The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.
A synopsis of today’s planetary influences
for sun signs and rising signs.
The mysteries of life are not for us to see, and yet you may be asking questions you may never get the answers to. You need to deal with what is possible for you to do on a human plane today. And that is to have a talk with yourself, about what you need to do to get your mind and soul rested enough to be able to handle the loads of work you have invited into your life.
Today’s affirmation:
“I delve into the depth of my soul.”
There are no boundaries to how much money you will spend on worthy causes that mean the world to you. It causes you pain to see suffering, and it makes your heart sing to see people rise up again and have a good life. But you have to remember that your resources are limited, and that you have other ways to use your money, like on your home, for example.
Today’s affirmation:
“I set limitations.”
Your personality is bigger than life today. The light shines through you like a sun-beam. If one could glow in the dark that would be you. You are dignified and big thinking. The qualities that make for a star that shines brightly. But you have to concentrate on one thing at a time, or you run into a situation where nothing gets done. Concentrate on your task at hand and you will win.
Today’s affirmation:
“One bird in a hand is worth two in a bush.”
You are over analyzing situations today, and in the process you may be losing the way things need to develop naturally. Your moral views are enmeshed with the way you communicate the business dealings you are involved in. Things can get complicated when they don’t have to be. You don’t have to justify anything. Just live and breathe and enjoy the beauty of the day.
Today’s affirmation:
“I am a spiritual being first and foremost.”
You are making major changes in the way that you see yourself in the world. The more you need to see changes around you, the more excessive your mind digs into the logistics of it all. You are even making plans to make plans… but the more you dig, the more you feel prepared for the life that is ahead of you. You may receive support from unexpected organizations.
Today’s affirmation:
“I extricate myself from the past.”
You must not get sucked into a lengthy debate with your partner. Should you listen only, and not you put your two cents into it, you will come out victorious. If however, you do get involved with in a verbal dialogue, there may not be enough hours in the day to finish. Who’s got the time for that kind of an exchange? Get to the work you love, and keep your clever dialogue for later.
Today’s affirmation:
“I love you. Full stop. Later.”
You are not on an island alone in this world. You are a part of a whole, who work together hopefully in harmony. Today, you have the tendency to make every little thing more complicated than it ought to be. Just try to simplify and move on. Precision is begging you to just let it all happen. The less you fuss over details, the better the outcome.
Today’s affirmation:
“Keep it simple.”
You want to shake things up a bit where your career is concerned. You would like to take the lead and take risks in places only angles dare tread into. Hopefully they turn out in your favor, depending on the Karma of the situation. But you never know until your try. You want to finish a project on a high note, and you just may succeed!
Today’s affirmation:
“Let’s give this a try.”
You need to be righteous in all you do today, but don’t make it at the detriment of you. To love and to be loved is a two way street, you can give of yourself all you want, but it must be reciprocated as well. Not that you are counting or comparing or anything… Lol. You get back what you put out, but today, you are not sure if you are getting back all that much.
Today’s affirmation:
“Balance is what I strive for.”
You seek peace at all costs. Your mind needs to calm down and to be able to get periods of rest. You don’t need any drama, nor do you seek it. But someone you work closely with may have another agenda that can throw yours off. Be vigilant and stay true to yourself. Don’t allow situations to develop at the work place. Put a limit to gossip and innuendo.
Today’s affirmation:
“Nip it at the bud.”
You have found that expressing yourself comes naturally for the past few days, and you feel as though you have been set free. Today, you are ready to get in an argument that can take a long time to come to a conclusion. Where are you going with this? Is it necessary, or are you just entertaining yourself? Like a child who has learned to walk, and now loves to watch him/herself run.
Today’s affirmation:
“Life is a funny place.”
You need a break from it all. You give it all you’ve got day after day. You have been working overtime, and loving it, and not complaining or anything, but something is gonna give, unless you put the brakes on and get into a staycation. Yes, for today. Even if you are at work, so what if you do as little as possible? Who’s going to notice that you are MIA while at your desk? Lol.
Today’s affirmation:
“It’s all too much.”
Today’s Happy Birthday:
In the coming year cycle you will continue on the journey that you have chosen and you will be ready to go out on a limb to see it succeed. You know exactly what you want to do, because you will be doing quite a bit of soul searching. You will be wise to change your inner dialogue if you find it restrictive, how you talk to your inner self, is how you will show up in the world. You will look for the true meaning of life. Meditation is something you may never have tried before, but it will turn you on immensely. Especially when in the company of someone.
Good luck and God bless you.
Today’s planetary layout:
Mercury makes a hard angle with Jupiter.
The Moon in Pisces makes an easy angle with Mars.
The Moon enters Aries at 12:35 PM EDT.
The Moon makes a hard angle with Saturn.
enjoy your authentic self
live with passion
have a wonderful day
for entertainment purposes only
By: Michelle Star