April 1, 2022 Friday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



The moon and the sun are in your sign. The only New Moon in your sign for this year. New beginnings. It’s your time of the year to make a commitment to improve your life and you are the only one who knows how and in which capacity. Whatever your heart desires, this is your chance to get started on! Of course you will find a way, if you really want to get something going. Now, get going!

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for starting something with faith!”


On this New Moon you can take a breather and take a day off? If you cannot, allow your energy to be usurped with some time in meditation. Spend time thinking about what you are grateful for and appreciation for the good things that have happened in your life. Let go of the past, and enjoy the good things that God had bestowed upon you.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the good things that happened to me in my past.”


On this New Moon you makes reassess the associations you have and the friendships you have enjoyed. Get together with your friends and have a blast. This is what Friday is made for, and it can’t get any sweeter. If there is someone who has hurt you, you have to either forgive or move on.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my buddies!”


On this New Moon you brings with it loads of ways for you to change the direction of your business to something you want more than what is happening now. Turn your attention to your career and sow new seeds that will grow and mature. Whatever you start today, has great potential to succeed.  

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being able to change the direction of my career.”


On this New Moon you need to make plans. Which means to put a time period set on accomplishing a dream. If there is a destination for a trip with people you love, start to make the reservations needed. Keep in mind that you have to accommodate their needs so that everyone will enjoy.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for making concrete plans.”


On this New Moon you need to look for sources to invest in. Money you can make without sweat and tears. Invest aggressively in the stock market or take it easy and invest in annuities. Try to find a way to spend time meditating and sleeping and resting. Mental health is important.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for taking care of my mental health.”


On this New Moon you need to give whatever needs to be discussed with your partners, a voice. Speaking up will give a boost to your relationships. If you have someone in mind who you want to be helping you, make that phone call, or see face to face, and get the collaboration started.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the relationships I enjoy in my life.”


This New Moon allows you the luxury of beginning a health regimen that you will enjoy for the next few months. Enjoy putting the attention back on yourself, if you have been neglecting yourself because of a lack of time and because you have placed all the attention on everything else but you.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being able of taking care of my health.”


On this New Moon you have the chance to show flair and show us all how to enjoy springtime. Romance is on your mind and you can start a romance that can last through the summer. You are at your best today, so get out there and see whom you may meet. Life is indeed a bowl of cherries.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being alive!”


On this New Moon you want to have your home just the way you like it. You love your home but never more than today. Buy plants, find that side table or that chair you have been looking to purchase, and make a home sweet home that will make you happy throughout the summer and fall.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my beautiful home!”


This New Moon makes you more eloquent in the way you express yourself. If you need to write a letter or a presentation, start creating that document. At least the outline of what you want to say. Also, it’s Friday, a good day to see what is happening in your near vicinity and neighborhood.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the interesting places in my neighborhood.”


On this New Moon there is no better time than today, to look at your bank account and to make it work for you. Pull yourself away from anything else you happen to be doing, and make time for your own finances. Is there anything you have to change there? Change your priorities some?

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the money I make daily.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will embark on a new road and make new acquaintances, since this is a New Moon today. You will create new partnerships and be able to make stride in all you want to achieve in your life. Love will be possible with someone who is full of energy and who likes to contribute to other people well being. 

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Aries.

The moon conjoins the sun: New Moon at 2:25 AM EDT.

The moon makes an easy angle with Mars and an easy angle with Saturn.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star