December 6, 2015


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



In the coming week you are allowed to concentrate on yourself and on opportunities that that can change your life, But someone may be opposing your progress. It’s a test to how dedicated you are to major changes in your life. Today, has the energy and the momentum already beginning to pick up. You feel a change in you to do now and not care about anyone’s disapproval.

Today’s affirmation:

“I can achieve anything.”


In the coming week you need to have everything as transparent so that everyone is comfortable with the results. When you don’t have control over your circumstances charitable acts of kindness include even those on your work front that create a deep friendships. Today, you need to listen to your superiors.

Today’s affirmation:

“My heart leads the way.”


In the coming week you will find that nothing is written in stone and that it’s alright to make changes at the last minute. You may even have a chance to prove yourself in places you never thought were on your radar. Today, strong friendships get even stronger when you find that you have the same interests.

Today’s affirmation:

“Anything is possible.”


In the coming week you will have a terrific and super busy business week where you draw from your life experience and are strong enough to stick to your plans and not get persuaded from your course. Where is comes to money, you have to change with the times. Today, curb anger or it can consume you.

Today’s affirmation:

“I have to rest my heart and mind.”


In the coming week you need to keep an eye on the big picture and be prepared to have to change directions; it will ultimately be for your advantage. Finances have a touch of genius to them when you are not afraid to make sudden changes to a plan. Today, make important connections at a holiday party.

Today’s affirmation:

“I keep it flexible.”


In the coming week you will challenge yourself and your abilities. Your nerves will be tested so keep your temper from flaring. Love is a soft place to fall and where your happiness lives. Financial ups and downs are the secret for tenacity and success. Today, don’t let a change in schedule rule the way you feel.

Today’s affirmation:

“I go along with the flow.”


In the coming week you will feel like as if someone is taking advantage of you and you are not getting our just respect. But that is a motivating factor that keeps you going. You will prove them wrong, and by doing so you will gain respect. Today, you can reach out to a friend, and keep away from those who like to provoke others for their own amusement.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am an asset.”


In the coming week you can make a present awkward situation right by knowing your place in the ladder of succession. Surprising elements outside of your control will bring you higher on that ladder. Today, Let siblings have their say. Listen lovingly so that you can all move on and be with the holiday spirit.

Today’s affirmation:

“Group hug anyone?”


In the coming week when success is calling, who are you to question it. Your daring spirit will make it happen. Money lessons are of the best kind. Underlying all of this is a calm in your soul, because you have overcome major hurdles by now. Today, make it right with a family member and get with the holiday spirit.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am in a good place in life.”


In the coming week you will have much to learn of a knowledge that you will benefit from. You have the potential to create great wealth for yourself, or spend just as much. Today, you have an epiphany that you need to create a new relationship with your money, and have a more practical approach.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am becoming a better version of myself.”


In the coming week your drive and determination will be awesome. It won’t come easily, but there’s no shame at taking care of yourself first, when you know that you are the cog that makes that machine work. Today, you have an epiphany that others opinions about you don’t matter a thing for you to be happy.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am moving and grooving.”


In the coming week your energy level will be struggling to keep up with your ambition. You are a money making genius and opportunities come from unexpected sources. You feel love of the gentlest kind and are loved in return. Today, being laid back and thinking of the year past, is beautiful thing.

Today’s affirmation:

“This is where I’ve been, here is where I’m going.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will feel at a cross road to change your life and be empowered to do so starting now. There’s nothing that will be able to intimidate or scare you, and every day can be an exciting new chapter of enjoyment of a full rounded life. You don’t have to accept someone’s idea of who you need to be, you know better than that. You have been planning and hoping all your life for this time, and you possess all the courage you need to see things through.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Libra.

The Moon makes a hard angle with Uranus.

The Sun makes makes an easy angle with Mars.

Mars makes a hard angle with Pluto.

The Moon makes an easy angle with Mercury.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a great Sunday











for entertainment purposes only