May 3, 2015


Daily forecast for sun signs and rising signs.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences.



The Full Moon is in your Sun sign. Your luck is running very hot. But since

there’s a thorn in every rose, here comes Mercury and Saturn to create a

financial miscommunication havoc that may be unsettling today. It will all be

figured out come Monday. Have compassion when someone opens their heart.

Instead, enjoy an adventurous Full Moon.

Today’s affirmation:

“i listen intently.”


The Full Moon brings up old memories and stories of yesteryear. You can wallow

in self pity or you can spend precious time with family members and cheer up.

Nothing is as serious as all of that. And as much as you may want to bring things

into the open, it’s best not to. Because if you do, chances are you will divulge

way more than you will find necessary and you may hurt people in the process.

Today’s affirmation:

“Silence is golden.”


The Full Moon is so energetic and brings out the social animal in you. Which

translated as a whole lot of fun. But Mercury and Saturn’s dance tells you that

it’s all fun and games until someone may get hurt. So be extra careful about your

physical safety, remember to put your safety helmet on,and all will end well.

Today’s affirmation:

“I make sure not to step on any toes while I dance.”


The Full Moon brings people who can be of great importance to your life right

into your home. If you can, it would be wise to entertain your boss and invite

them for a barbecue. But some people who aren’t exactly your cup of tea may

want your attention just as well. Sometimes the best attitude is to have an open

door policy. Your table is big enough for everyone who wants to be your friend.

Today’s affirmation:

“I leave no one behind.”


The Full Moon brings to the forefront the need for education and your curiosity

and thirst for knowledge. This has a direct effect on your decision. There’s power

in higher education. Unless you created a schedule for today, you are running in

different directions. Mercury and Saturn fighting one another beseech you to

settle down and not to lose your plans and visions for yourself with excuses.

Today’s affirmation:

“I stay steadfast and remain on the same course.”


The Full Moon is getting you in a social mood. Meeting up with friends is nice,

however, you may go overboard and start to resent some and behave in a

manner that is not becoming to you. You are super creative, so concentrate on

that. Mercury and Saturn suggest that getting involved in gossip and meddling in

other people’s affairs will be something that you will live to regret.

Today’s affirmation:

“I see no evil, speak no evil.”


The Full Moon is in your Moon sign which is emotionally charged up to begin

with. Mercury and Saturn can rattle you nerves and you can find yourself on an

emotional roller coaster. But should you leave your ego at the door, nothing can

touch you. Influential people are propelling your climb up the ladder of success.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am on to top of the world.”


The Full Moon states that you can accomplish more chores puttering around in

one day than you can in a month! But with Mercury and Saturn arguing with one

another there is a danger that you can do too much of a good thing, and you’ll

find that your trust is misguided. Don’t express dissatisfaction or things can blow

out of proportion things and you may say things you will regret.

Today’s affirmation:

“I do a lot and speak little.”


Seldom do you have more fun in a Full Moon, but this one has it’s name on you!

Your naturally serious nature gets a make over and the playful side is coming to

life! Does life have to make any sense? Not today it does not. Mercury and

Saturn’s influence has you neglect even the most important job. Good thing is

it’s the weekend, and you get away with it.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am playful to the max!”


The Full Moon is inspiring you to go out on a limb and take a chance on financial

situations that may or may not have been investigated. You may need to do

more research and don’t do anything hasty. Mercury and Saturn fighting with one

another indicate that you may be getting over your head.

Today’s affirmation:

“I believe only some of what I hear.”


The Full Moon may bring someone whom you least anticipate and bring you

some news about a business proposition. Mercury and Saturn ask of you to

keep communications open and expect good things to come out of what looks

initially like a difficult situation.

Today’s affirmation:

“I have faith in unusual circumstances.”


The Full Moon keeps you on your toes when it comes to you having to get

control over and decipher between what’s important and what isn’t. Mercury and

Saturn warn you not to believe a lot of what people say, and to keep away from

saying negative things about undeserving people. Expect an unexpected trip.

Today’s affirmation:

“I learn to have control over my emotions.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will need to think big and put your plans into action.

You will reflect on the past and how far you have come, and move forward

accordingly. You will reflect on your relationship with money up to now, and you

will learn the power it holds and make some major adjustments as a way to save

more and spend mindfully. You will need to understand and be hands on in every

little detail of financial transactions, so don’t take someone else’s decision to

invest for you without your complete understanding and approval.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Scorpio.

Mercury is making a hard aspect with Saturn.

The Moon makes a wonderful aspect with Neptune.

The Full Moon is at 11:46 PM EDT.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a great day











for entertainment purposes only