December 1, 2020


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Mercury enters your sign, and until December 21, you will be your very finest! You will look your best and express yourself in the best way. You will be able to achieve goals without much pushback from anyone. Get a new hair style if you need to, after the long period of Corona we have been experiencing, and it will make you feel alive again. You feel hopeful again, that the day is coming near.

Today’s affirmation:

“The best is yet to come…”


Mercury enters Sagittarius, and until December 21, you will be in a quiet mood. In an introverted mood. You will spend the time pondering how to move forward. Your mind will be in a mode of rest before the leap forward happens. And that will happen after December 21, when you will be going forward, with a clear conscience. And without looking back.

Today’s affirmation:

“I need to relax my mind.”


Mercury enters Sagittarius, and until December 21, brain storming will be the thing that will bring solutions to you and the group that supports you. You together with the rest, will come up with great ideas that will be helpful and take you all into the world after the virus, and which will bring you closer to one another as friends. It will strengthen your bond.

Today’s affirmation:

“Let’s not break the bond.”


Mercury enters Sagittarius, and until December 21, there is so much to learn about the career you have chosen and which is changing with the times. You will put your thinking cap on, and be thirsty to learn and to grow, and to use from this knowledge, as you create practices which will create a stronger business for you. You will be excited about what you find out and you will have to pace yourself.

Today’s affirmation:

“There is always more to learn.”


Mercury enters Sagittarius, and until December 21, you will be glad to know that you are the one who is chosen to be in charge of the inspiring the rest of us. People will be looking to you for leadership, see you as the role model, about where you see life is headed in the future, after this virus stops dictating our life, and you will the ability to see it clearer, and have more optimism, than anyone else. 

Today’s affirmation:

“Follow my lead.”


Mercury enters Sagittarius, and until December 21, you will be deep in thought about what has transpired in the past year, and how you have been affected by this mess. You will be proud of how you have handled this time in history, and you will be able to internalize it, and therefore, be able to let go of its difficult consequences. You will make some resolute decisions that will free you.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am strong as an ox.”


Mercury enters Sagittarius, and until December 21, you will be able to discuss all kinds of issues with your partners. Issues that you may not have had the courage to tackle, because the timing was never right with this pandemic upon us, or you have not had the opportunity to because of it. Whatever you need to communicate to them and whatever you need to discuss, this period will be your signal to go ahead. 

Today’s affirmation:

“Can we talk?”


Mercury enters Sagittarius, and until December 21, you will be happy to get into your job and forget the world around you. Keep your nose to the grind and see how much you enjoy the job you have been doing whether it has been for a long time or a short time. You will be glad to take over whatever someone else doesn’t want to do. You will want to exceed even your own expectations and quotas.

Today’s affirmation:

“A winner does whatever others don’t want to do.”


Mercury enters Sagittarius, and until December 21, and you will become a beacon of strength and an example of how to handle oneself when under a strain like the one we are under, with this virus still around us. You show how it won’t take you out and in fact, you will shine brightly and do everything with a style and with panache the likes of which we love to see now.

Today’s affirmation:

“Style and panache are what makes me happy now.”


Mercury enters Sagittarius, and until December 21, your home may be a place of meetings, if possible, considering the situation we are experiencing collectively. Your home will be the place that sees action and which will be a place where communications run free, and where you can be free to show who you are to the ones who live with you. You will become a family again with a stronger bond within itself.

Today’s affirmation:

“I love my home.”


Mercury enters Sagittarius, and until December 21, and you will be the one who is the most fun to be around. You will enjoy small talk, and you will enjoy writing down in your notepad app, thoughts that you will enjoy acting out on, and showing others what you’re made of. You will be a leader in the way you carry yourself and in what you choose to show the rest of us. Your words will be precise and on point.

Today’s affirmation:

“Let’s get as much enjoyment out of life as it is now.”


Mercury enters Sagittarius, and until December 21, you won’t want to spend money foolishly, even though we are getting into the time of year in which there are gifts you have to purchase. You will find that you will look for quality versus quantity, and you will be more careful about the method of your payments. You will find it easy to make sure you have enough to cover, and that you don’t get into any snags.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am careful about my money.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will take a close look at yourself, as in, you will look in the mirror and you will acknowledge the changes you need to do. You will look into the future and you will see that there is so much you don’t now and that if you will want to implement these changes, it will have to take courses to get you there and shape up on what you already know. Love will be possible with someone who is vocal about their beliefs, who is charitable and who has a quiet way about them.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Gemini.

Mercury enters Sagittarius.

The Moon enters Cancer at 10:34 PM EST.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star