The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.
A synopsis of today’s planetary influences
for sun signs and rising signs.
There are those who want to put you in a position for success, even though it may be hidden from your view, and even though you may not believe your own good fortune. Take advantage of a day where if you ask questions to expand in knowledge, it can fill up your bank account in the long run.
Thank goodness for wonderful friends! They are here to give you a hand, and to support you in your goals, even though they may seem difficult to reach. The slower you go the easier you will get there. What you visualize in meditation will give way to a wonderful future.
You must have had some one-step-back kind of days, but today, it’s a two steps forward kind of a day. Ask someone who appreciates you and who has been there for you, and you have a very good chance of getting your wish, or your heart’s desire.
This is one of the best days of the month for you. You may have not been too ambitious, on some days, in the past, but today, when your ambition is in position to be granted something you are hoping to receive, why not ask a pivotal person to the outcome, and go from there.
When you have something to ask of an ally that you may have been hesitant to ask, today is a very good day to share your view and to share your knowledge, and to prove that you are more than an asset. There is a very good chance that this good person will get behind you, and invest in your idea.
Relationships are highlighted. There is almost nothing that anyone can refuse you today, if you say it with caution and with foresight and with great determination. Choose your words carefully and wisely, and go for whatever you want to say you need to accomplish. People of importance are willing to go the extra mile for you and to be of help to you move forward.
This is a fine day to combine business with a workout… or gulf with a business associate… when you have issues of importance to discuss with your boss, or with someone who is in position to help you go forward, include exercise with it, and magic may very well happen.
This is one of the best days of the month for you. Do you have crazy and fun ideas that you think may work for you and improve your everyday life? Today may be just the day to make you pleased that you dared to ask! Today is a day to have fun while you ask an investor to look into your creative endeavors. Take a chance, you never know until you try!
If you want to approach someone with your wild and crazy ideas, the kind that you know will make you enjoy your life, today is one of those days that people you want in your life, respond to you in a favorable way. Choose your words wisely, and just go for it, and watch the magic happen.
The little things in life which may be lost in the shuffle actually hold a great deal of importance. You find that all the small stull will add up to a big deal. Today, is one of those days where you need to never underestimate your effort, and how important it is for the long haul.
Your charm is what leads you to success today. No one can refuse charisma such as this! Don’t try to imitate anyone else, but speak up in your own fabulous style. The zanier the better. This can add up to good money should you follow your wildest dreams and creative thought process.
The moon is in your sign and you rule the day. You can set up the building blocks to a bright future, starting today. Don’t put off anything you can do on a day where the stars are in your favor. Set up a system that can hold up in the long run, and a structure that puts you in a position to be the boss in your life. Your wish is granted.
Today’s Happy Birthday:
In the coming year cycle you will have many opportunities that can easily make your life a better place. You will make many steps forward in your career, and have the ability to shine where you don’t think you can. Love will be possible with someone who is a friend to you, first and foremost.
Good luck and God bless you.
Today’s planetary layout:
The moon is in Pisces.
The sun makes an easy angle with Jupiter.
The moon makes an easy angle with Uranus.
Mercury makes an easy angle with Mars.
enjoy your authentic self
live with passion
have a wonderful day
for entertainment purposes only
By: Michelle Star