The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.
A synopsis of today’s planetary influences
for sun signs and rising signs.
Try as you may it’s not your job to try to please everybody. If they are on board with your way of doing business today, well then, fine. If they are not, don’t bang your head against a brick wall. You are doing so well these days, you don’t need the aggravation of someone who fights you tooth and nails. Let go and get happy.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for having the confidence to get off a merry go round.”
This is one of the best days of the month for you. Nothing can stand in your way, and nothing can dissuade you from the schedule and the road you choose to follow today. There are going to be some who are more than eager to tell you to do just the opposite. But you know your profession, and all the pitfalls involved and you stay strong and stay the course, and good for you.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for not allowing myself to get pushed around.”
Being true to yourself is always important to you, and today, it’s even more so because you are very in tune with your inner being, and your own personality shines through. You are very creative these days and today, this creative force is a way for you to unleash the hurts and pains you have endured during your life, and to let it out in a creative manner, instead of on us humans… lol.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for having a creative outlet.”
Relationships are highlighted. You won’t allow anyone to take over your thought process with whatever they want you to be occupying your mind with. Your creativity is your own, they can’t change it for their benefit. It may be a revolution inside of your head and inside of your very being. You are becoming tough as nails, and good for you.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for becoming myself.”
If you feel like you have been living on a cloud with your feet off the ground, today will ground you. It a sort of euphoria that comes around so seldom in life, that we think that things are just too good to be true. Except that now, they just may be true. You know your priorities and what is expected of you, and you perform magnificently. Don’t question your good fortune, just accept it!
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for having such a good time.”
This is one of the best days of the month for you. You are happy, and when mama is happy everyone is happy! Yes, you have the secret to happiness we all want to share. And you don’t give a darn who likes it or not, you are a smiling so and so. And even if there things that hurt your soul deeply, today you find a way to turn this around to your benefit.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for being such a happy soul.”
You have certain demands that you decided to place upon yourself. That is the beauty of life: you can change with the times, or you can fight nature and remain living the old way, and become stuck. But you have decided to change with the times, and today, you can feel the progress from bottom to top, and good for you.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for having the courage to move ahead.”
You are very driven to success today ad you know how to keep your nose to the grind and have a great momentum producing. You are the last person who likes to be drilled. And boy, somebody sure has a whole lot of questions for you. And you, thank goodness, have all the answers, lol. But after a while you kick up your heels with revolt and shut the whole thing down, and good for you!
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for creating boundaries that suit me.”
You throw rays of sunshine and goodness every which way, because you are like that! You are generous beyond description today, and if you are not careful you could literally, give the shirt off your back to someone who may not even be needy. As long as you perceive them as needy, you are ready to do whatever is necessary to alleviate their pain and suffering, and good for you!
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for being such a spiritual soul.”
The moon is in your sign and you have the power! Get up, dust yourself off and start all over if you choose. We are reborn every morning, and you can make a brand new day by how you greet the morning, or the time you get up. Meditate, ground yourself, tell your brain who is boss, and don’t allow yourself to go down the rabbit hole of insecurity and self doubt.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for telling my brain who is boss!”
The information you gather is there for your own satisfaction for future needs. You are a work in progress and you know that knowledge is power. You are a sponge for information that you gather like a bird who gathers twigs in order to build a new nest. It’s a wonderful thing to be completely prepared, and this is what you are doing today: getting prepared.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for taking care of my needs first.”
The gentle way you understand people is being noticed, appreciated and admired. Your boss is watching and is making up his or her mind about what responsibilities to give you according to your personality. You are sought after and ought to take advantage of this. If you are looking for employment, the compassion you show at an interview makes all the difference in the world.
Friday’s gratitude:
“I am grateful for being me… lol.”
Today’s Happy Birthday:
In the coming year cycle you will be all business all the time. Yes, you may get tired of the merry go round, but if you understand the magic that this year possess for you, you will be very glad to have the opportunities that will be coming your way. It’s one of those years, where things will turn to your benefit, and in which you need to take advantage of each opportunity. Some plans will take a little longer to develop, but to start them now will translate to years to come.
Good luck and God bless you.
Today’s planetary layout:
The Moon is in Aries.
The Moon makes a hard angle with the Sun and a hard angle with Pluto.
enjoy your authentic self
live with passion
have a wonderful day
for entertainment purposes only