The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.
A synopsis of today’s planetary influences
for sun signs and rising signs.
The Sun your ruler makes a connection with Saturn today that brings you face to
face with yourself and what you’ve been wanting to happen. Today, you must do
or start in that direction. Turn a stressful gnawing inside of you into action. Action
will relieve the ‘being stuck’ into a new you. A more mature and wise you.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for not being stuck anymore.”
If you don’t like the path your life is on, don’t expect anyone to get you on the
right path. Those who are successful pick themselves up by the boot strap and
hang on smartly, until they see an opening and then they don’t let go until they
get the result they want. Right now, you are hanging on. Hang on smartly.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for good luck planet Jupiter in my sign!”
Financial issues come to a head today. If anyone wants your money or wants
what you have you must protect it. On the other hand purging what you no
longer need is a wise move. Remove all clutter and all items that are choking
your space. Rearrange your possessions in a new and productive way.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for rearranging my furniture.”
The Moon is in your sign and you are powerful. The Sun’s connection with
Saturn brings your shortcomings thisclose to your heart: You feel compelled to
deal with your next career move today. Do it or let this specific situation go and
forever hold your peace about it. Be happy with your decision, understand that
your choice brings this to a conclusion today. Make sure to be at peace about it.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for being at peace with my decisions.”
There is major constipation going on in your life that can have you frazzled: How
can this be? But next month you will become more alive than you think possible.
Today is one of the toughest. Be charitable and spend your time thinking of
others other than yourself. Being a spiritual person, it will bring you much joy.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for the spiritual human being I am.”
Your nerves may be shot by now. But instead of getting upset at things that you
have no control over, The Sun’s connection with your ruler Saturn puts you in a
unique position to make a conscious decision to never again allow this person
get under your skin. And they never will again. It’s an internal struggle put to rest.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for the major decision to be happy no matter what!”
Relationships are highlighted today. The Sun’s connection with Saturn brings
forth an intimate relationship with an individual: You have changed and they
have changed because that’s what life is about. You may have changed in
different direction which puts an end to this relationship, unless you make a
conscious effort to the build a new bridge of mutual respect and understanding.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for understanding that nothing stays the same.”
This is one of the best days of the month for you. You may think that you are not
getting your fair share of responsibilities being that you are so talented and
capable. But before you lock horns with someone you definitely do not want to
anger, exercise aware patience, your turn will come in the very near future.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for waiting my turn with grace!”
Too much of a good thing can be too much for your nervous system. However,
shocking revelations can put you in a position to make decisions, like it or not.
Put a smile on your face and make that decision. In an odd way, you knew it was
coming for a long time now. It’s a good thing to have to put it to rest.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for my happy disposition.”
There isn’t much that you can do about what people think of you. But the Sun’s
connection with Saturn brings a refreshing understanding that it’s in your hands
whether you choose to continue a certain relationship or not. Let a load off of
you by simply declaring your independence. Rejoice today at being reborn.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for the wisdom I have gained.”
There is so much you’ve learned lately that makes you smile at your growth and
progress. And you know that the old you is gone: You are much more confident.
Yet your situation still reflects the other side of you. Make a pact with yourself
that when your life improves you will treat people as you want to be treated.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for the wonder of life!”
This is one of the best days of the month for you. You may have been wasteful,
in recent days, spending your money like there’s no tomorrow. Today is that
tomorrow. Put down that credit card, and make a decision to pay it off before you
do anything else. There’s nothing material that you need to keep you happy.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for making a decision to live debt free.”
Today’s Happy birthday:
In the coming year cycle you will be in a better position to know where you are.
Your ruler the Sun, makes a connection with Saturn that will force you to take a
close look at yourself and make the changes that will bring you closer into your
future. You will be forced to begin in a direction of your heart’s choosing. It will
gnaw at you until you do. So listen to your heart. You have the opportunity to
make life long decisions and life long changes. Be happy with your choice, so
that when you look back you can see this as a beginning and not as an end.
Love will be with someone who will embrace the new you. Time is marching on
and you are part of the progress of life and of the universe around you.
Good luck and God bless you.
Today’s planetary layout:
The Moon is in Scorpio.
The Moon makes a fine angle with Pluto, a hard angle with Venus and a hard
angle with Saturn.
enjoy your authentic self
live with passion
have a great day
for entertainment purposes only