January 24, 2022 Monday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences 

for sun signs and rising signs.



Mars enters Capricorn to travel through there until March 6th and it will take you full blast into career mode. You will pursue whatever business you are in, and try your best to progress no matter what obstacles are in your way. Covid or not, nothing and no one dare stand in your way! Relationships are highlighted today, and you may even start today to burn the phone contacting everyone you can think of who may be helpful. 


Mars enters Capricorn to travel through there until March 6th and you will be all go, go, go! But is the world open enough for you to enjoy? But you can make plans for future trips… You will have great energy and great ideas brewing in your pretty head. In realm of work, you may be over scheduling yourself and then not be able to complete your tasks in the manner that you would want to. So take it easy on yourself, and slow down the pace.   


Mars enters Capricorn to travel through there until March 6th and you may have to be careful not to get into an abyss of self-doubt and self-pity. At the same time you will be very attractive to suiters who will find you most appealing; leave enough time for first dates, or if you are already involved, make time for sexy evenings and corner tables at a romantic restaurant. Today is one of the best days of the month for you, so why not send a red rose to someone special.


Mars enters Capricorn to travel through there until March 6th and you will find that you enjoy the company of people more than you want to admit. You will be powerful dominate the conversation, and people will take you seriously. Ask for what you need, and remember to let them respond. Above all, allow people to be who they are, without your input, as much as you would like to respond… and when you must, be as gentle as possible.


Mars enters Capricorn to travel through there until March 6th and you will be the most improved worker in the history of work! You will excel in all you do, and people will want to join your team. Your attention span will be fantastic. You will be smart to join a gym and start a healthy way of eating to last longer than this cycle. You will be able to get into the shape you want to be in. Your health ought to be your paramount importance.


Mars enters Capricorn to travel through there until March 6th and you will have to beware of being overly dramatic about any issue at all, and make mountains out of molehills. You will seek situations to progress your ambitions and will be afraid of none. You will want to be wined and dined and to be entertained even in this crazy Covid laden world. You will be the life of every party.


Mars enters Capricorn to travel through there until March 6th and home sweet home will see plenty of you. In fact, it will be difficult to get you out of there. After all, this is where you will feel the safest in this crazy world. Meanwhile, you will enjoy furnishing your home and have parties there. Your cooking and baking’s wonderful aroma one will be able to smell all the way to here… The moon is in your sign and you rule the day so have a good time with your romantic partner. Or buy a little something to tantalize your senses, like perfume perhaps?


Mars enters Capricorn to travel through there until March 6th and you will be busy collecting information that will help your career, and learning more about whatever interests you have. Your little feet will want to go dancing with your besties. On a regular basis. Over and over. You will get to know your neighborhood’s new hangouts where you will want to listen to music, and maybe cut the rug while you are there… forget the food…


Mars enters Capricorn to travel through there until March 6th and you will be busy working and loving every minute, because you will not enjoy your hands being idle. You will have to pay attention to your hard earned money. You do want to keep some, don’t you? Try not to spend foolishly and try to think before you make any major purchases, and if you must, wait until Mercury comes out of retrograde, and begins its direct motion again. 


Mars enters your sign to travel through here until March 6th. Mars has a two year cycle, and it’s now in your sign so enjoy! It will give you the jolt of energy you have been craving. Your energy will stay high with all throughout the cycle which will allow you to finish whatever you need to accomplish. You will be fearless and fierce and commanding.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Mars enters Capricorn to travel through there to until March 6th and will intensify your desire to understand yourself in the world we are living in today. You will get so much peace in your heart if you dedicate some time each day to calm your mind, and recharge your energies while you are in the midst of the world changing around you, and you changing with it.


Mars enters Capricorn to travel through there until March 6th and will be like a ray of sunshine in your life. It will bring you out of yourself. You will be included in gatherings of people who enjoy being in your company. But that doesn’t mean that you will want to join in the fun all the time. It may bring back someone from your past, someone you may or may not want to entertain seeing again, and being part in your life.  


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will make big plans for your life, and will look into your soul to see if the visual can fit into your life. If it does, you will make the necessary adjustments to see that you can begin to enjoy these plans and incorporate them into your life. Love will be possible with someone who is on a spiritual or religious path, and who likes their privacy.  

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

Mars enters Capricorn.

The moon in Libra makes a hard angle with Pluto.

The moon enters Scorpio at 10:58 PM EST.

The moon makes an easy angle with Mars.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star