February 4, 2016


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



You do all that you can for your business as you have been doing, and then you are ready to collapse by night fall. You can’t give away what you don’t have, so you must get plenty of rest. You do for others but do you know how to be good to yourself?

Today’s affirmation:

“I must pay attention to me.”


You are all business all day but deep inside you wish you could spread your wings and fly away. So the way to relax at the end of a days work is by learning of other cultures and engage your brain with exciting and rejuvenating discussions with an interesting individual.

Today’s affirmation:

“I drink up knowledge.”


Today you can day dream your day away, or you can get help from a friend and begin the process of moving forward. There are obstacles that seem like they can be negative, but that are actually a blessing in disguise. Keep your eye on the prize, don’t lag behind, and get going!

Today’s affirmation:

“I put my blinders on and don’t look past the perimeters.”


You have your eyes on your finances and for a good reason. The emphasis is on the idea of down sizing that will help the end result. You have great ideas that you have been and will implement, but today, don’t buy anything on credit before you pay off past balance.

Today’s affirmation:

“I pay off my debts.”


You allow other people’s energy effect you negatively and that isn’t wise. You need to learn to eliminate this person from your everyday life. You need to keep up energy which you have been lacking, and not add to whatever can hold you down today. It will promote for a more peaceful life.

Today’s affirmation:

“I am in control over whom I allow into my space.”


The picture that one conjures up is that of a trash remover: Get rid of all the stuff that stands in your way of success. Get rid of pictures on the wall that may not represent who you want to be in the future. Allow yourself to grow. Make an appointment for a physical to assure your quality of every day life.

Today’s affirmation:

“I want to be at my optimum best.”


You are the one who brings joy to any room you step into. You’ve had fun with your family and today you want to have fun no matter where you are or with whom. Entertain a person you want to get closer to you, be it in a romantic setting or a business setting.

Today’s affirmation:

“Let me entertain you…”


You can run around in circles trying to get things done, or you can give yourself periods of rest and get much more done in less time, because then your concentration is more on point. If you exercise more faith that you can do it, then you will not feel the pressure so much.

Today’s affirmation:

“I can do it!”


When you know where you are going you know what to do. So the first thing to establish today is an actual direction, and then explain it to those who can help you make this a reality. This is some of the best time of the year for you, so don’t get lost in minutia. Clarify stuff in your mind, and get others on board.

Today’s affirmation:

“This is how I see that it needs to get done.”


Financial worries bring you down lately? Worrying won’t fix a thing, as a matter of fact, it can only exacerbate a situation. The wise thing to do is to learn to have a positive internal dialogue, and never think in negative terms. Everything else will fall into place, including monetary complications.

Today’s affirmation:

“All is well in my world.”


You are going through a day of super confidence but then uncertainty creeps in. There is only so much you can accomplish in one day. The faster you try to get things done, the less you will actually get done. The quality of your work will be compromised when you rush.

Today’s affirmation:

“The slower I go the faster I get there.”


Not everything that you do today is suppose to come to the final stages. Today is for understanding to discard that which doesn’t belong, in order to let shine that which belongs in the future. Chances are being true to yourself will translate into a profitable idea.

Today’s affirmation:

“Less is more.”


Today’s Happy birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will rely heavily on people whose relationships you have built up to now. They will either come through for you, and some relationships will come to an end. You will be more likely to throw caution to the wind, (especially if in the last year cycle you didn’t do that which you wanted dearly to do), and take chances with your money. You will be a deep thinker and invest money in projects that you have thought long on, yet were not as brave to tackle. Beware of having going in too many directions and not having enough time to devote for each respectively. There are going to be challenges that you will have the foresight and therefor you will be able to squash on sight.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon in Sagittarius makes a hard angle with Jupiter.

The Moon enters Capricorn at 7:44 PM EST.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a great day











for entertainment purposes only