The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.
A synopsis of today’s planetary influences
for sun signs and rising signs.
While it’s still your time of the year, you also get the chance to take a look and see if everything that has happened with you for the past month is equal to how you would like to start your year cycle. If there is something that has transpired that is not to your liking, here is a chance to meditate, and see if you would like to shut the door on it and to put it behind you. You don’t have to start a new cycle only half-heartedly.
Today’s affirmation:
“I would like a chance to do t hings my way.”
Checking out someone’s credentials? You can cut right to the chase and find out plenty in a short amount of time. Less fuss and less messy too. The thing is, you will probably not like what you see, not because there is anything wrong with the person, but because it may not fit with your vision. But it’s a great start before the Sun enters your sign. You are ahead of the game.
Today’s affirmation:
“I am doing my research.”
You are all business all day, and if you can’t do so, you will shout out loud to have the ability to do what you need to do, and you may have it in your head, that there may be someone who is intent on holding you back. You won’t accept it as a given, and you will show what you are made of… but looking for peace at all costs, perhaps you can wait your turn if you see that things have a set back of a day.
Today’s affirmation:
“Time is on my side.”
This is one of the best days of the month for you. Your plans are falling into place nicely. Your business is in good shape, or at least you can see the future turning out better than you’ve assumed. You may want to do some work in your office, however, too many interruptions and you may get discourage. Use your day but make sure that you spend part of it for enjoyment. Do something that may seem minor, but that will make your day worth living and worthwhile.
Today’s affirmation:
“I stop to smell the roses.”
You get things done in a most efficient manner today, and you have plenty of time to straighten out and for cleaning your space. Perhaps you are going into your office for the first time and clean that space up, or you may be clearing a financial matter with a coworker, so that you can both start fresh. You want to have your feet firmly on the ground when you open up, and today, you want to clear the way.
Today’s affirmation:
“Let’s get this done and start fresh.”
Relationships are highlighted. It looks like you feel as though you think people are pushing you around. That you can’t get to do what you need to do, because there are people in your way. They may be doing that to get your attention and divert your attention purposefully, or they just may be going about their business, and interrupt your flow. On a day like this, it’s best to bush it off and keep your peace.
Today’s affirmation:
“I am a peace loving person.”
You can get advice about how to create a more lucrative job, but the way you feel about it is that words are cheap. You want to see said job opportunity right in front of you, and to make sure that it’s not just a rumor that you have to listen to. It may turn into a real job opportunity, so don’t get impatient with the person who is trying to help along. Calm down and don’t chew anyone out for no reason.
Today’s affirmation:
“Time will tell.”
This is one of the best days of the month for you. Your charm is in showing no fear when a situation that is making you feel nervous arises. You would rather have fun and see things as a game plan, than see them as a serious job opportunity. Of course, you would like to make more money given a chance, but you don’t seem to find anything that will give you the money you want to make. Keep it light and easy, and see how things will make sense another day.
Today’s affirmation:
“I have mixed emotions about this.”
You want to make a solid foundation, now that you are not as quarantined as you have been. You want to start out on solid grounds. You desire to have a home that is just right for you, and that can be an issue today. You find out that it really doesn’t matter the size of your home, it’s the heart there that matters the most. You look into your ancestry and of the foundation to your life that they have given you.
Today’s affirmation:
“My heart is where my home is.”
It all starts from within. If your insides are not lined up with the purity you are seeking, or the inspiration you are seeking, than you have some meditating to do today. You will find an inner peace when you get your Chakras aligned and you will have a much more enjoyable day. You will be more focused and more enthusiastic about life in general today.
Today’s affirmation:
“I am being real with myself.”
You are seeing life through a dollar sign today. It weighs heavily on you, as you recognize how much of a budget you have to set for yourself that you can live with, and which can support you, and to have the life you have had, before this pandemic wreaked its havoc. But it’s best to let things happen naturally, and to have faith that you will be just fine.
Today’s affirmation:
“Everything will be alright.”
The Moon is in your sign and you rule the day. You are in a career mode and nothing can sway you from that. You can be anywhere, and yet your mind tips back to that same place. You have been unable to do your thing for so long now, because of this virus, and you are ready to start all over again, and to make it bigger than ever. The responsibility will be greater as well…
Today’s affirmation:
“I am ready, willing and able.”
Today’s Happy Birthday:
In the coming year cycle you will look at your life as a whole and all the experiences you have had, and how they all bring you to today. Nothing will ever be quite the same, and yet you are looking forward to a more peaceful and spiritually fulfilling year. You want to do things because they bring something meaningful to your life, and not just to spin your wheels in an everlasting race towards what, exactly? Love will be possible with someone who is spiritual, and who cares and nurtures.
Good luck and God bless you.
Today’s planetary layout:
The Moon enters Taurus at 5:35 AM EDT.
The Moon makes a hard angle with Saturn.
enjoy your authentic self
live with passion
have a wonderful day
for entertainment purposes only
By: Michelle Star