The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.
A synopsis of today’s planetary influences
for sun signs and rising signs.
You can take it up another notch and go for your desired place in the world, but first you have to go through the scrutiny of a lady person. But you have nothing to worry about, as soon as you open your mouth and express your good intentions that unveil that it can elevate position her as well, you’ll be hired.
Today’s affirmation:
“Check me out!” 🙂
You have plans for the day all figured out and you think that life will just allow you to carry on as you please? Not. You have to change what you’re doing and appease someone just because you can’t have it your way. Oh, well, that the price of admission to your life these days; good for your psychological growth.
Today’s affirmation:
“I am humble.”
If you are the shy kind, the kind that doesn’t like to walk on the edge, or is afraid of heights, today you can get over your phobias once and for all. And if you are too shy to approach someone who is difficult to work for, today will give you the edge and the courage to do just that. But of course, approach them gently…
Today’s affirmation:
“How do I not step on the tiger’s toes?”
Just when you think that something can be lost, much more is gained. The more you are assisting those with whom you work, and the more you see yourself as a team player, the better off you’ll be today. Your productivity is admired, but so will be your good intentions towards the rest of them that is taken into account.
Today’s affirmation:
“I look at the end result.”
You may be getting a schooling from someone. Big time advice that will be wasted on you if you take advice as criticism. And you will limit your potential to succeed, if you have a bad attitude about it. Instead, take every bit of advice as a blessing. It’s only people who care enough who dare say what’s on their mind.
Today’s affirmation:
“It’s a blessing listening to advice of someone who cares.”
This is where you train your brain to follow and adjust to how far you have come. You are ready to take those chances and put your money where your mouth is, when it comes to knowing how to ask for what’s rightfully yours in your financial world. Take a deep breath and declare, politely, your needs to make a success.
Today’s affirmation:
“I am one brave so and so…” 🙂
Someone may have a whole lot to say to you that you may not be interested in hearing, but it will do you a whole lot of good to listen. Don’t take it as criticism, take it as advice that someone cares enough about you to pass by you. This information can be a very helpful piece of the puzzle called life.
Today’s affirmation:
“I learn something new every day.”
There are changes in the way you communicate, or there ought to be. If you haven’t converted to the newest technology than indeed, you will fail to be able to compete in the work place. Pick up the phone, inquire, and get a vocational school schedule. Spend you money the right way. You say you can’t afford to?
Today’s affirmation:
“I can’t afford not to!”
Early on in the day you may put your foot in your mouth and have the rest of the day to regret what just came out of it. Oh, well, that’s the price of speaking the truth as you see it. Will you be forgiven? Probably. But the bigger lesson is that no one better tell you what to do and how to do it. You have a mind of your own.
Today’s affirmation:
“Move out of the way, or risk getting mowed down!” 🙂
A lot has changed in your life in the past few years and sometimes you don’t know if you’re coming or going, today can be one of those days. You are again looking into the far distance and to future changes. Today gives you the first clue that there are things that can be improved and that will be a better fit for you.
Today’s affirmation:
“Nothing stays the same.”
Self examination is a necessary step for any kind of improvement in life, be it a big or small advancement. Keeping in mind that you are the greatest thing since sliced bread, there are some minor changes that can be an improvement still. Imagine that! So say positive things to yourself, to get a positive result.
Today’s affirmation:
“I am a work in progress.”
The only person who’s opinion you ought to care are about is your own. The only one you can please entirely today is yourself. Today bring a different kind of challenge: You have to be agreeable when you disagree fundamentally. Oh well, when there’s money involved, you have to keep your opinions to yourself.
Today’s affirmation:
“You can’t please everyone.”
Today’s Happy birthday:
In the coming year cycle you will have the energy and tenacity to take even the most intricate situations and find new intricate ways to tackle them and get to the place you intend to get to, which is your ultimate goal. You will have to learn to have patience for some people in you family. You can’t complain that they are nagging you because there will be a good reason why they are on your case. Take it as advice from those who love you instead of criticism and you will see the light that they are trying to shed. Love is possible with someone who is an enigma wrapped in a sexy wrapping, you’ll have fun unraveling this mystery…
Good luck and God bless you.
Today’s planetary layout:
Mercury makes a hard angle with Pluto.
The Moon enters Capricorn at 1:45 PM EDT.
enjoy your authentic self
live with passion
have a great day
for entertainment purposes only