Saturday, May 14 – Sunday, May 15, 2022


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



The moon is heading up to a total lunar eclipse on Sunday into Monday. Your strong personality shows itself in all its glory this weekend. Your mind is set on changing certain aspects of the most important issues in your life and rightly so. Try to work on this, and leave other people’s problems away from your concern. They will think that you are meddling in their affairs, no matter how genuine you may be. Concentrate on your own life and on issues that matter to you. You may not be in the mood to see anyone and that’s ok. It’s your life and you can keep to yourself when you choose to. You can even meditate even in a room full of people… 


Relationships are highlighted. The moon is heading up to a total lunar eclipse on Sunday into Monday. When you are gentle with people they are gentle with you. So ‘do unto others’ certainly holds a meaning this weekend. The more good you do for others the more they will return your kindness. Social activities are highlighted as well, so leave home sweet home for the sake of a good time. Put no pressure on yourself as you must be kind to yourself first and foremost, and only seek entertainment and comfort. Comfort food is way above nourishing food, so go for what you enjoy.


The moon is heading up to a total lunar eclipse on Sunday into Monday. Distractions from family members need to be put on hold. Get back to family drama next week if you must. This weekend you need to put all your attention on the details that will make your work hum with ease. Any mistakes now, will be blown out of proportion and you will have to answer to them. Be grateful for what you have, and continue in the job that puts the butter on your bread, and don’t fret over whatever little things bother you there. When in the company of people, keep the conversation light and make yourself easy to understand.


This is one of the best weekends of the spring for you. The moon is heading up to a total lunar eclipse on Sunday into Monday. The spotlight is on you and you feel invincible. You are voted the most popular person this weekend, so when you are out and about on the town, go on a spree of group selfies (and don’t forget to snap on of your own), to put on social media. If you are looking to change your clothing style, or if you just want to add another interesting piece of clothing to your wardrobe, go for it. It may not be a dress-for-success piece, but it will surely be something to enjoy on an evening out, or for a special occasion.


The moon is heading up to a total lunar eclipse on Sunday into Monday. Are you looking to balance your time between your work and a social activity you are invited to this weekend? You hope that your energy level to remain high even though your work is demanding. Whoever you want to impress and who you may want to invest in you at that gathering, will only be moved by gentle coaxing. Make no demands on anyone as it will fall on a deaf ears. If someone is avoiding you consider yourself lucky. You only want people in your life who appreciate you.  


The moon is heading up to a total lunar eclipse on Sunday into Monday. This weekend is all about communications and all about what you hear and what you say. The more you listen the wiser you will become. So if you have questions to ask a professional, don’t hesitate and ask away. This information could be crucial to your future. Great decisions will be able to put you on the correct road for you to follow moving forward. Keep your ears open and have coffee only with people who are wise and knowledgeable, don’t waste your time on small talk with inconsequential conversations.


The moon is heading up to a total lunar eclipse on Sunday into Monday. Nothing good in life happens without a serious amount of effort put into it, and Lord knows, nothing stays the same. You have worked hard and now you see that a change in direction, or at least a change in how you operate the same ideas, has to be applied. Don’t be afraid and don’t worry so much. This weekend your mind is worried and therefore you are anxious to start changing something in your life. Set your concentration in this direction, and rejoice in life! Please, don’t get sidetracked by anything that can upset your weekend.


The moon is in your sign this weekend and you have the power. The moon is heading up to a total lunar eclipse on Sunday into Monday. This will give you the momentum you are seeking for a project. Give all the attention you have for what you want to see moving forward, and try to put a period on whatever you want to put behind you. To move forward is the only thing that matters when the wind is behind you pushing you towards success. Show off what you want to present, but at the same time, try to remain humble. 


The moon is heading up to a total lunar eclipse on Sunday into Monday. Being sensitive to others takes a new meaning when the world seems to have gone off its rocker. You try to find your place but you don’t know whom to trust and rightly so. This weekend is made for you to observe and see, and not for you to put your two cents into any situations that may be a mine field. Stick to what you know and don’t spread any kind of gossip; chances are you are not seeing the full picture and will have a misunderstanding on your hands to clear up later on. 


The moon is heading up to a total lunar eclipse on Sunday into your Monday. You have a forceful way of expressing yourself this weekend, and you may want to rethink your approach to people. Your intention is to entertain them, but you can come off sarcastic and miss the mark. This can be a super social time for you, if you keep in mind other’s sensitive hearts. Get together with those with whom you have most in common, so that there can be no chance for misunderstandings and no reason to regret getting together with them. At the core you like them, so keep it that way…    


The moon is heading up to a total lunar eclipse on Sunday into Monday. If you feel stuck in the past this is your launching board out of being stuck and into the unknown and into the all possible; be brave and don’t let emotions hold you back. The only one standing in your way is yourself. Believe in yourself and make grand postures and show faith in all that you can be. You don’t have to entertain at home, if it’s too much for you, even if someone suggests the first barbecue. Sometimes it’s ok to say no.


This is one of the best weekends of the spring for you. The moon is heading up to a total lunar eclipse on Sunday into Monday. This weekend puts the sensitive in your already sensitive nature to a whole another level. Instead of getting hung up on unimportant things, turn your mind off on what really ought not matter to you one bit, and concentrate on what matters to you most, such as on expanding your mind and on continued education on what turns you on, and on what matters most to your heart and soul. To develop your interests is something that enriches you and which never ends.


Today’s Happy Birthday:


In the coming year cycle you will make subtle changes to the way you approach people and find that you enjoy people who are more mature and are able to assist you in a meaningful way. You will make new connections and enjoy a social time. Love will be possible with someone who is an asset to your life.

Good luck and God bless you.



In the coming year cycle you will look at your life as a whole and not waste any time to begin to implement the changes necessary to make your life the life you want to live. Love will be possible with someone who is demanding but charming. Charmingly demanding…           

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:


The moon in Libra makes a hard angle with Pluto.

The moon enters Scorpio at 6:35 AM EDT.



The moon is in Scorpio.

The moon makes a hard angle with Uranus.

 The sun makes a hard angle with Saturn, and an easy angle with Neptune.

The moon makes an excellent angle with Mars, a hard angle with Saturn and an excellent angle with Neptune.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful weekend


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star