The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.
A synopsis of today’s planetary influences
for sun signs and rising signs.
Be social today and forget about everything. Get out in the outdoors and have
some summer fun. Next week will bring new financial opportunities and a new
sense of freedom in direction.
Today’s affirmation:
“Let’s play today.”
You can feel a change coming with Jupiter that will enter your sign on Tuesday.
Today is for meditating on courage of starting all over again. Isn’t that what life is
all about? There is grace and beauty in every moment!
Today’s affirmation:
“I take a licking but keep on ticking.”
This is one of the best days of the month for you. To give advice to a willing
individual is one thing, but if you feel a pull back, stop and keep the conversation
light. Your friends want to see your smile.
Today’s affirmation:
“Happiness is contagious.”
Try not to be anxious about anything today. It’s summertime and you must enjoy
no matter what. You are not responsible for someone else’s happiness. This
week will bring a new excitement into your career opportunities.
Today’s affirmation:
“I take a deep breath and relax.”
Your philosophy on life has been in a mode of changing; you are trying to catch
up with the latest technology. But you need to stop everything today and enjoy a
summer fun day with a loved one.
Today’s affirmation:
“Let’s have a romantic dinner.”
If you must get your affairs in order today, then you will be able to finish them up
quicker than you think and still have time to enjoy this summer day. Family time
is important for all involved. This week will expand your horizon.
Today’s affirmation:
“My home is where love lives.”
This is one of the best days of the month for you. Relationships and romance go
hand in hand today. Work on a present relationship that needs reaffirming. This
week will be a time of renewal in relationships.
Today’s affirmation:
“Let’s work on this together.”
Your home life and your family are calling you today to embrace and see how
fortunate you are to have them in your life. Invite them for a barbeque and you
can’t go wrong. This week will start a new chapter in your love life.
Today’s affirmation:
“Peace in the family at all costs.”
Stop questioning what the future may hold and live for each moment. There are
no guarantees in this world anyway. Take a chance on love and have a great
summer day.
Today’s affirmation:
“I turn my mind off and smile!”
Don’t tense up about how much you need to invest into keeping your home in
tip top shape. Today is for allowing yourself to let your hair down and splurge on
something that will make the summer even sweeter.
Today’s affirmation:
“I replenish my money again and again.”
The Moon is in your sign and you rule the day. You can show us how to enjoy
this summer day to the ultimate. We will follow your instructions with glee. This
week will have you feel rejuvenated in many ways.
Today’s affirmation:
“Lets go out and smell the roses.”
Why be melancholy on this summer day, when you can forget about the world
and enjoy this summer day for no apparent reason what-so-ever? It doesn’t have
to cost you a fortune to have a good time.
Today’s affirmation:
“I embrace my soul and feed it joy.”
Today’s Happy Birthday:
In the coming year cycle you will take a close look at your feelings in terms of
how people and situation effect you both personally and professionally. You will
be in touch with the spiritual side of you and be very aware of how things effect
you. It will not be a cycle where you will be ready to make changes, but you will
make notation in your mind for the future. You will be wise to work in group type
of environments. Try not to nit-pic every little thing so that even trivial things can
become mountains to climb. You will be too sensitive for your own good. Let
things slide off your back. Most won’t be as important as you’ll think.
Good luck and God bless you.
Today’s Planetary Layout:
The Moon is in Gemini.
The Moon makes an easy angle to the Sun and an easy angle to Uranus.
enjoy your authentic self
live with passion
have a great Sunday
for entertainment purposes only