Daily forecast for sun signs and rising signs.
A synopsis of today’s planetary influences.
Today’s planetary layout:
The Moon is in Sagittarius. The Moon gives off a hard aspect to
Neptune. And a fine aspect with Uranus and Jupiter.
What it means in your life in plain language:
Today’s Happy Birthday:
In the coming year cycle you will feel like the weight off you and you
will feel less pressure than in the past couple of years. Life will be a
little easier. You will be able to have more fun and enjoy the things
you haven’t had time to enjoy. Business wise, you’ll be asking for the
freedom to work with people with whom you feel a connection based
on similar creative inclination. You will form new alliances, while other
more established alliances will fall by the wayside because they will
be moving on for their own personal reasons. Your partnerships will
be blessed with wonderful people. However, you’ll need to be careful
about spending way too much money with out seemingly having control
over it. You must learn to conserve your money, which is where the
lesson will be in the coming year cycle.
Good luck and God bless you.
Communications opened up and it’s time for you to talk. It’s time
discuss anything your heart desires while you remain humble and
on good terms with whomever you interact with. 🙂
Today’s gratitude:
“I’m grateful for the loyal friends I have in life.”
You would rather play hooky and go for a manicure or go to a dark
movie theater to watch a movie. But instead you have to take care
of business. The key is that you can gather a lot of information while
being quiet, or say the wrong things if you speak unnecessarily.
Today’s gratitude:
“I’m grateful for loving the journey I’m on.”
This is one of the best days of the month for you.
You are a detective of the first degree today. So if you are wondering
what is going on with a situation that has been puzzling you, you can
unearth useful information that can help resolve it once and for all.
Today’s gratitude:
“I’m grateful for the powerful mind I possess.”
Seldom do you enjoy going out on a limb with daring and unfamiliar
situations. Combine that with being super lucky in your business world,
and what you get is a favorable and winning hand.
Today’s gratitude:
“I’m grateful for my relentless nature.” 🙂
You may think that you have control over those nearest and dearest to
you, but you don’t. So what you’re doing is irritating them. Do your very
best not to irritate those in power who can help your life as a whole.
Today’s gratitude:
“I’m grateful for the influential persons in my life today.”
Someone chose you to teach your coworkers whatever is necessary
today. For whatever reason you carry the whole office on your shoulders.
If you play it right, you will be noticed and it will pay off next month.
Today’s gratitude:
“I’m grateful for the opportunity to prove myself.”
This is one of the best days of the month you.
You need to give yourself a little more credit. You seem to think that
others have it better than you do. You need to take advantage of a
fine and lucky day and go after your heart’s desire.
Today’s gratitude:
“I’m grateful for my sympathetic spirit.” 🙂
There is no reason to act unreasonably with those who are closest to
you. You are aggressive these days, and today may get you over the
top. You can make the first step in a home based business today.
Today’s gratitude:
“I’m grateful for the opportunity to begin all over again.”
You don’t like unpleasant situations anyway, but today you have to
deal with people you dislike who are both annoying and hurtful. But,
you are in no position to win, should you be foolish enough to respond.
Today’s gratitude:
“I’m grateful for my ability to know when to say nothing.”
There are predisposed circumstances that threaten your monetary
potential for the day: Keep an eye on your wallet and make sure that
to make the right decisions that won’t break your bank.
Today’s gratitude:
“I’m grateful for my bulging wallet.” 🙂
The Moon is in your sign and the power is with you.
You have so much on your plate and that’s exactly as you like it. You
have the ability to hunker down and study. Your thirst for knowledge
for anything that will further your career can be satisfied today.
Today’s gratitude:
“I’m grateful for the new me.”
You don’t have to apologize for wanting to let someone else shine
today. You want to watch and not be a part of the hustle and bustle
of the day. You act shy today. But so what? Tomorrow is another day.
Today’s gratitude:
“I’m grateful for who I am.” 🙂
enjoy your authentic self
live with passion
have a great day