The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.
A synopsis of today’s planetary influences
for sun signs and rising signs.
The Sun leaves your sign tomorrow. The Sun makes an amazing angle to
Saturn giving you the chance to make right whatever you think needs to be
made right, right there in your own home. What do you want to see happening
there? Don’t ask anyone, chances are they don’t see it the way that you do, but
get it done. It will do you a world of good. You will be the happier for it.
Today’s affirmation:
“My home is getting a loving touch.”
The Sun makes an amazing angle to Saturn. You mind says: get up and boogy
but your body says that if you get up and boogy you may fall down and get hurt.
Listen to your body! Some days you need to exercise less without any guilt
attached to it. Instead take a few minutes for meditation and reflection. You may
choose a different way of going about the same business for the next few weeks.
Today’s affirmation:
“Meditation and feeling calm feels great!”
The Sun makes an amazing angle to Saturn and this may be a major chance to
make a connection with a creative person that can open up a whole new world
to you. A world in which you can start getting recognition for your creativity and
for your heart. It can open up monetary doors as well. With Venus in your sign
you can express yourself and handle this thoughtfully and with confidence.
Today’s affirmation:
“Winners do what losers refuse to touch.”
The Sun makes an amazing angle to Saturn and this is your chance to make a
career move, a career aspiration is your goal for the day. Go out there and be
brave. There may be a dream come true attached to what transpires today.
Negotiate the financial prospect of this opportunity without delay or hesitation.
Today’s affirmation:
“I dust myself off and go for it.”
The Sun makes an amazing angle to Saturn which is back in your sign again for
a short amount of time: An issue that began months ago may come up again in
a major way. This is your opportunity to deal with it and put it behind you once
and for all. You see it in a fresh yet reflective way that puts you in a position to
have the correct response. You will be able to move forward having everyone
involved feeling rewarded even exhilarated.
Today’s affirmation:
“It’s a win win situation.”
The Sun makes an amazing angle to Saturn that will give you the unique
opportunity to put to rest an issue that has been bringing your spirit down for a
little while now. You won’t be able to clear all problems yet, but you can certainly
sleep better now that you start with new understandings and decisions.
Today’s affirmation:
“It’s an internal struggle put to rest.”
The Sun makes an amazing angle to Saturn your ruler. This gives you a unique
opportunity to pick up the phone or see someone face to face, and discuss an
important issue that means a lot to both of you. Or discuss an important
business arrangement that has a time limit that must be adhered to. This could
be your big chance!
Today’s affirmation:
“Lets talk about it and come to a solution.”
The Sun makes an amazing angle to Saturn. A business transaction that has
been in the works for a long long time can come to a resolution which will have
you let out a huge sigh of relief! It may even change your life in a significant way.
You will be free to make new plans, have a new start in life.
Today’s affirmation:
“The past is gone! Yeah!”
The Sun makes an amazing angle to Saturn and this is your chance to take the
plans which were foiled and bring them back to life. At east make an attempt to
put new life into them. It’s how you word your intention that matters the most,
and with Venus in your partnership zone you have the ability to express yourself
without being misunderstood. And you don’t have to seek perfection either.
Today’s affirmation:
“Wanting to be perfect can trip me up.”
The Sun makes an amazing angle to Saturn and gives you the golden
opportunity to repay a debt be it financial, or something that has been weighing
heavily on your heart and that may be standing between you and your
conscience. If you are in no position to begin to repay, at least you can make an
arrangement to make amends in small increments.
Today’s affirmation:
“My intention is to be in a good place with you.”
The Sun makes an amazing angle to Saturn and you have your mind made up
about a partnership that has run it’s course only to come back again with the
same old problems attached to it. But this time, you won’t be pushed around.
You know the score! You long for freedom but this can be holding you hostage.
Today’s affirmation:
“I handle you with care but I’m doing my thing!”
The Sun makes an amazing angle to Saturn and you can say goodbye to certain
insecurities that have to do with a monetary setback that has been happening
due to having more expenses that you could have imagined. You will still have to
deal with extra expenses but now you can put it all in perspective and have the
confidence that you can handle it, even conquer it.
Today’s affirmation:
“My self confidence is coming back.”
Today’s Happy Birthday:
In the coming year cycle you will be on a spiritual quest one way or another. You
will be wise to pay extra attention to your home dwelling. Think of how you want
it to look and feel and put your energy to get it to where you are contented. You
may not be a spiritual person per say, but you will be looking forward to coming
home every day and meditate there. It will give you the strength one needs for
everyday life. Or get some paint in your favorite colors and do it yourself! The
way you will feel inside will manifest outwardly and create an atmosphere where
you can succeed in all that you do.
Today’s Planetary Layout:
The Moon in Virgo makes a fine angle to the Sun, and a fine angle to Saturn.
The Sun makes a wonderful aspect to Saturn.
The Moon enters Libra at 9:24 AM EDT.
enjoy your authentic self
live with passion
have a great day
for entertainment purposes only