May 30, 2022 Monday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



New Moon in Gemini. Make up your mind about what you would like to do. You may want to do one thing and your family may choose to do another. You need to seek contentment, and to be happy wherever you end up on this Memorial Day. Enjoy interesting conversations, and keep your temper in check.


New Moon in Gemini. Money can be an issue this Memorial Day, and you would rather use it for reason that are down to earth and not for any frivolous reasons like flying expensive kites, lol. You can have a great time on a budget, and to keep things on the quiet side.


The New Moon is in your sign. Which means that both the sun and the moon are in your sign. Happy birthday Geminis! This is a perfect day for you to think of the path you want to follow for the next twelve months. You need to meditate on this, and hopefully do so while laying and frolicking at the beach, with lots of friends around you. Tell them of your plans and see what input you hear from them. They are cheering you on, no doubt!


New Moon in Gemini. There may be dancing in the streets and playfulness at the beach but all you want to do is to be left alone. You are tired because of all the responsibilities you’ve been having to take care of, and even talking takes too much energy. Unless your company doesn’t mind if you relax and won’t make demands, like asking you for a glass of water… lol.


New Moon in Gemini. You are idolized and friendly, and everyone wants to hang you with you. The more the merrier on this Memorial Day. People are drawn to you and compliment on how good you look. Should you be invited to someone’s festivity, say yes.


New Moon in Gemini. Business and pleasure are a beautiful combination on this Memorial Day especially where joint endeavors are concerned. You see the beauty in nature and in everyone you see. You enjoy every moment, and make some money in the process? Hey. Good for you.   


New Moon in Gemini. You look at the big picture, can foresee your future and realize that it looks way brighter than the past has been. Forget about the past, and make plans for the month, when you will make more money than you have recently, however unconventionally.


New Moon in Gemini. If you have been rolling in dough you would be celebrating like a rock star this Memorial Day. But as it is, you have worked too hard to blow it on a whim. A family gathering is just what the doctor ordered, and modesty makes for a beautiful stress free enjoyment.  


New Moon in Gemini in your house of relationships. Romance has been running hot, and you are thinking if you want to continue with someone you have been having trying out, or if you want to give someone else a try on this Memorial Day. If you have children, they want to see you today.


New Moon in Gemini. You are surrounded with family and you wouldn’t have it any other way. You gather energy from them that you will use later on in the week, because energy is something you are lacking this Memorial Day. You don’t have to be at anyone’s beck and call. Relax.


New Moon in Gemini. You are bursting with energy and bubbling all over the place. Joy is what you bring to people and they would be wise to invite you to their barbecues. No one is more fun to have around this Memorial Day. You certainly give your voice a chance to be heard.


New Moon in Gemini. The barbecue you have been planning is turning out to be a lot more costly than you had anticipated? Welcome to the new supermarket reality… but you enjoy having everyone over, and love to see everyone is having a good time this Memorial Day.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be having a grand year of doing your thing. Listen to your inner self that knows better than anyone who may be whispering in your ear. You will fly free and fly high. Anything you want is yours for the taking. Love will be possible with someone who is a little more low key than you will be this year. 

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon is in Gemini.

The sun conjoins the moon: New Moon at 7:30 AM EDT.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star