The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.
A synopsis of today’s planetary influences
for sun signs and rising signs.
Even though the Sun, Mercury Jupiter and Venus occupy your sign which brings
you a lot of strength, you feel encumbered with anxiety about the uncertainty of
a financial endeavor that you put your faith in. By the end of next week you will
see things with clearer certainty, and will be able to come to a solution.
Today’s affirmation:
“Everything takes time.”
You feel as though you are stuck in a place that is just not moving fast enough.
The answer is deep down in you. Make sure to meditate and get in touch with
the inner you in the coming week, and don’t let go of anything that you want to
bring into your future. Lay down a foundation of faith and you can’t go wrong.
Today’s affirmation:
“I feel the earth move under my feet.”
You have been surrounded by faithful friends who want the best for you. But time
marches on and they have other prospects in mind. To keep a good relationship,
in the coming week you need to be flexible enough to let someone go and keep
him/her as a friend for life. Today, take solace in your family’s loving arms.
Today’s affirmation:
“Some friendships are forever.”
You may not be so happy with the changes implemented in your business: You
think that you have lost certain control, but in the coming week you will make
decisions that will involve different people that can make a difference in how
efficiently it can work. Today, your creativity finds a way to entertain everyone.
Today’s affirmation:
“Today is about entertainment, thank you.”
Your mind has been coming up with some miraculous ideas recently and they
will be the inspiration that keeps you going. Put a plan in place in the coming
week, and elbow work; nurture it and you’ll be able to watch it transform into a
real possibility that can flourish. Today you just want to relax at home.
Today’s affirmation:
“First there has to be an idea…”
You are hampered with limitations on your time and on your finances. It takes
forever to get things done and it causes you to be anxious and moody. In the
coming week you will get the opportunity to see things in a different way and to
have faith that things are on their way up. There’s a light at the end of the tunnel.
Today’s affirmation:
“Rome wasn’t built in one day…”
People closest to you have been most inspiring but not as helpful as you would
have liked them to be. In the coming week you may have to make some drastic
changes in order to see your life, work in a more harmonious way. Take care of a
monetary situation today that can free you from further obligation in the future.
Today’s affirmation:
“I pay attention to my surrounding and make changes.”
The Moon is in your sign and you rule the day. Or do you? You feel weak and
out of touch. The answer lies with you: You have to be the bigger person, and
straighten out the situation. Pride can stand in your way, which you will regret
later on in the week. Pick up the phone today and apologize if necessary.
Today’s affirmation:
“This is a misunderstanding.”
You’ve had many any creative ideas that you find difficult to bring to light. In the
coming week you will see your creative endeavors come to fruition. Hunker
down and get it done from the inside of your soul and without fear. It will come
out better than you think. Today is meant for meditation and fanciful pleasures.
Today’s affirmation:
“My imagination is running wild.”
Do things from your own home that can make a positive difference in people’s
lives. It takes creativity and a willing heart to give up some of your time. If you
were thinking of a home based business, use the coming week to make the first
step. Disregard the obstacles in your way, and work your way through them.
Today’s affirmation:
“I don’t want to give up!”
Some people may disagree about your views and even about what you plan for
you life. It’s your life and you don’t have to consider their views as gospel. The
problem is that in the coming week it will be difficult for you to do what you want
to do due to someone’s interference. Go about your business anyway.
Today’s affirmation:
“I know my values.”
You have been making monetary gain in recent months and now you need to
save some of your earnings. Your energy level is running high and it’s a good
idea to use this energy in the coming week, to seek the advise of professionals
who can help you invest wisely. Today is meant for a walk and carefree fun.
Today’s affirmation:
“Today I am taking a vacation fromĀ my responsibilities.”
Today’s Happy Birthday:
In the coming year cycle you will be wise to listen to your intuition and follow
your heart. It will be telling you that you need to make many changes in order to
pursue your happiness. It will be a time to finish up on old issues that need a
closure in order to be able to lay a new foundation for the future. Straighten out
financial situations that are holding you back. Make amends with anyone who
you might have crossed unintentionally, by being the bigger person. Your good
luck has been running high and you will be glad to bestow some of your
blessings as charity on those who are less fortunate. Your instincts about people
will be right on the money. Love is strange and beautiful at the same time.
Today’s Planetary Layout:
The Moon is in Pisces.
Saturn begins direct motion at 00:07 AM EDT.
The Moon conjoins Neptune.
Mercury makes a fabulous angle to Uranus.
The Moon makes an easy angle to Pluto.
enjoy your authentic self
live with passion
have a great Sunday
for entertainment purposes only