to let go of things and of issues than no longer work for you, and which you may have been too polite or nice to let go of. It will give you the chance to get rid of something that will help you unclutter a space that you need for other things. 

Today’s affirmation:

“I have to let go of you, old pair of pant…”


The New Moon in Leo gives you the opportunity to zoom today, with an entirely different bunch of zoomers, and to enjoy new company that has the potential to make you become even better in a specific field, or area of your life. Welcome someone new with compassion and open arms.

Today’s affirmation:



The New Moon in Leo shows you taking control over, and become an overseer to an important project. Ready or not, here is a wonderful opportunity that can prove to everyone that you can be the boss you know you can be. Stand up and take control.

Today’s affirmation:

“I embrace the opportunity.”


The New Moon in Leo gives you the chance to expand on your life’s spiritual growth, and on the vision you have for yourself moving forward. Your courage and enthusiasm are what fuels you to continue, and make you able to take up a new study that turns you on.

Today’s affirmation:

“I have a dream.”


The New Moon in Leo brings issues that touch your heart and may have hurt you into focus, and ask you what you intend to do about them. This is your chance to make peace with situations that are leaving your space and your life, and which you have long wanted and waited for them to be gone.

Today’s affirmation:

“Thank you for having served me.”


The New Moon in Leo allows you to cement a relationship that matters to you more than anything else. You have the opportunity to bring a rose, to make peace. Or if there was no conflict, simply have a loving dinner and sit across someone, like we used do to before this pandemic.

Today’s affirmation:

“Let’s go to a restaurant, responsibly.”


The New Moon in Leo brings the urgency of your health into the picture and what are you doing about it? This is your last opportunity to get a hold of a piece of equipment that can change your body’s health for the better, and help make you a healthy specimen, consistency is key.

Today’s affirmation:

“A little bit goes a long way.”


The New Moon in Leo makes you make great decisions that are based on all your experiences that brought you to the position you are holding today, and have you think perhaps there are some things you want to take a chance on, and expand on what has been successful for you already.

Today’s affirmation:

“There is always room to grow.”


The New Moon in Leo reminds you that your home is where your heart lives. And that once that gets run down, it doesn’t do much good for your life. Choose a color you love and paint a room. Do something to make you happy inside of your home.   

Today’s affirmation:

“There is this great chair I like…”


The New Moon in Leo brings your curiosity about a situation that gets your attention enough, that you intend to learn as much about it, and to stop being in the dark about it. Grab every piece of information. You won’t look like you don’t know what you’re talking about, when you are called to talk about it.  

Today’s affirmation:

“Communication depends on the information.”


The New Moon in Leo reminds you to straighten out your bank account, and to start fresh on something that you may have to work on for a little bit and then forget about it. So with just a little effort, you can create a peaceful state of mind for yourself. You can snag a good job today as well.

Today’s affirmation:

“I don’t need complications about my money.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will have more energy than you will know what to do with! So you better find ways to do the great things you can do in a cycle such as this. This pandemic is causing you to have to be a little slower in achieving your goals, but still once there is more control over it, and there will be, you will be able to do miraculous things with your life. Start anew if you want or expand on what you already have started in your life. Love will be possible with someone who is spectacular on so many levels!

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Mon is in Leo.

Venus makes an easy angle with Uranus.

The Moon makes an excellent angle with Mars.

The Moon conjoins the Sun: New Moon at 10:42 PM EDT.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

August 17, 2020


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



The Moon is in your sign and you rule the day. The Sun thisclose together with expressive Mercury, are doing a dance with thrill seeker Mars; you want what you want when you want it, and you just may get your way! It’s your charm that wins the day. You won’t be whining, you will be demanding charmingly…

Today’s affirmation:

“I hope they do what I say?”


The Sun thisclose with uncensored Mercury, are doing a dance with intense Mars. You are digging where the sun doesn’t shine and where things fester in the dark. But when you bring out the stuff for all to see, will this be considered a triumph or an intrusion to where you don’t belong? You may think it’s the first, but it’s the latter.

Today’s affirmation:

“I can’t’ help but see through someone.”


The Sun thisclose with mental Mercury, are doing a dance with pushy Mars. You are brainstorming with the ones who will be able to collectively decide a project’s fate, but when you demand your vision and your way, they may not be so happy to have you have your way. It is a collective collaboration after all.   

Today’s affirmation:

“I have to be polite.”


The Sun thisclose with analytical Mercury, are doing a dance with fierce Mars, help you to do get a grip on a project that needs to be completed, and needs to be completed with precision. There is no place for error. But you got it! Your brain can handle this with no problem.

Today’s affirmation:

“My brain is as clear as a bell.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. The Sun thisclose with conversationalist Mercury, are doing a dance with aggressive Mars; you may just blurt out information, a dare perhaps, but it brings a smile of satisfaction to the listener. You are brave and daring.

Today’s affirmation:

“It’s all in the way you say it…”


The Sun thisclose with observant Mercury, are doing a dance with combative Mars. There isn’t anything you can’t uncover when you have your mind made up. You are the wiser for it, when you delve into the history of a family member, or the history of someone who is in the center of something important to you.

Today’s affirmation:

“Knowledge is power.”


The Sun thisclose with meaningful dialogue Mercury, are doing a dance with energetic Mars. To get to know someone in a personal way, by asking the revealing and smart questions you want to ask, only intensifies the relationship.

Today’s affirmation:

“Let’s have a meaningful dialogue.”


The Sun thisclose with focused Mercury, are doing a dance with capricious Mars, brings you down to earth, and has you complete something you never thought you would be able to do. You will be more than happy with the results, and happy with the financial gain.

Today’s affirmation:

“I won’t spend it all in one place…”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. The Sun thisclose with quicksilver Mercury, are doing a dance with driven Mars. You grab a situation with both hands and creatively shape it into what you want. If you can’t shape it into what you want, you contrive it into shape.

Today’s affirmation:

“Nothing can stand in my way.”


The Sun thisclose with analytical Mercury, are doing a dance with excitable Mars. Nothing passes your eyes, and no one can pull the wool over your eyes. So before you get angry, just remember that if you keep it to yourself, you will gain more out of the situation, than by showing your hand.

Today’s affirmation:

“I will sleep on it…”


The Sun thisclose with never resting Mercury, are doing a dance with pushy Mars you come to life and you are so excited about life itself. These experiences are making you stronger, you can’t complain, when a friend wants you to share of your knowledge.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am a fountain of understanding for you.”


The Sun thisclose with rational Mercury, are doing a dance with assertive Mars. You have what it takes to make a success of a business opportunity. You’ve got what it takes, and you possess the perseverance to see it to its completion. And on top of it you know how to be frugal.

Today’s affirmation:

“I won’t waste my hard earned money.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will expand your horizons. You will find that you have a lot to say. You will have a desire to learn a new subject matter. You will have a great time when you have a partner who is compatible with you. If however, the compatibility isn’t there, and there are differences of opinions, that collaboration, most likely, won’t see a project come to fruition. Love will be possible with someone who is ambitious, and who is trying to change their life.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

Mercury makes an excellent angle with Mars.

The Moon enters Leo at 1:39 PM EDT.

Mercury conjoins the Sun.  

The Moon makes a hard angle with Uranus.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

Saturday, August 15 – Sunday, August 16, 2020


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



On Saturday, Uranus begins its retrograde motion, to go direct on January 14, 2021. Making you have to take a realistic look at your career, and see what you enthusiastically want to change there, so that it will fit with your vision for yourself, in this crazy time, where to have a career takes a lot of changing and acclimating. On Sunday, energetic Mars and the Sun are having a great time together. You can see your life in an optimistic way, and you meditate on the decision that nothing can bring you down!


On Saturday, Uranus begins its retrograde motion, to go direct on January 14, 2021. You will change your narrative, about the overall picture of what you want your life to look like, in this crazy world. You will be going through a change in how you perceive the world as you have known it to be, and the shocking way that it has evolved and your opinions will change accordingly. On Sunday energetic Mars and the Sun are having a great time together. They are showing you that not everything you desire is good for you. That you have to wait your turn, and that you don’t mind at all. The sweetness of true friendships is yours today.


On Saturday, Uranus begins its retrograde motion, to go direct on January 14, 2021. You will find a way to get in touch with your feelings, and you will be able to name what is happening with you, now that we have experienced what we have been experiencing, and the way it has been effecting you, you will never be the same of course, and you will develop a shield to protect your feelings. On Sunday, energetic Mars and the Sun are having a great time together. The sense of comradery is powerful in you, as you would like to collect your bunch of friends and perhaps have a zoom session. Business is on your mind as well and tugging at you.


This is a wonderful weekend for you. On Saturday, Uranus begins its retrograde motion, to go direct January 14, 2021. You will have a new way of dealing with your primary relationship, your love relationship. Or even with your boss, if it’s still the same person. You will find that you have to learn a new way to communicate and to relate, or there will be some rough times, until you get adjusted. On Sunday, energetic Mars and the Sun are having a great time together. What makes you happy is to organize your office for the next week, and with your headphones on, you are wise to turn off outside influences, and concentrate on what your priorities are. You’ll get done in no time.


On Saturday, Uranus begins its retrograde motion, to go direct on January 14, 2021. You will have the opportunity to get yourself that bicycle, the one you have been dreaming of getting, so that you can get some exercise in this world where gyms are closed, and put it in front of your television, before you become sedentary… or you may put it in your newly revamped office! On Sunday, energetic Mars and the Sun are having a great time together. You probably are hopping out of bed, and declaring that ‘no!’ you won’t be cooped up! You find a way to passionately engage in interesting and stimulating activities.


On Saturday, Uranus begins its retrograde motion, to go direct on January 14, 2021. If your life was lackluster in any way shape or form, now you will get the chance to get creative. This is your chance to turn your life into a time of make believe, or a time of much creativity, that will seep into anything you will be involved in.  On Sunday, energetic Mars and the Sun are having a great time together. You are interested in having your love object right there with you. And you may be going through your family photos and talking about the good old times. You sex appeal is strong… 


On Saturday, Uranus begins its retrograde motion, to go direct on January 14, 2021. Whatever you needed to do in your home and didn’t, now that the stores are open and Home Depot is cranking out all sorts of building materials, you are about to create yourself something that is equivalent to a magazine cover, lol, of home sweet home. And should you need a new apparel closet, you will find a way to get it into your bedroom. On Sunday, energetic Mars and the Sun are having a great time together. Your family holds your interest today, as you dial the number of cousins and just talk about all that you have been experiencing lately… you get strength from one another.


This is a wonderful weekend for you. On Saturday, Uranus begins its retrograde motion, to go direct on January 14, 2021. You will go through a period of time where you give yourself permission to be yourself, and it will free you to clearly speak your truth, and to show the world what you are made of. Your eloquence with words will even exceed your usual sensitive and truthful way of communicating. On Sunday, energetic Mars and the Sun are having a great time together. It may make you impulsive to spend money on stuff you may regret, unless you have specific need for an item, and you have researched it to exhaustion, and unless you are stacking up on vitamins and health related items. 


On Saturday, Uranus begins its retrograde motion, to go direct on January 14, 2021. Your relationship with your money is going through some serious alterations. You must be aware by now, that you are not dealing with your expenditures in the same way that you used to. If you used to be frugal, now you may have the desire to spend more. If you were a spendthrift, you find yourself appreciating the way of life of buckling up. On Sunday, energetic Mars, in your sign now, and the Sun are having a great time together. You are leading the pack when it comes to knowing how to enjoy a weekend! Grab a tent or umbrella, and head to the beach! You will be and walk along the sand and pick up shells. Life is a beautiful thing!


On Saturday, Uranus making a home in your sign, begins its retrograde motion, to go direct on January 14, 2021. You are learning that you don’t have to be the same as you used to be; that you are allowed to evolve. You find out that you are allowed to change yourself and to enjoy the process. You will be more bubbly and enjoyable to those around you. On Sunday, energetic Mars and the Sun are having a great time together. It can bring out the melancholy in you. It can bring out the stuff that is better dealt with once and for all. Have a talk with yourself, and cook yourself a delicious meal that is healthful yet tasty. Give yourself some TLC.


On Saturday, Uranus begins its retrograde motion, to go direct on January 14, 2021. You will find more peace in being alone than you ever thought possible. Normally, you are a person who likes to get around, and the more the better. A person who loves the company of people. Now you will be happy to be a couch potato, and to enjoy your solitude and inner stillness. On Sunday, energetic Mars and the Sun are having a great time together. Your need to express yourself is powerful. It’s a good day to take your children by the hand, and take them to the amusement park, or to the beach, and teach them about life.   


The Moon is in your sign over the weekend, and you rule the weekend. On Saturday, Uranus begins its retrograde motion, to go direct on January 14, 2021. You are going to be shuffling your social life and find new and entertaining people to entertain you with. You will find new people that show you that life can be different, even in this crazy world, and that you have people who are rooting for you. On Sunday, energetic Mars and the Sun are having a great time together. You don’t care if it’s the weekend or not. You are interested in working and in making money, kaching, and good for you! This weekend is all about you and your wishes. So there! Do your thing. More power to ya!


Today’s Happy Birthday:


In the coming year cycle you will be deep in contemplation. You will look at your life and want to make changes towards the future, as far as the eye can see. You will be wise to aspire for other than what you are used to and to research it. You will be wise to clean out your attic and your storage areas, and to give to charity all that you no longer find viable for the future. Love will be possible with someone who is very spiritual or religious, and who understand that life is always in a state of fluctuation, and who looks forward to life’s changes.

Good luck and God bless you.



In the coming year cycle you will have energy galore to make a new start! So whether or not you have the opportunity to join back where you used to work before the virus, you may consider starting anew, regardless. Look at every option, and it may even be in another town or state. But the most important aspect of it all, is your need to make sure that it’s in a place where you can find a calm heart and a calm mind. Love will be possible with someone who is able to match your energy level, and how is willing to go where you go.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:


The Moon is in Cancer.

Uranus begins its retrograde motion.

The Moon conjoins Venus and makes an easy angle with Uranus.



The Moon is in Cancer.

 The Moon makes a hard angle with Jupiter and an excellent angle with Neptune

The Sun makes an excellent angle with Mars.

The Moon makes a hard angle with Pluto, a hard angle with Mars and a hard angle with Saturn.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful weekend


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

August 14, 2020


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



This day is light hearted for you, and positively fabulous! You are settling into a lovey-dovey kind of a day. Your head is rested, your heart is nourished and you are doing great when it comes to dealing with people. You understand their motives and you forgive situations that aren’t really all that difficult to conquer.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I’m grateful to be having such a nice day…”


You mean business today, even if some people may be a little confusing to you. But one thing you know for sure is that their intention is good. It’s just a tough world right now, and they are caught up in their own little drama. And you have to look out for yourself, and be your own best friend.  

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the career I have in this crazy world.”


Making energetic progress in a relationship brings you and everyone else involved, to see more eye to eye. You feel a part of the collective and you bring your situations in front of trusted friends. They have the desire and the time, to listen to you, and to assure you that you are doing alright.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for understanding that relationships takes work.”


Even though people are not allowing you to do your thing, because they think they know better what is good for you today, your patience is at an all-time high and you just smile and shoo them away. They don’t know they have been brilliantly shooed away, that’s how smooth you are today! 

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful to be one smooth operator!”


Speak your mind. Have everything is out on the table. What have you got to lose? The truth comes out anyway… you are loving and you speak in beautiful tones. You can patch up any obstacle that may have come in your way in this relationship. 

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having someone listen to me.”


If you’re not careful a situation can come to a breaking point. Life and people are fragile. You cannot poke and prod, and not expect an irritation. The best thing to do is to not ask questions, and to not get involved in someone else’ life. Even though you are completely sincere, and mean well. 

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for knowing when to quit…”


There is nothing you want more than to have a good time today. It’s a good thing that it’s Friday, you can start your weekend… You seek entertainment, you seek good conversation and you seek someone to bestow love and affection on at a time when we are not allowed to hug others…

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful to have so much love in my heart.”


Easy things can become complicated situations, if you don’t recognize that you have responsibilities that you feel very obligated to do now, and even though, you owe it to yourself, to take good care of yourself in the midst of so much responsibility towards your family. Separate the two and it all falls into place.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for acknowledging that I need to take care of me too.”


The pressure you feel can be eliminated by meditation. Just to sit for a few minutes a day, and listen to soft music, and close your eyes, and just let your brain take a rest. But what a fantastic day and a lovely day to just chit chat and let off steam by taking a long walk. A definite day for fresh air.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the clean fresh air I breathe.”


You are confident, standing in your own stance, you have a good sense of who you are, and you have a good time spending money on yourself, with a little something for a good friend. Your home is another place where if you invest in some improvement, it will thank you.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for taking care of me and mine.”        


You are being recognizes for your talents and for your input, and that ought to make you feel good. It must feel fantastic that you are including others into the fabric of your life, that you don’t feel alone and that you have a community to which you belong.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the great people that create the fabric of my life.”


Even if your boss is riding you hard today, and even though you don’t seem to be able to satisfy someone, you still get paid, and that is all you can ask for. The best way to handle today, is by allowing the world to do its thing. And to not react when people act in a way that makes you roll your eyes…

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having a live and let live mentality.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be assisted by the universe. You will have a group of people who will be happy to be of service to you, and you in return will be of service to them. You will be ambitious, and you will take stock of your life, and think of where and what kind of people you would like to live close to, and work with. Love will be possible with someone who is a social butterfly, and who loves to do humanitarian work.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon in Gemini makes a hard angle with Neptune, an easy angle with the Sun and an easy angle with Mars.

The Moon enters Cancer at 7:36 PM EDT.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

August 13, 2020


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Mars makes a hard angle with Pluto, and tells you that you can flip the script on something you are growing out of, and look into a dream that is picking up momentum. Make plans that take a detour from the life you have known up to today. And look boldly into a powerful future.

Today’s affirmation:

“Time for a change is a coming up.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You are all business all day. Mars and Pluto suggest that you have the opportunity to take a chance on something that can become a change in your professional lifestyle going forward. But before you make any hasty decisions you have to contemplate the opportunity.

Today’s affirmation:

“This is mighty interesting…”


You are thinking big and looking far into your future, when you talk to someone who has the capacity to change your life going forward. Listen very carefully, mull the conversation very well in your mind, and find out if it will fit into your home life. You don’t have to feel like you are being forced into anything,

Today’s affirmation:

“I like this, and I have to make sure it gels with my family.”


You are deep in thought when the Moon occupies the house that Scorpio lives in… And you need to keep whatever issues, out in the open. Because if you don’t, you can create a situation with someone you work with, that will be less than comfortable going forward. You don’t want to have a fight, but the conversation will be passionate.

Today’s affirmation:

“We have to get this out in the open.”


Relationships are highlighted. There is someone who you are passionate about, someone who may have been in a summer fling, or a virtual relationship that you want to take to the next step. Whether you get a ring, or if you propose, it will change your life forever. You know what you are doing…

Today’s affirmation:

“I need you in my life.”


You are making major life changes of various types. Each one of you have a different Karma to answer to, and you are more than ready, and more than happy, to be able to make these changes. You don’t have to overthink anything. You will have to get your family to agree with you and to allow you to do this.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am moving on!”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. If you are not sure about an opportunity, the best thing to do today, is to find someone professional to give you some sound advice. You need advice and you need to think it through thoroughly. The main question is are you rushing into something?

Today’s affirmation:

“I need to get some advice.”


A monetary situation that will please you can pop up, and make you take a second look. Get the information you need before you sign on the dotted line. You have to know yourself. You have to stand in your boots, or summer sandals, with confidence and with your head held high, no matter your bracket.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am happy with who I am.”


Mars being in your sign, is creating a hard angle with Pluto. You have a new direction to take and it may be scary. You have to know that every beginning is a tough thing to take on, but here you are taking an opportunity head on, and may the chips fall where they may.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am not afraid.”


You are trying your best to pay catch-up. And it may be difficult to do. Why not think of your life, as each day being a new day and a new opportunity. Don’t be down on your past, and there is no reason to rehash it over and over. You are accident prone, so be aware of your surroundings.

Today’s affirmation:

“I look forward with joy.”


The Moon is in your sign and you rule the day. You find yourself in a situation that demands from you to take a closer look at the group you are involved with. You may have a difference of opinion, and yet you have to work together, and you have to get along; either leave the group, or get along. There isn’t much leeway here.

Today’s affirmation:

“Let’s find a way to see eye to eye.”


You may find yourself in a situation that you have to have a conversation about a very important issue, with a pivotal person in your life. You may want to say that you need a day or two before you can speak about it, and use today to contemplate. Think in terms of career, that is getting a strong wind under your wings.

Today’s affirmation:

“My career is on the up and up.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you may have to make changes to your life as you know it. Whatever the case may be, it can become a great year, all you need to do is be honest with yourself about your intentions. Because you can make great changes that can suit your life as you are now and in the future. Love will be possible with someone who is head strong, and very social.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Gemini.

Mars makes a hard angle with Pluto.

The Moon makes an easy angle with Mercury.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

August 12, 2020


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will care about your human family, and try to make a difference in people’s lives. You will have to stop short before you stop taking care of yourself and becoming a martyr. It may work in the short term, but not in the long run. You will have to not get lost in how much your family depends on you, and declare some independence if you need it. Love will be possible with someone who is soft spoken, and social and sweetens your life.   

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon in Taurus makes an excellent angle with Saturn.

The Moon enters Gemini at 9:47 AM EDT.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

August 11, 2020


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



You started the week powerfully, with working right off the bat, and it continues today and it comes to fruition. You are all business all day, and your hard work is paying off. You may not feel as though you have accomplished much, but that is only a perception, and a wrong one.

Today’s affirmation:

“I respect what I have accomplished.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You have the freedom to do as you please. But all you want to do is please someone. Please them with wonderful words of approval and affection… as long as you don’t find yourself trying to appease without having it being returned…  

Today’s affirmation:

“Getting along is so much more pleasant.”


This is a fine day for indecision. But who cares if you are being indecisive, when you are having a brilliant day just receiving awards and having a good time without even having to try? You love whoever it was that placed you at the top of the list, and doesn’t even ask you for anything in return.

Today’s affirmation:

“It’s lovely at the top!”


Relationships are highlighted. You have your mind made up to be able to handle someone who isn’t easy to handle. You listen to advice and do as you have been communicated, which gives you the upper hand in managing difficult people. They see how hard you are trying, and are willing to get along with you.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am trying my best.”


You have so many chores to get through today, and you just don’t have the time for anyone diverting your attention. So guess what? They are just dying to divert your attention. How do you deal with it? You are resigning yourself to the fact that some chit chat is healthy for the soul.

Today’s affirmation:

“Champagne for lunch? Really!”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You are bursting with enthusiasm and waiting for the good life to open up again. Meanwhile, to have company today, is just the ticket! Have company for dinner, outdoors, with social distancing and help each other out emotionally through this rough time we are having.

Today’s affirmation:

“Let’s be here for one another.”


You try to ground yourself and its difficult because you are trying to get everything done, but you are up against the clock. You need to know that you will be happy, when it’s all over and done with, and that you will find the memory of it very satisfying all in all.

Today’s affirmation:

“When the going gets tough the tough get going.”


You find that it’s easier to finish a project, when there are more than one head involved. You like the input and the comradery. It makes the day go faster, and it’s good for your health to have company, to have a few laughs and to get serious when you have to. You pick up on some of their energy, and use it to propel you.

Today’s affirmation: 

“I am so glad to be able to talk to you.”


If you see the whole day through the lens of dollar signs, you miss out on an inspiring day. You are creative and you can have yourself a day where you find answers to all sorts of questions. However, it is true that the day is very good to have conversations about how much pay you deserve for a particular project.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am an asset.”


The Moon is in your sign and you rule the day. Your thinking is smooth and on point, that is why you are pushing on all cylinders and you are giving it your all. Nothing comes easily but that doesn’t deter you. Do help yourself, but don’t forget to help someone along the way, even if it means a little encouraging phone call.

Today’s affirmation:

“We’re all doing the best we can.”


You don’t know if you are tired or not. On the one hand you are filled with the spirit of love and understanding, and with a desire to live the sweet like today. And on the other hand you keep falling asleep periodically, with little cat naps, because you are feeling all cozy on the inside.

Today’s affirmation:

“Life is sweet.”


You are the most accommodating person in the zodiac today! It seems you woke up and decided to be nice to everyone. Even to the most horrid! You know how to handle anyone, and how to bring peace everywhere. Lord knows we need someone like you around today…

Today’s affirmation:

“Peace. Isn’t it wonderful?”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be all business all the time, and you will be so appreciative and loving any opportunity. You will make sure to have all the liberty you will need, to get your career on the proper footing. You will find ways to be fair to everyone and to be charitable to everyone. Love will be possible with someone who is ambitious, yet making sure to take care of family.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Taurus.

The Moon makes an excellent angle with Jupiter, a hard angle with the Sun, an easy angle with Neptune and an excellent angle with Pluto.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

August 10, 2020


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Venus making nice with the Moon makes what could otherwise be a chaotic day, into a day of self-discovery and exciting prospects. Are the prospects dependable? That is the ultimate question. Today is not holding the answer.    

Today’s affirmation:

“I feel oddly alive and happy.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Going two steps forward and one step back is not much fun, but you get there with an anticipation of finding common ground between all involved. Whether you find it or not, depends on the people involved. Do you know them very well?  

Today’s affirmation:

“I am giving this a try.”


When you doubt some people who have been loyal to you, you will be pleasantly surprised when you find the opposite to be true. All is well that ends well… keep fingers crossed…

Today’s affirmation:

“You never know!”


Relationships are highlighted, and as such, there is much excitement when it comes to learning about new cultures and new destinations you’ve never visited before, together. Communications are exciting.

Today’s affirmation:

“Love is never knowing what the day brings.”


You know that you are not responsible for someone else’s situations, but here you go again! It will make you very happy, and it’s nothing personal, when you get impressive news, that they can stand on their own feet…

Today’s affirmation:

“I don’t like having to worry about you.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. If you have had a tense exterior that mirrored your interior, today gives you the jolt you need to let go of unimportant things that seem important.

Today’s affirmation:

“Who needs to worry needlessly?”


You don’t have to continually explain yourself. You can give it a rest, and start to have your actions tell the story. Loving yourself is an action that creates an atmosphere where everyone else can relax around you.

Today’s affirmation:

“Vibrations are a form of action.”


You are the barrel of laughs that people can use having around these days, and today, you come up with situations that are funny. You are the picture of the prankster, whose actions are unexpected yet welcome, just don’t ever do it…   

Today’s affirmation:

“I need a laugh today.”


If you are looking to find solutions to problems you may be having, in how to take care of issues in your home, you can find them today. But don’t try to figure out how much it will cost, because it is difficult to get a straight answer.

Today’s affirmation:

“How much is that doggie in the window?”


The Moon is in your sign and you rule the day. You are antsy and need to get out and about. You have to be able to be ready to change the agenda momentarily, so have as many items as you think you may need for today, on hand. Try not to have others dictate what you need to do.

Today’s affirmation:

“I can give you some advice.”


You love to have someone to talk to today. Someone who you can share your secrets with, and with whom you can paint the town with responsibly. It doesn’t have to break the bank, but it could if you don’t pay attention.

Today’s affirmation:

“I like talking to you.”


You can never tell how people act. As long as you are secure with who you are, what difference does it make to you, how they perceive a situation? Everyone has their interior clock, just as you have yours.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am lovable.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be hard working, and there will be many twists and turns to your year. You will not have a dull moment, and you will be able to do exciting things with your plans about climbing up the ladder of success. This is no ordinary time in our life collectively, and you will have an upper hand in knowing how to handle the constant challenges we are facing. Love will be possible with someone who is funny, smart and who isn’t afraid to try new things. 

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Taurus.

The Moon makes an easy angle with Venus.

Mercury makes a hard angle with Uranus.

The Moon conjoins Uranus and makes a hard angle with Mercury.  


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star

Saturday, August 8 – Sunday, August 9, 2020


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



On Saturday, you get much needed energy. You imagination is running wild, but you are excited to think up big great stuff you want to do, once this insanity is over with. Make plans, but make them with a flexibility clause, because nothing is written in stone these days. On Sunday, stop yourself from making reservations impulsively, without knowing if you will have the ability to get out of them. Go for the sure thing only.


On Saturday, you are very deep in thought and yet you find time for flirting. The internet is a great place to find new people to talk to, and to find out if a relationship is worth pursuing. You don’t have to tell them every little thing about you, it’s not a confessional, only a flirtation. On Sunday, listen to your instincts and try not to commit to anything impulsively. You are in a serious state of mind, and it would help to watch a comedic show, and have a few laughs. 


On Saturday, relationships are highlighted. Your enthusiasm is something to watch, and your passion is strong towards the ones you love. If you want to have peace all day long, you have to step back and look at the way you may be treating those you love. You mean well, but it can come through as aggressive. On Sunday, you need to forget about anything that needs fixing at home, and concentrate on making your relationship stronger. Romance is in the air, and tenderness is required.


On Saturday, you are hell bent on creating an atmosphere filled with energy and enthusiasm for the job you have. You want everyone involved to be as engaged as you are, of course that is impossible, as you are dealing with different individuals. On Sunday, your enthusiasm is strong and your demands stronger. So if you want cooperation, you must take a step back, and see the important work others are putting in as well, and show appreciation.


On Saturday, oh what fun life could be if it weren’t for this Covid-19 situation! You’ve had about enough about this whole situation that you intend to have a good time no matter what!! Hopefully, you do so responsibly, even though you may be so excited, that you forget about being careful… On Sunday, you desire to start living again, overshadows anything; you owe it to yourself to take a day off from any monetary worries, and do something outdoors, if at all possible. And try not to spend money foolishly…


On Saturday, you have the greatest desire to take care of immediate issues that are happening within your family, or within the home that may need some immediate repairs. You can’t hide it under the carpet any longer, it must be tended to so that you can move on to easier situations. On Sunday, presuming you have heeded this advice, so that today, you can finally get up from under, and do some things at home that aren’t work related, but are more food related and comfort related. Bake a happy cake and have a happy barbecue.


On Saturday, you are finally coming to grips with the recent changes that may have rocked you, due to this virus, or perhaps because of other issues, or living conditions you have to get used to, and today, you wish to talk to someone about the progress you are making, and to get some advice. On Sunday, you are in the mood to rip through any and all locks that keep you home, and to get out there and get some fresh air, or meet someone for a conversation and vigorous hike.


On Saturday, you feel pressed to help your assistants and the ones who are there for you when everyone is busy doing other things. You feel obligated to take care of the ones you care most about, because you have most in common with them. However, you can get impulsive and do way more than they expect, until on Sunday, you can make a fool out of yourself, by shelling out money that is way over the top, and most unexpected.


On Saturday, the Moon is in your sign and you rule the day, and then some! You have it all going on, and way too much to do and way too much on your hands to feel any sense of a weekend. As much as this could be a day of fun and recreation, you have way too many obligations. You need to delegate some of this and free yourself up some… On Sunday, you may do things no one anticipates you would ever do, and accomplish an important project that no one knew you had in you…


On Saturday, you have to think of what it is you are doing: you have great dreams that you have been working on, and that need more work to complete. That doesn’t mean that you have to toil at them today… today is meant for you to keep dreaming the dreams you dream, but you have to give yourself permission to do nothing at all. On Sunday, things you say, things that just slip out of your lips can startle even yourself! Think before you speak, and nothing can possibly go wrong…


On Saturday, you are willing to do anything at all for someone who is good to you. Your intentions may be as solid as a rock, but they can be taken in a different way than you assume. You can only be yourself, and you can be as accommodating as a saint, and yet, you have no control over whatever ‘they’ say… On Sunday, you are smart to go on a trip to anywhere that isn’t boring, and anywhere that you can take with your favorite company.


On Saturday, you have the opportunity to show someone of importance that you want this job, or this career more than anything, and that you are willing to do anything you need to get there. It may need more coaxing than you know, but the effort will be rewarded. On Sunday, your charm has, for sure, gotten you the work you want. Get ready to roll up your sleeves, forget about complaining and get started. And remember, the rewards you will receive will be tenfold.


Today’s Happy Birthday:


In the coming year cycle you will be full of enthusiasm to start life again, hopefully be employed where you used to be, and pick up where you left off. If that is not the case, you will have to get into whatever is available, while you will have a great imagination of what you want to see happen in your life, and take the proper steps to get you there, and you will have the assistance of those you trust. Love will be possible with someone who is outgoing, and yet somewhat shy and who enjoys traveling to foreign cultures…  

Good luck and God bless you.



In the coming year cycle you will be inundated with energy galore, and you will have to put it into good use, and not waste it on nonsensical situations impulsively, that will rob you of this precious energy, and leave you drained. You will be able to chart a course of action and let no one anyone stand in your way. Love will be possible with someone who is a dreamer with a purpose in life, and who loves to travel to foreign lands. 

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:


The Moon is in Aries.

The Moon makes an excellent angle with the Sun and a hard angle with Jupiter.



The Moon in Aries conjoins Mars, makes a hard angle with Pluto and a hard angle with Saturn.

The Moon enters Taurus at 9:28 PM EDT.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful weekend


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star