December 18, 2019


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



You are in charge of your life and whatever happens to you. You have tremendous desire to get your business done and you make decisions that may not sit well with others, but which sit well with your intention to be the boss in your life. As much as you would like them to like what you do, it’s not necessary. There is much to be done, and you do it all with determination.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am the boss of me.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You are thinking in terms of how to progress from where you are to where you want to go. But you don’t have all the moving pieces in place. You gather information to make sure that in the coming year, you have all these moving pieces in place, and it takes the tenacity you possess today, which has you motivated and curious.

Today’s affirmation:

“I need to know.”


You get down and nostalgic about things that came and went in your life. You think of the good times and the bad, and find that there is no reason to compare yourself to anyone else’ life. Whatever has transpired is a part of your history. You may feel conflicted about certain issues, but as long as you don’t regret anything, and remind yourself to love yourself as you are.

Today’s affirmation:

“I love myself.”


Relationships are highlighted. You have a gentle way to approach those with whom you want to have a continuing relationship in the coming year. You want to improve your relationship with your boss, or with our business partners, and today, is a fine day to approach them with a little token of appreciation. Offer them coffee and cupcakes, in the office, or invite them for lunch.

Today’s affirmation:

“You are important in my life.”


You are hell bent on finishing a project, or finishing your holiday shopping and no one better stand in your way, if they know what’s good for them. This kind of a rigid attitude can get you in all sorts of misunderstandings, but you can nip those in the bud, and peace prevails, and you still get your way and finish everything up. You want to be free to enjoy the holiday season.

Today’s affirmation:

“Chores done. Check!”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You are the one who puts a smile on everyone’s faces as you walk into a room. You are in a celebratory mood, trying to see what you can do to have a delightful time at this holiday season, and to make sure to have the company of positive people. You entertain great ideas moving forward towards the coming year, which make you happy

Today’s affirmation:

“Let the festivities begin!”


The relationship you have with your parents and with those who came before you are important this time of year. They are the ones who taught you everything you know, and shaped who you are, and today you want to show your appreciation for them. Perhaps you want to get them something sentimental, or just a pair of sox. It makes your heart feel sweet.

Today’s affirmation:

“I stand on my ancestors’ shoulders.”


Your heart may go out to someone you work with, someone who is struggling, but you are not sure what to do about it. But just the intention puts you in a good place with this person. You can work together and hurry a project by collaborating. You don’t need anyone to be indebted to you, but this person will be appreciative of your efforts, and who knows, an alliance may be formed.

Today’s affirmation:

“I like to be helpful.”


Among the holiday season madness, your head is cool and collected as you think of how to pay for the entire affair, when the time comes and the statement appears. Work is on your mind, you roll up your sleeves and do what comes naturally: making money. You are grounded and enjoy the idea of finishing everything up, and to get paid for your efforts. A productive day indeed.

Today’s affirmation:

“Money, it’s a good thing…”


The Moon is in your sign and you rule the day. You stand on your own two feet and you stand on ground that you have worked to stand on. Your confidence is high, and you are ready to conquer whatever you have to do. You look good and are in control of your appearance. You want to think of what you need to get for yourself, in a season that is about shopping for everyone else.

Today’s affirmation:

“This outfit looks nice on me.”


Charity is a large part of the holiday season. You want to do as much for others as you would for yourself. Today, make donations to the charities you like to donate to, to those which means the most to you. This is a part of the holiday season that you may not have had time for, but you can’t continue until you make sure that everyone gets a little sympathy from you.

Today’s affirmation:

“It’s not all about me.”


Friendships are important to you, and today, you think of those who brought you more happiness in the year that is coming to an end. It doesn’t have to cost you much when you keep them in mind, and to purchase a little something for them. Make a reservation in a special restaurant you all enjoy, and get the spirit happening! To life and to the future. Cheers!

Today’s affirmation:

“Let’s celebrate good times.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be very ambitious and enthusiastic about your progress and about the process that your career will take you on. You will be happy to embrace life and to create the life you want for you and your family. Your family will be involved more than in other years and will be of great help to you. To those who are not currently in a relationship, you may find love in your place of work.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Virgo.

The Moon makes a hard angle with Mercury, a hard angle with Neptune, an easy angle with Mars, an excellent angle with Saturn and an excellent angle with Pluto.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star