July 29, 2018


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



In the coming week you will be overly busy to the point of distraction. But you will not have the luxury of being distracted, as insistent Mars squares off with developmental Uranus on Wednesday and Thursday. Don’t be afraid of the go, go, go situation that won’t let up, and don’t allow for this pressure to lash out of the unfairness, to the boss. Do your job and see how you come out the other side stronger and with a lot more confidence than you ever had. Lashing out to anyone will only serve to display you as a weaker person that you are deep down.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“I am a lover not a fighter.”


In the coming week you will find it difficult to find the balance between work and time off. You will have to make sure that somewhere between morning and night time, you will find a moment to do something for yourself, something that your weary body will be crying for: A moment of rest. Running like a hamster can be more than you can handle, as never resting Mars squares off with restless Uranus, on Wednesday and Thursday. Efficiency is a matter of how smart you work, not how much time you spend working. Consolidate your tasks and errands and maximize effectiveness.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“I breathe deeply and turn off my mind, for a moment.”


In the coming week investments get a lift off in a royal way, so if you want to invest in something you have previously thought is outrageous, or impossible for you to reach, remember that someone who wanted to collaborate with you, and give this risky business an opportunity to show its illuminating shine. On Wednesday and Thursday, when you are in a combustible mood, you may want to add a sensual piece of wardrobe, as red hot Mars will be blowing out your circuits squaring off with electrifying Uranus.   

Sunday’s affirmation:

“I am courageous and daring.”


In the coming week you will have a problem knowing who is and who is not on your side. You will have to decipher between who is your partner, and who is trying to break up a lovely partnership you have been developing. On Wednesday and Thursday, your partnership may grow new shape and form, while combative Mars squares off with rebellious Uranus. You may lose your temper when you see some hypocrisy happening right in front of your eyes, coming from trusted allies, but it will be more a reflection on them then on you, if you manage to play it cool, and show your strength instead of your weakness.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“I gather up my strength.”


In the coming week you can come to clashes with coworkers, as competitive Mars clashes with Uranus lack of restraint, on Wednesday or Thursday. Trying to find middle ground with them will be as difficult as finding an obscure file, stored in a cloud, whose name you can’t remember. Diplomacy will be out the door, if you don’t put a lock on your lips and civility introduced back into the fold as more than just a word, but an action. You have to go through daily grind together, and cooperation will be the power that will glue you back together again.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“We are in this together.”


In the coming week you will have to teach yourself self control, if you want to achieve the financial freedom you crave and have been planning on. On Wednesday and Thursday, when impulsive Mars squares off with erratic Uranus who are scheming on emptying your bank account. Who will have the upper hand, you or the planets pulling you by the nose? And while temptation is a powerful force, pushing you towards a love affair with an exotic lover from a dating site, you have to beware of cat fishers, vying for your bank account, and not for the love you crave.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“I say a prayer to not step foot in the mall…”


In the coming week, on Wednesday and Thursday, the square between stagnation hating Uranus your ruling planet, and irritable Mars, will have you on alert, tense, with fists curled up and ready for a fight. You don’t like anyone stepping on the ground you have conquered, what you call home by now, and then expect you not to blow your stack. So how do you handle a situation like this? When the one you trust the least, is yourself? You have to keep your cool no matter what, or you can lose more than you ever intended to, but only after you cool off.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“I take responsibility for my actions.”


In the coming week your desire to have lively summer interactions, will be mixed up with a great desire to not allow anyone near you. You want to have time to reflect and meditate, but soon you get jumpy and want to fly out the door because you can’t sit still no matter what. Your desire to share your deepest secrets has to be curbed, as restless Mars squares off with unpredictable Uranus, on Wednesday and Thursday. You will try to find a balance between the deeply ingrained spirituality in you and the freedom seeking outdoorsy side of you.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“I’ll keep this to myself.”


In the coming week you will have to force yourself to feel in radical ways of how to use your income in a more pragmatic way, but not before it can cost you a fortune in wasteful money management. If it’s a friend you want to impress, or an organization you want to fund, because you love what they stand for, you have to know your limits. Because on Wednesday and Thursday, your ruler, the competitive Mars squares off with pioneering Uranus. You want to change the tapestry of the neighborhood, but you still want to be able to keep your home there.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“I must learn to save.”


In the coming week will find you asking yourself if you are ready for the greatness you have inherited and the position of authority you have been handed. The dueling square between independence seeking Uranus and battle ax Mars, on Wednesday and Thursday, will leave you frazzled, unless you enjoy this position of power and if you don’t mind having people giving you all kind of lip and advice from every direction.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“I can handle this!”


In the coming week take nothing for granted and make sure that what you hear is indeed what you get. Information will have a sticky way to either be bluntly truthful, whether or not it is painful to hear, or an out and out lie, as shocking Uranus squares off with impulsive Mars on Wednesday and Thursday. It’s one thing to hear stuff and store it in your subconscious, and another to tell someone to stop talking before you have to swallow the pill of whatever it is they decide you have to hear.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“I hear not, I speak not.”


In the coming week you will be breaking down walls, and breaking free from societal prisons which have you pigeon holed in a little compartment in their minds. You can stand up and declare your independence on Wednesday or Thursday, when hell raising Mars squares off with radical Uranus. This can revolutionize your position, and elevate you in the eyes of the ones whose shackles you bust out of, even if it does take some face off time. But stop short at burning your bridges.

Sunday’s affirmation:

“I let go of the shackles that bind me.’


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will have to find peaceable ways to live your life in harmony with your partners, both in your intimate life and in your professional life. To those to whom much is given, many responsibilities are given as well. One of them is the need to know how to communicate, and have the wisdom of how to operate the give and take, which makes the partnerships thrive in peace and harmony. You can conquer the world together, if only you work as one.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon in Aquarius makes a hard angle with Mercury.

The Moon enters Pisces at 7:27 PM EDT.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day











for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star