September 25, 2018


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



Relationships are highlighted. Nothing comes easily in life and neither do your relationships today. Remember that this is Your time of the year. Don’t waste it on resentments and people who rip off your energy. Energy that you can put towards your goals. Put your foot down and without being confrontational, go about your own business. You can make progress of importance today.

Today’s affirmation:

“Progress takes time.”


This is not an easy day to maneuver. You have to be tactful and weigh your words carefully or you may ruffle feathers you don’t want to ruffle, and never intended to ruffle. Be charitable in attitude, to those with whom you have to work on a daily basis, so that today doesn’t come back to haunt you later, when all you have to be is just to be extra patient and accommodating.

Today’s affirmation:

“I would never mean to hurt you.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You value your friendships greatly. Who else can you go out with, and have a good time on a Saturday night? However, today, you can put your foot in your mouth in a massive way that you may regret and lose a friendship over. Today holds a true barometer to who is and who isn’t in your corner, but it’s not a good day to test it either. It’s a good day to watch your actions, and to make sure that you treat people fairly.

Today’s affirmation:

“I certainly have to watch my way with words…”


When you make up your mind to do something, you plot and plan and no hell or high water can dissuade you from your goal. Today however, is fraught with obstacles. But this goat will find a way to skip over anything on the way to the top of the mountain. Expect resistance and time restraint, but you are tough and resilient and will continue on your journey one way or the other.

Today’s affirmation:

“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”


You may think that someone is holding over your head as an invisible weapon. Is it your imagination, or paranoia? Your aggressive attitude doesn’t help either. Calm down before you attempt to confront anyone, and think twice before you dare. Chances are it’s all in your head. You don’t want to come off foolish and embarrassed at the end. You don’t have to accomplish everything today.

Today’s affirmation:

“I count to three and then speak.”


You may have some people you relay on for your assistance, who may not show up today. And if they do, they may or may not do what you request of them. Loyalty goes out the window, and a sense of entitlement comes in the door. But to butt heads doesn’t help the situation either. Relay on yourself today, and make sure you don’t step on anyone’s toes. Why aggravate a situation?

Today’s affirmation:

“Let’s not obsess on today.”


The Moon is in your sign and you rule the day. Just when you think your deserve to be patted on the head and congratulated for a good job done, you find that not everyone is as enthusiastic as they ought to be. They may be envious at your success, have you considered that? And why would you need to be complemented anyway? Isn’t it enough that you have gotten as far as you have, and that the best is yet to come?

Today’s affirmation:

“I know how far I have come.”


Your energy level is all over the place today. One minute you intend to start your healthy way of life and hit the gym with vengeance, and another minute you want to pull the covers over your head and stay tucked in the proverbial place of rest. You are entitled to not make up your mind, and remember, that your body will tell you if you are ready to exercise, and with how much verve. It’s better to take things easy on a day that can have lingering effect, both good and bad.

Today’s affirmation:

“I listen to my body.”


Scrutiny is required when it comes to what you do and how you do it, what you say and how you say it. Being rude and impolite will only exacerbate a situation that can stay dormant for the day. Your friends are not very reliable today either, but you love them anyway. Don’t push your limits, and do the right thing, then you will be rewarded by nature, in the way only nature knows how.

Today’s affirmation:

“I trust in my Karma.”


There are stoppages along the way. A sort of a traffic jam. And just as you have been trying to get along with everyone along the way, there have been some who have become a major reason for obstacles. They seem to think that your life has to be their way or the highway. Subtly and without words, take your car out of the garage, and get on the road of ‘none of your business.’ 

Today’s affirmation:

“I can get along without you just fine.”


This is one of the best days of the month for you. You have to deal with all sorts of people on a regular basis. Someone you thought you knew and you had all figured out, may send you a message you are not prepared for. It can change the trajectory of your day, and the question then becomes: How much energy do you give to this situation. How about, change directions all together and work on another project in the meantime.

Today’s affirmation:

“I can work on something else.”


To spend money in order to make you feel good about yourself, only shows wherever the cracks in your self esteem are hiding. Do something to elevate your self esteem other than spend your hard earned money? Enrich your soul with faith in your Karma and in your daring spirit. You are enough as you are, and nobody can take away the self work you have been busy perfecting.

Today’s affirmation:

“Nobody is perfect.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be busy planning ahead to a new day. You will be finishing old situations that need a period put after them, as you will be looking forward to a new chapter in your life. Preparation is key, so take care of the little things that may have missed on along the way. But you must not be so hard on yourself! You are not quite ready. Allow people to show you their true nature, and you do have permission to leave some behind.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon is in Aries.

The Moon makes a hard angle with Saturn, an easy angle with Mars and a hard angle with Mercury.

The Sun makes a hard angle with Saturn.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day











for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star