Monthly Archives: May 2015

May 11, 2015


Daily forecast for sun signs and rising signs.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences.



The week begins and you have a jump start on taking care of your business. You

may feel emotionally unprepared, but you have the stamina to overlook anything

and do the right thing by yourself and by your job.

Today’s affirmation:

“Ready or not, here I go!”


The week begins and Mars is about to enter your sign tonight, and your energy

level will get an immediate boost. So pace yourself and don’t allow a confused

mind deter you from pressing on. Look both ways before you cross the street.

Today’s affirmation:

“Help is on the way.”


The week begins and you are emotionally exhausted but there’s love in your

heart. You possess a nagging optimism that will not let go. You did a lot of

playing over the weekend, connected with friends and now are ready for work.

Today’s affirmation:

“One can never make it alone.”


The week begins and you are thinking of how to make better a relationship you

may have taken for granted. Especially your relationship with your boss. Bring

them their muffin of choice and start the week by putting a smile on your faces.

Today’s affirmation:

“It’s easy to give confidently.”


The week begins and Mars is about to enter the career zone in your horoscope.

If you feel a little out of sorts, the reason is that there’s anticipation in your

hesitation. Take care of the small things like laundry, and big things will follow.

Today’s affirmation:

“I put gladness into the mundane.”


The week begins and your nerves have had enough tugging on them. You wipe

the slate clean and make up your mind to put the blinders on and start on a

positive note. Why? because you have faith that all wrongs can be made right.

Today’s affirmation:

“I have faith in my future.”


The week begins and you are trying to get your coming week organized, but

there is much commotion in your home, so you’re trying to get your schedule in

place. There are other people you need to cater to before yourself

Today’s affirmation:

“I give before I can take care of myself.”


The week begins and Mars is about to enter the relationship zone in your

horoscope. Start slowly and put one foot in front of the other. Take care of your

family’s needs before you can think about business relationships.

Today’s affirmation:

“I take it nice and easy.”


The week begins and there’s love in your heart. Perhaps a spring romance has

begun. You are drawing strength from your happy attitude. People are drawn to

you so make sure you smile at someone to cheer them up as well! And why not?

Today’s affirmation:

“I give from the fountain I was given.”


The week begins and you feel strongly about the direction your life is taking and

you are ready to face the week head on, regardless of how many responsibilities

you have to take care of before you can even leave the house. But you’re ready.

Today’s affirmation:

“I have a positive attitude.”


The week begins and Mars is about to enter the home zone of your horoscope

tonight. So if you want to make some changes in your immediate surrounding,

you can start to make a plan, but it will not be etched in stone. Lucidity is key.

Today’s affirmation:

“It’s my prerogative to change my mind.”


The week begins and you see how blessed you are with the wonderful people

who touch your life day in and day out. You have grand plans put in place and

you are looking forward eagerly for things to progress naturally from this point.

Today’s affirmation:

“Good things are about to happen to me this week.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

No matter how demanding the coming year cycle will be for you, you will do it all

with a sense of giving back to those you work with, You will gladly give of your

knowledge of information. And you will be wise to include family members into

your work. Perhaps some of you will open a business with such individuals. If

you receive a teaching position, you will succeed and be a contented person. Be

ready to accept knowledge with grace and don’t allow your ego to get in the way.

The more you know the more power you will possess.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon in Aquarius makes a fine angle to Uranus

and a hard angle to the Sun.

Mars enters Gemini at 10:40 PM EDT.

The Sun enters Pisces at 10:54 PM EDT.

The Moon makes a hard angle to Mars.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a great day











for entertainment purposes only

May 10, 2015


Daily forecast for sun signs and rising signs.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences.



Today’s strength: Taking it easy this Mother’s Day.

Today’s weakness: … and feeling guilty about it…


Today’s strength: Thinking of the condition of Motherhood all over world.

Today’s weakness: … and not knowing how to make a difference…


Today’s strength: Loving in a most deepest of ways this Mother’s Day.

Today’s weakness: …and trying not to rehash the past…


Today’s strength: Trying to please everyone this Mother’s Day.

Today’s weakness: …and putting yourself last on the list…


Today’s strength: Inviting the family over this Mother’s Day.

Today’s weakness: …and having to take care of everyone’s needs…


Today’s strength: Having the best Mother’s Day ever.

Today’s weakness: …and binging joy to the whole family…


Today’s strength: Your love of hearth and home this Mother’s Day.

Today’s weakness: …and becoming sentimental…


Today’s strength: Traveling to the end of the earth for family’s sake.

Today’s weakness: …and having it cost a fortune this Mother’s Day…


Today’s strength: Gushing about how proud you are of your loved ones.

Today’s weakness: …and trying not to be mushy about it this Mother’s Day…


Today’s strength: Being promoted to Mother of the year!

Today’s weakness: …and having to be humble about it?!…


Today’s strength: Wanting to share with the less fortunate this Mother’s Day.

Today’s weakness: …yet having the desire to have a private family time…


Today’s strength: Feeling engulfed in the love of humanity this Mother’s Day.

Today’s weakness: …but how do you make sure that everyone feels it too?…


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will have the desire to break free from any and all

shackles that hold you back! Should anyone dare try to stop you or stand in your

way, and they will be defeated in their futile attempt. It will be much wiser for

them to join you in your effort to take a stand in your attempt to continue on the

path you have been traveling on. You will be super organized and business

oriented and won’t be able to stop from pushing on. You will just ask for a little

more freedom to make things happen. If they love you, they will give you his

freedom and be glad to see the smile on your face. In this coming year cycle it

will be quality time, not the quantity that will matter.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Aquarius.

The Moon makes a wonderful angle to mercury and a hard angle to Jupiter.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a great day











for entertainment purposes only

May 9, 2015


Daily forecast for sun signs and rising signs.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences.



Today’s strength: Doubting a what a friend tells you.

Today’s weakness: Refrain from self promoting, please.


Today’s strength: Internal, psychological cleansing before anything else.

Today’s weakness: Refrain from physical exertion, please.


Today’s strength: Looking beyond the love rhetoric.

Today’s weakness: Refrain from bossing people around, please.


Today’s strength: Interaction with family.

Today’s weakness: Refrain from making major business decisions, please.


Today’s strength: Doubting your boss’s promises.

Today’s weakness: Refrain from deep communications, please.


Today’s strength: Home sweet home.

Today’s weakness: Refrain from borrowing or lending money, please.


Today’s strength: Doubting a financial arrangement.

Today’s weakness: Refrain from making demands of your loved ones, please.


Today’s strength: Doubting flattery you hear.

Today’s weakness: Refrain from kicking someone out the door, please.


Today’s strength: Doubting whom you bestow your charm upon.

Today’s weakness: Beware of taking fun to the extreme, please.


Today’s strength: Self evaluation and acceptance.

Today’s weakness: Refrain from house cleaning, please.


Today’s strength: Holding yourself back from speaking falsehoods.

Today’s weakness: Refrain from speaking your mind, please.


Today’s strength: Questioning a business transaction.

Today’s weakness: Refrain from being overly lavish monetarily, please.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will have the tendency to rebel against what you

see as unjust with humanity. You will have the tendency to rebel against what

ever has been holding you down for so long, and you simply won’t be able to

stand it another day! The problem with this kind of thinking is that you will need

to question every move you intend to make. In your best interest will have to

make sure that you know who your friends really are, before you intend to make

any sudden expectation of them. You will work hard and you will work smart, so

don’t allow a rebellious and unschooled attitude rule your actions. Make sure you

know a reality as it is versus how sweet you will want paint any given situation.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

Mercury makes a difficult angle to Neptune.

The Moon in Capricorn makes a wonderful angle with Mars.

The Moon enters Aquarius at 7:22 PM EDT.

The Moon in makes a nice angle with Saturn.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a great day











for entertainment purposes only

May 8, 2015


Daily forecast for sun signs and rising signs.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences.



This is one of the best days of the month for you. Pluto’s positive influence on

you gets a boost from the Sun. You see where you want to go and what you

have to accomplish with a bold attitude and clear eyes. The adventurer in you is

coming to life. You are ready to accept life as it comes.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my ever changing life.”


Your nerves are a mess today. You can let even the smallest things get to you.

The best way to handle this is to stick to the true and tried and not try new ideas,

new lessons, or anything that has the potential to bring out the worst in you. Do

for charity and divert the attention to others other than yourself.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the ability to help another human being.”


You find that most people are in agreement with your ideas and opinions. Your

bosses may even shock you when they are in agreement with you as well. Keep

it on a social level and keep the conversation light and lively. You may create

new friendships with the most unlikely individuals.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the friendships I hold dear.”


You can change the way you work in your every day routine. Do it differently

because it makes more sense with the rest of everyone involved. And not

because a coworker is muscling you into submission. You are wise enough to

make a great success, and are big hearted enough to know what works.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the fabulous job that pays my bills.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Get in touch and make your

reservations about a school you want to study at. Get in touch with powerful

people who can present a stepping stone in your career. Nothing can stand in

your way. The road ahead is clear. Get your ego out of the way and step inside!

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the clear road ahead.”


Invest in your home based business and you will enjoy a much better suited

environment that will keep you calmer and that will make you a more productive

competitor. Mix business with pleasure and enjoy a cup of java with someone

whose wisdom who can help you make your business grow.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the beautiful roof over my head.”


Today’s Moon’s aspects allows you to express yourself in a precise way. You can

break down how you see situations without being overly critical. You keep the

peace while getting your point across. Speak up and enjoy a profitable day.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my unblemished vocal cords.”


It may be that an employee who has been costing you plenty of money needs to

be shown the door. Sometimes things get out of hand, and enough is enough. It

may also be that you may have to part ways with someone with whom you’ve

had much in common that you see the end of the road with, no hard feelings..

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the time we’ve spent together.”


The Moon is in your sign and the power is with you. You are the sunshine that

steps into any room. You light up our lives with your strength and love. You have

a gentle way about you today that promotes peace and tolerance. Your love life

heats up to a high temperature.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful to be of help in any way that I can.”


Your phenomenal work ethic gets you in trouble with your physical body. You are

not a machine and need rest. Serious times of rest and meditation today are a

must. Close your eyes and get in touch with your inner thoughts. It’ll help you

bring peace to your home environment.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the small space I created for meditation.”


A potential big time client or potential employer can enter your life. Because your

communication skills are clear today, what a better day to make that personal

phone call that can make all the difference in the world. Your attitude is pleasant

and your personality is bubbly and positive.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the people in my life.”


You may jolt someone whom you have much respect for. But you want it to be a

positive kind of a wake up call. They will be happy when it translates into a very

fine financial arrangement. You are a financial wizard today, so go for it!

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the strength I show the world.”


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Capricorn.

The Moon makes an easy angle toward Neptune, conjoins Pluto, makes a

wonderful angle toward the Sun and makes a hard angle toward Uranus.


Today’s Happy birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will experience a year of high energy. It will

translate into anything you will attempt to do. You will channel your energies into

higher learning. You may find a new spiritual or religious walk, or you will find

either spirituality or religion to be something that will keep you grounded and

keep your mind clear. Some of you will be called to teach in your field of

knowledge. Some of you will find love through the power of the internet.

Good luck and God bless you.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a great day











for entertainment purposes only


May 7, 2015


Daily forecast for sun signs and rising signs.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences.



Venus changing signs brings out the adventurer in you. It allows you to see the

big picture with clearer eyes. It allows the adventurer in you to get up and go

after the vision that is getting clearer and to make new plans for the future.

When you have things to say, you must soften the words to be taken seriously.

Today’s affirmation:

“I can see the horizon.”


Any false expenditure, any expenditure that happens because you haven’t

thought it through thoroughly, will come back to haunt you. Unless you want to

get into debt today, only get involved in finances when you see it coming your

way. In which case make sure there are no catches and unseen penalties.

Today’s affirmation:

“Money, money money.”


Venus enters your sign today and for you the taste of summer gets closer by the

minute. There’s nothing that can stand in your way. Especially when there are

those who want your best, and find a way rather easily to come up with whatever

your requests or needs happen to be. Take advantage of a fabulous day.

Today’s affirmation:

“Life is good.”


Venus changing signs brings out the softer side of you. You see others needs

before your own. But don’t give away your career for the sake of someone else’s

ideas of who you are. They don’t know you as well as you do. You can only take

so much advice, but make up your own mind in the end.

Today’s affirmation:

“I feel for you.”


Venus changing signs effects your social scene. You can use a fun day with dear

friends and people who truly care about your well being. You can make new

friends, some of which may last a life time. Or make connections and these

people will show care and be helpful to you in your career in the long run.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am moving and grooving.”


Venus enters your career zone, and so business and pleasure go hand in hand.

Invite someone for coffee in an outdoor type of an environment, and see if this

relationship is strictly business, which is fine. For some it also has potential to

develop into something else. Someone may want to invest in your career.

Today’s affirmation:

“Summer romance?”


You have just bout had enough of someone’s meddling and it’s a good thing they

are backing off. And if they’re not, it’s a good thing you find the proper words to

have them back off with diplomacy and tact. Venus changing signs lightens your

mood about any annoying aspect in your life. You have less time for conflict.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am a lover not a fighter.”


Venus changing signs says that if you must spend money, at least make sure

that it has to do with your career. Invest in your future and who can blame you?

But spend on situations that make no sense at all, and what you get is someone

who is trying to placate to those who clearly do not deserve your affection.

Today’s affirmation:

“I spend money to make money.”


An uneasy feeling at the start of the day changes into a blessing. Venus enters

your relationship zone, bring sweetness into your relationships. You don’t need

to underestimate the power that one person can bring into your life. Take a

chance on someone whom you are not quite sure of, and see how it develops.

Today’s affirmation:

“Never underestimate anyone.”


Get busy with your own business before you get sucked into someone else’s.

There’s much to do behind closed doors before you are ready to bring your

ideas to the light of day. You are lucky to have these partnerships in your life,

and you have to prepare in order to be equal in your knowledge and. power

Today’s affirmation:

“I am one busy individual.”


Communication is key in determining whether a new relationship is going to be

an important one. Venus changing signs brings potential to new budding

relationships. If it’s romance you are looking for, words of love make all the

difference in the world.

Today’s affirmation:

“I give someone a chance.”


Your drive to succeed is getting stronger still. But you must not forget those who

have been your back bone and support always. You find that to keep the peace

in your home is becoming easier. You show appreciation, and you get love that

is unconditional in return.

Today’s affirmation:

“Love is where I hang my hat.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be tempted to embark on an adventure that

might have been on your mind for a long time, and that for some reason, the

elements will come together rather easily, and off you will go. It may be an

adventure that will see you sailing around the world, or an adventure that will

bring you knowledge that you have been seeking but didn’t have the time to

acquire. It will be a year to enrich your soul. But you will not do it by yourself.

You will seek out and find someone to share it with. Your career can take you

into exotic locations with a partner with whom you share the same vision.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon in Sagittarius makes a hard angle to Venus.

The Moon enters Capricorn at 2:17 PM EDT.

Venus enters Cancer at 6:52 PM EDT.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a great day











for entertainment purposes only

May 6, 2015

Daily forecast for sun signs and rising signs.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences.



The Sun’s angel to Pluto suggests that you can start a transformation from the

ground up. Choose a direction and see if you can make your life what you want

it to be. You need to believe that indeed, you can make changes. The planets

suggest that you are your own worst enemy, if you don’t give faith a chance.

Today’s affirmation:

“I start something big.”


Today’s Sun’s angle to Pluto and The Moon’s position are trying to tell you that

no matter what someone is trying to force you to do, you need to be stronger

than that: Refuse to do what may sound good, but it is not something that will do

you any good, only benefit the other person. It’s just too good to be true.

Today’s affirmation:

“I’m sorry, but I’m out.”


You shouldn’t go out on a social date unless your heart is into it. And the planets

say that your heart is not into it, and that you are doing things as an obligation.

Unless you must show up, why bother. You don’t feel your best and you don’t

look your best. Beauty treatments are not recommended today.

Today’s affirmation:

“I enjoy a good romance novel.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. The Moon’s angle to Jupiter

and the Sun’s angle to Pluto bring up your career’s aspirations and how far you

can take it. Shy away from nothing that seems too good to be true. First test it

out and then see if indeed it’s too good to be true. Take a chance on life.

Today’s affirmation:

“Some days need celebration.”


Show your grand plan to those who have the ability to make it happen for

you. The Sun’e angle to Pluto encourages you to pick up the phone and show

that person that you have what it takes to make a difference in the world and in

your life. It’s a winning situation, if you have the nerve to see it through.

Today’s affirmation:

“It’s a win win situation.”


You can cover more ground and achieve more today than you can even imagine.

People are practically falling at your feet trying to provide the necessary help for

you to make your dreams come true. The Moon’s angle to Jupiter and Uranus

have you covered by a blanket of safety.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am in love with life!”


Pluto, your ruler’s angle to the Sun brings intimate romantic relationships and

work relationships into the forefront. You can take it a step closer to where you

want to be, because it has the chance of changing your life long term. Speak up

and give people a chance to prove themselves to you.

Today’s affirmation:

“I see a financial advancement coming my way.”


The Moon is in your sign and the power is with you. You have been in the

forefront of great things recently, but don’t think that there are no warnings in the

planets today. They suggest that you are too eager to please someone who can

be persuasive, but have only have their own interest in mind. Keep clear way!

Today’s affirmation:

“I know when to join, and when to leave.”


Don’t believe everything that shines. Most likely it may be blinding today, but it’s

far from being gold. The Moon’s aspect with Jupiter and Uranus say that you

need to take care of things behind closed doors before you are ready to step out

and show your plans to the world. Work on emotional issues that need healing.

Today’s affirmation:

“I work on my self first.”


Get down to business and finish what you’ve started a while back. The Sun’s

angle to Pluto suggest that if you need to have major renovations in your home

today is a good day to lay out the plan before a professional, so that you can

zero in on it and get it done efficiently.

Today’s affirmation:

“‘Ready, set, go!”


The Moon’s angle to Jupiter and Uranus says that seldom can you be as clear

when you speak as you are today. You can shake up your own world and get so

much accomplished, you only have to have the courage to dare go out and claim

your stake in a situation you have been working on for a long time.

Today’s affirmation:

“It’s my time, and I’m here to claim it.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You have the style and the

proper etiquette to conquer the world. The Moon’s angle to Jupiter and Uranus

claim that your charm is at an all time high, and you must take advantage of a

fantastic day. Step out of your comfort zone and see what you can do.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am alive and kicking.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will get the opportunity to make everything that has

gone wrong in the past, right again. Or you can start fresh all over again in a

new place full of new faces and new opportunities. It will be entirely up to you.

You will have the stamina and the drive to see things through to completion

through sheer tenacity. Hercules will have nothing on you. It may be a difficult

task that you will choose to embrace and it will have some trying emotional days,

but that won’t deter you from your goal.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Sagittarius.

The Moon makes a hard aspect with Neptune.

The Sun makes a terrific aspect with Pluto.

The Moon makes a terrific aspect with Jupiter and a terrific aspect with Uranus.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a great day











for entertainment purposes only

May 5, 2015


Daily forecast for sun signs and rising signs.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences.



Your internal instincts are driving you forward today. You need to let go of

annoyances that you used to react to and now you realize how petty they may

have been. Some of you are thinking about a financial situation that may have

gotten out of control and that you are looking for an immediate answer for.

Today’s affirmation:

“Yesterday is gone.”


You are in a position to get good and angry with someone who deserves to be in

their place asap. But in order not to let things get out of hand, do remember that

we are all human who are capable of error making. Even you! Look deep inside

of yourself and find out why you associate with the people you associate with.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am responsible for whatever transpires.”


Someone may come to your rescue just when you need them the most. You

don’t have to be shy about needing someone sometimes. We are all vulnerable

at some point and time. It only makes you human. That’s what friends are for.

Today’s affirmation:

“I need you.”


You can make decisions in a quick and precise way today. Some days we are

brilliant without comprehension. Today is one of those days. You are skeptical

enough and wise enough and lucky enough to stumble upon a brilliant solution.

Today’s affirmation:

“Boy, am I hot!”


You are recognized for your hard work and for your contribution to whatever you

have been spending your time doing. You have great ideas that must be put into

action asap. Your life is getting a boost, and it needs your cooperation to make it

happen. Make big plans, and get your self moving in the right direction.

Today’s affirmation:

“I think big always.”


You have a deep need to get your point across. You want to change the world

because you can see the changes in you. Let it all out and don’t apologize for

your views. You may seem inappropriate, but who cares.

Today’s affirmation:

“This what I have to say.”


There’s no reason to get excited and argue over a financial issue that may or

may not become a serious issue. What you need to do is to allow the other

person to voice their complaint and take it from there. Chances are you are

incorrect in your assumptions, and that you have been blaming for no reason.

Today’s affirmation:

“I give you a chance to explain.”


You continue although apprehensively. The only one who can stop you is

yourself. You do must stop and ask yourself if this is the course of action that

you need to take going forward. Sometimes it’s good to change change direction

before we get in too deep. But give it some time, you’re not ready yet.

Today’s affirmation:

“Am I on the right path?”


You want to be jolly, you want to be happy, but there’s some sort of problem. You

may have said something when you meant no harm and now it could be that a

coworker doesn’t see eye to eye with you, and is vocal about it. The best way to

deal with this is to look that someone in the eye and prove your innocence.

Today’s affirmation:

“I meant no harm.”


You may be apprehensive about an opportunity that may be too good to be true.

The thing is about having enough research good einough to put your mind at

ease. Do nothing hasty. but do go on romantic excursions to exotic places.

Today’s affirmation:

“Romance? I’m definitely in the mood for.”


Someone may have said something that is plain wrong. You know it, they know

it, now the only thing to do is remove the embarrassment and and get on the

same page. As long as the intention was good, you will get busy again.

Today’s affirmation:

“Let’s clear the situation.”


Set a schedule for today or you will find that you may change your mind. Your

direction is clear, but there are elements or people who may want to derail your

attempt. Put your blinders on and don’t let anyone sway your attention.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am here to say.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

The coming year cycle may determine what direction you intend to take your life

in the future. Your good luck will be running hot. And although you are not ready

to move forward, what you are ready for is to finish up on any loose endings that

need your attention. Let go of baggage that you’ve been carrying and that is

weighing you down, both materially and therefor emotionally. The lighter the load

you carry in the material world, the lighter your emotional state will become. You

will start to look for alternative ways of creating your wealth. The world is

changing and you are changing with it. Your energy level will be high, so you can

accomplish a lot.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon enters Sagittarius at 7:12 AN EDT.

The Moon makes hard aspects with Saturn and Mercury.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a great day











for entertainment purposes only

May 4, 2015


Daily forecast for sun signs and rising signs.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences.



Today’s strength: Good luck.

Today’s weakness: Stubbornness.


Today’s strength: Cleansing.

Today’s weakness: Loose lips.


Today’s strength: Being daring.

Today’s weakness: Stepping on toes.


Today’s strength: Super confidence.

Today’s weakness: Over confidence.


Today’s strength: Spirituality and religion.

Today’s weakness: Focus.


Today’s strength: Financial maturity.

Today’s weakness: Gossip.


Today’s strength: Inner strength.

Today’s weakness: Being demanding.


Today’s strength: Taking care of business.

Today’s weakness: Being forgetful.


Today’s strength: Sunshine disposition.

Today’s weakness: You have to get serious!


Today’s strength: Lucky in business.

Today’s weakness: Restlessness.


Today’s strength: Powerful communication.

Today’s weakness: Being a ‘know it all’.


Today’s strength: Forgiving undeserving people.

Today’s weakness: Being wasteful.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

The coming year cycle will be a year of transformation with the help of planet Pluto. Your good luck will be running hot. You have worked diligently on yourself, and this year you will see results taking effect. You will have a great sense of power and a profound lack of fear. Be ware and beware of being judgmental of others: Just because you will be most capable, does not mean that others will be sharing the same amount of fierceness. The hardest thing to do is to learn not to judge yourself. Learn to forgive your past behaviors in order to move forward. There are going to be changes in the way you have a relationship to finances. You will be thirsty for knowledge in that respect. Home based businesses will thrive under the influence of Jupiter.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Scorpio.

The Moon makes a powerful aspect with Jupiter and a fine aspect with Pluto.

The Sun makes a powerful aspect with Jupiter.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a great day











for entertainment purposes only

May 3, 2015


Daily forecast for sun signs and rising signs.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences.



The Full Moon is in your Sun sign. Your luck is running very hot. But since

there’s a thorn in every rose, here comes Mercury and Saturn to create a

financial miscommunication havoc that may be unsettling today. It will all be

figured out come Monday. Have compassion when someone opens their heart.

Instead, enjoy an adventurous Full Moon.

Today’s affirmation:

“i listen intently.”


The Full Moon brings up old memories and stories of yesteryear. You can wallow

in self pity or you can spend precious time with family members and cheer up.

Nothing is as serious as all of that. And as much as you may want to bring things

into the open, it’s best not to. Because if you do, chances are you will divulge

way more than you will find necessary and you may hurt people in the process.

Today’s affirmation:

“Silence is golden.”


The Full Moon is so energetic and brings out the social animal in you. Which

translated as a whole lot of fun. But Mercury and Saturn’s dance tells you that

it’s all fun and games until someone may get hurt. So be extra careful about your

physical safety, remember to put your safety helmet on,and all will end well.

Today’s affirmation:

“I make sure not to step on any toes while I dance.”


The Full Moon brings people who can be of great importance to your life right

into your home. If you can, it would be wise to entertain your boss and invite

them for a barbecue. But some people who aren’t exactly your cup of tea may

want your attention just as well. Sometimes the best attitude is to have an open

door policy. Your table is big enough for everyone who wants to be your friend.

Today’s affirmation:

“I leave no one behind.”


The Full Moon brings to the forefront the need for education and your curiosity

and thirst for knowledge. This has a direct effect on your decision. There’s power

in higher education. Unless you created a schedule for today, you are running in

different directions. Mercury and Saturn fighting one another beseech you to

settle down and not to lose your plans and visions for yourself with excuses.

Today’s affirmation:

“I stay steadfast and remain on the same course.”


The Full Moon is getting you in a social mood. Meeting up with friends is nice,

however, you may go overboard and start to resent some and behave in a

manner that is not becoming to you. You are super creative, so concentrate on

that. Mercury and Saturn suggest that getting involved in gossip and meddling in

other people’s affairs will be something that you will live to regret.

Today’s affirmation:

“I see no evil, speak no evil.”


The Full Moon is in your Moon sign which is emotionally charged up to begin

with. Mercury and Saturn can rattle you nerves and you can find yourself on an

emotional roller coaster. But should you leave your ego at the door, nothing can

touch you. Influential people are propelling your climb up the ladder of success.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am on to top of the world.”


The Full Moon states that you can accomplish more chores puttering around in

one day than you can in a month! But with Mercury and Saturn arguing with one

another there is a danger that you can do too much of a good thing, and you’ll

find that your trust is misguided. Don’t express dissatisfaction or things can blow

out of proportion things and you may say things you will regret.

Today’s affirmation:

“I do a lot and speak little.”


Seldom do you have more fun in a Full Moon, but this one has it’s name on you!

Your naturally serious nature gets a make over and the playful side is coming to

life! Does life have to make any sense? Not today it does not. Mercury and

Saturn’s influence has you neglect even the most important job. Good thing is

it’s the weekend, and you get away with it.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am playful to the max!”


The Full Moon is inspiring you to go out on a limb and take a chance on financial

situations that may or may not have been investigated. You may need to do

more research and don’t do anything hasty. Mercury and Saturn fighting with one

another indicate that you may be getting over your head.

Today’s affirmation:

“I believe only some of what I hear.”


The Full Moon may bring someone whom you least anticipate and bring you

some news about a business proposition. Mercury and Saturn ask of you to

keep communications open and expect good things to come out of what looks

initially like a difficult situation.

Today’s affirmation:

“I have faith in unusual circumstances.”


The Full Moon keeps you on your toes when it comes to you having to get

control over and decipher between what’s important and what isn’t. Mercury and

Saturn warn you not to believe a lot of what people say, and to keep away from

saying negative things about undeserving people. Expect an unexpected trip.

Today’s affirmation:

“I learn to have control over my emotions.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will need to think big and put your plans into action.

You will reflect on the past and how far you have come, and move forward

accordingly. You will reflect on your relationship with money up to now, and you

will learn the power it holds and make some major adjustments as a way to save

more and spend mindfully. You will need to understand and be hands on in every

little detail of financial transactions, so don’t take someone else’s decision to

invest for you without your complete understanding and approval.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Scorpio.

Mercury is making a hard aspect with Saturn.

The Moon makes a wonderful aspect with Neptune.

The Full Moon is at 11:46 PM EDT.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a great day











for entertainment purposes only

May 2, 2015


Daily forecast for sun signs and rising signs.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences.



Today’s strength: Family.

Today’s weakness: Chores, chores chores…


Today’s strength: Confidence.

Today’s weakness: Over thinking situations.


Today’s strength: Spring cleaning.

Today’s weakness: Making mountains out of mole hills.


Today’s strength: Making plans for tomorrow’s Full Moon.

Today’s weakness: Watch how you speak.


Today’s strength: Courage.

Today’s weakness: Too much on your plate.


Today’s strength: Animal magnetism! rrr…   🙂

Today’s weakness: Partners don’t come up to expectations.


Today’s strength: Blessed partnerships.

Today’s weakness: Clumsiness, wear good shoes…   🙂


Today’s strength: Being of service to others.

Today’s weakness: Over socializing.


Today’s strength: Joy of life!  🙂

Today’s weakness: Foolish behavior.


Today’s strength: Looking smoking hot!

Today’s weakness: It’s difficult to focus.


Today’s strength: Making a decision.

Today’s weakness: Financial oversight.


Today’s strength: Open communication.

Today’s weakness: Being uncooperative.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be charged up with a tremendous amount of

energy that unless you will make a mental notation to be in charge of, can go

into directions you won’t necessarily want. You will be one filled with family

engulfment. A good idea at face value, but you know how it is with family: Once

you get involved in business, it becomes a part of your life that’s difficult to shake

off. Make sure you meditate on it for peace sake. Generally you will feel

obligated to take care of family and you will do it with love in your heart. The

problem will arise when in doing so, you will neglect your own health. Meditation

when you first wake up each morning will give you the confidence that what you

will be doing each day is indeed the best for others as well as for you.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon in Libra makes a beautiful aspect with Venus.

The Moon enters Scorpio at 9:47 PM EDT.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a great day











for entertainment purposes only