March 6, 2015


Daily forecast for sun signs and rising signs.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon enters Libra at 7:53 PM EST.


What it means in your life in plain language:


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will enjoy being at the top of the pinnacle! You

have worked diligently for ages to get to where you are now. You will enjoy the

fruits of your labor and see your profit increase. The problem will come in when

you become a micro manager of your team. You will increasingly become more

and more controlling if you don’t make a conscious effort to stop! Let people and

loved ones, be who they are. Trust they they know what they are doing and keep

the peace. You can find investors in your business should you need to expand.

You will have to make sure you don’t spend money needlessly.

Good luck and God bless you.



There is so much on your plate! You must force yourself to put blinders on and

concentrate as best as you can. You can prove that you can fill the shoes of a

leader that you are wearing now, and will continue to wear for months to come.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am up to being a leader.”


There is no excuse to rebel against what is required of you! Yes, you are tired

and lacking of energy today, but in the scheme of things, you will recover by

tomorrow, and you know how lucky you are these days.

Today’s affirmation:

“I nourish my body.”


You are trying hard to change the way in which you create your wealth. There’s

no reason to be emotionally exhausted with impatience, everything takes time.

You have great ideas that you have and can, put into implementation.

Today’s affirmation:

“Patience is a Godly virtue.”


Today you dominate the business world with your fine financial mind. You are

willing to make a sound deal that has the potential to bring you closer to the

original idea you’ve been trying to achieve.

Today’s affirmation:

“I move forward with grace.”


You can’t always get your way, but that doesn’t mean that you will not win in the

long run. It may be that you are not coming across as clearly as you would like

to be. What you need to do is consciously focus and try to lead by example.

Today’s affirmation:

“Please, be patient with me.”   🙂


There’s a happy go lucky attitude about you these days, that inspires us all.

It’s precisely at this point where you are most relaxed, is when you can start to

neglect what’s important and that can come back to haunt you.

Today’s affirmation:

“Concentration is key.”


With the Full Moon in your Moon sign behind you, it’s back to business as usual.

But you must make a point not to overspend and get your finances into a frenzy.

Instead, use your imagination and think of new ways to create your wealth.

Today’s affirmation:

“I become an entrepreneur.”   🙂


You are fatigued and no doubt annoyed at the flakiness of some people you are

involved with. They are unreliable and you’ve had it. But wait! They are on your

side, and they love you and you need to be patient. They’ll change their way.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am not perfect either…”   🙂


Your sense of self reliance and independence is increasing. You are generally

happy about your current situation, so if today you suffer some low energy, in the

scheme of things you can use a little bit of a break. Go with the flow of things.

Today’s affirmation:

“I give up control and allow someone else take the reign.”


You can come up with some genius ideas that will surprise even yourself. It can

help you in your home business and when you are involved in creative work. But

don’t get hung up on things being perfect, nothing and no one ever is.

Today’s affirmation:

“I need to write things down.”


Your brain might have been out to lunch over the Full Moon but now it’s time to

get back in the game: There is much information available that can set the next

few days in order. It will help out in your business transactions.

Today’s affirmation:

“I keep my ears open.”


You are loved no matter what: If you say the wrong thing? So what. You are

already forgiven. Some of you are lucky enough to be on a beautiful trip to an

exotic location. This trip is close to your heart especially in the next few days.

Today’s affirmation:

“What a wondrous sight!”   🙂


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a great day











for entertainment purposes only