March 9, 2020


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



The Full Moon in your Sun sign in the Moon in your relationship zone, forces you to take a look at the way you have been getting along with a specific someone, and how to come to a mutual understanding and shared agreement. Mercury begins its direct motion late tonight, so no matter the great pull you feel towards talking to this person, it’s wise to wait until tomorrow to get together and come to a peaceful solution.

Today’s affirmation:

“Let’s get together.”


The Full Moon begs you to take care of private issues which are hampering your business decisions. Get rid of mental clutter which is holding you back, or come to an inner understanding that this baggage needs to be worked on, there is no choice about it; you have to get clear. Mercury begins its direct motion late tonight, so by tomorrow morning you will feel refreshed to tackle the above mentioned with determination to.

Today’s affirmation:

“Clutter old or new baggage needs to go.”


The Full Moon urging you to live your best life. Collaborators are having their own issues to deal with, which interfere with your schedule, but which reminds you that we are all one world, depending on one another. Mercury begins its direct motion late tonight, so it’s best to wait patiently until tomorrow to begin to receive the collaboration you expect, and the quality of work you are all capable of.

Today’s affirmation:

“We are all in this together.”


The Full Moon begs of you to get started again in your efforts to make your home life be more compatible with the demands of your career. The gap there needs to be filled, from finding a baby sitter to finding a dog walker to finding the support you need at home, to make your ability to succeed greater. Mercury begins its direct motion late tonight, so tomorrow provides you with a clear path to finding the above, and to start a happy home life.

Today’s affirmation:

“There is always a solution to every problem.”


The Full Moon in your communication sector, brings you the verbal ability and the opportunity to finally clarify a situation that has been tough to deal with, with an important person in your life, which there has been anger and frustration, for the past three weeks. Mercury begins its direct motion late tonight, and you know exactly what you have to say and what you want to say. A new chapter of ease is just around the corner; talk it out.

Today’s affirmation:

“We can turn the corner together.”


The Full Moon in your money sector reminds you that situations can be made right, where it comes to the money you want negotiated. Coworkers have been in the way between you and your money making ability, you are ready to pounce on whoever you feel is responsible. Think of the gentlest way possible to get down to the bottom of this, and since Mercury begins its direct motion late tonight, it’s best to wait until tomorrow to carve out a new understanding with whomever you see a conflict with.

Today’s affirmation:

“Let’s come to a fair solution.”


The Full Moon in your Moon sign, which is the only Full Moon of the year for you personally, you feel empowered, and blessed with whatever your situation in life. There is always room for growth, and this is your chance to further your agenda and promote yourself in the world. Mercury begins its direct motion late tonight and you’ll have coherent thoughts in your mind, and a desire to create a more successful life for yourself. Begin to contact the people who can be pivotal to your ambitions, and be forward thinking.

Today’s affirmation:

“It’s a plan!”


The Full Moon brings an alarm bell in your mind that you need to make time and create opportunities for yourself, and to have time for rest and recuperation. Life has been demanding, you have been bending over backwards to please everyone, and now you find that you cannot afford to neglect yourself any further. Mercury begins its direct motion late tonight and you will be able to tackle anything with a sense of humor and with a light hearted attitude.

Today’s affirmation:

“I need my space!”


The Full Moon is here to remind you that nothing is worth doing, if you’re not having a good time doing it. If you do not, and have not enjoyed the position you hold since the beginning of the year, it’s time think of a better place for you. What is holding you back from moving forward with joy in your heart? You can do better so demand more of yourself. Mercury begins its direct motion late tonight, and you can ask for advice from an elder family member and get the strength you need to change dynamics.

Today’s affirmation:

“I have the courage to move forward.”


The Full Moon brings to mind a career advancement that you have been working so hard to achieve. You now have the momentum behind you, and the wind beneath your wings to soar to new heights. Mercury begins its direct motion late tonight, and with it the ability and the opportunity for you to ask for the pay or pay raise you so much deserve, and which may even be offered to you right off. 

Today’s affirmation:

“This is the career I have been dreaming to have.”


The Full Moon brings the world to you without you having to do any heavy lifting. Whatever you think of and whatever you desire to happen in your life, this is your opportunity to make clear to the universe, and it does answer in the positive. (Even if an import, export business has its difficulties at this time, do not give up on it!) Mercury begins its direct motion late tonight and if you had some monetary losses in the past three weeks, it has the potential to fix itself and get back on track.

Today’s affirmation:

“I have faith!”


The Full Moon demands from you to stop feeling sorry for yourself, no matter what has transpired in the past three week. If you have felt an earthquake under your feet, be it financially or personally, you are being set free from whatever it was! Count your blessings instead, and say ‘adios’ to a nerve wrecking situation. Mercury begins its direct motion late tonight giving you the opportunity to clear the air once and for all, and to say goodbye so situations you will never allow to happen in your life ever again.

Today’s affirmation:

“I live and I learn.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will set yourself free from anything that is petty, and you will only want to associate yourself with people who elevate your spirit and who see life as you do. You will pick and choose who you want to work with, who you want to collaborate with, and who you choose to love. Love is with someone who sees life as you do, and who walks on a spiritual path.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Virgo.

The Moon makes an excellent angle with Mars, a hard angle with Neptune.

The Moon opposes the Sun: Full Moon at 1:48 PM EDT.

The Moon makes an excellent angle with Jupiter and an excellent angle with Pluto.

Mercury begins its direct motion at 11:41 PM EDT.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star