July 11, 2019


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



This is one of the best days of the month for you. Being a philanthropist may be something that excites you today. You are willing to open your wallet for anyone, and to give more than you even think you can afford. There is no way to judge you for doing what comes naturally, so hopefully, you don’t fall for a sob story, and give freely to an undeserving individual.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am the bank…”


You are a mixture of reserve and spontaneity. On the one hand, you see the beauty in the most mysterious, and have great hunches about things. On the other hand, you have the desire to do something magnificent that will make a huge splash in your career. You may do something in the spur of the moment that can change the trajectory, so make sure you follow your hunches…

Today’s affirmation:

“I feel things today.”


You can be your own worst enemy when you go against what you know to be right, but then you don’t listen to your inner voice. When a friend calls, you’d better go see what they have in mind. There are brilliant ideas which can be opened only when you think them up collectively. At the same time, you can open up Pandora’s Box when you are involved with the wrong company.

Today’s affirmation:

“It all happens when we’re together.”


You try to make someone feel better about themselves, when all that happens is that it can rile you up. There is nothing you can do about someone else’s happiness. When they feel wounded, there is nothing you can do about it. Keep your mind on your job and make yourself happy. And you are today, with your job with your life and with any crazy thing that comes along with today.

Today’s affirmation:

“There is so much going on…”


The Moon is in your sign and you rule the day. If you intend to blow someone’s mind. It’s a cinch you do so. You come up with the most fantastical stories to mesmerize an audience. People may even trust your tall tales, should you make up fictional characters. So when you conduct business, you can bring all these elements into your day, and your imagination is what makes you cook up and nifty and winning day.

Today’s affirmation:

“Let me tell you something…”


You come up with an innovative idea that can floor anyone who may have thought that you don’t come up with any good ideas. And this time it can generate a whole lot of income, to top it off! You are the reluctant star who doesn’t really care about the accolades today; you are just so glad that you are able to save the day. Your humble attitude is an attribute of leaders.

Today’s affirmation:

“I don’t care about wearing a crown.”


Don’t go berserk when your environment is making you crazy. It only gives you the push you need to clean it up, and to do it so a hurry. You may want to have a friendly face to look at when you do your work, or perhaps you can work together on a project that needs your immediate attention. But don’t get stuck in what you ‘could’ and what you ‘should’, they don’t apply today.

Today’s affirmation:

“Anything can happen.”


You may want to get rid of someone who is irritating the heck out of you. You have so much work in front of you, and this person is like a thorn in your side. It’s easier said than done, but you may feel threatened that this person is trying to take what you perceive to be rightfully yours. Let go of expectations of what you take for granted, and free yourself of needless worry.

Today’s affirmation:

“No human can change my good Karma.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You are so creative today, to the point where you may come up with something most invigorating and scintillating. You had no idea something like this has even remotely resided in you… Lol. Your worth within the company grows exponentially, as a consequence, and you couldn’t be happier of the chain of events.

Today’s affirmation:

“Who knew I had it in me…”


To shop for something special for your home is a thing of a treasure. Maybe even an heirloom. It can come over you like a flash, when a thought comes over you, of that item you saw and coveted lately, and that today, you are shopping for it on your app, or you find your feet walking over to the store you saw it at, and you hope it is still there, waiting for you – and it does!

Today’s affirmation:

“My impulse is a spiritual one.”


Relationships are highlighted. A surprise invitation kicks off a friendly cycle of engaging with your community. When you want to shock someone, you certainly do so with wit and charm like no one else today. You can tell someone off, and yet they actually think that you blessed them! Such is the power of your tongue. Don’t trip over anyone’s sprinkler system, and keep the peace.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am a part of a circle of friends.”


Something important can be revealed by accident, and take shape and form of a life of its own. Your charitable nature brings the best out of those who work under you, and you repay them with your kindness. But something doesn’t sit well with you, and yet you are not in position to change its dynamics. You have be contented with an unpredictable outcome no matter what it is.  

Today’s affirmation:

“I am a cog in a larger wheel that’s turning.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will possess a wonderful kind of energy. The kind of energy which is magical and which engages everyone to test their limits, and your own. Nothing can stop you from doing some over the top and dramatic things. But life can be so boring without someone like you in the mix; so people will flock to you, just to be sitting in your shadow, maybe they learn something great…

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Scorpio.

The Sun makes an excellent angle with Neptune.

The Moon makes an easy angle with Saturn.

Mars makes a hard angle with Uranus.

The Moon makes an excellent angle with Neptune, an excellent angle with the Sun and an easy angle with Pluto.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day











for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star