The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.
A synopsis of today’s planetary influences
for sun signs and rising signs.
There is so much on your plate! It’s not like you haven’t asked for it though. You wanted all this responsibility and you are basking in the status of your position, and love yourself for all the sacrifices you have made in your personal life to get to where you are. This weekend, your personal life is calling for your attention loud and clear. Sometimes one has to drop everything, and tend to those who live with them and love them. With Valentine’s Day approaching, all you want to do and all you need to do, is to stay home and perhaps cook up a meal for your sweetheart. You don’t have to be a professional chef, and you can buy the chocolate covered strawberries for dessert…
Are there communications for you to take care of? Letters to write, emails to write? Friends to call and see how they are doing? This weekend will put the fire under you to do so. You will enjoy hearing from them and they will be happy to hear from you. Perhaps you would like to take your car and go somewhere. Anywhere. Life has been so confining, and so impossible, that it’s as if you want to pull the bondage bandages off, and set yourself free! Plan a vacation if you can’t get away now. On the other hand, some of you could be completely out of energy and in need for couch/bed rest. Streaming anything? But you can compose the most poetic card for your sweetheart, as Valentine’s Day is coming up.
You are very down to earth today, doing exactly what is expected on you. You get down to brass tacks and do it all with ease and with complete concentration on the details, and on what is most important. You get a lot done with most efficiency. Which leaves you plenty of time for the evenings. Make sure to have some fun as well, you deserve to, after all this is the weekend before Valentine’s Day. Spend money on your loved one, but don’t go crazy and break the bank. No one can fool you this weekend, as you are sharp as a tack. Your mind is working on all cylinders, so you need to be proud of yourself. Treat yourself as well, with a little award.
The moon is in your sign and you rule the entire weekend before Valentine’s Day. You can enjoy the company of the most special people in your life or you can be the pot-stirrer, lol. It’s up to you. You can be very helpful to those who you may be indebted to on some level. Show good faith, and get in touch with the people who have been fair to you in the past, and enjoy their love. On the other hand, you can also be making judgements on those you think you know about, but you may be mistaken. You hold the cards this weekend. And you feel strongly one way or the other about people. Be kind. Be happy. Enjoy a box of heart shaped chocolates together.
You must be pooped! No energy is no excuse when you have a job to go to? Or a task to tend to? Unfortunately, you have to go with the program and show up looking fresh as a daisy when the opposite is true. Some days we have to dig deep. This is that kind of weekend for you. Best case scenario, you are left alone at home, to drag around in you pjs and eat out of the fridge. Who has the energy to put it in the microwave? Lol. Maybe a family member will prepare a healthy meal for you…eat well, be gentle with yourself, and get your energy back up and in running condition for the coming week. You will have more energy for Valentine’s Day on the day it’s designated to be celebrated.
Good thing is that you like to have a good time. And with Valentine’s Day is approaching, this weekend is made for doing the stuff you desire to do that may seem selfish. All work and no play adds up to a person who is starving for amusement. Get your sweetheart, get in your car, or hire an Uber, and take a trip somewhere. Have a good and indulgent meal, (maybe dinner and theatre, if there is such a thing available these days), and get back home to be as lazy as a weekend allows you to be. Just do the essentials. However, if you are doing something and being selfish, whatever motivates you will only come to haunt you, so back off, and understand that it’s all for the sake of drama. Not a good idea.
You are all business all weekend long. You have the idea that things have to go your way in your household, and it’s difficult to understand that commotion there is part of life. There is so much energy happening there, that you may be looking to spend time in your bathroom, just to get away for a few minutes at a time. It could be a good idea, lol. Do whatever you need to do to preserve your mental health. Hire a contractor to create the changes you need to have in order to have the peaceful life you would like to have in your home. Knocking down walls and creating a new environment would be great, if you can afford it… but something there is getting on your nerves big time this weekend. Valentines’ Day will have to wait for the day it’s designated to be…
This is a fabulous weekend for you. With Valentine’s Day approaching, you would like nothing less than seeing every hangout place in your neighborhood and find new ones that you hear music pouring out of… You may need a designated driver… to have a good time is a part of life that must be tended to. An itch that must be scratched. Life is a beautiful thing and the negativity of the recent events on the planet have affected you plenty. Time to celebrate what is in front of your nose; your neighborhood.
As Valentine’s Day coming up after the weekend, you have a need to speak intimately with the one you want to have a relationship with, or are already in a relationship with. No relationship can go on without intimate talks about both of your feelings for one another, and the setting of boundaries you both will enjoy based on the trust you have with one another. You can take this relationship to the next level and be happier for it. Some of you may go to the length of purchasing an expensive gift, or a ring, that is way overly expensive for its quality this weekend. Think twice, and ask the advice of professionals, so that you know what you are getting, and not have buyer’s remorse later on.
Relationships are highlighted all weekend long. There is time to concentrate on your priorities, which you have been doing for a while now uninterrupted, and time to concentrate on the needs of the persons or the person you love the most. If you are smart and wise, you will drop everything and bend over backwards to get their needs met. Valentine’s Day is coming up after the weekend, so if you are more available now, take time to show your love. If you absolutely have no time this weekend, make sure to be a show-upper on Monday, or you may be branded selfish by the one who needs you so much right now. A rose and box of chocolate, and all is forgiven.
Valentine’s Day shouldn’t be such a chore, but you don’t want to spend too much energy. That’s ok, your loved one understands… If you just relax, and stop fighting your demons, if you just let go of fears, paranoias about what could and couldn’t be; if you just let go of the control you are trying to have over life. If you just relax and pray, and tackle all the tasks that seem to be monumental waiting for you, you’ll be happy that you used this weekend to finish of all loose end jobs, putter around the house, and start fresh with a clean desk and a lighter weight on your shoulders. Ahhh! Sleep will be so sweet…
This is a fabulous weekend for you. This weekend spells the weekend before Valentine’s Day fun by hook or by crook! You are just jumping to get out, but certainly you are not in the mood to have to work. Should you be required to take care of business, you will do so with much resentment. To get serious will be difficult for you. All you want to do is hang out with your friends, or get on your computer and check out social media. Try to balance your life a little, and you can have it all this weekend. Get your job done, and then hangout with the largest crowd you can find. The more the merrier. Who knows, you may meet someone cute there…
Today’s Happy Birthday:
In the coming year cycle you will continue on the path you have chosen to travel and put your energy to make it succeed. You will have the help of family members, but may feel like they are an added responsibility. You can also look at it as they are going to hold the answers. Love will be possible with someone who is passionate, energetic in helping the downtrodden.
Good luck and God bless you.
In the coming year cycle you will have to deal with energy levels that will be up and down. You will have bursts of energy that you will need to use to move forward, and then pencil in and schedule plenty of time for rest and recuperation. Love will be possible with someone who is passionate about the downtrodden and who will make sure that you are getting the rest you will need.
Good luck and God bless you.
Today’s planetary layout:
The moon is in Cancer.
The moon makes an excellent angle with Jupiter, an easy angle with Uranus and a hard angle with Mars.
The moon is in Cancer.
The moon makes a hard angle with Venus and an excellent angle with Neptune.
enjoy your authentic self
live with pasasion
have a wonderful weekend
for entertainment purposes only
By: Michelle Star