May 13, 2021


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



High minded Jupiter enters Pisces for a ten and a half weeks, and land in your house of introspection. It will retrograde into Aquarius on July 28, until December 28, when it will go back into Pisces. In the meantime, for his duration you will be more in tune with who you are and who you would like to grow into. You will enjoy time alone to reminisce and appreciate the person you have become, while striving to become the best version of yourself you can possibly blossom into. 

Today’s affirmation:

“To take time to meditate is a beautiful thing.”


Fair natured Jupiter enters Pisces for a ten and a half weeks, to travel in your house of friendships. It will retrograde into Aquarius on July 28, until December 28, when it will go back into Pisces. In the meantime, you will try to see how you get along with others. You would like to be involved with new friendships and discover that people are as nice as you are to them. You will find that one hand washes the other, and that you will want to reward when someone comes out as on your side, and develop a deep appreciation for that person.

Today’s affirmation:

“Friendships are a blessing and a beautiful thing.”


Big thinking Jupiter enters Pisces for a ten and a half weeks and lands in your career house. It will retrograde into Aquarius on July 28, until December 28, when it will go back into Pisces. In the meantime, you will make grand plans, and have plenty of time to pick and choose among a plentiful of opportunities, and to see which one tantalizes your appetite for a better and a more successful venture. You will shine and be able to impress even those who are skeptical about your ability to be a leader.  

Today’s affirmation:

“Being successful is a beautiful thing.”


Expansive Jupiter enters Pisces for a ten and a half weeks and land in your house of exploration. It will retrograde into Aquarius on July 28, until December 28, when it will go back into Pisces. In the meantime, you will be able to explore new territories, be it by physically traveling to exotic locations, and if that is still an impossibility, you can plan a trip of a lifetime which you deserve so much… You will also be able to expand your horizon by being interested and taking up a subject that can help you in the long run, most likely a subject that has to do with finances.

Today’s affirmation:

“To expand my horizons is a beautiful thing.”


Righteous Jupiter enters Pisces for a ten and a half weeks, and travel through in your investment house. It will retrograde into Aquarius on July 28, until December 28, when it will go back into Pisces. In the meantime, you will be soul searching to see where you want to invest your money, and to make it right by any debts you may have accumulated. Make a plan to pay them off and be light at heart. You will want to straighten out any and all financial partnerships, so that all parties will be happy about any arrangements.

Today’s affirmation:

“To honor our partnership is a beautiful thing.”


Jovial Jupiter enters Pisces for a ten and a half weeks and occupy your house of relationships. It will retrograde in to Aquarius on July 28, until December 28, when it will go back into Pisces. In the meantime, you will enjoy good times, and will be blessed with a blissful time with your loved one. You will enjoy the company of those who care about you and who understand your needs. Some of you may get into a summer fling that can turn serious, and some of you may get into a committed relationship and enjoy a time of peaceful coexistence.

Today’s affirmation:

“Love is a beautiful thing.”


Vital Jupiter enters Pisces for a ten and a half weeks and land in your house of wellbeing. It will retrograde into Aquarius on July 28, until December 28, when it will go back into Pisces. In the meantime, you will learn how to balance your time between your career and personal time to care for yourself, to make sure that you are not overworked. This is your chance to put a plan together of how much time you can afford to go to the gym and to make a plan of a new and improved diet to accommodate your body’s needs as you are today.

Today’s affirmation:

“Taking care of oneself is a beautiful thing.”


Jovial Jupiter enters Pisces for ten and a half weeks and be in the house of self-expression and romance. It will retrograde into Aquarius on July 28, until December 28, when it will go back into Pisces. In the meantime, you will experience time of pleasurable romantic amusement, and immerse yourself in of the affairs of the heart. You will crave entertainment. You will invite people into your home no matter whether it looks great or not, whether it’s ready for company or not. You will find expressing yourself easy and conducive to showing who you really are.

Today’s affirmation:

“Life is a beautiful thing.”


Excessive Jupiter enters Pisces for a ten and a half weeks and land in your house of home. It will retrograde into Aquarius on July 28, until December 28, when it will go back into Pisces. In the meantime, you will enjoy your family that you haven’t been able to enjoy during the pandemic, and you will invite people for a home cooked meal and barbecues. Life will be worth living and your priorities will always be where your home is. You will have to balance time of pleasure with your business life, and it’s a good idea to invite your boss for dinner.

Today’s affirmation:

“To have a home is a wonderful thing.”


Ethical Jupiter enters Pisces for a ten and a half weeks to travel through your communication house. It will retrograde into Aquarius on July 28, until December 28, when it will go back into Pisces. In the meantime, you will enjoy conversations that will elevate your spirit, and some which you will need to be aware of and be careful of, should they become controversial. You will want to show others about your beliefs, and in return, you will need to accept them and their beliefs as well. Being kind to one another will be a priority.

Today’s affirmation:

“To have open communications is a beautiful thing.”


Generous Jupiter enters Pisces for a ten and a half weeks and travel through your house of money. It will retrograde into Aquarius on July 28, until December 28, when it will go back into Pisces. In the meantime, you will be able make profits from whatever you will occupy your time working on. You may be able to get a job that pays more than the one you have now, and to create more wealth for yourself and for your family. You will be generous and will have to learn how to curb desire to give more than you make…

Today’s affirmation:

“Making money is a beautiful thing.”


Opportunistic and encouraging Jupiter enters your sign for a ten and a half weeks to travel in your first house of personality. It will retrograde into Aquarius on July 28, until December 28, when it will go back into Pisces. In the meantime, your personality will shine and you will be able to put your best foot forward. This time will help you organize and prioritize what is most important for you to concentrate on, and bring the essence of good luck for you, to push through with ease and confidence.     

Today’s affirmation:

“Good things are coming my way.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will have the freedom to pursue your dreams with the help of trusted friends. You will see to it that you do anything you have to do in order to have the success you can have. You won’t take no for an answer, and find the companions who will be most helpful. Love will be possible with someone who is blessed with many friends and who knows the value of the dollar.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Gemini.

The sun makes an easy angle with Neptune.

The moon makes an easy angle with Saturn and conjoins Mercury.

Jupiter enters Pisces.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star