May 6, 2016


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



The New Moon is in your sign and you have auspicious possibilities. Don’t just sit there! Let your wildest imagination take you to higher heights, ask for what is rightly yours without apology, and see how those who care, comply to your every wish.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for having the world at my feet!”   🙂


The New Moon today comes to put in your heart other people’s interests before your own: Love is strong when it’s unconditional and when you don’t expect anything in return. Karma will bring back your charitable heart tenfold, but not in ways that you think, and not from places you expect.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for serving others before me.”


The New Moon today allows you to enjoy the company of those who love life without any particular reason, just because life is for enjoyment. Find something to celebrate and do it with those who are on the same page as you are. Don’t waste today trying to convince anyone of anything, enjoy whatever comes easily.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the amazing and fun friends I cherish so!”   🙂


The New Moon today brings out the best in you. Your ambition is unparalleled and whatever you touch has the potential to turn into gold. See those in power who can propel you on the ladder of success, and eye to eye, express who you are and what as asset you make.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the amazing life I lead.”:-)


This is one of the best New Moons of the year for you. Let your imagination run wild and go after your wildest dreams. Seldom will you get the opportunity to have the easiness without apprehension to move forward with the least amount of obstacles. All you have to do is show up.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the ease that I feel going forward.”


The New Moon today suggest that you need to forget about anything negative that happens in our lives. Show life who’s got the upper hand and cannot be messed with. Today brings you closer to maturity and acceptance. Invest in your career or find the right investors today: Those who enjoy life while creating it.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the people who make my world go around.”


The New Moon today can melt even the coldest of hearts and have even those who you thought were unreachable be reachable, conquered and even be like putty in your hands. If you are looking for a partner, today is your day to find out who is on your side and deserves to share in your successes.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the meaningful relationships in my life.”


The New Moon today brings forth that which you may have neglected because you were having too much fun to answer to the call of the ordinary. But the ordinary is fascinating in and of itself, when you see the progress you make and the pay that will follow. A pay that is nothing to sneer at.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the sense of humor that rules my life.”


This is one of the best New Moons of the year for you. You feel invincible when you feel like you can do anything and come out victorious, get off your rear end and make a plan to get there. You have a long time to get it right, so worry about nothing and get busy with the most unexpected dreams in your soul.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the endless possibilities I sort through.”  🙂


The New Moon today begs of you to get real, get down to business or get out of your own way! Whatever seems impossible to achieve is only a blessing that may be hiding and waiting for you to get off your laurels, make the effort and be surprised at the treasure that is there for you to uncover.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for life’s mysteries for me to uncover.”


The New Moon today brings out the lively, happy and unencumbered individual you are deep down, once you move out of your own way, and allow your true self to shine through. Never mind what you had planned for the day. Take a walk in the park, watch nature and dream up a future that will keep you smiling.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for the magnificence of the world around me.”


The New Moon today brings your family and your career into alignment. If there were any misapprehensions about your choice of career, it will dissipate today. You just need to be steadfast, and generous and keep everything above board. No one can complain when you are the amazing a person you know you can be.

Friday’s gratitude:

“I am grateful for coming such a long way to success!”   🙂


Today’s Happy birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will find that doors that were closed in the near past suddenly and inexplicably open up to you. Don’t ask why, not everything is meant to be understood. Just make sure to answer to the calling and that you are prepared. There is going to be a lot more happiness for you when you share your success with someone you love. Partnerships of all kinds are encouraged, no matter whether they will last for a short period of time or be timeless. Love is possible with someone enthusiastic, full of life and who has the curiosity of a child.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Taurus.

The Moon conjoins Venus, makes an easy angle with Neptune, and an excellent angle with Jupiter.

The Moon conjoins the Sun: New Moon at 3:30 PM EDT.

The Moon makes an excellent angle with Pluto and conjoins Mercury.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a great day











for entertainment purposes only