May 3, 2016


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



This is one of the best times of the year for you. The Sun in your sign is being influences in the best way possible by Jupiter the lucky planet! Keep your eyes open to any developments and embrace them. Chase doubts away and keep plugging. Meaningful changes are here, so chase worries away.

Today’s affirmation:

“I have faith in a bright future!”:-)


Convoluted relationship entanglements can come to a positive conclusion when you take the lead and have a heartfelt conversation. It will bring everlasting peace to you home, which in return will encourage you to believe in yourself and bring your best foot forward in your business.

Today’s affirmation:

“Having self confidence feels wonderful.”


Building relationships is the cornerstone to one’s progress. Today’s planetary alignment between the Sun and Jupiter gives you the perfect opportunity to approach the most unapproachable folks and enjoy the upper hand, in the most positive way.

Today’s affirmation:

“The world is opening up to me!”


This is one lucky day for you in your career! Don’t turn any offer down before you give it the respect it deserves. It may come from the most unexpected person: A person you may have been in touch with before, yet overlooked for whatever reason. Perhaps the timing was wrong then. It may be the answer to your quest.

Today’s affirmation:

“I trust in the wonder of the world.”   🙂


Your imagination brought you this far this year and your imagination is what is going to fuel your fire to pursue your life further. Whatever you see for yourself has the possibility of become a reality. Jupiter in your sign making a magnificent link with the life giving Sun, speaks to you directly. Take advantage of a special time indeed.

Today’s affirmation:

“Rejoice! I’ve come a long way.”   🙂


You can have yourself a breakdown that can be avoided should you understand that you are listening to the depth of your soul: There are things that used to be your ambitions, but that deep down you what to stop doing. Allow yourself to grow as a person without judging yourself. You are perfect as you are.

Today’s affirmation:

“I let go of past ambitions. Yeah!”


You can strike an auspicious partnership today, the likes of which is possible to those who have had the courage to leave their comfort zone and have been searching for a while. But you could stumble upon a great partnership today anyway, so make sure to contact as many promising possibilities as you can.

Today’s affirmation:

“Thank you, for coming my way.”


Lucky planet Jupiter, your ruler is shining brightly on you and there’s absolutely no reason not to trust good things when they happen. Accept good opportunities with open arms, even when it means that you will have to work harder and accept more responsibilities, and have a little less time to party.

Today’s affirmation:

“Self doubt, be damned!”:-)


When life changes drastically, not always does it mean it’s a negative situation. On the contrary: Seldom will you come across a more fortunate turn of events. Jupiter in an earth sign tells you to accept options even when you know they have a lime limit placed upon them. But they will lead you, eventually, to the promise land.

Today’s affirmation:

“One thing will leads to another.”   🙂


Time to lift the veil off your true feelings and take a leap of faith into a world of courage and inner peace. You will find this inner peace when you break down completely what you think life has to offer to you and what you think you deserve and haven’t received yet. Matter of fact, learn to stop your brain from thinking.

Today’s affirmation:

“I let go of worry and let in prayer.”   🙂


Your personality is bubbly and precocious these days and today you have the opportunity to turn on the charm and allow a wonderful person to enter into your life. This alliance can turn into a beneficial partnership with someone who wants to see you rise to the highest of heights. Don’t ask why, just rejoice at the opportunity.

Today’s affirmation:

“Thank you for understanding me!”   🙂


In case you were wondering why you feel less than powerful suddenly, when you have been at the top of your game recently, well, today is where you can begin your ascent again. You have to work doubly hard, but the pay will be fantastic once you stop asking why you have to put the extra effort, and do it with a smile on your face.

Today’s affirmation:

“I just go for it!”   🙂


Today’s Happy birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will be as lucky as a person ought to have the right to be! Lucky planet Jupiter links up with the life giving Sun in a magnificent way. Take advantage of situations that arise and give every opportunity the proper respect. Be as charitable as you possibly can and don’t abuse a great time in your life. Remember your tough times and help those who are in need, or watch this fade away, such are the laws of karma. Love is possible with someone who is bright, cheerful yet has a deep soul.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon in Pisces makes an easy angle with mercury.

The Sun makes an excellent angle with Jupiter.

The Moon enters Aries at 1:04 PM EDT.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a great day











for entertainment purposes only