Daily forecast for sun signs and rising signs.
A synopsis of today’s planetary influences:
Today’s planetary layout:
The Moon is in Libra.
The Moon makes fine aspects with Jupiter and the Sun.
What it means in your life in plain language:
Today’s Happy Birthday:
The coming year cycle has the potential to get you out of a sense
of confusion to a place where your future looks clear to you. If you
did your homework in the last year, you are well ready to start on
a new journey of personal discovery. For some of you the thirst for
spiritual growth will be so powerful that you will go to great lengths
to infuse it into your life one way or another. Others will have the
opportunity to to land a job that will have fantastic financial potential
but that will have you flying all over the place: You may consider
that to be detrimental, when in truth, that will be the name of the
game, so get busy going all around but collect a beautiful pay check
as result of all this. You will be able to spend money on your loved
one which you will be glad to do, specifically go on exotic vacations.
Good luck and God bless you.
This is one of the best days of the month for you. If there’s such
a thing as ‘luck’ you’ve got it today. Curb your spending and say
as little as possible and you will have a day that is a winner.
Today’s affirmation:
“I am sparing with words.”
Your hard work is paying off! A hefty paycheck means that you
can take time to relax. You deserve tender loving care by way
of feeding yourself the proper food and by pampering yourself
with a luxurious bath. 🙂
Today’s affirmation:
“Who is this perfect specimen starring back at me in the mirror.”
You make a fine connection with someone who could have been
a friend to you in some past life time, or otherwise, why is that
person who is a stranger to you saying all these kind words?
Today’s affirmation:
“My soul longs for compassion.”
Work and business get a boost in the right direction, when in
reality it’s in a shaky position. Are your allies as perfect to being
accommodating as can be? You’ll know by the end of the day.
Today’s affirmation:
“I am all business all day.”
This is one of the best days of the month for you. You are making
plans that keep changing. You keep changing them because you
need an element of spirituality infused into your day, with all the
hustle and bustle around you. And, your boss loves you for no
apparent reason and thinks that you’re the cat’s meow.
Today’s affirmation:
“The cat’s meow? I’ll take it!” 🙂
You may be so consumed with a perfect world you are conjuring
in your mind, that you may miss on real opportunities right under
your nose. When someone tell you they’ll pay you way above and
beyond your expectation, it’s too good to be true, believe non of it.
Today’s affirmation:
“I balance fantasy and reality.”
Love can be expressed with other than words. Because words
are where trouble happens today. Other than that, why wait for
Valentine day, when you can give chocolates today?
Today’s affirmation:
“I bring coffee to my boss.”
Looking for perfection in a partner? The love bug can bite you
today, but it is a delusion to believe that anyone is perfect. Or is
it that you are so physically tired, that you trust blindly? Take time
to meditate away from the thrust of people.
Today’s affirmation:
“I need serious rest from people.”
The Moon is in your sign and the power is with you. You love your
job today, and I don’t mean tolerate. Yes, you find it to be the perfect
fit for you. You do it with a song in your heart, and a smile on your
face. Those with whom you work, love your energy today.
Today’s affirmation:
“Follow my lead!”
You can clean up chaos in the home by attending to the simple
action like a deep cleaning in the middle of winter. Put on music,
make it blast and dance while you remove confusion form a home
based business. You will feel wholesome again by day’s end..
Today’s affirmation:
“I clear my desk and my mind.”
Spread the word around and advertise whatever you want to get
you ahead. You work best with people than you would by yourself
today. But keep the chit-chatting to a minimum, because gossip
will change a fine dynamic into a toxic environment.
Today’s affirmation:
“I talk little and do much.”
Your boss will be exceptionally proud of you when you bring in a
hefty check as proof of your effort. But should you come up with
an elaborate story of grandeur, and you will lose creditability that
will be very difficult to repair.
Today’s affirmation:
“Money talks, everything else, walks…” 🙂
enjoy your authentic self
live with passion
have a great day