July 18, 2022 Monday


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



The moon is in your sign and you run the show. When someone puts too many restrictions on your ideas that represent in front of them, you don’t resent the situation. You find this to be the perfect opportunity to show what else you have in your bag of tricks. This can change the course of the entire operation. 


You have a lot of energy to hold your ground and give a stubborn argument. Will it end up in your own best benefit? Heck no! You won’t be able to win this, so to retreat is the wisest thing to do. Let’s face it, you come from two different universes, and there is no reason to butt heads. Agree to disagree and let peace prevail.


You can’t control anyone no matter what they say about you, or how much they try to stack up against you. In the end, it’s their karma they are messing with, so you keep your karma clean by not retaliating, by not getting down in the muck and mire. Let them wallow in it, and you walk the high road, head held up high.


You are going to be all business all day. You want to impress, and to express yourself in a way that shows your leadership skills. While you are busy doing what you think is best for your business, you may do, or say, something that can go against you in the long run. Be on guard and be your own best friend first.


You are well aware when you are up against a brick wall. When someone carries on again and again, and talks endlessly, but is deaf to your input, this is a day of your decision making. You either choose to continue in the travesty, or you get off the trolley and find yourself another ride that is much more complimentary to your needs. 


You know that you won an emotional freedom, when no tactics or flat out lies that are being fed to you, but you find them amusing and no longer threatening. You are most creative and it puts the fire in your belly, when someone tries to pull your strings and finds that that door has shut, and you find your freedom and strength by setting boundaries for them today.


Relationships are highlighted. To explain the deep understanding you have about something to do with your business, you express yourself in strong terms that you believe cannot be denied, yet a debate ensues. You have to be a lot more flexible if you want to get positive results. Give someone more opportunity to save face.


As hard as you try, but not everyone comes to your side of the equation. This gives someone you work with the opportunity to decide, once and for all, whether they belong with your kind of thinking, or to go on independently. As the saying goes, you have to let someone have their freedom, and see if they come back on their own volition. 


You don’t want to lose your shirt on a scheme that is presented to you wrapped up with red bows, and with all sorts of bells and whistles. Just because it shines doesn’t mean it is gold, type of thing. Use your creativity in a different way, and find a way that will be lucrative to you in the long run, and beware of being short sighted.


When someone contradicts what they are saying over and over, you find that you have to make up your mind about if you want to continue in this vein. You are confident and know your expertise, and say what is on your mind. Bring experts if you must, to back you up, after that, let the chips fall where they may.


Someone may challenge your position on a specific project you are busy working on and you don’t like their attitude. You have the instinct to put up a big stink and throw a tantrum. But that won’t let this person to see the true you. Take a deep breath, say you’re sorry, but that you have to part ways. Say it politely and leave a sweet smell of roses behind…  


You try to lay out the best case scenario. You present your case and expertise, and best ideas that make sense, and you do so with confidence and pizzazz. But then there is a heckler in the audience, who tries to contradict you and who puts up a real fight for their own benefit. The best thing to do is to let them talk, and this way showcase that they are in the wrong.


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will go up against trials and tribulations that will make you rebel. It’s ok to change course, change direction. Try to go on the road of least resistance, and if it doesn’t work, change it again. Nice and easy does it after all… Love will be possible with someone who is easy going and agreeable to all you will do.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The moon in Pisces makes an excellent angle with Mercury and an easy angle with Pluto.

Mercury males a hard angle with Pluto.

The moon enters Aries at 7:18 AM EDT.

The moon makes a hard angle with Venus and conjoins Jupiter.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star