March 11, 2021


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



The Moon added to Venus, Neptune, and the Sun in your sign already, certainly is sure to put a smile on your face. There is so much optimism and possibilities today.  You won’t let anyone rain on your parade, and when you speak, you are a straight shooter, telling like you see it. You shine so brightly, you may forget to let others shine too…

Today’s affirmation:

“I do whatever turns me on.”


You are in a most sensitive spot: should anyone try to make you do things you don’t want to do, you don’t have to agree. You won’t agree. And when you disagree, you have the sweetest way of saying it. Your charming ways win the day, especially when it comes to those who can assist you to get into the place you want to be.

Today’s affirmation:

“Don’t push me…”


When you are face to face with good people, you want nothing short than to help them out. Today, your views are being sought after, so don’t be afraid to speak your mind. People will accept you even though you may be a little heavy handed when you give this advice. Give someone a second chance because of your good intentions.

Today’s affirmation:

“I want the best for everyone.”


You try new ways to see your career. You try to see it with a new set of eyes, you matured and want to bring opportunities to anyone who needs your help, while you’re busy climbing the ladder of success. You want to work with people who are gentle, who are pleasant to be around. To surround yourself with good people is most important.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am ambitious for more than just myself.”


You have the right to change your mind without having to explain your motives. As a matter of fact, the more you try to explain, the more you feel misunderstood. So just go about your business, and talk to those of like mind, and together, enjoy a day filled with exciting adventure and good energy.

Today’s affirmation:

“Let’s have a good time.”


You can’t change the past, no matter how much you may dwell on it. The best way is to find the good in people and to try to understand what they are going through. The more forgiving an attitude you have the better you get along with people today. Getting along may be difficult, because you may be digging your heels in a little too much.

Today’s affirmation:

“I must lighted up some.”


When you talk to people remember that they don’t particularly believe what they hear, and that you may have to convince them of your good intentions. You have to be humble and think of how to say things that normally are easily acceptable. The more flexible you are to seeing their point the more peace you will experience today.

Today’s affirmation:

“I try to see both our points of view.”


It’s difficult to concentrate on a day where you are pulled in so many directions that nothing makes sense anymore. Stop everything! Make a short list, you can only finish so much today, and don’t forget to have some fun while you struggle to get your chores done. No apologies required when you are doing your very best.  

Today’s affirmation:

“There is only so much I can accomplish today.”


There is more fun to go around that is healthy. So before you let go of any responsibilities and call it a day, remember that indulging has to have a limit attached to it, or it can turn on you. You have to make your own boundaries, and take care of business even though you are far from interested. You are interested in romance, however…

Today’s affirmation:

“Too much of a good thing…”


Your home is the focal point today. You would like to turn it into a place where you can meditate and you are so excited to bring the spring into your home, and you don’t mind spending money and investing in your home. You may be inviting family over that you couldn’t have over before, for the past year.

Today’s affirmation:

“My home and family mean everything to me.”


You are so happy to have people to talk to, and so you find the time to communicate, even though time is precious, and you have so little time to spend. But you make time because life is precious and you must enjoy spring when it happens, and you want to go for a brisk walk and talk. Somewhere in there, take care of business…

Today’s affirmation:

“Let’s go hiking, or biking…”


You want to make a living by doing good things for others. But you must remember that you have to help yourself first. Once you take care of yourself and your family, you want to volunteer your time and help others. You want to spend money on someone needy, but you have to make sure your family doesn’t go without.

Today’s affirmation:

“We are all one in the world.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will start on a new road. The old road may have gotten eviscerated     due to the pandemic. Whatever the case may be, ready or not, you have to get started. You will be courageous and rise above your fear. The good thing will be that you will put your heart and soul into whatever endeavor you take on, and you will enjoy it more than you even anticipate now. Love will be possible with someone who is as excited about starting life over again as you are.  

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon enters Pisces at 9:45 AM EST.

The Moon makes a hard angle with Mars.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star