September 4, 2015


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



You are all business all day; you want to end the work week with a bang. It’s not like the world is rooting for you, you have to be your own best friend and realize that you have to pick yourself up by your bootstrap and get the job done regardless if your energy is up or down, and it does fluctuate all day.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful to be able to do the best with what I have.”


Your monetary issues can come to a resolution at this time, and you will feel like you have the freedom to move forward. Today, it’s how you relate to those you work with that will outlast any monetary issues. These are the people you will see on your way up, so be as cordial and as sensitive to them as possible.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the fine people I will continue seeing on a daily basis.”


Friends and people in general can be very sensitive today. And they are less then likely to enjoy what you have to add to the conversation as well. So don’t take anything personally, and shrug it off with a joke or amused gesture. There is too much going on in your career to get involved in trivia.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my work that keeps me busy as a bee.”


Don’t be afraid to face up to issues that will stare you in the face today and that need to have a resolution once and for all. There is a new day coming soon and now is the time to put a period on certain situations, like it or not. Because in the long run you will only benefit from cutting certain cords.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful to have the strength to cut certain cords.”


Tensions can flair up and you can find yourself caught in a situation that you can not win regardless how correct your view and assessment may be. The reason is that it’s your struggle and it may manifest itself in someone else. The best thing is to observe and not react outwardly, but to recognize it for what it is.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for being able to detach from drama.”


You see some responsibilities come to an end. You have felt the power they brought your way and you kind of liked it. On the other hand you’ve become a bit weary of it, and you are more than ready to find new ways of creating your wealth. But today, the less you spend the better you’ll feel over the weekend.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for life being ever evolving.”


When there’s a fork in the road you’d like to have your family there to have a soft place to fall onto to just for a moment. But don’t feel sorry for yourself, what is coming up ahead on the road will only make you a more successful person. Cook up a tasty meal and share it with those you enjoy the most.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my less than perfect home.”


You can be a an asset to your workplace by being the voice of reason. Your generous spirit allows others to complain and air out their differences, and yet you can remain calm in a sea of exaggeration and insinuations. You’ve been down this road before and you became more mature.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the growth I see in me.”


Conflict with unreasonable people results in nothing at all but aggravation. Whatever pay you are offered for a specific job, accept it and and be happy with it. Think instead in preserving your soul and keeping yourself happy regardless of others demands and behavior.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for keeping the smile on my face regardless…”


There are those who have been a thorn in your side for what seems like forever now: Some you can let go of and some are there for the long haul. It’s your attitude towards them that you are able to change, and that is a major internal victory! Pretend they are decoration, smile at them and say: “good morning.”

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my strength of character.”   🙂


You need time off to have a day of pampering and just time to rest your weary mind. Your brain is working overtime and you must make some time during the day for meditation. Go out for a walk on your lunch break, and have some alone time one way or another, it will do you wonders.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the fresh, however humid, outdoors air.”   🙂


Your energy and confidence are guided by Venus and Mars. No one can stop your progress but they may try to today. Listen to friendly advice but take it for what it’s worth. Separate between those who are truly friends, and those who are here to judge you without care.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for my true friendships.”


Today’s Happy birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be interested in having recognition for the hard work, tenacity and effort you have put into your life for years now. It all will depend on the amount of time you’ve put into your efforts. You will be curious and willing to look deeper into those you love, and those with whom you work every day. You will be more than happy to share advice freely and selflessly. Some of you will be changing your home place in connection with a career opportunity and it will make you feel settled in and comfortable. Love is with someone who may be in transit and looking for a home and for acceptance.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon makes a hard angle with Saturn.

The Moon enter Gemini at 7:48 AM EDT.

The Moon a hard angle with Jupiter and a hard angle with Neptune.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a great day











for entertainment purposes only