The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.
A synopsis of today’s planetary influences
for sun signs and rising signs.
The New Moon is in your sign. And there’s a plethora of planets in your sign,
besides the Sun and the moon there’s also Mars and Venus!
Revelations about yourself and the willingness to make the changes necessary
without delay. Get up! Take care of your business and start something new that
is sure to succeed once you put one foot in front of the other and just do it!
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for taking the first step.”
There is a New Moon and a plethora of planets happening in a sector of your
horoscope that deals with leaving your past behind, and with looking forward
however, not without with some apprehension. Leave negativity behind, because
this kind of attitude can only hold us back as human beings. Do a simple act of
charity and it will build your self of confidence and make you feel awesome!
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for learning and growing from past mistakes.”
What a social day and evening you have in store today! Get a jump start on the
weekend and get together with a lively bunch after work, and get a happy time
going. You can also come up with creative ideas if you choose to spend the day
with some unexpected people who bring out the best in your in that respect.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for discovering how creative I really am!”
With the plethora of planets in your business zone, there’s nothing that you
cannot tackle or anything you cannot achieve. You draw your stamina from
everywhere, and the right people are looking for you for leadership. You are
getting used to taking the lead so you can celebrate being far reaching.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for the heights I want to reach!”
This is one of the best New Moons of the year for you. No matter who tries to
undermine you, you hold way too much power and knowledge about a specific
transaction at hand, for anyone to take you lightly. Your ideas and potential are
far reaching. Those who try to undermine your efforts don’t stand a chance.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for the far reaching goals I set for myself.”
Today’s plethora of planets in the sector of your horoscope that deals with
finances: Put your foot down and insist on certain changes that others refused to
engage in, but it’s your finances and you are allowed to to things your way. Your
mood which has a lot to be desired because it’s way too serious, needs to be
addressed. Think of the good things in your life and concentrate on them only.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for being capable of change.”
Revelations about someone close to you has the potential to bring a long term
suffering to an end. You have to make up your mind to forgive and forget with
ease and with a sense of humor. Relationship issues that seemed heavy before,
look totally easy to manage today. Communicate your concerns and watch them
dissipate and for happiness to settle in.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for my courage for intimacy.”
To have the respect of family members will bring your spirit to new heights. In
order for that to happen you need to be the leader in caring for those in your
family who cannot take care of themselves and without judgment. Be grateful
that you are not needy and can do things in an organized and speedy manner.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for my arms and legs, and for my health.”
This is one of the best new Moons in the year for you. Your joy of life is
contagious. You are the one who jump starts the weekend with the love of life
that you exude. Your happiness is borderline clownish. You can make changes
to your life that are of the creative sort and that will happen naturally and easily.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for the ease in which I operate my life today.”
Mars, the Sun, the Moon and Venus congregate in the sector of your
horoscope that deals with home issues. It speak of improvements that will be
awesome if you begin renovations today. Or a home based business that you
can begin today or make changes to and add a new chapter in that business,
that will have tremendous possibilities going forward.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for the success I can see coming my way.”
You want to step into a dance and start the weekend with a bang! There is so
much you can offer with your wit and wisdom, and we are all interested in
hearing your voice. You have to stop paying attentions to those who claim you
can’t go after your dreams, you may want to rethink negative associations.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for the clarity of mind I possess.”
With a plethora of planets including Mars, Sun, Moon and Venus in your
monetary sector, you may feel like you are on top of the world and rich with
possessions, or you may feel like the world owes you these luxuries. No matter
where you stand in this, remember that it takes money to make money and that
you have to invest in your life and in your self. Enroll in a course on business.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for the comfortable couch and armchair I recline in!”
Today’s Happy birthday:
The New Moon in your sign defines the coming year cycle. There’s a plethora of
planets in your sign: Besides the Sun and Moon there’s Mars and Venus
This is a cycle chock full of activity and energy galore! You will learn so much by
being alive and doing things you never thought you will have the courage to do,
And you will teach so much drawn from your experiences. The internet can play
a huge part in the expansion of your world and business. You may want to take a
trip to far away places anywhere around the globe, where the lessons will be
invaluable. You may even find love on a trip such as this.
Good luck and God bless you.
Today’s planetary layout:
The Moon makes a wonderful angle with the Uranus.
The Moon conjoins the Sun: The New Moon at 10:54 AM EDT.
The Moon conjoins Venus.
enjoy your authentic self
live with passion
have a great day
for entertainment purposes only