October 31, 2019


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Now, Scorpio you will have to be extra nice for the next three weeks! Mercury is in your sign now and will be in retrograde motion in your sign, the entire time. Think forward: think ahead, and wait for the proper time to do whatever is on your mind. There is no reason to take chances, but there is every reason to learn about yourself, and to learn about how to be patient with people in your real life and on social media. Think before you post or make comments. Don’t put yourself in position for regret.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am humbled.”


Mercury begins its retrograde until November 20, and you will be wise to go with the flow. Let go of expectations you may have, relax about how long it takes for situations you expect to happen in a timely manner, and expect not to get your way. You will learn to observe and not to be as reactive, because if you react, you will find yourself frustrated. But when you turn the attention to your own spiritual growth, without pointing fingers about others misdeeds, is when you will be at peace with yourself and others and with the world.

Today’s affirmation:

“So what if things take forever…”


Mercury begins its retrograde until November 20, and you will be wise to refrain from being overly prying into the lives of your friends and of your work related associates. No matter the situation, you may think that you are about to help someone when they approach you, but the opposite can happen and you may become the person to be accused of meddling. Be gracious but know that some will come off as exceptionally rude, and yet, be the bigger person and walk away from what is clearly their problem, not yours. Don’t get sucked into situations.

Today’s affirmation:

“No good deed goes unpunished.”


Mercury begins its retrograde until November 20, and you will be wise to allow your career to show you the way, without you trying to manipulate situations. If something you want to happen, that in fact you are expecting to happen, does not happen, oh well. Expect that it’s healthier for your long term that it is squashed. And if the opposite happens that you have no expectations and indeed something fabulous comes knocking, this will give you time to research, and to consider if it will fit into your life. Be flexible with important clients and don’t promise unless you can deliver.

Today’s affirmation:

“I do the right thing for career sake.”


Mercury begins its retrograde until November 20, and you will be wise to be aware that you have to be super flexible with your time management. The more rigid you see a situation, the more it can backfire. Even birds in midflight have to take a detour every once in a while…it only makes them see another part of the world. Same with you, any departure from your course will create something to appreciate and cherish. For example, allow more time while traveling, if you have a plane to take, and something has come up either on your end or someone else, be prepared to make changes.

Today’s affirmation:

“Time is on my side?”


Mercury begins its retrograde until November 20, and you will be wise to delve into the darkest side of your personality, and to understand that this give you time to learn to make inner changes, instead of lashing out at anyone and put blame of the blameless. People will test you like never before, and you will have to remain calm. Remember it’s their storm that makes them act the way they do; do not be reactive, and make it your problem. Be not a lender nor borrower and have the peace of mind you want to have.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am in charge of me.”


Mercury begins its retrograde until November 20, and you will be wise to understand that relationships are going to be the center of your life, and that you will have to be thoughtful, and extra respectful, in all circumstances. Say “I am sorry” as soon as any situation happens, and you can’t go wrong. But stick stubbornly, to what you think is right, and boy, will you go wrong! Let partners be who they are, and encourage them to be themselves, instead of telling them what you think they ought to do. They will see it as you shoving your opinions on them. To keep the peace is up to you. It will teach you humility.

Today’s affirmation:

“Relationships are work.”


Mercury begins its retrograde until November 20, and you will be wise to think of your work place in terms of how it figures into your daily routine of you staying healthy. For example, bring a home cooked meal to your job place, instead of ordering from the deli. It may feel clumsy at first, but when you notice how it makes you physically feel later in the day, you will make it a staple of how to live your life. Become inspired by the simple things that make a big difference in life.

Today’s affirmation:

“I make healthier choices.”


Mercury begins its retrograde until November 20, and you will be wise to understand that not everyone will be thrilled at your jolly disposition. Continue being yourself and continue to inspire people with your upbeat personality, but there are those with a solemn disposition who frown at the sight of you… oh, well, there is nothing you can do about it, just be aware of the fact, and still put your best forward. Do not respond to those who can’t see your bright light. Perhaps they need to put on some shades…

Today’s affirmation:

“I am who I am.”


Mercury begins its retrograde until November 20, and you will be wise to take care of your hearth and home and not to stick your neck out on crazy trapeze work outside your window. You may get frustrated with the shape your home is at, and this will give you the opportunity to do research about what you can afford to spend on your home, to make it more to your liking. Get the websites ready for you to do business after this blows over. Don’t allow the small things in life, make you feel threatened, more than they possibly have the power to. Observe and do not react.

Today’s affirmation:

“I have a solid foundation.”


Mercury begins its retrograde until November 20, and you will be wise to know that this will affect your communication skills. Situations that you hear about and that you may want to put your two cents into, being the nice person you are… your words of wisdom and help may turn to weapons against you. Just remember to mind your own business and you will live happily until this blows over. Write your thoughts down instead, and who knows, you may have a novel written by the time this is over, or at least a short story ready to publish… Your hobbies will save you, so pour your emotions into them.

Today’s affirmation:

“My lips are sealed.”


Mercury begins its retrograde until November 20, and you will be wise to save instead of spend your hard earned dollars. Even when you intend to be charitable, you will have to create your own boundaries, and know that whatever you lend, don’t expect it to be repaid. But when you see a case you want to contribute to, and see it as charity, and you will feel restful in your soul. Don’t get hung up about feeling secure, or you will find that concept as stifling.

Today’s affirmation:

“The less I worry about money, the more it graces my life.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will take a close look at your life as a whole and start to make inner notations of where you want to see yourself in the future. Times change and seasons change and you will be deep in thought. You will be lucky in money making as long as you get your ego out of the way, as you will have to be super humble in relationships and in how you present yourself. Love shows up is someone who listens to you and gives you good advice from making mistakes.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon makes an easy angle with Mars and conjoins Jupiter.

Mercury begins its retrograde at 11:34 AM EDT.

The Moon enters Capricorn at 10:38 PM EDT.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day











for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star