The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.
A synopsis of today’s planetary influences
for sun signs and rising signs.
Happy go lucky you, has to get down to the nitty gritty, the things in life that happen every day, whether you like it or not. The trick to today, the first day of the work week, is that you have to teach others how to do what is necessary, and you find it perplexingly difficult to do something so simple. You scratch your head, and chuckle. This too shall pass, it isn’t as bad as you think it is…
You are glad it’s the first day of the working week that you are already stepping outside of your home and going to get busy with something that inspires you, brings out your creative juices and just makes you feel alive! The trick to today be: you go overboard with embellishing what creative project you do to the point of kitsch, tacky. Step back, take a look and get back to it tomorrow…
The weekend has left your mind reeling? Or is it the hangover? Whatever the case may be, today, is a new day, a new week and a new you! You are ready to start it out with a bang! To deal with the biggest problems like they are no problem at all! Well fancy you, but the trick to today is to not jump in with both feet when you don’t have a clear idea what exactly is expected of you, or what you expect of the day…
What started to be a day where you feel grounded and ready to tackle just about anything, suddenly takes a turn. The trick to today is that you are not careful you will be all over the place, with no rudder and nowhere to hang your hat. Destination isn’t clear? Concentrate on the small steps that will get you somewhere closer to the destination which seems far from reach, all of a sudden… whassup??
Your day is chugging along, with the New Moon behind you bringing you to start on new adventures and to have the courage to tread on new paths, the trick to today, is that you have to keep an eye on those who promise you a certain amount of money which they cannot verify where it comes from. Where it comes to money, you need to have eyes all over your head. Or, you can make more money than evaa!
No matter how strange your dreams may have been in the night, you wake up to a new day to greet. A day where your energy is sky high, the moon is in your sign combined with Mars and Venus, and when you do so well. The trick to today be to not be so trusting of anyone who whispers words that you know are too good to be true; like when you turn you head and think: “Hum”?
With the social time behind you, you may be exhausted from all the celebration of summer. You wake up thinking of those who are worse off than you are, and your heart goes out to someone who needs help. You’ll stop at nothing to try to lend a hand. Whether or not it will help we shall see. It’s your intention that counts!
Your head is still spinning, after you wake up, as though you have had no sleep at all. It’s the excitement of what you are working on, which is making you be grateful to be alive. The trick to today is keep an eye on someone who claims to be a friend, but in the back of your mind you are not so sure…. And you are right, it may just be smoking mirrors this person is hiding behind…
From dreaming and having wanderlust, to trying to get these plans, one step at a time and bring them into a cohesive kind of a strategy. The trick to today is, that to try to make anything cohesive is an exercise in futility. What you find yourself doing, is trying to see with whom you want to make this project: you have lovely prospects but the answer is not yet here.
You feel rejuvenated after a mental cleansing and you are so ready and rearing to face whatever the week holds for you. But first, you just want to play hooky, at least for a little while. Your mind is a little jumbled, on a beautiful day like today, which may be confusing to you. Connect with someone you adore and have a lovely conversation, before tending to the nitty gritty things in life.
When you’ve discovered who is on your side and who isn’t, the first thing you think of at the beginning of this week, is that you don’t like to hold grudges and you are willing to wash the slate clean right away! You don’t want any bad feelings lingering on. For one thing, it takes too much energy to hold grudges. And for another, you are a sweetheart and are a lover not a fighter.
There is nothing you can do when a step you had to take in your job, a situation that went down that you couldn’t do anything about and there is no going back. Chalk it off to experience, and to a learning stepping stone. The trick is, you want to give people a second chance because you are a nice person, but don’t be surprised when you are disappointed, and again, a learning experience.
Today’s Happy Birthday:
In the coming year cycle you will be an independent individual who likes to live on this planet by doing your own thing. You won’t want anyone dictating to you what to do and where to go. You won’t mind breaking every rule to get to your destination. You will however, have to watch that no one takes you for your money without you even noticing that you are being had. Love will be possible with someone who is generous, (hopefully not with your money), and who has the energy to keep up with you…
Good luck and God bless you.
Today’s planetary layout:
The moon in Leo conjoins Mercury and makes a hard angle with Jupiter.
The moon enters Virgo at 10:56 AM EDT.
Venus makes a hard angle with Neptune.
The moon conjoins Mars.
enjoy your authentic self
live with passion
have a wonderful day
for entertainment purposes only
By: Michelle Star