March 7, 2022 Monday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Today presents a bag of mixed blessings. If you focus on what is wrong in your financial picture, you won’t be happy today. You will be busy blaming people who work with you. If, however, you concentrate on how to better your financial picture, and make a proposition to them about your expectations are, and in a gentle manner, explain your struggle, they will be willing to assist you from on a personal standpoint.


The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. Today presents a bag of mixed blessings. The truth hurts sometimes but it’s what makes change happen. The good thing is that progress moves forward with ease. A lot of possibilities in your business opportunities and a lot of hope. You are made of determination wrapped in strong will.   


Today presents a bag of mixed blessings. Your heart goes out to those who are hurting, and you want to give. You lead the parade of donations for those who suffer. The problems start when you speak your mind and express your opinions. This is not one of the best days for you to express opinions. Keep intentions close to your vest, and progress will be the kind you don’t understand, mysterious.


Today presents a bag of mixed blessings. When everyone around you is on the same page, your ascent is inevitable. Speak and you will get the support you seek. Some friction from those who don’t understand you, is grating on your nerves system. How to rise above is the key to success today. Don’t allow them steal your peace, or intimidate you, and say what is on your mind. You’ll find out who is and who isn’t on your side. 


Today presents a bag of mixed blessings. You can do wonderful things if you don’t get lost in trivial annoyances; the small stuff begin to look monumental if you dwell on them. Your strength lies in your tenacity; you are all business all day long relentlessly. Put forth your plans. Please speak with deliberate softness, as you will have the tendency today, to be abrupt and not very polite…


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Today presents a bag of mixed blessings. Don’t feel obligated to put everyone else before yourself. Being nice is fine and dandy, however… When you feel like you are trying and spinning your wheels way too much only to make very little progress, remember what got you interested in this job in the first place. But you feel much less anxious. Do whatever is asked of you outside the job perimeter, and do it happily.


Today presents a bag of mixed blessings. You feel that you don’t have control over the day. You feel that the scheduling is leaving your needs behind and that everyone else is put as a priority. Even time for a shower seems to be something you have to fight for…  the good thing is that today is made for you to find the assistance you need, in order to make your life work better. Helpers are all around, just ask and or hire.


Relationships are highlighted. Today presents a bag of mixed blessings. You are so happy doing your job and working on projects that you enjoy. You are focused and enthusiastic. It irritates you when someone gets you out of this blissful existence, throws you off the course, and demands your time! If you expect that and therefor the delays that may occur, you will be happier and less contentious. Don’t be so rigid and loosen up!


Today presents a bag of mixed blessings. Your home life is chugging along just fine, thank you very much, there is a balance you have been able to create that makes things flow, and which allows you to do your thing without obstacles. Trouble happens when coworkers get into a miscommunication among themselves and you put your two cents in, trying to broker peace. Stick to what comes easy and leave others to their devices.


This is one of the best days of the month for you. Today presents a bag of mixed blessings. You feel less stressed all the way around, and especially when you are at home, because today, your home is where you feel strong and where you feel happy. You can get yourself into a situation, when you go above your means spending wise, while not paying attention. Before you make a purchase, think long and hard ask yourself: “Do I really need this item?” 


Today presents a bag of mixed blessings. Today, you feel comfortable talking to anyone as you have the gift of convincing people of what you want to see done, and what you want them to understand. They get the point. Having said that, it can get to where they feel like you are trying to take them for granted, step over the line, and become obnoxious about your expectations. You’ll be happy when you watch your boundaries…  


Today presents a bag of mixed blessings. You jump out of bed, with a lot of energy and immediately start getting ready for a busy day. The obstacles happen when you get your emotions involved where they don’t belong. Just go through your day, a little like a robot, lol, you’ll do yourself a favor. Engage with people on a ‘how are you, have a good day’ level, and leave complicated issues alone. Life is complicated enough. 


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be sponge for learning new interests, and improving on what you need to learn further, and even to travel for the sake of education. Love will be possible with someone who is a little on the spiritual path, and who likes to help those who are less fortunate.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Taurus.

The moon conjoins Uranus, makes an easy angle with Jupiter, an easy angle the sun, a hard angle with Saturn and an easy angle with Neptune.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star