The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.
A synopsis of today’s planetary influences
for sun signs and rising signs.
Love runs hot and heavy and you love someone delicate at the moment. You have to get creative and write and create something special for this person. Before you start, make sure to ground yourself as you wake up. Meditate and look deep in for the history of the story, and be gentle and compassionate.
Love runs hot and heavy, and you are feeling a myriad of feelings towards someone who puts a lot of trust in you, and who is gentle in nature. A friendship can begin here. Make sure however, that you put in genuine effort, and expect the same in return, before you begin to open up your heart.
Love runs hot and heavy, and there are expectations of you to be practical and come up with the goods. You find it difficult to be practical when your heart is just trying to help yourself and help someone who you are grateful for and grateful to. This can be a profitable combination, if there is truth and transparency.
The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. You know that you want to do what is good for your body, but you are going overboard with pandering to your weakest point. Love runs hot and heavy, and yours is for the good life and the heck with exercise and organic food. Some days are about you doing what is not so good for you, but love yourself anyway.
You are a big heap of loving mush! Love is hot and heavy to the point of burning uncontrollably until you want more and more. No one can fill this kind of a pit! So stop being so needy. The less you expect the less you probably, nag… lol. Know your limits and boundaries, and enjoy love without making demands.
Love runs hot and heavy and you wear your heart on your sleeve. You prove that you are a giver, a peace maker, and someone who is more than special. Make sure, however, that you don’t give away more than you have to give. When you do for others do for yourself as well, and come to a harmonious balance.
Are you trying to give away the store? Are your shelves so full, that when you see others with empty shelves you are ready give your business away? This is the picture today, of love that runs hot and heavy… Make sure however, that you don’t act stupid trying to overcompensate for something only you know why.
This is one of the best days of the month for you. Love runs hot and heavy, are you sure, however, that no one is taking you for a ride? If you suspect someone is about to take advantage of you in any capacity, you may be right about that. Keep your eyes flued on the future, and don’t stick your head in the ground.
Love runs hot and heavy, but don’t let anyone linger in your heart that doesn’t belong there, and don’t let anyone linger in your home that doesn’t belong there. Give them the help they need and make your boundaries clear from the start. You are very in tune with your inner self, listen to it.
Relationships are highlighted. Love runs hot and heavy. You want to love your equal, and today’s test will let you know if you are. Your heart goes out to those who are less fortunate. Make sure, however, that it’s for a good cause you are not being duped into loving something less than worthy.
When someone asks you to do them a favor, they may say that it’s for the good of the whole office and you do so because you are about all humanity doing things in harmony. Make sure. However, that you are not falling for an intention that isn’t in your favor. Is someone conspiring against you there?
This is one of the best days of the month for you. Love run hot and heavy and you are loved by someone who is a position to bring you up the ladder of success. You have to make sure, however, that you give this person a reason to help you up there, their eyes are on you, and you have to prove yourself.
Today’s Happy Birthday:
In the coming year cycle you will look for a way out of a situation you no longer can tolerate. You will spread your wings and try to get somewhere where you feel the love. Make sure that you have the whole picture the way it is, and not in the rose colored glasses you have on. Love will be possible with someone who is sweet, affectionate and may be a little needy…
Good luck and God bless you.
Today’s planetary layout:
The moon is in Cancer.
The moon makes an easy angle with Uranus.
Venus makes a hard angle with Neptune.
enjoy your authentic self
live with passion
have a wonderful day
for entertainment purposes only
By: Michelle Star