September 8, 2015


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Mars and Uranus link up has your internal world experiencing an ‘aha’ moment that is meant to shake up your old belief in yourself. Don’t sell yourself short! You are capable of more than your insecurities that are dragging you down to.

Today’s affirmation:

“I say ‘no’ to negative expectation of myself.”


You accept yourself and all your flaws, but you don’t have to accept someone else abuses and disrespect. You are experiencing an ‘aha’ moment about someone who rattles your bottom line, to where you may have to part ways.

Today’s affirmation:

“I have to protect my interests.”


You are pushing and pushing and trying to get ahead in a way that’s way to speedy for results to happen. First thing you need is to slow down and allow a brilliant helper to show you how things need to get done.

Today’s affirmation:

“Solutions come from most unexpected places.”


Your energy gets a boost. Saturn will enter your sign shortly and today you are experiencing a clear idea of what you will have to do once it gets there. Listen to your mind it’s speaking to you. Don’t look for perfect scenarios, being human is quite enough.

Today’s affirmation:

“I will no longer avoid this or that…”


Your energy is so fine these days, and your mind thinks in such a positive and constructive way, that today’s sharp jab at your confidence may catch you by surprise. Or is it that you need to learn today’s lesson, and find ways to fix a pressing problem not noticed before.

Today’s affirmation:

“Solutions, solutions solutions.”


Is what you hear today earth shattering? Or is it that you have an ‘aha’ moment when you her certain things about someone you are very close to? It’s important to listen and take heed. On the other hand it’s up to you whom you choose to let close to you, and whom you reject.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am a passionate about you these days.”


You are experiencing an ‘aha’ moment where it comes to a coworker or a less than acceptable working situation. It can come to a positive resolution in due time. It does effect your bottom dollar and that is why you may get hot under the collar. Patience.

Today’s affirmation:

“I will go through the proper steps to get this resolved.”


You have been slaving and working on everyone’s needs this summer, and had little time to take care of your own issues. Today you are experiencing an ‘aha’ moment that will bring your own interests to the forefront. A creative idea will change the way you operate on all levels.

Today’s affirmation:

“Today revolutionizes the way I go about my life.”


Self awareness is the first step to improving your life, as is understanding and accepting yourself. You are experiencing an ‘aha’ moment about a home based business and how to make it operate more efficiently, and by doing so expanding your potential.

Today’s affirmation:

“Electronics rule in my house!”   🙂


You may have your voice silenced where before you felt free to speak your mind. It may be frustrating, but it will bring an ‘aha’ moment to your attention about who truly has your back and who only pretends to. Which opens up your eyes.

Today’s affirmation:

“My eyes are wide open.”


You are experiencing an ‘aha’ moment and you get the chance today to voice and bring forth your brilliant solution about a business or business transaction that needs a hero to save. This solution will propel you and push you to be more successful and purposeful.

Today’s affirmation:

“It comes without a warning.”


Mars in your sign linking up with Uranus makes your confidence soar. You are an inspiration, and others have an ‘aha’ moment about your potential they might have missed. You on the other hand, you must be humbled by this experience.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am a gracious and charitable person.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be motivated to take a more spiritual walk in your life. Mars linking up with Uranus in a sensitive area of your horoscope brings out the gentle side of you, and the need to look deeper than on what is on the surface. You will have a keen eye toward those who are there for you and bring out the best in the collaboration a partnership, and for those who are just there to complement you in order to be part of your life. Love is with someone who is boisterous yet charitable and gentle at heart.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s Planetary Layout:

The Moon in Cancer makes a hard angle with Uranus and a fine angle with Saturn.

Mars makes a fabulous angle with Uranus.

The Moon enters Leo at 10:37 PM EDT.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a great day











for entertainment purposes only