July 31, 2019


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



The New Moon begins the year cycle for you. It’s your universal birthday. It’s your personal chance to make resolutions to start the cycle. And with Mercury going in direct motion, which has caused you to feel alone and worried for the past three weeks, and now that your mind becoming clear there is no better time to begin on your journey. Shake off yesterday’s blues and see the Sun shining brightly on you. This is your time of year, the possibilities are endless.

Today’s affirmation:

“Happy Birthday to me.”


The New Moon requires of you to take time to meditate. It requires of you to take time to heal your soul of past hurts so that you don’t carry it with you needlessly. When there is nothing you can do about a past situation, it’s clearly time to move forward and time to heal. Mercury starts to go forward, and if you have any reservations about anyone whom you may have wronged in the past three weeks, have a positive chat together, and put it behind you.

Today’s affirmation:

“I learn from what has transpired.”


The New Moon asks you to think about your hopes and dreams. What do you really want to do, which has been missing from your life? No one can do it for you, so you might as well be truthful with yourself, and don’t be shy about your desires. You find inspiration when you are out and about socializing. Mercury starts to go forward and you can move forward with what you have been sitting on for the past three weeks. It prompts you to finally bring out into the open the presentation in your business, and show it in the world!

Today’s affirmation:

“Nothing stands in my way anymore.”


The New Moon moves your professional life forward and gives a push to move your agenda forward. Your career is about to get a boost, and all your preparations will finally be able to get you what you want in what you have been working on for so long. Mercury starts to go forward and allows you to make a clear indication that you know what you want to do and you have no confusion about where you are headed. Any confusion of the past three weeks is dissipating. Gone is the fog and in comes clarity.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am so ready to move forward.”


This is one of the best New Moons of the year for you. It gives you a new lease on life! You want to get out there and see what you can stir up, and what adventures are waiting for you around the corner. You feel inspiration coming from everywhere. Mercury starts to go forward, and whatever has been holding you back in the past three weeks, will be nothing but a memory which you are ready and eager to erase from your psyche. You are launching into the future with optimism.

Today’s affirmation:

“I feel inspired.”


The New Moon brings your plan into focus. You are ambitious and your tenacity is one of your strong points. You feel empowered and able to move mountains. Pity those who dare stand in your way. Mercury starts to go forward and you do have to forgive those who, in the past three weeks, have wronged you and whom you may have wronged as well. Life is a two way street, and it goes both ways, when you have a conflict with anyone. You can make it right with actions as well as with words. Pick up the phone and have face time with someone who is special to you.

Today’s affirmation:

“Let’s kiss and make up.”


The New Moon brings a new life to your relationships. Whether you are in an established relationship or one which is just beginning, this is a good day to express your boundaries, and to explain what makes you comfortable, and to establish what you want to see happening within this union. Mercury starts to go forward and urges you to stop being upset about a heath regimen, which you may be resisting, and which will do you a whole lot of good. Instead, embrace what you have to do in order to have a healthy relationship with your body.

Today’s affirmation:

“Let’s go to the gym together.”


The New Moon tells you that you don’t have to feel stuck in a profession which makes you uneasy in your own skin. You have to have day to day enjoyment in what you do, and if you do not, this gives you a chance to make small and subtle changes, which will help to improve the big picture. Mercury starts to go forward and allows you to get creative: Find ways to fire up your soul with pursuits that make you happy. Happiness comes from within, be it on your job or in your personal passions.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am passionate about my job.”


This is one of the best New Moons of the year for you. It has your inspiration fly sky high! Your creative juices are flowing, and you have passions that you need to see fulfilled. Get that project you want to get started happening, and get happy. Mercury starts to go forward and gives you the go ahead with regard to fixing whatever has broken down in the past three weeks, or gone awry in your own backyard. And what is more important than your home? Invest in making it a safe place for the winter months.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am coming alive!”


The New Moon shows you in your home dwelling, looking for a brand new start. There are issues there that must be addressed, and you are now in the frame of mind to get it started, to bring everyone in your family on the same page. Mercury starts to go forward and reminds you that whatever errors in judgement you have made in the past three weeks, you can clear up now. Speak up and get it over with.

Today’s affirmation:

“Nobody is perfect.”


The New Moon invites you to have a day of creative thinking which will allow you to start seeing clearly into the unknown. You are inspired and fired up to see your future unfold, whatever it may hold. Mercury starts to go forward and that is good news for your expenses which have been bringing a wrinkle in your brow in the past three weeks. From today on, you can start fresh, and straighten out the confusion and ineffectiveness which have crept in.

Today’s affirmation:

“The future excites me.”


The New Moon brings to mind that you have to continue to cultivate whatever you have planted and whatever is a work in progress. Nothing happens overnight, and the profit comes after you do your work, so there is a motivation for you to move forward in an aggressive manner. Mercury begins its direct motion again, and since it has been in retrograding in your sign for the past three weeks, you must be very relieved. Enough with the wrong thinking in your head, and what a wonderful day to see your thoughts become brighter and more positive.

Today’s affirmation:

“Life is so promising!”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will sprout wings and fly steadily. The cobwebs of confusion and unpredictability will lift, and you will find a clear bright sky. Nothing can stop you from pursuing your dreams, and the ones you have been working on, will find new and inventive ways to get stronger and more profound.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon enters Leo at 9:18 AM EDT.

The Moon conjoins Venus, makes a hard angle with Uranus.

The Moon conjoins the Sun: New Moon at 11:12 PM EDT.

Mercury begins its direct motion at 11:52 PM EDT.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day











for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star