Saturday, May 29 – Sunday, May 30, 2021


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



On Saturday, Mercury begins its retrograde motion until June 22nd. You will be judged on whatever you say. You will be judged for you beliefs and for what you stand for. You may want to take the middle ground on any subject, or you may find yourself being criticized. The key to success will be in how you accept or tolerate other people’s ideas and beliefs, and in your ability to not butt heads with anyone! Acceptance it the key to success here. Do not be shy and speak up, and yet, know when to speak and when to plain, be quiet! On Sunday, keeping all this in mind, you are in the mood to enjoy the company of others, but you have to watch how you say what you say. All is well!


On Saturday, Mercury begins its retrograde motion until June 22nd. This time around this planetary transit is in your money house. You will have to have eyes all around your head to make sure that you are not being shortchanged, and that every transaction is on the up and up. Catch every little detail that may be wrong, before it gets out of hand. You do all this and you are good to go… the key to success here is to have a good grip on what you can afford. Be pragmatic and not wasteful. On Sunday, keeping all this in mind, being in a business mindset, you think about how much this Memorial Day weekend may cost you to have a first summer celebration. It doesn’t have to break the bank as long as you are in control, and to have a great time!


On Saturday, You will desire to get back on the ball, get back to the life you once knew, get back to where you used to be, and now, as soon as you started, Mercury, your ruler, has the nerve to go back on its promise! The best way to deal with this, is to not to look at it as a setback, but rather to see it as a way to look deeper, and to think of how to say and speak the least, and to still be most effective in your progress. And don’t forget that this time around, the sun is also in your sign, and you are even making progress while in slumber in your dreams. On Sunday, armed with all this knowledge, you think of your dreams, your future. Can anyone be of help to your vision? Invite them for lunch or dinner, and get your life started again!


On Saturday, Mercury in your sign, begins its retrograde motion until June 22nd. There are days where you may think that the world has been conspiring against you! That is not so, of course… Someone may confide in you and you will be burdened with their secrets and you won’t know what to do with them. But this can be an opportune time for you to get their respect, and a time when they will know whether they can trust you. On Sunday, keeping all this in mind, you want to party, you want to have a good time, so try to stop being so deep in thought! Leave the past behind you, leave your worries behind you, and join the celebration of Memorial Day Weekend!


On Saturday, Mercury begins its retrograde motion until June 22nd. You will be most creative in this time period! Not that you will necessarily find a way to show your talents to more than your innermost group, but it can certainly put you on the map with people of like mind. Your true friends will come through for you, and the rest, well, you will find out who you enjoy spending time with. On Sunday, keeping all this in mind, you provide the entertainment and the spunk on this Memorial Day Weekend! Just don’t try to fix someone else problems, they don’t want any help… Lol.


On Saturday, Mercury begins its retrograde motion until June 22nd.  Mercury your ruler happens to be in your business house. You will have plenty to think about and plenty to contemplate over, before you are ready to put your signature on to. The key to success, is to take your time with each transaction, and to pay attention to the small printed details. The good thing is, you can find something that is a dream come true. Don’t let anything get to you, and don’t get discouraged! On Sunday, knowing all of this, you are the one who wants to please. You want to please your family, if you are at a family gathering, and you want to please your boss if you are at work. Make us some margaritas…


On Saturday, Mercury begins its retrograde motion until June 22nd. This is where the rubber meets the road on what you envision for yourself. You soar above the rest with enthusiasm, and you deserve to feel good about yourself and about your prospects. You imagination is flying high. However, should you be on a trip traveling somewhere, give yourself enough time for any type of shenanigans and back tracking? While on the road, expect the unexpected. On Sunday, and armed with all this information, you are the one who looks the best, dressed the most colorfully this Memorial Day Weekend, and who is having a great time telling stories.


On Saturday, Mercury begins its retrograde motion until June 22nd. This is a time when everyone has to have their cards on the table, as well as you have yours. Anything that goes unnoticed, or unveiled can create a big problem down the line. Because whatever is not upfront, but is deep under, can surprise you later on, when it will eventually make itself known. The more truth you hear and say, the healthier it will be for you personally, and for your business. On Sunday, knowing all of this, you would rather stick to your home or home town. You don’t feel like venturing too far. So the best next thing is to have an intimate party of just a few chosen besties, and have a drink to summertime!


On Saturday, Mercury begins its retrograde motion until June 22nd. This time it happens to be in your house of relationships. So how can you protect your relationships? That will be the main question. You have to treat everyone with the most clarity possible, and be careful of what you say on a regular basis. Peace ought to be your main concern written in front of your eyes the entire time, and you will be good to go when this is all said and done. On Sunday, armed with all this knowledge, you begin to tip toe around people… lol… and correctly so. Keep it up and start a new dance; the Tip Toe! You are having a great time Memorial Day Weekend, considering what the planet has been dealing with…


On Saturday, Mercury begins its retrograde motion until June 22nd. You have to watch out that you do not make any major mishaps where it comes to your work. Your professional work is in the view of whomever you work for. All eyes are on you, you will be challenged and judged for your performance. The way to be triumphant is to be at the top of your game! And don’t let anyone see you sweat. You need to shine as the best worker around. You can do it! On Sunday, keeping all this in mind, you seem to be busy figuring out your expenses, even though you want to do for your family this Memorial Day Weekend, you are not sure how much of a shindig you can afford. You don’t want to put on a show, you just want everyone together again. Love will win the day…


On Saturday, Mercury begins its retrograde motion until June 22nd. If you play this right, you have the potential to be the one most able to succeed under this transit. You can show off your talents, and prove who really is the most creative and inventive. You are willing to make a statement about whomever you want to make move forward. Hopefully, it’s for yourself. Sell yourself, but remember that you have to have the exact words, so you have to show up prepared. The moon is in your sign on Sunday, and keeping all that in mind, you are one happy camper! You don’t care what else is happening, this weekend is for you to enjoy! Show us how to really appreciate what we have!


On Saturday, Mercury begins its retrograde motion until June 22nd. When you want to make your dreams come true, it hurts when you think of your past and what you would have done differently. You have to stop having a pity party. Instead, understand the strong point here, and that is to understand that you shine the most right where you are planted! Start right at home! The moment you wake up, make it a point to have the best attitude: That you were meant for greatness, and that that is the only way you intend to continue! Your home is where you get your strength. On Sunday, knowing all of this, you are busy internalizing recent affairs, and want to enjoy your family at your home, just chilling and reminiscing.


Today’s Happy Birthday:


In the coming year cycle you will enjoy a year filled with high energy and an uplifting attitude. Life is back, and the masks are not as needed all the time. Life is starting slowly but surely, what’s there not to like and celebrate? You will mostly concentrate on making money, and you will have to have your eyes all over your business, so that all transactions go correctly. Love will be possible with someone who is sensual, sensitive and who has one heck of a personality!

Good luck and God bless you.



In the coming year cycle you will intensely understand what makes you tick and what you need to do in order to be a happy person, and you will set out to fulfil your destiny. You will be in a unique position to find what makes you happy and to seize control of opportunities that may seem outlandish to others, but that will be attainable to you. Don’t worry about what others say. Love is possible with someone who is not afraid to take on the world with you…

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:


The moon is in Capricorn.

Mercury conjoins Venus.

The moon makes a hard angle with Mars, an easy angle with Neptune and a hard angle with Pluto.

Mercury begins its retrograde motion.



The moon enters Aquarius at 00:05 AM EDT.

The moon makes an excellent angle with the sun, a hard angle with Uranus and conjoin Saturn.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful weekend


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star