February 2, 2021


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



This is one of the best days of the month for you. Nothing you set your mind to is impossible. You have got the world by the horn and you can shake it any which way you choose. Your revolution is here: your world is at a point of change. You adapt to it faster than you assume, as the demand for change is great and you must comply with its demands.   

Today’s affirmation:

“Times they are a changing.”


You are so in tune with your intuition and with your talents: you have been spending time in meditation, inventing new ways to take care of your heart and soul, that you become so confident in them. But at what expense? Are you neglecting those who are looking for your attention? Are you neglecting in paying those who you owe money to? Take care of the ones who took care of you.

Today’s affirmation:

“I do remember you!”


Relationships are highlighted. The focus has been, and still is, on the group you have put together. You are all in it together, and you can feel the influence each person has on the collective effort, and on the collective money making ability. To approach this group you have to handle them with kid gloves and choose your words precisely and simply. It brings up to the surface who is sincere and who isn’t.

Today’s affirmation:



You are all business all the time, and it’s tough to leave alone or let it be for a little while, should you try to get away or to do something other than. Patience is just another word for being kind to yourself first and foremost. Think of your health and think of the future as something that you can wait and look forward to while you are making these grand plans. Don’t forget to exercise today.

Today’s affirmation:

“I have my priorities right in front of me.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Your opportunities are so exciting that you don’t know how this is happening. Take advantage of any opportunity and consider yourself lucky. Life will sweeten up as long as you are a willing spirit who is flexible and able to adapt. Don’t forget to get in touch with a child in your life and play a virtual game with, or get down on the floor and play.

Today’s affirmation:

“Life is a miracle.”


There is no whitewashing what is plainly staring you in the face; intimacy and your home are your two important subjects that you are happily embracing and tirelessly taking care of today. You may be separated from your gang for a long time now, but your life has changed and you are happy in your domesticity. Besides, someone in your gang is not exactly being kind to you now.

Today’s affirmation:

“I take care of my hearth and home.”


You are a work in progress when it comes to your relationships, and your style is sharpening as it brings out the best version of you. Intense relationship atmosphere. Should you be getting to know one other, you are getting used to each other’s idiocrasies. This is an exercise in how to interact with one another in a mature way. You need to listen without interrupting and respond patiently.

Today’s affirmation:

“Getting to know you.”


You have been an awesome employee and you get paid for it handsomely. Yet, is it at the expense of your health? Are you over doing it? This is a test as to how resilient you can be, and it shows you how strong your constitution is, or how weak it may be. Don’t ignore it if you feel that you need to see a doctor, so make an appointment for your yearly physical. Better safe than sorry. Remember to wear your mask…

Today’s affirmation:

“I have to pay attention to my health.”


The Moon is in your sign and you rule the day. There isn’t much you cannot ask for and not much that you can’t succeed at. You joy is evident. But the times have not been easy, and the challenge for you is to not react emotionally, and to protect your heart from the hardships you’ve had to endure and are still having to endure. Your planning and patience are what separates the adults from the children. These are growing pains you are experiencing.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am in control over my emotions.”


There is so much commotion going on from every direction and everything is on the priority list. Your determination is evident, and you have to make decisions about how to proceed. The trick is not to feel so overwrought and all over the place. Pick one upheaval and get out of it, and create a new chapter in your life. Slow down: the more you demand from yourself, the less control you will get.

Today’s affirmation:

“The slower the better.”


You have to decide what direction you intend to take and what road you intend to follow. If you are not sure, a friend can be a voice of reason that you could use listening to and take direction from, if you feel that it’s a fit for you. You have to choose a direction so that you don’t wonder around aimlessly. This is a good day to make some connection with friends you haven’t heard from in a while.

Today’s affirmation:

“This is no time to slacken off.”


You feel compelled to take care of financial matters that you feel like you have lost control over. However, you have to give this time, as this issue will find its way to straightening itself out organically and with time. You shine in your position of authority today, as you make changes to the way you are taking control. You are more mature in your approach and less demanding.

Today’s affirmation:

“Life will straighten stuff out.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will make decisions and make plans for the future, because there is so much you need to leave behind, so that you can move on freely. It may cause a commotion in your home, when you clear every space of clutter that is holding you back, but which will move you forward. Love will be possible with someone who likes to travel, who is a little stubborn and who is driven and is ambitious.  

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Libra.

The Moon makes an excellent angle with the Sun.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star